My sig is for you, Dave!

Why was there a fireball in the first place?! It just screams "Flash paper camera" to me.
Pothead<Pedophile? Not your best comeback Ferb, and how old is Mysterio any way?
35. Missed it by that much.

By the way, Doc:

On a weekly basis, TNA is very inconsistent with Impact. Very hard to start watching it with Taz and Tenay's awful announcing. Look at the TNA roster, who is not former WWE or WCW talent?

Dr. Stevie
Jimmy Hart
Van Dam
X Pac
Team 3D

That's over 3/4s of your roster
Not even close to as annoying as hearing people chant spear for me, but that's just opinion.

I got kinda annoyed rather quickly with the Asshole thing, I did with the spear as well although.

Pothead<Pedophile? Not your best comeback Ferb, and how old is Mysterio any way?

It wasn't ment as a complete comeback as much as saying they're giving the championship to a proved pothead over a guy who people say is a pedophile without proofs.

Cause you hate Hogan as much as you love the WWE. Opinion

True, I absolutely hate Hogan.

That's nice. Opinion


I suppose, it's just a bit late isn't it? He isn't young is he? Nope.

He's 42 yep, but it's a final push before his career ends, he's over and it's the only guy that WWE is pushing right now that is actually older than 38.



You're welcome?


It's ok. Opinion

True, just as all of the things you guys could come up with.

Sounds kind of like.... Opinion

Yep, isn't that what we base the most of our postings on here Tiger?

Jay Lethal, 25. And since you included midcard stuff, Doug Williams, and Rob Terry.

Nick is 29, Jack is 28, Wade Barrett is 29, The Miz is 29, Evan Bourne is 27, (Ted Dibiase is 27 () due to partial push) Kofi Kingston is 28, Drew McIntyre is 25 and if WWE decides to push Cody Rhodes soon he's 24.

Not great if you hate ******ed ideas WWE fanboys try to loop around into the second coming of an actual divas division that matters.

That might be true, I don't particularly find The Beautiful People anything worth to brag about as of late either way, or the Knockout division for that sake, as opposed to what WWE has going for Eve, Maryse, LayCool and now Alicia Fox perhaps.

It is isn't it?
Batista/Cena had been seen ONCE before, two years ago. They were both faces, and it was barely a feud. Totally different scenarios, totally different feud.

I stand corrected. Still thought it was dull – probably because I consider both characters boring, personally.

Lay off the Swagger story man, :( He cuts pretty good promos and puts on good matches. Not his fault he's facing the big show.

Fuck Jack Swagger, man. That guy is awful. Watch any of his interviews – he's got the reaction time of a dead snake.

I'm going to discredit Tiger and IDR's arguments right now, with one word.


On a weekly basis, TNA is very inconsistent with Impact. Very hard to start watching it with Taz and Tenay's awful announcing. Look at the TNA roster, who is not former WWE or WCW talent?

Dr. Stevie
Jimmy Hart
Van Dam
X Pac
Team 3D

That's over 3/4s of your roster

Yeah, and? Let's look at the WWE's roster and find out who isn't from FCW. Who fucking cares where talent comes from? Talent is talent. It's marks like you that harp on this bullshit nonsense about guys needing to be "homegrown" in order for a company to be legit. Funny, WCW seemed pretty fucking legit to me and they owned half (if not more) of the WWF roster – where's the shit on them for that?
I stand corrected. Still thought it was dull – probably because I consider both characters boring, personally.
Batista made it worthwhile for me. It was funny to see him be such an asshole.

Fuck Jack Swagger, man. That guy is awful. Watch any of his interviews – he's got the reaction time of a dead snake.
He only draws heat because of those damn stories he says. He sounds like my grandpa, really.
On a weekly basis, TNA is very inconsistent with Impact. Very hard to start watching it with Taz and Tenay's awful announcing. Look at the TNA roster, who is not former WWE or WCW talent?

Dr. Stevie
Jimmy Hart
Van Dam
X Pac
Team 3D

That's over 3/4s of your roster

Thanks for monopolizing pro wrestling, WWE. Time to give some back, you selfish bastard.
Batista made it worthwhile for me. It was funny to see him be such an asshole.

I liked the spotlight demand, but I just never gave a shit about Baptista (thank you, Santino), or Cena for that matter. Cena's been more enjoyable of late, but if he disappeared tomorrow, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.

