Nexus + CM Punk = neXus, Should Nexus change their logo?


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Some time during the week Joey Styles tweeted, Nexus merchandise has shot up since the inception of CM Punk. So it got me thinking...

We all know that Punk is going to be the new leader of Nexus. My question to you guys and girls,.. Now that Nexus has a new leader, should the faction’s logo change?

Imo.. The Nexus “N” is lame. I am also not a fan of the black and yellow shirts. I think it fit them well when Wade was leader. However, now that Punk is taking control, IMO Nexus needs a edgier look that symbolizes Punks reign as the new leader.

So here is my idea... Keep the name but tweak it a bit. :)

Nexus + CM Punk = neXus

The brake down is easy. Nexus keeps their old name( as they should) But you make the X capital to symbolize Punks straight edge life style. The new colors would be black, gray and red. Seems to me that Punk likes those combinations in his merch. I would also replace the N arm bands with X ones.

Should the Nexus’s Logo change?
Do you like my idea?
If you think the logo should be changed, What would be your idea?
While this idea for a new logo sounds cool, i honestly don't think this angel will last very long. CM Punk has always been better as a solo guy. I Don't think the writers have really been thinking there moves through lately. Did anyone else notice how Jerry lawler and Michael Cole were getting along like nothing had happend?
But if the story does last I'd much rather prefer your idea over the simplistic, eye sore of the logo they have now.
I'm adding to your Rep Undying because I think your idea would look better than that "N" thingy. I think they'd sell better too. Symbolically, I figure that's about how Nexus has been, one leader bidding around lackeys.
This whole angle makes no sense. Completely disregarding why the nexus was formed in the first place. Are we just supposed to forget the nexus beat cm punk the same night they beat cena.

But yes , get rid of that N
Honestly, I don't see any real reason to change the logo...
But, I wouldn't be complaining if i saw a revamped version of the "N", with an 80's punk spin to it like most of CM Punk's logos.
I agree that the Nexus should get a new logo now that Punk is involved. I totally agree that the big yellow "N" is lame, although I do like their catch phrase: "You're either Nexus, or against us" (or whatever it is). I bet that phrase will be tweaked a bit now too, with Punk's recent involvement.

Undying777, that is a FANTASTIC idea for a new logo. I hadn't thought about it before you mentioned it, but the "X" is a perfect way to blend the two logos.

I think the The t-shirts could even have Punk's fist (with the "X") in the center, instead of just capitalizing it. Unfortunately, my photoshop skills are OBVIOUSLY piss-poor (LOL!!) -- but I threw this together anyway, quite haphazardly. I'm sorry this isn't a better representation of the idea, but at least this way you can get the gist:


Hahaha! I said, my photoshop skills are SEVERELY lacking (even this horrible thing took me like 20 minutes to make!! LOL!!). I bet WWE has something like this in the works already, McMahon probably approved a new shirt/logo before Punk was even revealed as the new nexus member. Vince probably got to choose from ten to twenty new prototypes made up by the WWE machine. I bet we'll see new shirts by Monday, along with a new Titan-tron entrance and HOPEFULLY new music. I never thought the Nexus theme fit them very well, but maybe they'll just come out to Punk's music instead (I hope they just do a complete overhaul of the song though).

I don't necessarily think that the new Punk-led Nexus will have to be completely straight-edge, but maybe they will be...when you think about it, the combined gimmicks (Nexus & SES) will really catch a lot of legit heat.

The whole idea of a new logo might work better all in black & white, or with black gray & red like you mentioned. I think maybe a circular design like the SES logo (with the lightning bolts and all) would work well too. There are so many great ideas that can come from your original concept.

Another really cool idea would be the same yellow and black logo, but have the "X" be the letter that's outlined in the yellow (instead of the "N", like it is now). I really like your idea of changing the colors though, and making the armbands an "X".

Keep the great ideas coming, Undying777!
If nexus changed their logo now, it would be a bad move Having a new leader who is such an established superstar already disrupts the continuity of the group as new, fresh-faced upstarts, and a new logo would feel too much like a new story, as opposed to a new chapter in the nexus tale.
I think this would only work as an idea for ending the whole Punk/Nexus thing, as it could see Punk trying to get Nexus to embrace straight edge, (kind of like forcing a new SES type of thing) and the whole deal imploding...
This would however have to result in several nexus face turns on the part of those members who oppose his leadership, in order for this direction to be worth taking...can't see that happening with anyone other than Gabriel...Mcguilicutty maybe?
Anyway, just some thoughts...
no and if u think about it Punk coulda led them as the mastermind all along. Just think about it who was the 1st two gone from Nexus Darren Young (Punk's lame rookie from season 1 of NXT) and Daniel Bryan (Punk's old enemy from the past as in ROH) and after he got beat up by the group when they debuted did Cena acknowledge Punk was also beat up during it no and said he was the only one other than the announcers. Punk first attack was against Evan Bourne ( Cena's friend) and said it was nothin personal I think. Nexus should leave their logo the same
Originally Posted by Undying777
I really dont want them to turn Nexus straight edge. That would just be beating a dead horse.

