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My Least Fave Five


Pre-Show Stalwart
Every week I come to the WrestleZone Forums I always see the same old thread, My Fave Five. Of course this is a craze started by the slapstick comedy of Booker T on commentary. So why not turn the tables? Why not expose those of whom you least like on the main roster? Here's my LEAST fave five:

5. Santino Marella

We get it, he's a former Intercontinental Champion even though he plays the role of the in-ring idiot with no clue. With his apparently devastating finisher, The Cobra, his gay attire which makes him look like a Guido in a fanny-pack and his Hitler-like Moustache which I can't be bothered to check if he's had it shaven off or not, he ranks at number 5 on my Least Fave Five Superstars in WWE.

4. Randy Orton

Yeah I imagine a lot of you are scratching your heads after seeing Orton rank at number 4 on my list of my least favorite guys in WWE but then again a lot of fans are on the same wavelength as me. The transition that Orton went from being a Legend Killer who was extremely cocky and vain to a venomous and un-controllable Viper was okay UNTIL they decided that he was so over with his Viper gimmick that they turned him face which once again started okay but became stale in a matter of months and ended up with Orton being World Champion on SD something we all know we didn't want to see. Lets hope WWE see Orton's boring as a face Viper and turn him heel again.

3. Ezekial Jackson

Oh god, what a train wreck this superstar has been. It started all so well for the 300 Pound monster as he stormed to the top of ECW and became its final champion beating then fan-favourite Christian. He then went on to be drafted to Raw only to be injured but made a stunning return to join Team Raw at Bragging Rights but then a week after turned face and well, that's where it went downhill. His mic skills are just terrible and I see more charisma in Titus O'Neill than I do Big Zeke. Superstars is his home now but I don't even want him on my laptop screen.

2. Johnny Curtis

Really.... REALLY? After weeks of pouring milk on his head, making silly codes on whiteboards and painting, Johnny Curtis debuted on SmackDown in what was for me the worst debut in recent memory losing to Mark Henry in what was really the start of Henry's hall of pain. Last time I saw Curtis he was tagging with Trent Barreta but now he's missing. Where oh where is little johnny? I like his theme song though which is really out of the blue because I hate the genre.

1. Jinder Mahal

When his theme hit when he first debuted I was like " Oooo, the Indian version of Alberto Del Rio maybe?" he had the look despite the weird nose and vain on his face, theme was really anti-socialist and then what I will call ' The end of Jinder Mahal ' WWE have him join forces with the "amazingly talented", Great Khali. It left me thinking ' Who the f*** is booking this s***?'

So there you are my Least Fave Five all in good spirit. Please be entitled to post yours which I guess every single one will feature Cena.

Just missing out:

Jack Swagger

Great in the ring, still not quite there on the mic and when you have him sing the National Anthem it really makes him look like a comedy act which made me cringe.

Sin Cara I don't care the color or number

Worst feud ever! Well maybe I'm over-reacting but I feel like WWE do not care to even make this the slightest bit interesting and its backfiring on the Cara's as the original one is looking so predictable now. Sin Cara 2's theme features a cow I believe mooing, Really?!?

David Otunga

Looks like he's just been made out of plastic and moves like plastic. No actual talent, Hennig for the push!
5.Tyson Kidd, A jobber plain and simple...He has in ring skills and is somewhat okay on the mic. But a lack of T.V. time and a never ending losing streak gets him the spot.

4.jinder mahal, He seems okay in the ring...he's lacking a wow factor in his plane jane move set. He can't draw heat at all as a heel who speaks a different language that's a pretty big fail.

3.JOMO. On a losing streak...he's a fan fav but is a spot monkey...sure his moves are kool but the only ones that seem a fixed part of his moveset are the knee to the head and star ship pain....This guy also sucks on the mic and should be kept far away from any gold.

2.Randy Orton...you ever get the feeling your watching the same match over and over and over...yea thats randy orton for you. I'm not saying he's bad in the ring just over uses the same moves every match...he is also bad at selling moves. He has a robot voice that shows no emotion at all...I guess maybe that's part of his persona but it doesn't work for me.

