NHL Thread - 2009-10

I'm sorry but are you picking an Original Six finals because it would be better for the NHL? If the casual fan has any idea about these teams left in the playoffs then they would know by know the shit the Sharks have taken for their underachieving in the postseason. Anyway why should the casual fan matter in deciding who should be in the Stanley Cup? Now if you honestly believe the Blackhawks can beat the Sharks fine. You won't be the only person who does. But don't give me your picks based off what's best for the league. I'm sure Carolina winning it years ago didn't hurt and San Jose winning it won't now.

I don't mean to come off as a jerk but it irks me to hear stuff like that. The Sharks have gotten a lot of shit for their past performances. Now that they are playing like a true contender-with excellent goaltending, guys who once where at the center of the jokes now leading this team-nobody wants to give them credit or a chance. And now people are going to pick against them because it would be bad for the NHL? Yea that's irratating. But come gametime, we might just make the nightmare come true.

I'm not picking against them because its better for the NHL, but because I believe the Blackhawks will win. I wouldnt mind it if the sharks made it to the finals. They are finally winning when they should be. I have nothing against the sharks. When i made my prediction, i realized that its two original six teams and that this would be good for the league. It shows the NHL's history and will keep some fans interested and even bring in more fans hopefully. Hockey is a great sport and deserves more attention than it gets. During the regular season, youre lucky if you see one hockey highlight on Sportscenter. Sure, some fans may stay to see if the perennial underachievers that are the sharks can actually do it this year. But I believe that more fans and some non-fans would watch for the original six match-up than the sharks.
Once again we are underdogs in the series against Chicago. Throw out the regular season records we have had with Chicago because those don't matter. Just ask the Red Wings. Our top line is coming up big now, especially Marleau and Thorton. The guys who have been called out the most are the ones who are leading this team. As well as Nabby. This team wants it so bad and we here in San Jose apwant it as bad. I think this series will go in 6. And we will finally get the respect we deserve.

I'll agree with it going to Game 6. But I honestly do not see San Jose beating the Blackhawks. I don't think they are as talented as the Blackhawks. The Hawks seem to have an on-off switch. I know, there is no such thing. The way they played against Vancouver, it makes me wonder if they could have just swept them in four. I don't want them to take that kind of an approach, because it will likely bite them in the ass.

Don't get me wrong, the Sharks are a great team. I just do not see Nabokov stepping up that big. Roberto Luongo is considered probably a Top 2 goalie, the Hawks flustered him and made him look silly. Nabokov isn't as impressive to me as Luongo is, or can be when not facing the Hawks. If the Sharks win, I'll be the first to congratulate them (after severe heartache and swears being tossed around).

As far as respect you deserve...you don't get respect unless you win in the playoffs. The Sharks didn't start winning in the playoffs until this year. They are now earning it, but didn't deserve it in previous years. Like you said, the regular season means nothing once the playoffs start.

I don't mean to come off as a jerk but it irks me to hear stuff like that. The Sharks have gotten a lot of shit for their past performances. Now that they are playing like a true contender-with excellent goaltending, guys who once where at the center of the jokes now leading this team-nobody wants to give them credit or a chance. And now people are going to pick against them because it would be bad for the NHL? Yea that's irratating. But come gametime, we might just make the nightmare come true.

Dude, don't talk like the Sharks have gotten shit undeservingly. The shit that they got was deserved because they couldn't hack it in the playoffs the past however many years. You run away during the regular season and can't perform in the playoffs, you deserve to get shit since you are looked at as the favorite. Hell, the Capitals deserve shit for this year.

It won't be a nightmare if the Sharks make the finals. It could be a great story. "The great regular season team finally fucking did something in the playoffs and made it to the Stanley Cup Finals." Take out the "fucking" and you have a headline in a paper. But you want to talk about getting shit? Let's do it.

Blackhawks, the talk of Chicago for a good 40 years. From the '50s through the '90s. They were the hardest ticket to get. Even more popular than the Bears, and that is with home games not being broadcast on tv. Then Bill Wirtz started to dismantle the team in the latter part of the '90s. In 2004, they were named the worst franchise in sports. Yeah, what was once the most entertaining team in Chicago, within 5-10 years, depending on when you look at it, was considered the worst franchise in sports. The ownership fucked everything up for the better part of 10 years, around 1997-2007.

