Nexus: What SHOULD have happened


Occasional Pre-Show
Nexus debuted on June 7th, 2010. Since then Nexus has run wild all over RAW. They have fired John Cena, and ruined title opportunities for many. I waited for this to happen but now i know there is no chance. This is what i thought should have happened.

Nexus should have started out taking the tag team title's, which in turn could have DE-unified them, giving 4 members a tag title. Slater and Gabriel and Harris and Mcguilitcutty. Assuming Tarver and Shefield didnt get injured, they could have taken the US and intercontinental titles respectively. Nexus needs a woman member, so give her the Diva's title. Leaving the WWE championship and World Heavyweight Championship left to take by Otunga and Barret. Nexus should have held all the titles, only to have the group disband, and all titles vacated. Not only would this have been epic, but it would give all the titles a chance to find a new home.

1) What do you guys think would have resulted from my idea
2) Share your opinion of what a better Nexus plan would have been
Realistically, I think the WWE has made the right choices with Nexus. The youth movement in the WWE is in full swing and that's a good thing as new stars being created is really something the WWE has needed to do over the past few years.

However, simply having Nexus come in and completely dominate the championship scene in the WWE would not work because the titles would lose a ton of credibility. Ten months ago, we had no idea who these guys were and NXT did a good job of getting them on television and helping fans become familiar with them before they made a transition to Raw or SmackDown!. However, having a group of complete unknowns simply show up and run roughshod over established main eventers or guys that've simply been there much longer would have hurt Nexus in the long run and wouldn't have hurt the cred of those wrestlers. It's a good thing to build new stars and push them into prominent positions, but going from complete unknowns to the holders of all the titles in the company within a matter of months is going much too fast.

Besides that, there have been several members of The Nexus that simply aren't ready for that spot. For instance, David Otunga's weaknesses inside the ring are obvious to anyone that watches him, and it's the same with Michael Tarver.
Otunga a champ?? That just would not work. To tell the truth WWE has went in the right deirection in the Nexus storyline.

The reason I think this wouldn't work are you excpect young ones who no one even knew much about till they caused destruction on Raw. That jsut wouldn't be credible giving them all the champs.

All in all I like your idea though.
As much as I like Daniel Byran I think one thing they did wrong with Nexus was the Raw before the PPV where Cena got fired was having him win the title off bryan and then force him to lay down for Otunga,Harris,Or my pick Mcguilitcutty.This woulda did two things seeing Cena lay down to protect his job woulda gave you more reason to belive he would screw Orton and woulda gave Daniel something to do in fueding with his old group to get his title back reather than a little thrown together fued with Ted Jr or the ongoing jabs they have with Miz-Riley with him.
I honestly think Nexus has been handled pretty decently thus far...but i feel like they focus too much on just having Barret being the leader and the rest just follow, it has honestly made the angle a tad bit boring imo as of late, I think Barret is the perfect voice and leader, but really as of late no one else has been developed or focused on anymore...when they first arrived they were just destructive and u never knew wat was going to happen, i understand that injuries do occur and building barret into a main eventer have changed wat Nexus has been all about, but wasnt their a higher purpose to Nexus when they first arrived...Gabriel and Sheffield really stuck out to me when they first came on the scene...skip is injured and gabriel is stuck more into the this tag team wit slater now..and everybody is just barrets backup and goons now, so maybe a total takeover of the wwe wouldve been somthin better, but not all major titles cus i agree with the comment above, it would take the integrity out of the titles....but i could imagine it Nexus with just 7 was members from NXT 1 were doing all this damage, wat about if all of NXT 2 wouldve just joined also too...rookies making things happen on their own terms in the wwe, their higher purpose...couldve led to some interesting fueds with everybody...kinda NWOish...idk just my opinion
They did the right thing. Even though some of them have big name wins, almost all of them are not ready for title shots. The only person, imo, that is ready for a title is Barrett.
I have to disagree. Having one faction with all or most of the titles definitely has a "been there, done that" feel to it. It's predictable, and once members started picking up some titles and are challenging for more we'd all be able to see a mile away how it was going to play out.

