New Pope elected

The Dewbliners

WZ's Whedonite. Now 20% Cooler
......And the winner is:

Cardinal Jorge Borgoglio, of Argentina. He's to be dubbed "Pope Francis", is the first Jesuit to achieve the See, and the first non-European Pope since the 800's. At 76, I think this an interesting choice, as I had presumed they'd elect a bit younger (60 or so), to avoid having to elect a new one in the near future.

That said, what are YOU'RE opinions? And, please, keep it civil?
- Y ahora inclinen sus rostros para rezar.

- What?

He was the most likely choice, but it's just kinda weird that a latino is pope now.
- Y ahora inclinen sus rostros para rezar.

- What?

He was the most likely choice, but it's just kinda weird that a latino is pope now.

What's that first bit translate to? Sorry, my computer is screwing up, and won't let me translate anything at the moment.

See, all the reports I read had him as a "decent chance, but not a favorite to be elected" kind of shot. Most of my sources were saying either European, or possibly African.
Finally, things can get back to normal! Amirite???

- Y ahora inclinen sus rostros para rezar.

- What?

He was the most likely choice, but it's just kinda weird that a latino is pope now.

Seemingly thats the only time that phrase has ever been used, congrats on making the top of google, buddy.

EDIT: I dont speak your lingo baby, but is google translate having a laugh by telling me changing inclinen to inclenan turns the phrase from heads to faces?? Without mucking with the rostros? No comprende.
Francis is a cool name.

Interestingly enough, that was my grandfather's middle name. Side note: He was Catholic, and worked out an agreement with my father for my brother, sister and I to be raised going to Mass at least once a month, so we'd be able to decide when we got older whether to become members of the Church, or to stick with the Protestantism of our father.

That upbringing is the only reason I even have a little bit of interest in this, honestly. Now, if only we could get a new King of Pentecost. Or, a first, even....
Despite being second to Cardinal Ratzinger in the last papal election, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was nowhere near the favourite to win. Probably not even the favourite of the non-Europeans, but if the Conclave was determined to take a tentative step towards something new, an Italian (both his parents were Italian immigrants) born in Argentina was probably a good choice.

Not all that surprised about there not being a pope named Francis before. It is not a Latin name nor has it a Latin root, being instead Franco-German.

Interesting facts:

- Pope Francis is the first non-European to be Pope in 1272 years since Gregory III (731-741), who was born in Syria
- he has only one lung, having suffered from an infection when in his teens
- he has a Master's degree in Chemistry
I dont think anyone was expecting him to win, I personally thought Peter Turkson was going to be elected. However, I'm glad its a man renwown for his humble ways and with a great disdain for corruption. Of course we know what happened to the last Pope who tried to fight against corruption in the Vatican (just google John Paul I) but hopefully he'll be able to turn the tables for the church. Of course I'm not thrilled that its another man who is vehemently against abortion and same sex marriage, but its easy to say no surprises were expected in that department. I'm hopeful for this pope, and hopeful that his humility becomes contagious throughout the church.
Same shit, different asshole. Made my view of the catholic religion even worse. He is just another bigoted old white guy (Not in a racist sense, but that he is no different from the others.) He is against gay marriage, abortion and contraceptives. But hey!!! He is Hispanic so that's progress!!
Being against Gay Marriage and Abortion is something that the Catholic Church will always be against, for a variety of reasons, I get the feeling that the contraceptive stance is something that should change, but I understand the reasoning on that one, it is their stance that people should be married to be having sex, If you are married why do you need to use contraception in the protection from disease standpoint.

It is also a bit of a myopic view to think that this decision made your opinion of something as large as Catholicism worse.
The biggest shock for me was finding out there had never been a Pope Francis.
I was unaware they got their names changed. When did the Vatican become WWE creative?

What's that first bit translate to? Sorry, my computer is screwing up, and won't let me translate anything at the moment.
"And now we bow our heads to pray".
See, all the reports I read had him as a "decent chance, but not a favorite to be elected" kind of shot. Most of my sources were saying either European, or possibly African.
Over here, the fact that he was in the running and Latinamerican had everyone all hyped up. "He's one of us! Yay us!"
He is a person that was involved with stealing babies during le coup d'Etat from Videla. So as a Latino, I despise him if this is actually true. If not, I don't give a total fuck if he is latino or not

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