So the Sharks got shit for not performing in the playoffs. BOO FUCKING HOO! The Blackhawks went from being the best franchise in Chicago, to the worst in all of sports. A laughingstock in the league. Oh yes, the Sharks are oh so fucking abused for the smack talk they got. Give me a break.
I'll agree with it going to Game 6. But I honestly do not see San Jose beating the Blackhawks. I don't think they are as talented as the Blackhawks. The Hawks seem to have an on-off switch. I know, there is no such thing. The way they played against Vancouver, it makes me wonder if they could have just swept them in four. I don't want them to take that kind of an approach, because it will likely bite them in the ass.

Don't get me wrong, the Sharks are a great team. I just do not see Nabokov stepping up that big. Roberto Luongo is considered probably a Top 2 goalie, the Hawks flustered him and made him look silly. Nabokov isn't as impressive to me as Luongo is, or can be when not facing the Hawks. If the Sharks win, I'll be the first to congratulate them (after severe heartache and swears being tossed around).

As far as respect you deserve...you don't get respect unless you win in the playoffs. The Sharks didn't start winning in the playoffs until this year. They are now earning it, but didn't deserve it in previous years. Like you said, the regular season means nothing once the playoffs start.

I don't expect you to think the Sharks can win. Never did I say they didn't deserve the shit they got or the respect they haven't got. I would shit on this team when they would blow it in the playoffs. But watching this team in the playoffs, they are a different team. The Hawks are a great team no doubt about it. This will be a great series. But Nabby is in the zone. Watch Game 5. 2nd period the Red Wings dominated and Nabby stopped evry shot. In the last period with a 6on4 he came up big, as did the defense. But we can sit and talk about this all we want but come game time we will see who shows up.

Dude, don't talk like the Sharks have gotten shit undeservingly. The shit that they got was deserved because they couldn't hack it in the playoffs the past however many years. You run away during the regular season and can't perform in the playoffs, you deserve to get shit since you are looked at as the favorite. Hell, the Capitals deserve shit for this year.

It won't be a nightmare if the Sharks make the finals. It could be a great story. "The great regular season team finally fucking did something in the playoffs and made it to the Stanley Cup Finals." Take out the "fucking" and you have a headline in a paper. But you want to talk about getting shit? Let's do it.

Blackhawks, the talk of Chicago for a good 40 years. From the '50s through the '90s. They were the hardest ticket to get. Even more popular than the Bears, and that is with home games not being broadcast on tv. Then Bill Wirtz started to dismantle the team in the latter part of the '90s. In 2004, they were named the worst franchise in sports. Yeah, what was once the most entertaining team in Chicago, within 5-10 years, depending on when you look at it, was considered the worst franchise in sports. The ownership fucked everything up for the better part of 10 years, around 1997-2007.

So the Sharks got shit for not performing in the playoffs. BOO FUCKING HOO! The Blackhawks went from being the best franchise in Chicago, to the worst in all of sports. A laughingstock in the league. Oh yes, the Sharks are oh so fucking abused for the smack talk they got. Give me a break.

Again never did I say it was undeserved. Never. So don't put shit in my mouth. I'm not complaining that they got shit, but how quick everyone is to fuckin clown yet here they are and everyone wants to stay quiet. Your right it is about time this great regular season team is finally doing something in the playoffs. So then give a little fucking credit. The tema and the 3 big guys who were known for shrinking are now stepping up big. No thought we would beat Detroit yet we handled them. I'm not asking for people to fall down and worship this team now. Don't twist my words. Don't make thingvs sound more dramatic than they are. I can ask for some respect there nothing wrong with that. The Sharks deserve credit now just as much as they deserved shit for the past 4 years.
I don't expect you to think the Sharks can win. Never did I say they didn't deserve the shit they got or the respect they haven't got. I would shit on this team when they would blow it in the playoffs. But watching this team in the playoffs, they are a different team. The Hawks are a great team no doubt about it. This will be a great series. But Nabby is in the zone. Watch Game 5. 2nd period the Red Wings dominated and Nabby stopped evry shot. In the last period with a 6on4 he came up big, as did the defense. But we can sit and talk about this all we want but come game time we will see who shows up.

