Next US & Intercontinental Champ Will Be..


Pre-Show Stalwart
So now, compared to lets say a few years ago, both of the mid card championships were seen as something worthy but looking at today, you have Dolph Ziggler as the US champ and Ezekiel Jackson is the Intercontinental champ.

Dolph Ziggler - He is being misused at the minute, being stuck in random matches. I got sick and tired of the whole Ziggler/Kofi fued, they seemed to have like 100 matches. I love his style of wrestling, his selling and delivering. He did amazing in his matches aganist Cena, Orton and Edge and looked like a real main eventer, which someday, he will be but i'm not talking about that.

Ezekiel Jackson - Who? Yes I know who he is but really, he came out of nowhere with The Corre, split up from them and won the title from Wade who was doing good as the champ. He isn't really bringing and shine to the title let's say and I want to see someone else with him.

My question to you is, who do you think will be the next US and Intercontinental champion and who do you want as the champions?

Personally, I would like to see Evan Bourne with the US title and Cody Rhodes with the Intercontinental title.
I just read your post and i instantly forgot who the US and IC champs are....

That says something when i tune in every week and still cant remember the mid card champs. They really suck. Im pretty sure dolph is the US champ last time i checked. Or kofi.

As for the IC champ? LOL. I have no idea.

WWE needs to make some actual storylines for every title because all i remember is dolph fighting kofi 50 times....and one of them has the title. Like it really matters which one has it. Let me know when they do something interesting instead of just having matches.

And the new US champ should go to....i dont know.... Most of the roster doesnt even deserve it. IC title....same thing. Well i guess wade could get it back. :shrug:
Right now the champions are actually quite worthy and deserving. Dolph Ziggler is a tremendous athlete and is definitely bringing some prestige back to the US Championship. Ezekiel Jackson is also worthy of being champion as, back in ECW, he was a World Champion. In fact, he was the final ECW Champion. He was doing great and looked to be headed in the right direction when, suddenly, he was injured (in fact, I was there when it happened).

Although I like Dolph as a Champion, he needs to lose it one day. I actually want him to lose it because he will most likely, like The Miz, go on to Main Event status. When he does lose it I would like him to lose it to someone who will continue to bring prestige to it. Perhaps Alex Riley. He has been doing great in his rivalry with The Miz and looks set to go off on his own without being involved with Miz. Hopefully, the WWE utilize his talent and do this by giving him the United States Championship.

As for the Intercontinental Championship, Ezekiel Jackson needs to have a good run with it. Perhaps have him lose it towards the end of the year. After a good few years as Champion, I would like to see Jackson lose it to, again, someone deserving and worthy of it. I was thinking someone along the lines of Ted DiBiase. I would say Cody Rhodes but I would rather see him in the World Heavyweight Championship picture. After DiBiase has his feud with Rhodes, which has to happen soon, an Intercontinental Championship run would do him good.
I hate ezekiel jackson and dolph zigglers gimmic they need to seriuosley get rid of vicky shes embarrising the guerrero name and is just a joke dolph should get ditched from her and given a really big push and when are we gunna see zack ryder on tv he should have a good fued with dolph i think theres somthing there
I have a hard time seeing anyone on the roster worthy of the US/IC championship when they have no interesting storylines going on. Back in the day EVERY title had storylines/feuds and made you want to see what would happen next.

The last 5 years its been the john cena/orton/world/WWE title show and everything else is meaningless. They only focus on 1 major storyline per show and everyone else just gets matches with some announcer hype.

Whens the last time we have seen an actual interesting/entertaining storyline involving the US/IC titles? Um....2005-ish? Cena was US champ i think and was actually entertaining. Same with eddie and benoit.

2004? when randy held it/brought prestige/entertaining storylines.

Seriously...the last 6 years have been so forgetable for those titles.
To the post about Ziggler's gimmick, Its great.NS_Punk you seem like a kayfabe kinda guy anywhom, I agree about not even knowing who the champions are. Its like one minute its on Kofi next its on Ziggler. And Jackson, he's not too bad but his mic skills are atrocious.

Who should be champions?