Plus the idea of a bunch of rookies being able to credibly challenge and get every title is absurd. Even if you throw in some winning through cheating it just is a little too much to accept.
I think WWE's done a very good job with the whole Nexus angle. It started out great, sure there's been a few bumps along the road, but it's stayed very consistent, interesting, and overall has been done very well. I honestly think what should happen, and what should've been the plan all along if it isn't, is that this "greater purpose" Barrett and Nexus have mentioned several times should actually be the Miz being the mastermind behind all of this. Nexus could've been a way to bring in the youth movement while also a way of eliminating John Cena, therefore taking him out of the picture and out of the way of the Miz. The Miz wins the championship, and after all he did win it WITH the help of the Nexus even if it's played off right now as being coincidence. If eventually it all came together with the Miz, who was on both of the first two NXT shows, as the WWE champion and leading an army consisting of all the Nexus (and he already has Alex Riley at his side on top of it) then that would be a great way to take this storyline even further, and really push this whole youth movement and make new stars... counting the young stars that would be opposing them like Daniel Bryan, John Morrison, etc.
WWE did drop the ball on Nexus for the most part, although I dont realistically see them ending the faction after recently just releasing new merchandise and adding the two new members. In regards to what should have happened though here are a few thoughts I have:

  • Firing Daniel Bryan and bringing him back as a face with no affliation/feud with the faction was mistake #1 to me. He should have returned and screwed Cena at the PPV and remained a badass submission heel, ala Benoit, and added in ring crediblity to the faction.
  • Having Cena go over at Summerslam was Mistake #2. It killed any momentum the faction had and forced them to rebuild. They should have won the match whether by screwjob i mentioned above or some other means.
  • Not pushing the faction with title wins sooner. They should have gotten the tag titles from a feud with The Hart Dynasty, the US title, and then Barrett finally getting the World Title from some screwjob finish.
  • They should have been trying to recruit new guys weekly like the nWo used to do. Bring out shirts and have them stand on the ramp scouting talent and approach them after matches. It adds some intrigue on who might turn on Cena or eachother etc. Imagine them trying to recruit RTruth from his connection with Otunga and turn him against would create intrigue.
  • A diva in the group would be cool to see and if they had feuded with Harts correctly it would have been a cool swerve if Nattie turned heel with Nexus.
  • They shouldn't have kicked out anyone so early either. Keep the faction big with guys and it becomes more threatening.
  • Jericho was leaving and they should have been the ones to take him out instead of Orton.

These are just a few points that are to be noted. Obviously injuries really hurt them and kicking out guys didn't help any. The faction started out looking like a modern nWo and have ended up as a modern Natural Born Thrillers....if anyone even gets that WCW reference... WWE had the same problem when they did bring back the nWo and instead of making them dominant they weren't put over by the top stars and dropped five months later....Could have been really great but looking back its been mediocre.
i was personally hoping to see the nexus "cast offs" come back at some point as a threat to nexus, only to swerve everyone and help the barrett defeat cena. could have possibly given barrett the title, with them already holding tag gold and then bryan holding us gold.
Cleavo77 Your Idea Is Simply Amzing ,

I Agree , They Should Have Had Justin And Wendy With The Tags . Skip With The U.S , Tarver With The Intercontinental , Wade With The World Heavyweight And Outunga With WWE . Then The Should Of Taking The Kaitlyn And Namoi For Divas . Ruling The WWE

It All Went Wrong When Cena Got Involved .
The problem would be the credibility of the titles. Gabriel and Slater barely made it as credible tag champions, can you honestly say the LESS talented David Otunga would be a good World Champion? Sure, Nexus would have dominated WWE, but they would have killed the credibility of the titles at the same time. For the most part, WWE has made the right decisions regasrding Nexus, although another title or two wouldnt have hurt them.

The problem that lies with giving Nexus all of the titles is that it makes every angle on each show about Nexus. People complain already that Nexus has grown stale already with the amount of TV time they've gotten. Can you imagine how much worse the perceived staleness would be if Nexus was the focus of both 2 hour shows, every week?