I'll agree with your last quote, we will wait until game time to see how it goes. However one thing I want to add. You talk about how Nabokov is in the zone. If Nabokov is in the zone, then so is Niemi. Nabokov gave up 5 goals in the first period before being pulled in Game 4. He did bounce back in Game 5. I will not doubt that, great game. But Niemi did the same thing. He gave up five goals in three periods in Game 5, and one goal in Game 6. Evenly matched.
I'll agree with your last quote, we will wait until game time to see how it goes. However one thing I want to add. You talk about how Nabokov is in the zone. If Nabokov is in the zone, then so is Niemi. Nabokov gave up 5 goals in the first period before being pulled in Game 4. He did bounce back in Game 5. I will not doubt that, great game. But Niemi did the same thing. He gave up five goals in three periods in Game 5, and one goal in Game 6. Evenly matched.

I don't understand why its hard to admit when other teams play good. Its not addressed to you as it is just a general question. I have never doubted or brought a team down that the Sharks have played and won't now. I have always agreedthat the 'Hawks are a great team and a dangerous one at that. Niemi has played great as well. Game 4 for Sharks and Game 5 for the Hawks were desperation Games for their opponents so I don't really count them.

This series is going to be a great series and I think you can agree with me that whoever wins this series is going to win the Cup.
I don't understand why its hard to admit when other teams play good. Its not addressed to you as it is just a general question. I have never doubted or brought a team down that the Sharks have played and won't now. I have always agreedthat the 'Hawks are a great team and a dangerous one at that. Niemi has played great as well. Game 4 for Sharks and Game 5 for the Hawks were desperation Games for their opponents so I don't really count them.

This series is going to be a great series and I think you can agree with me that whoever wins this series is going to win the Cup.

I'm glad it wasn't addressed to me. I fully admit that the Sharks are a great team, and are playing great. I only added Niemi in there because you neglected to mention that. :p Both have some very dangerous lines, but I think the factor will be the supporting players. Yes, the top lines are going to have their chances, but the supporting players, in my opinion, will make the difference. Them and defense/goaltending.

I think it is probably the highest probability that the Cup winner will come from the West. But if Montreal makes it due to Halak, then it won't be easy for either team, since he has been standing on his head night in and night out. But yes, go Western Conference lol.
Hey IDR, its good to see you back in the NHL thread. I havent seen you around in a while.

Anyway, I'm really hoping the Bruins beat Philly. I can't stand the Flyers and for some reason, I'm a big Marc Savard fan. Then I think the Habs beat Boston and take on the Blackhawks for the Cup. Original Six finals! Without Sid and Ovi in the playoffs, the league needs an Original Six finals to keep the casual fans interested. No offense Peoples champ, but having the Sharks in the finals could be terrible for the NHL.

In the finals, its a toss up for me. Kinda want the hawks to win because i like the young talent they have there. But i would also want the Habs to win because of former Devil Brian Gionta. Either way, the goalies in that series would be the story.

We'll see what happens in the conference finals.

Yeah, sorry – in the middle of a big move, so I haven't actually been watching most of the last rounds. I kept up with highlights, but I haven't actually seen a game since the San José elimination game when they beat the Wings to advance.

