New Designs For the Intercontinental and United States Championships?

The Life Of Pablo Ren

I know my name/avi/sig don't match.
A Reddit user dvizzle, who goes by "Da Belt Guy" on, who often posts reliable scoops on WWE title belts, posted earlier that there will be new designs for the WWE Intercontinental Championship belt and the WWE U.S. Championship belt. He noted that they were looking into a new Intercontinental championship belt design back in November, and a different source is now saying that both belts will be changed.

"No eta, no clue on design other than it's NOT copies of the Big Logo," he wrote.

The user had first reported last August that the new Universal Championship belt would look like the WWE Championship, except that it would be red to represent RAW.

Personally, I'm not sure how I feel about this news. I'm a huge fan of the current designs, and I don't have much confidence in WWE making a good belt design nowadays. I know I'm in the minority here but I absolutely hate the look of the UK Championship. The middle plate is nice but it looks horrible on that strap design, that only works with the big WWE logo in my opinion. I know the reddit user said they won't be copies of the logo but I don't know if that also means that they'll be on a different kind of strap.

Plus I'm starting to wonder if that Ambrose/Shane segment from Smackdown might've been a little foreshadowing.
I read that myself a little earlier.

The IC title design is iconic, though you could make the argument that most of the belt designs are. With the IC title though, it feels that way because aside from changing the strap color, the design has stayed the same for a long time, pretty much my entire life.

I went on to read that the reason WWE wants to change the designs is because the man who designed them no longer works for WWE, yet can still claim ownership of the design, claim royalities, and use it for his own personal projects. While I hate to see the design go, I can understand WWE's reasoning there.

The US title, I'm meh on. I don't dislike the design with the Statue of Liberty and the US theme, but I don't enjoy it either.

I just wish there weren't so many design changes in such a short time lately.
There's a story I read at stating that new designs for the Intercontinental and United States Championships might be coming in the near future.

Word was put out by a Reddit user who frequents the site that they were looking into redesigning the titles back in November and that new designs are on the way. This Reddit user, known on as "Da Belt Guy" has posted reliable information lots of times regarding WWE's titles; said under reported that the SmackDown Women's Championship would have a blue background to signify the blue brand, that the SD Live tag titles would be silver with a blue strap and that the Universal Championship would be red with the same design as the WWE Championship. He states that he doesn't know what the designs for the mid-card titles will be, but that they will "NOT" be copies of "the Big Logo."

So, if this is true, then it could be very hit & miss with a lot of fans. As for me, I can't help but feel a mix of interest and trepidation. This guy has posted reliable info lots of times in the past regarding WWE's belts and the mid-card titles are the only titles on the main roster that haven't been given some sort of new design or alteration. The classic design of the IC title is iconic and I'd hate to see it go, especially if it's replacement looks lousy, and the US title has had the same design since WWE reinstated it.
I would like to see the United States Championship get a facelift. The red, white, and blue has always felt a little corny to me. Maybe it's my lack of respect for the flag in general, but it just doesn't look good on top of gold to me. Stars, Eagles. That stuff I can get behind. But leave the colors off the face of the title. Maybe they can do it with the straps instead?

As far as the IC title goes, I have loved the design with the white strap since Cody Rhodes first brought it back. It's looked great around the waist of everyone that's held it, and I think it still has some shelf life. Changing both around the same time would feel like a branding move anyway.

But whatever they do, for the love of God. Do not make them blue and red for their respective brands. If they have an ounce of humanity and decency in them, they will stay away from that route, please lord Jesus almighty, don't do it. Don't do it. Think of your family. Think of your fans. Think of everybody.
Why would they change the designs of the Intercontinental and United States Championships? Both have a solid design. I could see them perhaps getting blue and red straps respectively due to the brand split. Those two titles really stand out right now compared to the red/blue giant nickels we have for the tag titles of both brands or the four palette swaps that have shown up for the World/Universal/Womens titles. I'm a little more open to a new US Championship design than I am to a new Intercontinental Championship design as long as they keep the red, white, and blue theme to it. The Intercontinental Championship's look needs no revision at all. Still, if they go this route I'll give the new designs a chance. Heck, I wanted the big gold belt back for Raw but the Universal Championship grew on me and I love its look. Maybe the new designs will be cool for all we know.
This is a case of fixing something that isn't broken. Personally I think the US and IC Title are two of the best designed belts in WWE. I hope they don't use the blue and red straps (for Raw and SD) because that would just be a lazy design. Regardless it's not like it really matters. Just my personal taste.
As long as they don't go with the blue and red straps for brand designation, I don't mind too much. I figured they would soon since everything else has been changed. Having said that, it really is a case of fixing what isn't broken, as it has been said above. The Intercontinental Championship looks fantastic and always has; it was great when Cody brought it back in 2011. As for the United States Championship, I happen to quite like its design. It's a very unique looking belt and I think it looks great. No real need to change that either. Ah well.

I haven't been too against the new straps that they've introduced over the past couple of years, but I just hope WWE isn't lazy with their designs.
I wouldn't be surprised if both titles were designed to look the same given that it goes along with the brand split. The WWE World, Universal, Raw Women's and SmackDown Women's Championships all have the same basic design, the Raw & SmackDown Tag Team Championships have the same design so it stands to reason that the IC and US titles could have the same overall design. At the same time, however, I suppose they could also have a different design considering that the US and IC titles are basically national and international titles respectively.

As far as the colors of the straps go, that's honestly not an issue with me. Truth is, I kind of like it as it shows a degree of solidarity behind the brand exclusivity. I know that it's par for the course that all titles have a different design, that'd be fine with me if they kept with that, but I can also see the potential reasoning of not treating one set of titles of a higher importance than the other by giving each brand the same designs for their titles. Of course, I know that having virtually identical designs isn't a guarantee of all the titles being treated on a level or near level playing field but we, as fans, do have a tendency to read into every single little thing or detail that comes along. For instance, if each individual championship had a different design in the midst of the brand extension, my guess is that it wouldn't be very long before some people started to criticize WWE if they felt the belts of the blue brand didn't look as good as those of the red brand.

The red or blue strap, as I said, isn't really an issue with me, I think it's a minor aspect of the championship that can be easily and quickly remedied. The plate design, symmetry and color scheme of the plates is what makes or breaks a title's appearance with me.
I ain't sure why they're going to be changed. The designs needn't be changed, in my opinion.

I maybe am biased though since InterContinental Title is my favorite since long. The Cruiserweight Championship and UK Championship are good enough for me but I don't think that InterContinental Title needs any design change. It's still best looking title in the whole promotion.

I don't want to see the red and blue colors of specific brands added in the design either.

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