Name Change Request **50 POSTS NEEDED**

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Hey please may I have my name changed to Abyss or if thats taken then Abyss!

Thanks for when you hopefully change it :)
Sexxy Jakey? I am glad Jonny hasn't changed it to that though. Y 2 Jake is better. I don't think many will want to call you that and if you had it changed, you will just remain Y2Jake to me.
Ahh the old T Murdoch 4 Pres., My junior, non mod days. Caused a bit of trouble that name so I changed it for the better I hope. You will always be ********, or Paulwall sorry. Just joking.
Done for you Jakey, sorry it took so long hadn't seen it before now.

Also can we put a stop to the spam in this Thread, especially the Mods.
Could I get my name changed from The Ghost to GhΩst, if that is not possible, than I will settle for just Ghost, but I would prefer the other.
Hey Jonny i know your the man i need to speak to in regards to the name change, i have gotten over 50 posts and am wanting to change my name to either newageoutlaw or snyper

Thank you

Come on Big Jonny Cool i have done verything required to have a name change and also to admit havent had 1 single infraction against me. (not for spamming nothing at all). I believe that i am behaving myself accordingly and should be able to atleast change my name.

Thank you
Come on Big Jonny Cool i have done verything required to have a name change and also to admit havent had 1 single infraction against me. (not for spamming nothing at all). I believe that i am behaving myself accordingly and should be able to atleast change my name.

Thank you

Calm down. I've done it for you. Dont be so impatient. Maybe Jonny's got other thing's to do.
you know just cause i was banned for a week doent mean you dont have to change it to St. Joe, plz do that plz, Thanks in advance
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