The ideal match-up for me would be the Flyers and Sharks – both big, tough teams with high-caliber scoring and running on emotional highs right now. Niether trap or play defensive shells, either, which is something I can't bare to watch, especially in the playoffs. That's the primary reason I don't want the Canadiens or Bruins there – both teams are too restrictive offensively for me to enjoy watching their games. I also hate Scott Gomez and his $7.357M cap hit, though it's finally not a Rangers problem anymore. :D
Will the 2009-2010 Boston Bruins go down and the single greatest choke job in the history of sports? Being up 3-0 and blowing it in a game 7 that was only necessary because you blew a 3-0 series lead is simply unforgivable. And, for everyone who isn't a Bruins fan, it's funny as hell. That is about as bad as I think a 7 game series can possibly be for one team. I think I would honestly prefer getting swept to what Boston fans must be feeling right now. I think we witnessed the culmination of the all time single greatest choke job tonight. Even more than TNA's ill advised Monday Night attempt, the Boston Bruins are the definition of EPIC FAIL!
WHAT A COMEBACK FOR THE FLY GUYS!!!!!! Next round is going to be tough. Canadians are playing some great hockey in the playoffs and are going to be a tough beat. This tells us that you can't count the Flyers out.
You can't script this kinda stuff. Down 3 games to none and come back to force a game 7. Then go down 3 goals to none in the 1st. Looked like that was it. Nope. The Flyers come back and win it. Can't say I watched it but looking at the highlights looked like a wild game. Boston will have to deal with the biggest collapse in playoff history. For any sport. No way you can't win one more game or hold a 3 goal lead and lose it if you didn't blow it.

Now who do you pick in the Eastern Conference Finals? It looks like the Habs are a team of destiny having beat the Caps and Pens in 7 on the road. But then Philly pulls of an inprobable win and looks like they are are meant to go. All I know is this will be a storyline filled series with each team feeling as if they are destined for greatness.
I would probably go with Montreal if I had to pick, based on the suspicion that the Flyers are completely spent emotionally, after that comeback. I kind of think Philly emptied their tanks, and don't have much left. Game 1 will tell. If they figured out that their jobs are only halfway done, and got right back to business, maybe. If they spent to much time celebrating, they are finished. Yes it was exciting. But they haven't won jack shit yet. It take 16 wins to get the prize, they have 8. If they understand that, they have a chance. If not, they don't.


Obviously, Philly still has gas in the tank. They played a LOT harder than I thought they would be capable of. So, this is me, opening mouth, inserting foot.
Just seen on ESPN that Nicklas Backstrom signed an extension with the Caps for 10 years 67 million. Great move for the Caps, this kid is proven he is durable having not missed a game in the 3 seasons he has played and getting better each year also. It also locks up him and Ovi for the next 10 years together.

Now it will be intresting to see what will happen with their other two key players, Mike Green and Alexander Semin. Green has two more years left on his contract and Semin signed a one year extension during the middle of this year.
Just seen on ESPN that Nicklas Backstrom signed an extension with the Caps for 10 years 67 million. Great move for the Caps, this kid is proven he is durable having not missed a game in the 3 seasons he has played and getting better each year also. It also locks up him and Ovi for the next 10 years together.

Now it will be intresting to see what will happen with their other two key players, Mike Green and Alexander Semin. Green has two more years left on his contract and Semin signed a one year extension during the middle of this year.

They have little to worry about there. Semin will likely be traded for a fabulous package of young talent at the deadline next season.

Nylander's $5M (actual dollars) will be gone after that, and Laich, Knuble, Bradley and Poti are all UFA then.

They can also save bucks now by dropping Theodore, Morrisonn, Jurcina, Walker, etc.
Well I've been dreading coming in here and posting. But I come here when its good and I gotta come when its bad. And right now its bad. The Sharks are not playing their brand of hockey. Credit where credit is due, the Blackhawks are a great team and are playing their style of hockey and SJ is following. The Hawks just look like the quicker team out there, which they are. They are faster to everything. And Nabby needs to step up now. This is the time where we need him to be able to make stops and play big. In fact this team needs to come up. They can't be taking bad penalities in the 3rd like they did last night.

Now having watched the playoffs, I know this series is far from over. Who knows, the Sharks may win two on the road and send it back to SJ tied at 2. But right now things are not looking good. With the extra day off the Sharks need to refocus and get back to playing their kind of hockey.
Well I've been dreading coming in here and posting. But I come here when its good and I gotta come when its bad. And right now its bad. The Sharks are not playing their brand of hockey. Credit where credit is due, the Blackhawks are a great team and are playing their style of hockey and SJ is following. The Hawks just look like the quicker team out there, which they are. They are faster to everything. And Nabby needs to step up now. This is the time where we need him to be able to make stops and play big. In fact this team needs to come up. They can't be taking bad penalities in the 3rd like they did last night.