Nexus has been a fine stable, and while they could have benefitted and gained more credibility with another championship or two, the route of giving them every title would have been oversaturation. It would have killed the credibility of some of the titles, and left out room for a lot of the Superstars to get on TV, let alone develop programs. The booking of Nexus has been well done.
with the correct writing and good angles nexus could become as important to wrestling as the nwo or dx. firts things first keep them together as long as possible and add a diva plus it wouldnt hurt if nexus were seen on smackdown as well . They need a title probably the tag team titles first or even the women title this will start to give them credibility. Wade barrett without a doubt will be a wwe champion and i would also like to see william regal tie up with them as well - i could see barrett and regal working really well - may be regal as gm or reprising his role as commissioner
I think the majority of the Nexus angle has been handled pretty well thus far. Gabriel and Slater, decent tag champs. Although I think Otunga is really NOT the person I would have chosen to overtake Nexus as the new leader, unless this is what creative wants to have as the ultimate downfall of Nexus. Besides, he may be a good speaker, but he is not as good as he thinks he is. Suffice to say that a more appropriate tag champs SHOULD have probably been Harris and Perfect Jr maybe, at least in my eyes. Althought, that would've been the better choice, but hey, I'm not creative department. I know this is all probably part of the bigger picture to springboard Barrett to hopefully a singles star, and I do have faith, since that's why he won NXT, although, it would be a BIG detriment to have the rest of Nexus go on in some way and still keep titles in some way, that would defeat the purpose of him winning NXT. Anyways, as far as the Cena angle, I still think that was genius, as far as the rest of it, I can only wait and see, I can't be a skeptic just yet. As far as any divas in the Nexus, I still don't think Kaitlyn or Naomi have anything to gain for being in that angle at all, not unless the group was to split up and certain members stay aligned and branch off on the other brands, but as of yet, I don't think really any of the NXT divas are on that level from my humble opinion. I'd almost say that with the way things are shaping up, if Melina is turning heel soon, she could be a fit, or Rosa Mendes since she's worked closely in FCW with some of them before. But the divas, maybe not yet, unless some MAJOR changes happen soon with that department. But back to the real topic at hand, I think for the most part its been handled well, but I'd like to see that hopefully if Nexus breaks up, this leads to a belt for Barrett in someway, because, I honestly think at this point, he's kind of gotten a 'raw' (pardon the pun) deal after winning NXT, even Daniel Bryan has won a title before he has, and don't get me wrong, I'm not doubting DB's skills, but I thought the purpose was to showcase the winner, and so far it almost seems a little like Wade's being buried somehow, with Otunga trying to take over, and Cena's vendetta. So maybe that's my only stipulation here. Is that so bad to nitpick over??
NEXUS started off great but things happend that had to change the writing, i think WWE wanted JERICHO to be behind the nexus, but he wanted time off so they just left the higher purpose alone, then there planned 2nd in command DANIEL BRYAN was fired.i believe when he returned he should of swerved CENA at summerslam helping nexus win that match and continue thier dominance.I also believe Tarver should of never been kicked out, and Darren young should of atleast fueded with otunga for calling him week...ans why put CENA in nexus and not give him a slow HeeL turn... come on creative... step it up
There are so many things that should have happened ,so many people that 'should' have a fued with Nexus such as Young,Tarver etc.. There are loads of things that don't make sense and loads of plot holes. There have been some odd decisions made.

But this is still the best angle and most exciting thing that has happened in the WWE for the past half a year ... It's not perfect but it's doing what it needs to do.
I along with alot of the wrestling world thinks that nexus SHOULD have won at summerslam. I wouldn't of had Danielson swerve on team wwf though. Danielson siding with team wwf and going on to beat The Miz for the u.s title was for the best. Raw was in NEED of a new babyface for the people to get behind. When nexus lost I had no hope for the group because unless they went on somehow to dominate raw by winning all the belts I couldn't see how nexus could of regained any steam. Because apart from being Barrett's henchmen and being picked apart 1 by 1 by Cena they haven't done much.

I.M.O I don't think that nexus holding the tag team titles would damage the prestige of the belts. I mean these are the same belts that did nothing to elevate the Hart dynasty, Cody and Drew might as well of not even held them. They got switched between Otunga and Cena, And Gabriel and Slater within 24 hours. The last time the tag team titles changed it happened by THE COBRA!

Fact is the wwf dont care about the tag team titles so if nexus did hold them it wouldn't of been a bad idea. I agree that nexus turning up as rookies and winning championships right away is much of a stretch, But if say Otunga and Gabriel won the tag titles at night of champions and then Barrett could of won the wwf title in the 6way match. They could of held the belts from september to december. Nexus could of used the "numbers game" like any faction would do to hold on to the belts untill the GM made a match so nexus would have to wrestle fair. Barrett could of lost the title to Miz in a 4way T.L.C match with Orton and Cena. That way The Miz could still have won the title like he has now and lose it to Orton or Cena at wrestlemania. Since there is no REAL tag teams on both raw and smackdown that are babyfaces Otunga and Gabriel could lose them to anyone it wouldn't of really mattered.

With the fall through of "The higher power" or "The cause of why they invaded the wwf in the first place." Nexus dominating raw for a few months would of been better then what they have done now, Which is as I can think of being Barretts henchmen and getting picked off 1 by 1 by Cena to the point of Otunga saying to Barrett "If you dont rehire Cena, Then YOU are out of nexus" When this nexus angle started I dont think anyone pictured it turning out like this.
While I agree that Nexus wasn't used as well as they should have been, I think there are a couple of points in your post that I'd like to bring up:

Nexus should have started out taking the tag team title's, which in turn could have DE-unified them, giving 4 members a tag title. Slater and Gabriel and Harris and Mcguilitcutty.

There was a reason the tag team titles were unified in the first place, and it had nothing to do with the storyline. I'm pretty sure is was an executive decision based on the lack of talent for a halfway decent tag team division. There's no reason to unify the tag titles then de-unify them in the same few months.

Nexus needs a woman member, so give her the Diva's title.

No they don't. The WWE is having trouble finding decent women wrestlers as it is. They're not going to find a decent rookie wrestler.

