Name Change Request **50 POSTS NEEDED**

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I made a bitch bet with PWC regarding Jushin Liger and The WZ Tournament. If I lose this bet, then I would have to change my name to "Mini-Murfish" for a week. I would like to officially concede to PWC now and change my name to "Mini-Murfish" for a week. Hopefully, you will oblige me and change my name back to "tdigle" once the week is up. Thank you very much.
I made a bitch bet with PWC regarding Jushin Liger and The WZ Tournament. If I lose this bet, then I would have to change my name to "Mini-Murfish" for a week. I would like to officially concede to PWC now and change my name to "Mini-Murfish" for a week. Hopefully, you will oblige me and change my name back to "tdigle" once the week is up. Thank you very much.

The bet states, quite clearly, that this cannot occur unless Jushin Liger is knocked out of the tournament prior to the round of 16. as this has not yet happened, I cannot honor this request.
Does it matter if I change it to that tho? It's not like you put a random name for me to do. Changing it now tho.
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