He only draws heat because of those damn stories he says. He sounds like my grandpa, really.

Swagger is as useful as a dried up condom if you ask me. Total channel changer for me. Then again, so is the Miz for me, and I get a ton of flack for that, too. Guy is just obnoxious beyond repair. I know that's his gimmick, but I mean to the point that even as a mark, I change the channel, or mute the TV when he starts going off on those grating "Really? Really?!" tirades.
I liked the spotlight demand, but I just never gave a shit about Baptista (thank you, Santino), or Cena for that matter. Cena's been more enjoyable of late, but if he disappeared tomorrow, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.

Swagger is as useful as a dried up condom if you ask me. Total channel changer for me. Then again, so is the Miz for me, and I get a ton of flack for that, too. Guy is just obnoxious beyond repair. I know that's his gimmick, but I mean to the point that even as a mark, I change the channel, or mute the TV when he starts going off on those grating "Really? Really?!" tirades.
Agreed. Except for the Swagger and the dried up condom part. That would mean using him.
I adore your sig, Riaku.

I wish we had a couple more devout TNA fans still here to support the company (I think you and I are really the only two left. Tiger may be a close third) &#8211; we could come up with a whole series of them.

"My heart prefers TNA Wrestling. It's not allowed to bleed in WWE."
He's 42 yep, but it's a final push before his career ends, he's over and it's the only guy that WWE is pushing right now that is actually older than 38.

And who exactly is TNA pushing that is older than 38? Sting and Jarrett? Don't be that cunt that says they are pushing Ric Flair and Hogan cause I would love to see that.

True, just as all of the things you guys could come up with.
Yep, isn't that what we base the most of our postings on here Tiger?

No, the only thing I'm truly arguing is this whole TNA isn't pushing young guys thing.

Nick is 29


Jack is 28

I like Jack, but he looked like a bitch his entire feud with Show and just lost his title.

Wade Barrett is 29

Never looks like a legit threat without Nexus.

The Miz is 29

He's getting pushed? No. Matt Morgan got a better push.

Evan Bourne is 27

Jay Lethal.

(Ted Dibiase is 27 () due to partial push)

Not a push.

Kofi Kingston is 28

Doug Williams

Drew McIntyre is 25

Getting a push less then Kaz, who isn't absolute shit.

Now while the people I named are all a bit older than the ones you named, age is relative when old people like Kurt Angle and Shawn Micheals are all better than everyone you named. Every single one. And they will continue to be, because while pushing young talent is nice for the future, you all use it as a crutch for your argument that TNA is a failing company.

What matters now is whether the talent can still put on good matches.

That might be true, I don't particularly find The Beautiful People anything worth to brag about as of late either way, or the Knockout division for that sake, as opposed to what WWE has going for Eve, Maryse, LayCool and now Alicia Fox perhaps.

Sorry Ferb, I'd rather take a career killing heel who wins matches on her own over Laycool bullshit and Fox.

Yeah, and? Let's look at the WWE's roster and find out who isn't from FCW. Who fucking cares where talent comes from? Talent is talent. It's marks like you that harp on this bullshit nonsense about guys needing to be "homegrown" in order for a company to be legit. Funny, WCW seemed pretty fucking legit to me and they owned half (if not more) of the WWF roster &#8211; where's the shit on them for that?

They'll never get the idea that where talent comes from doesn't matter. They just won't.
I adore your sig, Riaku.

I wish we had a couple more devout TNA fans still here to support the company (I think you and I are really the only two left. Tiger may be a close third) – we could come up with a whole series of them.

"My heart prefers TNA Wrestling. It's not allowed to bleed in WWE."

:( Just because I like parts of the WWE I can't be a TNA fan now?
Yah, Tiger &#8211; you were my first tag-team partner, man. We took on KB together, remember? I'll never forget you for that, but I had to move on in my career because you weren't working enough dates. LOL.
The Miz isn't getting a push?

Huh- Wh- H

ASDFRHJFDSNNNNNNNNGH *explodes into a pile of gears and wires*

HA! I think that's my second "quote worthy" response I've gotten on this site – the other was a quip I posted about ass-men sleeping on their partner's ass at night the way I'd sleep on my girls tits and waking up with a nose full of fart – something like that. D-Man quoted it.

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