MVP released

No big loss here..

The guy is verging 40 and his in ring ability was digressing.
People will say he was good on the stick and could sell a story.. And that's all fine and dandy but if you don't have the complete package your wasting your time. Nobody would pay to see MVP main event in a singles match.

He wasn't helped by having the worst Face turn I can ever remember, I'm actually surprised how long he lasted.

Yes when he arrived as the fresh overpaid cocky heel he hit the ground running and created a solid name for himself But being the bad guy in this industry is not very difficult. Fair play to the guy he had an entertaining run with the US Title but at the end of the day was never going to be "Main-Event" material.

And to the minute few claiming he could of been World Champ I sincerely worry for the WWE's future if it revolves around your predictions.
The new guy above me summed this up for me. MVP had maybe the single worst face turn in WWE history. He was a great heel and should have stayed heel once it was realized that being a face simply wouldn't work for him.

Not to mention he really didn't have a fighting chance anyway. He's nearly 40 years old...and a convicted felon who nearly spent a decade in jail. He had no chance in Vince McMahon's PG era. Wrestlezone mentioned that may have had a factor in why he ultimately asked for his release, but this was a long time coming. He had no reason to be used and no storyline would make sense for him. Turning him heel would have been the logical way of doing things, but there are too many heels as it is.

And for anyone who's thinking this... MVP wouldn't last in TNA. Period.
A few minutes after I saw this thread I was watching smackdown when I saw the MVP + Kaval vs Dolph Ziggler and DMac and I dunno if it's just me but did anyone else think that Kaval and MVP put on a phenominal show together? I dunno what it was about them that made them look so awesome together, might've been that awesome posing or their power rangeresque uniforms but something about this match was incredible and i was deeply disappointed that we'll never have a chance to see what could have been an incredible team of MVP and Kaval, did anyone else agree or was it just me marking out over this match?
Well, at least he had a good last match.

Tis a shame really, surely there was some use for him. Why the fuck waste the last two years when he was utter garbage and not over at all to release him when he had suddenly turned the corner? To think that spiffy theme song will go to waste now.

Shame as he could have been useful, surely, sucks that he never did become what we thought he would.
Some people think MVP getting released was terrible. They think he had main event potential and should have been world champion. Others think MVP getting released was great. They don’t think there’s any way he should have been a main event star. I’m disappointed to see MVP go. I never thought he should be world champion and I don’t think it’s a huge loss for WWE, but I am disappointed nonetheless.

I didn’t think there was anything wrong with MVP right where he was. He was an experienced mid card performer and there’s nothing wrong with that. Some people think mid carder is an insult but it’s not. Wrestling needs mid carders and MVP was a good one. So while I didn’t see world championships in his future I still think MVP was valuable to WWE. There are a lot of good mid card wrestlers right now, but most are heel. MVP was a good opponent for guys like Alberto Del Rio, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, or Tyler Reks. There are some good mid card faces too but as far as I’m concerned you can never have too many and the heels greatly outnumber the faces right now.

Truthfully MVP’s departure probably won’t be very noticeable. I would have preferred that MVP stayed but I’ve seen hundreds of guys come and go so life in WWE will go on.
I'm gonna miss seeing MVP on Friday nights. I think he owned his character really well, and you could tell he was working hard. I hadn't seen Smackdown for a while, but when I saw his match with Ziggler, I thought "he's really bulked up!" His matches were so entertaining, and I honestly think he wasn't to bad as a fan favorite. I hope he comes back someday; good luck MVP!

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