I am in complete agreement with you, I don't want to see a Straight-Edge Nexus fact, I really hope that they don't go that way. I have a feeling that WWE creative might turn the Nexus straight-edge though, just because Punk gets so much heat with his "holier-than-thou" straight-edge attitude. Hopefully the creative team doesn't get lazy on us (because Straight-Edge Nexus really would be the lazy way to write the new Nexus/Punk storylines). Although, like I mentioned already...a Straight-Edge Society/Nexus hybrid really would get a HELL of a lot of heat.

I'm sure everyone read about McMahon's opinion of Punk being favorable again (after his stint as a commentator), so hopefully they'll nix the Straight-Edge gimmick. I agree with you again, it really WOULD be like beating a dead horse. Punk did the gimmick as a face, as a heel, and as the leader of a stable already, so there's really not a lot more to do that hasn't already been done. Punk as the "evil leader" of the Nexus is pretty good as-is, without the straight-edge deal.

Hopefully WWE creative does the right thing here, by downplaying Punk's straight-edge angle (at least while he's involved with Nexus). Punk can always dive right back into it once he's on his own again...I'd definitely prefer it that way.
Nexus should change their logo, even if the CM leadership doesnt last long. Punk's a different character and it would go a long way in putting Punk's leadership over if he showcased a new logo for NEXUS. It shouldn't be completely altered. Even Idioiteque's idea was a pretty good start.

I also dont think it would be wise for the Nexus to go "straight edge", the whole SES thing kinda flopped on me anyway. However, Punk definitely could bring his gimmick right into the mix as he always seems to do - and make something additionally entertaining in the process.

Punk fits the bill for me as a great mastermind/evil genius character. Not so much a cult-leader as he was portrayed in SES. But for my money, it would be awesome to have Punk really dig into a "mastermind" thing with the Nexus. I mean, provided he's still also doing commentary, you've got the mastermind preaching his words and then also backing them up so-to-speak. Just an idea/opinion.
Agree Idioteque555

I will admit, at first I liked The idea of turning the Nexus into the new SES. After more thought, It just became lame to me.

Punk can still play up his self righteous straight edge lifestyle, But i really think ( evan if they do turn each member straight edge) each Nexus member should keep their own personalities. and take on their own gimmicks in side Nexus. No brain washing, and definitely no shaving heads. Long story short, No evil savior shtick. This will help each superstar become something of their own, and not just hide in Punks shadow.

But back on topic.. I really think my idea " neXus" makes a lot of sense. The capital X represents Punks leadership in nexus. All the lowercase letters represents all the other nexus members, who Punk is just going to use to do his bidden.

For all those who think Nexus is going to end sooner rather then latter, Vince wants to push Nexus merch like the NWO's was in the 90's. I don't think they are going anywhere in the near future.

And Imo, I think most of their fans are the older guys. Im 26 and I don't want to buy a tacky black and yellow shirt that just has a N on the front.. lol
Personally, I don't think the logo and basis of the Nexus should change with CM Punk as the leader.

Firstly, whilst this manipulative side of Punk would be very reminiscent of the SES, that angle didn't work, and whilst it was mildly entertaining, it never reached the heights the Nexus storyline did. Secondly, I dont think Punk as leader will last much longer than Punk's feud with Cena. Thirdly, Nexus was derived from NXT, the name, logo, colours etc... those fundamentals shouldn't be removed from the group.

Finally, I just bought a Nexus tshirt, so I'll be pissed if they change the logo!
This whole angle makes no sense. Completely disregarding why the nexus was formed in the first place. Are we just supposed to forget the nexus beat cm punk the same night they beat cena.

But yes , get rid of that N

Man, give the story time to develope. We were left with a cliff hanger, so I'm sure we'll be given an explanation. Haven't you ever gained respect for someone after getting your ass kicked by them, or vice versa?

By the way, great idea, Undying; Punk is the man; I was hoping anyone would end Jeff Hardy's career in the WWE, but I'm even happier that it was Punk that did. Oh, before I forget my corney joke: Now there's two "Punks" in Nexus. Get it?
The Nexus Punk thing has nothing to do with Straight Edge, have any of you noticed that he's hardly mentioned straight edge in months? He's trying become a bit more three dimensional, and that means he can feud with everyone because he's a psychopathic asshole, not because he's straight edge. Do you understand what I am saying to you right now?
personally i dont care which way it goes, was never a big fan of nexus or punk, but i do like seein john cena gets smacked around a bit before he goes superman on em all... less his lil leg injury keeps him out of the story line for awhile.
But i will say that logo angelic made is tight.. im diggin it..

Heres what I got....
Lookin good

This is near perfection really. I would take out the part about being under new management tho. I dont think its needed.

Reading thru this thread & thinking about "changes" happening...It got me thinkin:

What about the entrance music?? I absolutely LOVE Punks entrance music & very strongly dislike Nexus'! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Vince...dont take away Punks entrance music!! Dont make him come out to the Nexus music!!! Im very much of the belief that entrance music makes a HUGE difference in wrestling characters.

