My roommate is drunk: Doc Goes To College

Does your dorm have a cafeteria in it or is that in one particular building? All my dorm building had in it was a vending machine.
OK, so today...

Well, I'll just let my Twitter explain it.

What...the...fuck? I wake up to find my roommate and two other people doing God-knows-what. Bedding is all over the floor. It's 5:42 AM!
And when he saw me awake, all he had to say was "my fault" and "my bad". What in the hell is going on??
...........Are they having a SLEEPOVER?!
A buddy of mine had issues with her roommate skateboarding in their dorm room. Resutled in a sprained ankle and a missing refrigerator.
I may have to get some good computer speakers and blast some vapid pop or dance music, just to act as a counterpoint.

Doc in six months.
Well, if all he did so far was stay up late barfing and have friends crash on the floor, consider yourself lucky.
I totally should, like right now to wake them up. They'd be pissed, but fuck it they've been waking me up for the past few days...

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