1.Michael Cole and or J.R. ever wrestling....I know it's not a person on the roster but these 2 couldn't wrestle there way out of a paper bag....both are good on commentary just keep them there...please Vince.
5 - John Morrison - AKA Job Borrison. No offense to his fans but his current role is a joke. Just a few months ago he was main eventing a PPV for the WWE title and now what? He's a total jobber. It's not that I want to dislike him, it's just the way his character is booked makes me can't take him seriously.

4 - Ted DiBiase Jr. - Same with Morrison, I don't want to hate Ted but I just can't take his character seriously. He's obviously talented in the ring but he just can't seem to have a good character and his mic skills are awful. I just can't get behind DiBiase with him just being an "afterthought".

3 - Randy Orton - Yes, Randy Orton. All he has that does anything for me is his talent and nothing else. He has a boring character and whenever he's on the mic I really hope I'm gonna see a decent promo but unfortunately, I never do. He's very over with the crowd I'll give him that, but other than that and all the great matches he puts on I just can't see what's so damn appealing about him.

2 - David Otunga - I actually thought I was gonna finally be interested in him after seeing him get a role with Christian's stable but that never went anywhere. His ring skills are awful and he's average on the mic. Why does this guy still get some live TV time? Oh, that's right, his freaking wife. Fuck Otunga.

1 - The Big Show - I have nothing against The Big Show's great career but right now I just can't care about him one bit. He definitely shouldn't be in the world title scene while guys like Sheamus are given mid card feuds. I guess I just want Show to retire already, he does absolutely nothing for me nowadays.
5 - Kane: Had a half successful career but was never the same after taking off the mask in 2003...just doesn't have the monster factor anymore.

4 - The entire diva division except beth and natalya - most might be eye candy, but without the wrestling ability, not worth a damn.

3 - Jinder Mahal: No...just no...don't see the value in him.

2 - Johnny Ace: All round terrible. Was terrible as a wrestler, still after lord knows how many years has NO promo skills...vince needs to keep him behind the scenes where he belongs.

1 - Santino: Never rated his in ring ability and as far as his finisher goes, might as well start finishing matches with a slap.
Sticking to guys currently appearing regularly in the WWE:

5) Otunga - guy does nothing for me, has to real talent apart from being married to a famous lass who I know nothing about anyway. Has an alright look but that's about it from what I can fathom.

4) Alicia Fox - why shes going over Natalya on TV I have no idea. No real talent. Yea she's hot but then again so is every Diva and I'm sure they could replace her with pretty much any hot chick so yea useless.

3) Michael Cole - it's got so old. I just want to hear my commentators call matches. Plus he's become Vince's tool for bullying old JR and I hate that. You have the best commentator in the buisness at the moment being embarrassed by a guy who is average and is currently letting his character destroy any skill he has.

2) Jinder Mahal - just doesn't do anything for me in any way. Dull and totally uninspiring. I was momentarily interested in him when he first debut but that lasted all of minutes.

1) I can't spell Laurinitis or whatever it is so Johnny Ace - I have no idea who thought it would be a good idea to put this guy on TV every week. Standing behind Mcmahon being his lapdog was fine but as a major heel and someone who I assume will be only getting ever more major? Why!? People can't think his promos are good. He gets heat but I have a feeling it's go away heat. You can see they're trying to make him into another Vickie but she actually has some charisma.
John Cena - Yeah, that's right I'm not going to leave him off because it's become cliche. I hate him because he only has 5 mov... Ha, No I don't hate him at all and I respect him and see why he is so popular. I just really do not relate to him in any way and therefore he bores me because he happens to be the face of the WWE right now (which I have no problem with) he is on TV a lot and seeing as I am not a fan it does get boring but I blame others for not being able to run with any ball, because Cena definitely does not "bury" anybody. Now it's changed quite a bit and there are many entertaining current guys, girls on the roster, which pleases me. So yeah I dislike Cena the WWE character because the whole gimmick just is not for me.

John Morrison - Never been a fan and unless he has a gimmick change never will be. His matches do not entertain me despite the fact I will admit at times he can pull off some impressive moves. He doesn't 'light my fire'.

Rey Mysterio - I guess I am not a fan of high flyers in general with a few exceptions. I never liked Rey in WCW and nothing has changed. He has become really stale and age does not mix well with his wrestling style.

Kofi Kingston - Never understood why people want him in the main event picture. I would be interested in a heel turn or just some depth to his character.

