Smaaaart Maaaaarks.
A guaranteed ratings bump. If Chris Sabin, who hardly anybody knows and as a singles competitor since his latest return, honestly nobody really cared for can bump the rating to a 1.31 then a known name such as Hogan who still has a huge fan following and easily gets the biggest week to week pops could make it even higher.
How am I being a tough guy? I was merely pointing out how old and banged up and basically incapable of putting on a match Hogan is by this point, if his back is so messed up he can't hit the leg drop what use is he really?
They had a chance to capitalise on Hogan when his debut spiked the ratings and they failed, his match with Flair was dreadful. I just don't see it anymore. He comes out, spouts catchphrases that were out of date 10 years ago and still acts like he's king shit. Hardy, Angle, Bully Ray and hell even a broken down aging Sting are just as much of a draw as Hogan is right now.
I will place a 'loser never goes near Wrestlezone again' bet that Hulk Hogan doesn't have a title match in TNA in the next twelve months.
The thing is, you can't blame anyone for speculating that. While the "TNA is going out of business" is pretty ridiculous once you get past the initial reports, Hogan taking to Twitter and talking about training and getting back in shape, while maybe a total work to build social media interest, isn't completely impossible. Bishoff's at the helm now creatively, it wouldn't surprise me if Bully Ray got the title back and Hogan was the one to finally topple the Aces and 8's single-handedly once and for all.