Well that's easy, US Champion should be Jack Swagger and IC Champion should be Daniel Bryan. Bryan could be a face Miz in terms of getting the push towards cashing in and becoming World Champ. And No Believe me it won't be at Mania. That's so it comes as a shock.
I don't mind them as champs, but they are so boring! Their is no fire in the programs that they are involved in they are just so stale. Make them seem relevant or important and give people a reason to want that championship. Build someone up please!
The next IC champ will be Cody Rhodes. He will probably have the belt sooner rather than later. For whatever reason midcard titles just doesn't look right on a big guy to me. Big Zeke, Kane, Big Show. That may just be a personal bias or that might be how I've been conditioned as a WWE fan.

Next US champ? It's a hard one to call. R Truth? Kofi? Zack Ryder? A-Ry? Colt Cabana? I doubt that last one but like they say, anything can happen in the WWE.
Next US Champ: I think it's going to be Alex Riley. He's too green for the main event even thou he's been getting great reactions. I think we can see a Riley/Ziggler feud coming up with Riley ultimately winning the title.

Next Intercontinental Champ: This is a tough one. It's between Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes & Sheamus. I think we'll have a clearer answer by next Smackdown!
I was kind of hoping they could do an angle where like, Dolph lost the title to someone like Riley, and Vickie causes him to lose his rematch and he turns on her, then shakes Riley's hand, and starts working up to main event status by winning matches cleanly and respectfully.
I think both current champs suck. Ziggler is good in the ring- no doubt. But w/o Vickie being his mouthpiece- he wouldnt be over as a heel at all. As for Jackson: He's huge! ...and that's about it. Bad in the ring & much, much worse on the stick.

For me- this is 2 very easy answers:

Next IC champ should be Cody Rhodes. How can you not like what this guy has done, since he became "dashing"? He's really impressed me. The paper bag masks make me laugh my ass off every time.

Next US champ should be Zack Ryder. This guy deserves more TV time. I just dont understand the concept of keeping him off of RAW. I think the fans will really get behind this guy, if WWE would let him go out there and have some mic time. The guy is funny and beyond entertaining IMO.

Now- 1 of my guys is definatley going to get his run soon. That's Cody Rhodes. The other guy just needs to be given the opportunity to shine. That's Zack Ryder. If Santino can get over on a accent & masterful abuse of the english laguage...I dont see how Ryder couldnt, just by making fun of himself & other people. The same way E&C used to do back in the day.
Wasn't Cody Rhodes vs Ezekiel Jackson for the IC title advertised for Smackdown last friday? I was actually waiting for that match to happen and start off the feud between Ezekiel and Cody Rhodes for it.

But hey, then it became Christian vs Ezekiel Jackson..
When are you going to start putting Zack Ryder on Television
Zack Ryder. No question. Thank you for finally saying that to the WWE CM Punk.

Intercontinetal. Everybody says that it should be somebody like Cody rhodes or Ted Dibiase. I wouldn't mind a nice long run from Trent Barreta honestly. Trent Barreta deserves a title.
I think Justin Gabriel will be pushed against cody rhodes once he beats zeik at night of the champions and wins the belt, Gabriel as a face with Rhodes targeting the fact he use to be a model, with Gabriel cutting promos on the fact hes south african and a 2nd or is it 3rd generation wrestler: the fact is this would also be a excellent wrestling match their both great workers, well anything would be better than watching zeik do 3 clotheslines followed by 3 scoop slams then by a torture rack. they could also bring leo kreuger up from Fcw to support Gabriel unlikely though.

The us title i think a lot of people wanna see Ziggler vs Ryder but that wont happen now that hes tagging with santino who will win the tag belts soon, and feud hopefully with Peter Orlov and koslov.
I think we will see Ziggler vs Mcintyre with Roddy Piper in Mcintyre's corner to even out vicky and give a long deserved push to Drew.
IC Champ- Cody Rhodes will win the belt at Summerslam, that's why him and Zeke didn't have a match on SD! there saving it for Summerslam.