Vickie - Her voice, eurgh. Hats off to her for getting the heat but it's like a knitting needle through my eardrums. (I cheated because I can't really think of anymore wrestlers I dislike enough to mention.)
5) Jinder Mahal. thought he might could be something decent in the mid card but his skills are limited, his promo skills are lacking, and he just looks strange!
4) Johnny Curtis. Looks to have jobber written all over him, don't see anything special in him.
3) The Great Khali (if you still count him). horrible all the way round, no other way to say it. (If he doesn't count anymore, then I replace him w/ Hornswaggle. Just tired of him, i know the kids love him, but to have him in matches, and actually winning them was a disgrace).
2) David Otunga. Horrible in the ring, promo's look HEAVILY scripted. plain, boring... wouldn't have a job if it weren't for Jennifer Hudson.
1) Santino Marella. Couldn't stand him ever since he beat Umaga. That was just complete B.S. and now he is even worse that he is a complete comedy jobber w/ THE WORST FINISHER IN HISTORY. they should fire all of these guys, there is no future in any of them.
5.Mason Ryan: Over Hype wrestler.
4.Kelly Kelly: When she was champion I believe she brought nothing to the divas division.
3.Cody Rhodes: Only he is this number is not because of his wrestling ability but his talking it sounds like some one is typing his words into some computer talking program.
2. Johnny Ace: Cant spell his last name, sucks the energy out of the building anytime he show up.
1. JOHN CENA. Over Hyped, underskilled, annoying.
gonna go by guys who actually get air time...

5. Heath Slater- need I say more?

4. Kane- was irrelevant before losing the mask, and now is just worthless.

3. John Morrison- good talent, one of the worst gimmicks ever

2. Jinder Mahal- enough trying to appease everyones race/culture. the guy is mediocre in the ring and has no redeeming qualities in his character

1. David Otunga- we all agree on this one.

This list was very hard to narrow down to five. so many names left off. daniel bryan, santino, big show, michael mcguilicutty, the uso's, JTG, Brodus Clay, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Ezikiel Jackson, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd.
1. Santino. S*it move set/finisher, looks like a complete gimp and to this day I've never seen him put in a 'realistic' performance. Let's face it he's as irrelevant as NXT is right now.
2. JTG. What a waste of space. To be fair, technically he's not the worst but damn his gimmick and run in the WWE has been nothing short of CRINGE worthy.
3. Otunga. I just don't see it. Technically poor and cant speak for toffee. This bloke has been given the time to work on his trade and improve his craft, yet I haven't seen much of that in the ring.
4. Jerry Lawler. I had a mid 90's ppv marathon last week, folks Jerry Lawler used to be funny, sharp, controversial, witty yet informal. It was a pleasure listening to him. Shame every skill I listed seems to have left him or he's just got TOO comfortable in his headset. Weather it's old age or the PG thing, the guy has lost a step too many for me.
5. Kane. What a shame he's made my s*it list. I respect Mr.Jacobs career and the length of his run, but he's last WHC run was hard to get into. Yea in a way he deserved it but I feel 'the big red monster' left us years ago. It will be interesting to see how he will be booked when he returns, hopefully something different. I'm not asking for a mask or dreadful bondage gear. A bad ass will do!!
5: Sin Cara: I have never cared for Sin Cara, I do feel however that the WWE is holding him back and that he could be much better. But as of right now, there is nothing too good about him, his feud with Sin Cara Negro didn't impress me one bit. I have a feeling that Sin Cara is just going to end up like Ultimo Dragon.

4: Daniel Bryan: I didn't really want to put him on this list, because I have tried for a while to get into him, but I don't see things all that spectacular in him, besides being a great performer, but the WWE isn't using him right, if he really is going to cash in MITB at WrestleMania I have a feeling that he could make it onto my Fave 5. (Don't give me hate for this, as I said I have tried to like Daniel Bryan, and I want to see him have a good future)

3:: Heath Slater: Man, I hate this guy, I really do, everytime I step into the ring, I cringe. He is an average worker, but that isn't going to be enough. You have guys in FCW like Seth Rollins working and trying their hardest to make it on the main roster, and all I see in Heath right now, is a wasted roster space...