Leaving the WWE championship and World Heavyweight Championship left to take by Otunga and Barret. Nexus should have held all the titles, only to have the group disband, and all titles vacated. Not only would this have been epic, but it would give all the titles a chance to find a new home.

That makes absolutely no sense. Why would the group disbanding vacate the titles? In fact, when they first showed up, they were always talking about their higher purpose; their unknown goal. To have them show up, wreak havoc, then simply disappear a few months into their debut... there's just no good creative way you could make that happen without it being stupid.

Which brings me to the problem that I have with Nexus. Everything they debut with has been completely contradicted in these last couple of months. They were a group that was a legitimate threat to everything the WWE stood for; against WWE management -- something that was unknown, which only added to how threatening they were.

Then they just targeted just John Cena, and they're not doing anything to achieve their original goal.
Overall, I think the biggest mistake was when Bryan was fired. He had/has been billed as kind of a happy go lucky guy with skills. But when Nexus first attacked, Bryan was the most aggressive and was actually fired for his realism.

So, if Bryan stays, I could see Barrett in charge of an even stronger group. Barrett probably already would have been WWE Champion. I think Bryan would have either still been US Champ or being one half of the tag champs.

Daniel Bryan and Skip Sheffield would have been an awesome team.

But I think the miss overall on this angle is Barrett not winning the title. I think wrestling fans and critics and most people in general were ready for it, and were already accepting of it.

I think that is a ball drop on this whole thing.
i was personally hoping to see the nexus "cast offs" come back at some point as a threat to nexus, only to swerve everyone and help the barrett defeat cena. could have possibly given barrett the title, with them already holding tag gold and then bryan holding us gold.

I did too and it still might happen!!! and here is how i'd do it

1. Otunga turns on Barrett on raw or Barrett sends him to Smackdown

2. A-List informs the smackdown crowd that he's not alone and brings out Darren Young Michael Tarver and Skip Sheffield from the original group and adds a rookie from NXT season 2 most likely Eli Cottonwood

3.The Nu-Nexus tries to take over smackdown the same way it happened on raw and otunga captures the WHC

4. The two groups meet at bragging rights with the end coming down to Otunga and Barrett who unite the two groups

then you'd really have a super stable consisting of Barrett, Gaberial, Slater, mcgillacutty, Harris, Otunga, Tarver, Sheffield, Young and, Cottonwood
then you'd really have a super stable consisting of Barrett, Gaberial, Slater, mcgillacutty, Harris, Otunga, Tarver, Sheffield, Young and, Cottonwood

Would people accept a "super-stable" consisting of some members of the Nexus that were already fired for being too weak? I don't think it would work and I don't think WWE want certain wrestlers back.

If WWE are going to run with Nexus, which it seems they are, then they need to do something big as Barret getting run over by Cena at TLC will make them look very weak but you can't go through the whole Cena sacking, coming back etc to have him lose to Wade.

I would have Cena win after a competitive match, then have the Nexus hit the ring to destroy Cena, then have a couple of WWE superstars (Zeke, R-Truth?) rush the ring to "save" Cena before joining in and destroying him before taking off their T-shirts to reveal the Nexus armband.
If sheffield and tarver never got injured and fatty and skinny still came in i think they should of done what evolution did and win all of the titles on raw i think that they did the right thing with the tag titles but then i think outanga shouldof gone for the united states title which left the rest of nexus to beat up cena and they shouldof allowed barret to become world champ, they shouldof also let cena be fired with barret winning the world title and not miz cashing in the money in the bank then comming up to the royal rumble cena should cost wade barret the world title to "morrison/randy orton" which wouldof let miz cash in the mitb then the build up to Cena vs barret at wm27 wouldof been amazing.
I think WWE made the right choice so far EXCEPT forcing Cena to join because it was obviously rushed. I have said many times b4 that that storyline is simply horrible. Instead Cena shouldve taken out the nexus signed on Raw and then formed a team to counter nexus.
I think the right decisions were made. They stayed pretty innovative, even though most people will always say, they saw every corner turned, coming a mile away.

Some would say it has been predictable. But, to be honest, it was the involvement of John Cena. You always knew Cena would come out on top. But, a purpose was served. Nexus had times of complete dominance and definitely benefited from being tied to Cena.

Their "takeover" attempt, became relevant from the very first night, when they attacked Cena and everyone at ringside. The storyline will always be remembered, whether it's for positive reasons or the contrary. Even though Cena won out, Barrett literally owned Cena's ass for a while and at one point, fired one of the biggest and most popular superstars EVER.

Where anyone goes from here, remains to be seen. But I think up to this point, for the most part, the right moves were made.

I think things will pick up now, within the group. I think the group will probably start to implode. Skip Sheffield will be returning soon and probably Tarver as well. So I think a storyline involving JUST the group would separate who WWE should push from the group and who probably won't make it.

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