Night Of Champions 2012 LD 9/16/12

You understand nothing. This is a tainted win and shows how even they are. It gives more fuel to Punk being a heel, since he claims he's the best in the world but there's another example of him not winning a match clean. Plus ending it in a classless way was priceless. Playing the heel role to perfection.

I completely understand. You should understand that when ever I speak during the ppv or right after im pretty much "Caught in the moment". Of course being a Punk fan a tainted win is gonna come accross as bullshit to me. But its great since its an instant heat drawing machine. Believe me, I know.

Only problem is since its not clean. Cena has fuel again to attack punk, say hes not legit and shit all over Punk, AGAIN. Am I supposed to enjoy that? No.

But it is what it is.
Posting from the train home from the show to let Alastor know that he is still the biggest moron of the LDs. You've outdone yourself again. Well done sir.
"CAR-NY BULL-SHIT *five clap*" would have been the greatest chant ever. Tell me you guys at least tried!
I know where you're coming from. I've often typed something in the moment before I could process what it meant and then had to backtrack on what I've just said.

Exactly. I was just shocked by how such a great match ended the way it did. An to be called a ****** for it was a tad annoying, but I don't care. I hold no hard feelings towards it as he understood where I was coming from.

I can say, that Rock Bottom was nice.
If it's a head drop from the top rope, then yes, it absolutely should be a finish to the match. The fact that ******s like you think it isn't is a damning statement about your intelligence and taste.

That's the point, you dumb fuck. Cena 'won' but Punk keeps the title on a technicality and can still claim that Cena didn't beat him.

You can get over your fucking point without being conceited.

Is there any reason to call me ******ed? No. Respect others. Damn man.
Except the finish don't make me hate Punk more. It make me hate the person booking the finish more.

Great match. Weak ending.

Agreed entirely..You know its funny how Cena supporters always give Cena credit for everything, yet blame the bookers and writers if his fueds or staryline s uck, yet with any other star, they blame the wrestler...ay geez...
You can get over your fucking point without being conceited.

I can. But calling a spade a spade makes the point clearer. It also means that people are more likely to take offence at how I'm treating those with negative IQs rather than the fact that I'm calling them mentally incapable

Is there any reason to call me ******ed? No. Respect others. Damn man.

I respect those who've done something to earn it. Like acting like someone who doesn't need a carer to wipe their ass.
Why is it that being a hardcore Final Fantasy fan seems to correlated with shitty posting? Fist Dagger, and now this guy.
Great PPV. Kane and Danyel Bryan were gold, Dolph and Orton also and Punk- Cena was awesome match. Too bad for the ending but its logical because it doesnt hurt neither one of them and feud can be contuned. :)
"CAR-NY BULL-SHIT *five clap*" would have been the greatest chant ever. Tell me you guys at least tried!

No, but admittedly I didn't get the full effect of the ending because Charlie figured it out immediately and ruined it for me. I mean, I would have figured it out when I saw the ref talking to Justin Roberts (if I even noticed as I would likely be dancing around the arena), so I really didn't have the chance to be heartbroken.

I think I'm okay with it.

Because your opinion is very important to me. :shrug:

It wasn't an opinion. It was a fact. You. Are. Awful.
just goes to show WWE aint gonna let punk go over cena clean. its either this or doofus H making a mistake. or the big show. i wish they had added big show v ryback to the pre show instead of those recaps. Overall a good show, but the ending to the main event was just fearful pro-cena booking.
ACK! I fell asleep just before Sheamus and Del Rio - probably a motor reaction to those two by now.

Main event good, fishy finish aside? Did Heyman get involved much?

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