2: Tyson Kidd: ........... No Comment

1:: John Laurinaitis: Whether it be his voice, the decisions he makes, or the dumb things he says, I don't like him, I never will. I know he is not a wrestler, but still.. This guy is just terrible. I can't wait until he is off of TV (crosses fingers)
5. jinder mahal

4.cody rhodes i seriously cant get past his chicken legs that look like you could snap em like a twig

3.santino the joke marella something about him i dont like

2 michael cole i cant stand him at all he hasn't made me hate him i honestly hate him as a person i wish he would lose his voice

1 THE really really annoying miz he is some one that A. isnt believable B cant talk C cant wrestle CENA carried him at mania CENA D. i find it remarkable that he is past low-mid card whos he giving reach arounds to? the only thing that is good about him is when he gets beat down by insert faces name here id love for a botched gts or rko that gives him brain damage i seriosly cannot stand him as a person or a wrestler
5. Michael Cole - Ever since Cole turned heel and had the feud with Lawler, he has been consistantly annoying the fuck out of me. He is not entertaining. He is definitely not funny. I used to love commentary and he has single handedly ruined that for me. Take Miz's dick out your mouth, stop hating on DB, and quit trying to sound smart at Booker T's expense, that's just too easy. PLEASE NEVER WRESTLE AGAIN! Go back to being the little backstage bitch that DX and the Rock picked on in the attitude era. Michael Cole is too smart to not have a place in the WWE, but I just absolutely hate his commentary and character these days...and there is no escaping the guy.....he's the "voice".

What I hope happens next: He becomes a heel manager and manages top guys.

4. Mason Ryan - Of course I see the potential. I also see the resemblance to Batista. Ha ha. I never really liked Batista and I don't think Ryan will ever be as good as Batista....so what does that tell you? Dude has an incredible physique, but that doesn't guarantee shit.

What I hope happens next: Changes his look and proves me wrong by becoming a great in-ring performer and superstar.

3. Michael McGillicutty - Boring personified. He sucked on NXT. Corny name. Horrible haircut. No charisma. Otunga-cutty has to be one of the most forgettable teams ever. Tried to look tough by wearing a backward baseball cap down to the ring....and failed miserably.

What I hope happens next: He takes a break and comes back as Joe Henig or something that acknowledges his heritage....or doesn't come back at all. Wouldn't miss him.

2. Ezekiel Jackson - Started off kinda liking him when he was with Regal in ECW. Haven't liked anything since. Not a single memorable match or promo in my opinion. It's reigns like his that have destroyed the IC title's worth. Rhodes couldn't have taken it off him sooner.

What I hope happens next: Future endeavored. Success elsewhere.

1. Justin Gabriel - Take all of the negative stuff I said about the four previous guys, add it up, you get my opinion of Gabriel. I'll give him the sweet looking finisher, he nails it perfectly everytime, but who cares? I never want to see him win. He's a feminine type character in my opinion and stuck out in the original Nexus as such. I'd honestly much rather see where Heath Slater's career and character are going.

What I hope happens next: The only thing that I can possibly think of that I want to see involve Justin Gabriel is the re-formation of the original Nexus with Barrett, Slater, DB, Otunga, Tarver, Skip, and Black Cena. If they do that right it could be bigger than the first time, but they don't necessarily need all 8 of the originals and Justin Gabriel's name is definitely on the "we can do without" list.
5. Cody Rhodes/Randy Orton - Their voices just irritate me

4. Booker T - His character on the commentating is just awful, he constant harping on about 'This guy being in his Fave 5', and his 'street' talk makes me cringe.

3. John Cena - I've always been a hater of the Super Faces - The Rock, Cena, etc - but I really don't understand John Cena more than most, at least The Rock has charisma in the ring, and sold his moves, and the moves of others. Cena and his 5 move move set and his lack of a stand out personality on the mic make him fit in with the rest on this list.

2. David Ortunga - Who? Why do we care if you have a Harvard Law Degree? Can you actually wrestle? Nuff Said.

1. Santino Maella - Squeaky little ballbag that he is. Awful wrestler, awful character, F*****G AWFUL FINISH. Vince, please fire this idiot.

His character, lack of actually being able to commentate, and WWE's insistance on always giving him matches make me wonder why they even bother with him. He's not a commentator, he's not a wrestler, he's not anything except a platform for Vince's hate of JR, so why is he there at all. No one likes him, no one respects his opinion, and no one even likes listening to his voice... GET HIM OFF TV!!!
John Larenitis/Laurenitis/Larangitus/WTF-ever
'I am the EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND INTERIM GENERAL MANAGE OF...' 'Shut The F*** Up' Jesus Christ I wish he'd shut up. The most boring thing on TV at the moment, and my girlfriend watches soaps!!!
Counting down from bad to worse, here goes.

