Name Change Request **50 POSTS NEEDED**

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Sorry, but can my name be changed to Murfish. I don't want to type my current name in if I have to log in.
It'll be a month tomorrow, and I might have internet access at my friends place on his PS3, but thats harder to use, so just in case, could you make my name Derf again please? Thanks a buttload.
"Cousin 'Grex". Please.

Edit: Please ignore that. I've decided against it. It was a spur of the moment idea that I'm sure I'd probably regret.
Hey. The change I am requesting is a mighty simple one, but I would appreciate it nevertheless.

All I want is the "k" in "kcorthe" to be capitalized. Making it, yes you guessed it, Kcorthe.

That is all. Thank you.
I know i have'nt got 50 posts be could somebody be so generous to put an - between shaun and baby so it reads shaun-baby, id be real greatful as i messed up when registering with the site.
I believe My 30 Day wait for another name change is up.

So can my name be changed to GO 2 SLEEP!!!
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