Now having watched the playoffs, I know this series is far from over. Who knows, the Sharks may win two on the road and send it back to SJ tied at 2. But right now things are not looking good. With the extra day off the Sharks need to refocus and get back to playing their kind of hockey.

Game 3 is likely the Sharks' best opportunity to get back in this series. The first two games of the series have been good, hard fought games. Game 1 could have easily gone to the Sharks. Antti has stepped up even more in San Jose, stopping 44-45 in Game 1 and 25-27 in Game 2. Nasty stuff right there. The defense has also played well on both sides for the most part.

I did say though, that it would come down to the role players. So far I have been right. Byfuglien is continuing his playoff dominance since switching back to offense. Dave Bolland, Andrew Ladd, and I think Kris Versteeg have been the shutdown line against the Sharks' top line. Bolland even got into Thornton's head in Game 2. The Blackhawks have just been playing a simple brand of hockey, being the more aggressive team, which is something they haven't done at home a lot.

If the Sharks want to make the come back, Game 3 is their best option. The Sharks need to take control from the get go, which is possible because at the United Center, the Hawks have been kind of lacksadaisical. It is tough for them to keep the energy from the crowd going through the game. I'm going to say that if the Hawks win Friday night, the series is over in 5 at most. I'm not saying the Sharks can't win, because they most certainly can. They just have to face a Blackhawks team that is firing on all cylinders.
So both series are on the brink of ending with the Hawks leading 3-0 and the flyers leading 3-1. Although I hate the Flyers (I'm a devils fan), and I wanted Montreal to win, I am very excited for the finals if these series end the way that they are looking like they will end. Both teams are have some of the best skill players in the league with Carter, Briere, Richards, Toews, Kane, and Versteeg. It should also shape up to be a very physical series. I know I cant wait to see Pronger and Big Dustin Byfuglien on the same ice.

But as we saw in the last round, no series is over even when a team is up 3-0. So we'll see what happens in the games to come. But if it comes down to the two teams currently leading, the finals should be very exciting.
Well, its over. After a nice run, we just ran into the better team. Period. The Blackhawks were just better in every way. But a sweep is disappointing. They had a 2 goal lead and could not stay out of the box. Congrats to Chicago on moving to the Stanley Cup. Bring it to the Western Confrence.

Now back to the Sharks for a second. Some trades are going to happen. First, Nabby has to go. There is no question about it. Thru all the changes in players, coaches, GMs, philosophy, the one constant has been Nabby. And at this stage in his career, I think this was as far as he could take us. Its time for a change between the pipes. Now Marleau played extremely well. He scored te 2 goals for us on Friday, I mean he played great. Now there are rumors going around that he doesn't want to stay in San Jose. I wouldn't be too upset if he left. This offseason will be interesting for the Sharks, as I don't see too many changes that need to be made.
Finals should be fun. I don't think I could have asked for a better outcome, because the Flyers are the 2005/06 Oilers in that they're the NHL's Cinderella story of a team who just scraped the 8th seed making the Cup Final (again), and the Hawks are the best team (operative word here) in the NHL, IMO.

I'd imagine the Hawks will still skate away with it all this season, but if the first three rounds have proven anything, they've proven anyone who thinks they know who will win a thing in the playoffs doesn't know shit.

That said, Go Flyers!
Huge comeback win for the Flyers on Wednesday night. I still think the 'Hawks will skate away with this, but I'm hoping the Flyers can manage to scrape together another win tonight to even the series at 2-2. Doing so would undoubtedly take it to seven games which would allow Chicago to win in dramatic fashion on home ice, which they're likely to do regardless.

As a side note, Andrew Ladd is a game-time decision who'd skate in place of Adam Burish tonight if he does end up playing.
If ever there was a deciding factor in these playoffs, it's home-ice advantage as far as I'm concerned.