#5. Heath Slater- I don't get his character, and he seems to be a bit of a trouble maker. I don't know where his character is trying to head. Sometimes he reminds me of a poor man's Edge, with the hair and the long pants. I think his run in WWE has ran its course.

#4. Big Show- For a guy that is 7 foot and 400 hundred pounds, he is surprisingly not intimadating.Ever since he came to WWE they have used him from monster heel, to big fat joke, and everything in between. He goes from being the first guy to beat Lesnar to losing to guys like Swagger, and acting like a fool copying Hogan and Rikishi. Then there's the time Eddie sprayed him with sewer.( That one was kinda funny.) To me, I don't know if it's his bad acting, or big teddy bear looks, he has just never came off as a guy I could take seriously. His returning feud with Henry, too me is boring as hell. We all know he won't win and it's just a fill in time feud til maybe the New Year when Henry battles with Orton or sheamus. I appreachiate him putting over power guys like Lesnar, and Cena. I think that is what he`ll end up being known for the most. I don`t really see where his character goes after this feud. Back to being just another guy more than likely.

Number 3. Randy Orton- He is on my list for mainly one reason, his character, since going to smack Down, is so damn borring. Like someone else already wrote, it`s like watching the same match over and over again. Back in 2009 when he was having that heated feud with Cena for who is the top guy in the bussiness, I think that was some of his best work. Ever since he lost that feud, and turned face, he has just turned into another John Cena, Smackdown version. I think his character desparately needs a major heel turn, hopefully against Sheamus, with the battling it out for top spot on S.D. Orton use to be one of my favorites, and now I could care less about his matches as this boring face. WWE creative team seem to be in self destruct mode these days with what they are doing to the product. They need to listen to the fans more, or a lot of careers are going to be waisted.

Number 2. Booker T. on comentary- Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes of the year made by the WWE was putting Booker on Comentary. When he first came back I was thrilled because I thought he was going to get back in the ring again, but soon as he headed for the announce table I knew it was going to be trouble. Besides the fact that he doesn`t have the right kind of voice for comentary, the majority of the things he says seems to make no sense. If they have him there for some kind of comedy relief, well then, not bad, but I hope he goes back in the ring soon before WWE ruins his legacy, as well.

Number 1. Super Cena- If there is one person I could say that is ruining wrestling for me , it would be Cena. Back in 2005, when he was the doctor of thuganomics, and won the WWEC. for the first time I was a fan of his. His character was fresh and still edgy. But, as the years have gone by, with him becoming a goody to shoes, stale as hell, and basically a walking, talking billboard, my liking for him has disappeared. The Cena of old is gone and replaced by a modern day version of Hogan for the Kiddies. I don`t know, after 6 years of this character even the kids have got to be getting sick of this Ce-Nation crap. When I was a kid I cheered mostly for the heels like Andre and anyone who picked on Hogan. Even in Star Wars I liked Darth Vader a lot more than Luke or obi wan. It was cool to go for the heel, and seen wimpy to go for the good guy. I don`t no why so many kids are stuck on John, I do the same thing every week and still can`t wrestle, Cena. Maybe it`s his colourful clothes, or how he acts like a marine, or panders to the kids like some muscle-bound, barney, kiss ass. What ever it is, it`s beyond sicking, and repeditive. His character needs a heel turn, and a new face IE. C.M.Punk needs to take Super Cenas spot or I think a lot of the die hard wrestling fans are going to start watching something else on Monday and Friday. watching the same guy do the same thing week after week, with nothing really ever changing is an insult to the adult fans intelligence. We deserve better because if it wasn`t for us buying all the WWE PPV`s and merchandise for the past 20 odd years, there wouldn`t be a WWE today. Show some respect to your loyalist, WWE, and throw us a bone worth chewing on.
5. Zach Ryder - I know a lot of people like him, but I don't. To me, he's just another comedic character used to mock popular society. He's alright in the ring, but there's a lot of guys I'd consider significantly better.