US Champ- Zack Ryder deserves it and he already has a huge fan-base I think it could work. WWWYKI
IC: Cody Rhodes
US: Drew McIntyre

Cody needs a tittle already, and McIntyre even more. Dude's got talent, such a waste.
Rowdy Pipper said he was thinking in taking McIntyre under his wing, I hope it's true.
pretty much agree with all of the posters above me.

cody rhodes should be the IC champ.
Zac Ryder should be the US champ.

the big problem, however, is the lack of interesting fueds. remember when we were stoked about bret vs. perfect, or shawn vs. razor... hell, even jarrett vs. chyna was better than what we have now! Why does WWe not care about the midcard??? wouldn't it be sweet if we were just as excited about the IC/US scene on Raw/Smackdown as we were about the WHC/WWE scene??

honestly, i think Zeke and Dolph are fine as champs, but they aren't given any mic time or good fueds... who knows, sometimes i dont even get why the have mid card belts.... just about as useless as the tag team and diva titles.... :/
For the Intercontinental, I see Zeke holding it for a while. We could possibly see him lose it to a guy like Justin Gabriel in the future. If he loses it sooner rather than later my money is on Ted DiBiase or if it is a multiperson match perhaps Daniel Bryan to prepare him for a World Title run.

For the US Title, I am going to go with Drew McIntyre. Why? He and Ziggler teamed a few weeks ago, and Ziggler let Drew take the all of the damage. This could lead to a McIntyre face turn, and a feud against Ziggler, which could end up in a McIntyre title run.
Next IC Champ: Cody Rhodes
Everybody says he's ready for the world title picture, but i just don't see it. he needs a good long IC title reign to build his stock and make himself look like a believable champ. his look, in my mind, limits his believability as a top contender. he needs to overcome that the same way guys like HBK overcame similar problems: An exceptional run in the mid-card.

Next US Champ: Alex Riley
I've said it a million times before, A-RY WILL BE US CHAMP BEFORE SURVIVOR SERIES. he's got the look, the talent, the mic skills, the size, and the backstage support to be the next big thing in the WWE. I can't wait to see what him and Ziggler can do in the ring, and to see Ziggler begin to make a push for the main-event picture as A-Ry takes over the midcard.
i think everyone is in agreement that cody rhodes will probably be ic champ before too much longer; or that he's a good candidate to win the belt; or that we wouldnt mind seeing him with a title.

as much as i like zack ryder, i dont see him as us champ. i think jack swagger needs this belt. his gimmick lends itself to being the us champ. he could be the all american american united states champion... he might be able to get new interest in the title just by his name association. i likie ziggler as champion. i think they almost have to pair him with vickie just to keep fans from liking him. if that makes sense.

about cody as ic champ: eventually, cody rhodes will have to take off the mask and/or go face...maybe at the same time. whatever the next evolution of his character is will probably decide the length and number of times he holds the belt

I could've sworn Ezekiel Jackson was advertised to face Cody Rhodes for the Intercontinental Championship on this past SmackDown. Which was the match I was looking forward to the most because I wanted to see my favorite WWE wrestler, Rhodes win the belt, but I was really let down when it turned out that Jackson was facing Christian. So I don't know what the hell happened there. Maybe Rhodes will get the opportunity next week, but anyway you pretty much know who I see becoming the next Intercontinental Champion. As for United States Champion, I'm going to say Alex Riley wins it from Ziggler. Simply because he's gotten over quickly and so that WWE can start building him up more.
Zack Ryder should be the next U.S Champ then go onto feud with John Morrison eventually dropping it to Morrison when Ryder's father screws him over. At least then the belt with have a bit of a storyline not just popping up every now and then.

Cody Rhodes the next IC Champ unless he gets a big push to Main Eventer. He is one of the best characters in WWE at the present and good on the stick.
Honestly the IC title has really meant much since Shelton Benjamin was the one with it all the time , but If I had to choose the next Superstars to win the titles I.C. Cody Rhodes U.S. Alex Riley but I would want to see Zack Ryder win it. I just think Alex is next in line for it.
Next IC champ: Cody Rhodes. I'm really thinking at this point that their going to have Cody take the title off Zeke at summer-slam, then have Cody enter a feud with Gabriel.
Nest US champ: Drew Mcintyre. As others have said, I think Drew is going to turn face and feud with Dolph, since he left him to get destroyed by Show.
If Ryder gets a push, its possible he could get the US title. A lot of things have to happen though. Ziggler and Ryder would probably feud for a little bit BUT it would have to result in Ziggler moving up the card. As for the IC title, I think Cody Rhodes makes the most sense.

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