New Head of Creative is...

Just to clear up a minor misconception; it's not the travel that is costing TNA money - it's the production of live TV that is incredibly expensive to do - particularly on the road. If you've ever wondered why live news reports use such shitty camera equipment - that's the reason.

Personally I don't think it will last, and I don't think TNA really think that it will last either.
I always felt they should do baby steps and have a few venues across the place and just alternate between them going to other places for PPVs
Don't you dare pin this on Sparky!
Hang on what. When did I miss Bob Holly being in TNA? Seriously, if anyone could have taken down the Aces and 8's it was Bob "Mudhole Stomping" Holly. Nobody would be safe from the man with "the best dropkick in the industry" (endorsed by Jim Ross no less)

Seriously though, I am incredibly pessimistic about Bischoff as the Head of Creative. I know he wasn't responsible for the majority of the truly horrible shit that occurred toward the end of WCW's run. But he did pull his fair share of terrible ideas.
That's never going to happen; short of bringing in John Cena, TNA will always do what they've been doing for the last... What, five years?

That isn't bad, it isn't good, it's legitimately Groundhog Day

Yes it can happen. Nobody from their roster or any of their good storylines have ever got them more attention or fans, because not many people know of the name, and there are many marks out there who don't necessarily watch WWE (for example) for its wrestling. WWE has a ton of money and they are a brand. They've got their network, popularity from the 80's and 90's, a lot of merchandise, a film studio and something a lot of posters on this site are familiar with: video games. They reach out to audiences.

That's what TNA doesn't do and they can't do it easily because of their small bank account. I would advice them that they follow that route, cut back on the travelling and if they make a profit, go back on the road. They did like 6 times in 2011. I'm not saying that they travel for 5 or 6 times a year, but they should cut down the every week routine. The only reason they probably won't do that is because of the embarrassment, similar to the "back to Thursdays" drama.
Didn't you hear? It's the TNApocalypse. Bischoff assuming creative duties is the 6th seal breaking. Hogan winning the World Championship will be the 7th.
Damn seals. They've been breaking for 11 years now. Did Bruce forget to fix them too?
Eric Bischoff, a top executive with TNA since like the second day he stepped foot in the company, is now given full charge of creative direction where he's already had—presumably—massive influence, and the doomsayers come out of the woodwork again? Shocking.


I'm starting to think it's not actually terms like "creative", or "fired", or "late pay" or anything of the sort that you all respond to, but just "TNA". I'm pretty sure at this point that the first response to a thread like "TNA secure funding through Ted Turner" would be "WCW all over again. When does Vince get the library?"
He's been the executive produce since 2011, does anybody really think anything happened in TNA without Bischoff's knowledge? Pretty sure if Prichard wanted to do anything he had to first get it approved by Bischoff, this includes Sabin's world title win.

I have no problem with this move right now, he's probably the best avaible guy for the job right now, Jim Ross seems far too loyal to WWE to ever even consider this job, Heyman is tied up with WWE, & besides would you really want him running your wrestling promotion? there is also the fact that Heyman & Bischoff can't stand each other, Cornette is just a fucking idiot & has his head rammed so far up his own ass he would be one of the last people on Earth I would ever want to be running any promotion, he's just so fucking far out of touch with the business today. Bishcoff is the best guy for the job right now.

I don't think he'll make too many of the same mistakes again since he no longer has Billionaire Teds check book at his disposal.

Sapolsky would do wonders with the roster, but I think he's actually quite comfortable having carved out a nice chunk of the indy wrestling scene for himself.
If Hogan even goes near the world Title scene I'm done with TNA. There's no way that can end positively. Even if they push that "well they beat Hulk Hogan" bullshit it still means nothing, hell by this point I could beat hulk hogan up. He's a near 60 year old man with a bad back and bad knees. What can he offer?

You think I'm overreacting, but with all the hints he's been dropping and the conflict between him and Bully Ray, it's coming.
hell by this point I could beat hulk hogan up.


He's a near 60 year old man with a bad back and bad knees. What can he offer?

A guaranteed ratings bump. If Chris Sabin, who hardly anybody knows and as a singles competitor since his latest return, honestly nobody really cared for can bump the rating to a 1.31 then a known name such as Hogan who still has a huge fan following and easily gets the biggest week to week pops could make it even higher.
I will place a 'loser never goes near Wrestlezone again' bet that Hulk Hogan doesn't have a title match in TNA in the next twelve months.

It'll drop the stupid count by one.
I will place a 'loser never goes near Wrestlezone again' bet that Hulk Hogan doesn't have a title match in TNA in the next twelve months.

It'll drop the stupid count by one.

We all know how those stipulations go. The loser will be gone for a few months only to reappear to a huge pop.
Yeah but TNA isn't going to go out of business, they show literally no signs of a company on the brink of collapse. People are completely ignoring the good rating Destination X got but next week if/when that rating drops due a lack of promotion for next weeks show, you'll see it added to the ammo of the argument. "ZOMG U guys TNA iz goin outs of busines caus of rating!"

Whereas Hogan winning the title, while unlikely, is an actual possibility.
For how long, one week, maybe two?

I have always stated this. A two week bump in ratings would be the perfect opportunity for TNA to use Hogan as a hook to tune in, but showcase how the show has improved and isn't the cesspool it was in 2010 or the first half of 2011 - of course, that's the smart thing to do but its hypothetical. I'd take a one month Hogan title reign for a boost in ratings and opportunity to show talented guys like Aries, Magnus, Roode, Angle, Joe, etc, etc.

Also, let's be honest, did anyone tune into Inpact expecting Chris Sabin to win the belt? The boost had more to do with the buildup, and the Destination X name

But the build revolved around Sabin's title shot. We may not have expected him to win but many watched to see him win. The breakdown shows people tuned in to watch the main event because it was different.
Very well then, answer this; why should that work for TNA in 2013 if it didn't work for WWE in 2002, with a better roster and more roads for publicity
The funniest part is that if it was Heyman people would be saying he would save the company from going out of business :lmao: Heyman takes money from his parents to run his business = creative genius. Dixie does it = money mark. Heyman legit didn't pay guys for a long time, some never got it at the end, but no one holds it against him. Meanwhile Dixie cuts or doesn't renew some redundant people and the company is doomed.

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