Usually year-to-year the most important factor in winning when it means the most lies on the goaltenders shoulders, but both Leighton and Niemi are not very good goaltenders, and because of that the home-ice factor has really played a pivotal part in this SCF series.

As I've noted before, while I want the Flyers to win, I'd imagine they skate away with another win tomorrow night to force a game 7, and Chicago wins the cup on home-ice because of neither teams ability to win on the road.

Oh well. Bring on the off-season, I suppose. :huh:
As I've noted before, while I want the Flyers to win, I'd imagine they skate away with another win tomorrow night to force a game 7, and Chicago wins the cup on home-ice because of neither teams ability to win on the road.

Actually, before this series, the hawks had won seven straight road games in the playoffs. Its this reason that I think (and hope) that the hawks will end it in Philly. I think the hawks finally found how to deal with Pronger by switching some lines around. The flyers dont seem to have faith in either of their goalies also. Those two factors should add up to the hawks winning in game 6. If not, we get some sweet game 7 action.
Actually, before this series, the hawks had won seven straight road games in the playoffs. Its this reason that I think (and hope) that the hawks will end it in Philly. I think the hawks finally found how to deal with Pronger by switching some lines around. The flyers dont seem to have faith in either of their goalies also. Those two factors should add up to the hawks winning in game 6. If not, we get some sweet game 7 action.

Oh I know that, I meant in this series specifically. Since the start of the SCF neither team has played particularly well on the road, which is exactly why I've got the Hawks pegged to win – by default, really.

Pronger I'd imagine will be back to old form again come tomorrow night. Guys a warrior and essentially impossible to neutralize entirely.
Oh I know that, I meant in this series specifically. Since the start of the SCF neither team has played particularly well on the road, which is exactly why I've got the Hawks pegged to win – by default, really.

Pronger I'd imagine will be back to old form again come tomorrow night. Guys a warrior and essentially impossible to neutralize entirely.

I agree that a reoccurence of Pronger's worst game of his professional career is likely not going to happen. However, he won't be able to keep down the trio of Byfuglien, Kane, and Toews, simply because they will likely be on different lines like in Game 5. Pronger won't be able to man the net and defend against all three, that would be insane and his legs would fall off by the end of the 2nd period. But then again, no one mentioned double shifting 'til just now. Pronger isn't the biggest worry for Philly, Leighton is.

I'd also like to point out that neither team has played particularly well on the road, is a bit of a misconception. Philly came out with monster steam in Game 1, just happened to fall short after a goalie change. Game 2, Leighton played well, just a garbage goal and a horrible goal he gave up cost them. Game 3, the Hawks actually had the lead, but two horrible line changes (Q gambled on playing matchups and got burned) led to two goals, including the overtime winner. Game 4, Philly came out well, but couldn't handle the line changes in the 3rd period, yet came away with a win. Game 5, the Hawks dominated from the start. Arguably the best 1st period of hockey in the entire playoffs.

So in all, only Game 5 was there no doubt about a game. The rest were all close games that a couple bounces go different ways, the series isn't the same. Both have played well on the road, just not better than the home team.
It's about time. The Devils have hired their next coach and it is former Devils and the franchise's all time leading goal scorer, John Maclean.

He was an assistant with the team for 7 years. Last year, he tried something new and coached the AHL team to their best record and first playoffs trip in his first coaching experience. He just missed out on being hired for the last few hires, including Brent Sutter and Jaques Lemaire. But now Lou has finally given him the chance.

I'm hoping that Maclean uses the same offensive mind he used as player when he coaches. Last year, the Devs were coached by the defensive minded Lemaire and once again, came up short in the playoffs. Just as IDR and I were discussing earlier in the thread, its an offensive league and you need to know how to score. The team has the tools to score with Parise, Zajac, Langenbrunner, and Elias. They need a coach that lets them be more offensive and hopefully they now have that coach.

Now, Lou need to resign the teams best defenseman, Paul Martin. He wasnt going to start negotiating a new contract until a coach was in place. It will very interesting to see how the vets like Brodeur, Elias, and Rolston interact with such a young coach.

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