4. John Morrison - I want him to succeed, but he's a lost cause at this point. Every time he comes out to wrestle it feels like a waste of time because he's obviously going to lose. I don't know why they give him the longest matches, either. Why spend time on someone on the brink of release? His promos are terrible and so, consequently, he just doesn't do them anymore. And as a result he has no personality.

3. John Cena - I know, I know. It's a cliche. I just... well, I don't care, actually. He's dull on the mic, predictable in the ring, and I'm just sick of the routine. There's a lot to admire in his character: he has a moral compass, he's the all-around good guy, and he does work hard. But I like the edgy personalities, the guys who you never quite know what to expect next. He's just too average in everything he does and it certainly doesn't help that he's force fed every week. My complaints about Cena are no different than anyone else's.

2. Christian - I wish I knew why I didn't like him, but I really don't. He has a decent look, he's good between the ropes, and he's pretty good on the mic. But his character is just bland to me. He's morphed into this whiny, crybaby type that's never really appealed to me. And I simply can't see him as a main eventer or world champion.

1. Kevin Nash - His presence irritates me on many levels. I know he can't put on a better than average -- if that -- match. He cuts the same promos as he did 10 years ago. The angle he's in right now is drab. There's just nothing he brings to the show right now that makes me want to stay tuned in. In fact, when he comes slumbering into view, I reach for my remote.

EDIT: And yes, Michael Cole is effing terrible. I didn't include him because he's not a wrestler, he's just a filler character that unfortunately robs TV time from the people who should be getting it -- as in, like, any wrestler at all.
5: Great Khali, He brings nothing to the ring or sport in general. No ring presence, can't talk and his only move is a chop and the head vice. Needs to leave post haste.

4: Cody Rhodes, I like the kid and think he has potential, but I have a weird thing about what wrestlers are supposed to look like, and honestly he looks like he is wrestling in his tighty whiteys. Knee pads and wrist tape would go a long way to fix that. (At least he wears the belt, thats another subject though)

3: Kelly Kelly, OMG something about her simply makes me want to smack the crap out of her(violence agains women is bad MmmKay, its a hypothetical) Those false eye lashes, the stupid spin around for an hour head scissors, yeah just go away Kelly.

2: Heath Slater, He is a poor man's Edge, and by poor I mean the dude sitting on the side of the road drinking sterno. Has no real markatable skills, no look to really speak of, and honestly I can't remember a decent match he has been in.

1: Michael Cole, If he spontaniously combusted on national TV, that would be the biggest thing he would ever do for a draw. He SUCKS on commentary and really drags down the show. When it was him, JR, and King, you could tall King and JR wanted to do commentary, but Cole wouldn't shut up long enough to let us hear anything. He reminds me of that kind in highschool who thought he was better than everyone, and realized as soon as he got punched in the mouth he wasn't. Cole need a good punch in the mouth.
5. Heath Slater - I don't think he has anything what so ever. He adds nothing to the WWE. He doesn't stand out and he doesn't contribute anything. He has no character and he has a look about him thats different but in a bad way.

4. John Morrison - I used to be a huge JoMo fan but I came to realize that he sucks. He is up there with some of the worst mic workers in the WWE and he has a bland gimmick. he is also a butch fiend. He was once a future main eventer but I see that never happening. I say he will be out of the WWE in less then 5 months and of course we will see him back but in TNA.

3. David Otunga - He may have the look but thats it. He is pure garbage on the mic and his in ring work is atrocious. The only reason they are keeping him is so they can capitalize on his wife. Hoping they can use her in some compacity in the future.

2. Horswoggle - He just needs to go. He is to the WWE now what Gillberg was to the WWE in the 90's. He is a waste of TV time that should be given to someone who deserves it.