Keep "This Fire" by Killswitch Engage!! Oh man....This might ruin this whole thing for me!! SOB!!!

That's a very good logo, you could even see the hand with the forks as the new symbol on there "N" Armbands.

Very nice effort.

This is near perfection really. I would take out the part about being under new management tho. I dont think its needed.

Reading thru this thread & thinking about "changes" happening...It got me thinkin:

What about the entrance music?? I absolutely LOVE Punks entrance music & very strongly dislike Nexus'! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Vince...dont take away Punks entrance music!! Dont make him come out to the Nexus music!!! Im very much of the belief that entrance music makes a HUGE difference in wrestling characters.

Keep "This Fire" by Killswitch Engage!! Oh man....This might ruin this whole thing for me!! SOB!!!

Have to agree with you on the Music front, Punk using KSE is very good. Also has more of an impact when the music kicks off rather than the typical song start of the Nexus' current entrance. Then again they might keep the two entrances seperate, keep Punk to his entrance and the Nexus Members to theres...
This is near perfection really. I would take out the part about being under new management tho. I dont think its needed.

Reading thru this thread & thinking about "changes" happening...It got me thinkin:

What about the entrance music?? I absolutely LOVE Punks entrance music & very strongly dislike Nexus'! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Vince...dont take away Punks entrance music!! Dont make him come out to the Nexus music!!! Im very much of the belief that entrance music makes a HUGE difference in wrestling characters.

Keep "This Fire" by Killswitch Engage!! Oh man....This might ruin this whole thing for me!! SOB!!!


IS this better?
I honestly think Nexus should use a logo very similar, but nexus is still nexus with a little twist.
Noone should be "Straightedged" or anything.

Punk should just twist things around, and as for a theme? I dont think so, maybe a little remixed.
I don't see any reason to change the logo especially to signify that Punk is the leader. I know he's the leader because he will go out there and say that he's the leader and a logo change isn't going to be remind me any more.
This is near perfection really. I would take out the part about being under new management tho. I dont think its needed.

Reading thru this thread & thinking about "changes" happening...It got me thinkin:

What about the entrance music?? I absolutely LOVE Punks entrance music & very strongly dislike Nexus'! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Vince...dont take away Punks entrance music!! Dont make him come out to the Nexus music!!! Im very much of the belief that entrance music makes a HUGE difference in wrestling characters.

Keep "This Fire" by Killswitch Engage!! Oh man....This might ruin this whole thing for me!! SOB!!!

Agree.. 12 stones is um...ok. But killswich is one of my favorite bands. Plus.. I have always thought Nexus entrance them sounds like it would fit a good guy faction better.
I do think you're right. (You can tell XD)

This is CM Punk's Nexus. While I like the merch they've had lately, "Enough is enough, and it's time for a change!"

I don't know if they're going to stick with the original premise or get a little straight edge influence, but regardless CM Punk's influence should defitely have an effect on the look of the group.
The Nexus Punk thing has nothing to do with Straight Edge, have any of you noticed that he's hardly mentioned straight edge in months? He's trying become a bit more three dimensional, and that means he can feud with everyone because he's a psychopathic asshole, not because he's straight edge. Do you understand what I am saying to you right now?

Yup.. we have. (well I have)

As i said before.. I don't want them to become straight edge. I want each member to come into their own. But I would not put it past creative to try and pull it off again.Yawn!

As you said, Punk showing us more detentions to his character. He's played the brain washing straight edge savior. Now he is showing us his psychopathic evil genius side. Is there anything this guy cant do?
Yup.. we have. (well I have)

As i said before.. I don't want them to become straight edge. I want each member to come into their own. But I would not put it past creative to try and pull it off again.Yawn!

As you said, Punk showing us more detentions to his character. He's played the brain washing straight edge savior. Now he is showing us his psychopathic evil genius side. Is there anything this guy cant do?

Agreed on the last bit, I think he's much more well rounded then most people give him credit. But I highly doubt we'll hear the word straight edge much from Punk until the Nexus is over.

Although being straight edge is unique, it can't be the center piece of every feud, it only works on certain guys (as a heel at least) like say Jeff Hardy, Raven, and other kind of well known drug abusers. By reaching out, and just being a different character, he's becoming a more valuable asset to the WWE, which is great for any Punk fan.
In my opinion is PEFECT!! I would honestly Email it to WWE headquarters. I dont know the address- but its probably not hard to find.

Well done! VERY well done!!


IS this better?
I honestly think Nexus should use a logo very similar, but nexus is still nexus with a little twist.
Noone should be "Straightedged" or anything.

Punk should just twist things around, and as for a theme? I dont think so, maybe a little remixed.
I hope they shed some of the guys in the group from the get go. I dont want this factoin to get huge like the NWO but stay small like Evolution and the four horseman. I would like to see Gabriel go out on his own he has baby face written all over him. I really like the direction WWE is taking with the Nexus though. I thought CM Punk putting that armband on was epic, then the salute ruled. I hope the new Nexus just takes off into Faction greatness. I miss the day of factions!

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