1. John Cena - I'm sorry he has done a lot for people and the WWE but I just can't stand the guy. He cant take a simple bump. Landing on his ass or side half the time. He does the same shit in every match. Get his ass kicked then makes a come back. What really pisses me off about Cena is that he refuses to change and evolve.
5.) Daniel Bryan- the one thing michael cole is right about...he's a loser and a nerd
4.) David Otunga- a waste of space, no talent whatsoever
3.) Jinder Mahal- I hate his face, and can't understand him half the time, how i am supposed to boo him just cause he's yelling in a foreign language randomly? His character is just stupid
2.) Randy Orton- everything about him screams heel so I have no idea why the kids love him and he's a face, you can't have a psycho who hears voices in his head be a good guy! Makes no sense
1.) Heath Slater- hate everything about this guy, from his look to his voice to his undeserving sense of accomplishment, i hope he's gone soon
The 3 people who named Kane are ridiculous!!! He has done most of his sidistic work without his mask on. How can u insult his title reign in 2010?? He beat the Undertaker in 3 Straight ppv title matches!! You guys are unbelieveable
jeff jarrett- No one has ever paid money to see Jeff Jarrett, yet somehow he's a ten time world champion.
john morrison- he really bores the hell out of me.(cant see why girls drool over him either)
jack swagger- iv'e never seen a full swagger match.
hardys- hobbies of getting high or drunk
Side Note: Im by no means a fan of guys like Heath Slater, JTG, Jinder Mahal, etc. but atleast guys like this most of you put in your least fave five are somewhat unique looking and have atleast average wrestling ability. Unlike those I am about too name...

5.)The Great Khali AND Ranjin Singh - How this guy was ever considered a "World Champion" is WAY beyond me! worst wrestling skills in the buisness today! and now he is older and considering retirement after a short lived " wrestling career"? Ya he needs to go!

4.)Johnny Curtis - This guy has lackluster written all over him. He isn't even superstars worthy, why they get rid of guys like masters and kaval and keep this shmuck is beyond me.

3.)Darren Young - From the second NXT debuted he was my least favorite and since then, excluding the guys who have been fired, he has done NOTHING! He is still on NXT for god sake!!!! And now a wellness violation, he should be gone asap!!!!

2.)Santino Marella - He was funny for about 10 seconds as Santina and that was it. Does anyone remember he was just an audience member from Italy that Bobby Lashley won the IC title for????HAHA!! I didnt think so!!! Sorry this guy isnt funny anymore but his career sure is. Also his gimmick more bland than Cena or Mysterio!

1.)Hornswoggle - Just for the record met him several a time, absolutley NICEST guy in the world! Humble, nice, really just a stand out guy, and in the buisness he works in poor little fella probably has been through alot. And i know kids love him, but to steal a line from the Miz....Really? a midget wrestler(now a wrestling teacher on NXT, which is sad too say, but even more laughable)in 2011???? REALLY???? this was a stupid gimmick when they tried it in the 80's, and ALOT stupider in the 90's. Not to mention all that aside the man has already won the cruiswerweight title twice if im not mistaken? atleast once im sure of(which is the only gold he will ever hold). And the reason (Finlay) he started his gimmick is gone and his gimmick is WAY played out anyway. He has more than run his course.
5: Hornswoggle... Do i really need to go into that.

4: Daniel Bryan. I just don't find the guy that interesting

3:Wade Barret. He's pretty meh in the ring and and I don't see anything special about his mic skills. Yes, he can talk, but he's not great

2: Miz I can't stand him at all. He still comes off as the reality star to me. He doesn't have a gimmick he is a gimmick

1::Zack Ryder He's alright in the ring..As much as the 10% loves Him he's just a bad comedic character
Nice thread.
In no particular order:

David Otunga-
No acting skill, brings nothing to the ring. I find it difficult to refrain from using the clicker when he's on which is also how I feel about...

Johnny Ace-
I really dunno what his appeal is. Whether he is there to get that Vickie heat but for me I'd pay someone to get him off my TV.

Cole The Wrestler-
No just no. Someone can come in and give him a beating of a lifetime would be much better use of him in the squared circle. I don't mind his commentary though. I like it at times.

Heath Slater-
See David Otunga.

Daniel Bryan-
In a pitiful way, because I dunno where his booking is going but he looks horrible and weak. He really needs to get some direction for God's sake he's the only Money In The Bank left. It makes me cringe everytime he loses.
This is my first post ever :)

5. Randy Orton- I find his match's boring and all come out the same, with him picking up the victory.

4. Masen Ryan- Never really cared much for him. I don't see him ever being as successful as Batista was.

3. Big Show- This guy just needs to retire already. I don't find him very entertaining.

2. John Laurinaitis- He as absolutely no emotion when it comes to speaking, He's like a robot. I think John Morrison has better mic skills then Laurinaitis does.

1. Christian- I absolutely hate his character, It's so annoying. Every time he opens his mouth it's always about one more match at a title he doesn't really deserve in my eyes.

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