WWE is listing TNA iMPACT! results on their homepage! WTF?


R.I.P Benoit Family
Here is the link to the TNA iMPACT! results on the WWE's page. It is redirected from their homepage, which has a new feature called "Industry News" and lists stories from other wrestling web sites, including WrestleZone.com.

Here's the link. http://www.wwe.com/inside/industrynews/6548604

They also have March dates for TNA house shows, and even have the pre-sale password for Lockdown. Also included are some backstage things that WWE doesn't want their fans to know, like Vince getting called-out by US Congress on steroid issues. This is the weirdest shit the WWE has ever put on their website. In the past, they haven't even acknowledged that other wrestling promotions exist (other than the ones that they bought-out). When they acquired Monty Brown, they only mentioned that he played in the NFL, and didn't even mention his past experience in TNA. WTF is up with that?
Wow, this is...odd? I'm not really sure what to think of this. I'm sure TNA is pissed about their results being displayed on WWE.com. I can't believe that WWE even let this happen. As thecruiser said, WWE never mentions other promotions and acts as if they don't exists. The only good that this can do TNA is get them exposure and viewers, kind of like when WCW announced that Mankind was going to win the title that turned the Monday Night Wars to the WWF's favor. But that would occur on a much, and I do mean much, smaller scale.
This is really really odd ! I can't believe this, first time ever I see WWE
listing TNA name and being exposed on issues like Vince getting called-out by US Congress, this is extremely weird, the only question that every one wants to know is WHY ?

on the other hand, when you forget the word WHY and when you deal with
what happening right now, I see this is very unusual chance for TNA to get
popular more and more and unusual chance for them to make the ratings
higher than ever, if TNA didn't take that GOLDEN advantage and start
correcting the mistakes and stop the crappy angles and forget to do
a Wrestling show for kids and do it for adults with attractive storylines and
making sence, I can see the revolution can be start this year, but
Please get out of Florida and Spread all over the US and sell the tickets,
millions and millions visit WWE.com, and now WTF WWE promoting them,
promoting there name there shows and even Lock Down, I don't know
what the hell is going on here, but if I was TNA creative I would make
a BIG TIME change that will revolutionize TNA this is the time Dammm it,
the only question is : Why WWE did that ?, and How long this is gona last.
WTF is really the best thing to say in this situation... i mean really, theres no point in WWE doing this o_O... i dont get why they would do this, it actually helps TNA, plus TNA isnt even a threat yet, why the F*** would they do this? if it was WCW i would get it... does this mean TNA is finally getting on WWEs nerves?, i really have no idea, but its interesting, hey maybe now that TNA starts going live this could only help them lol

and maybe TNA starts posting up smackdown and ecw results?? now we will have internet wars by both comapnies? lol wtf.... i dont get this, but i like it...
Why do i need to come to wrestlezone for backstage gossip. WWe.com is the one stop shop for wrestling. Man this is great. This will not help out TNA. All WWE fans already know about TNA. WWE has been turning around for the good lately. The have brought back the shock treatment. The way they are doing stuff now i can allmost believe Bobby Laskey will do a suprise return. WWE RULES
Well this isn't new for WWE. After all they gave ECW some exposure back in the day. Maybe they believe competition is good or they don't really see TNA as competition. I have to say putting it on their web site is interesting, lol maybe they think TNA needs all the help they can get. Now if they start with some lucha libre and some Japanese wrestling on there and it will get really interesting.
Well, they have also posted the card for the next ROH PPV as well. I think this is more about the WWE trying to make WWE.com the one stop/best wrestling web site out there. This info does not pop up when the page loads, you have to click on the industry news tab. I can also see this as a way for Vince to act hollier than thou, just as he did with ECW. Which is always so funny to me, as Raw going to TNA/Spike, is what dealt the deathblow for the company.
Before anyone gets confused, WWE.com did NOT post the spoilers for TNA, they posted the results from LAST NIGHTS show. Why? I have no idea. I really don't. But it is an interesting thing. What this could do is possibly create a Spoiler Free place where you can still learn the whole backstage going-ons, and not all that other crap. This way, it keeps the casual fan updated on the real world without ruining any surprises. I like that idea. I really see no immediate harm from this.
This is like history in the making! I mean thats wierd did you ever see WCW mentinoned slightly on WWE before they brought it out? To be honest its a great move for TNA I think, I mean think how many visistors a day WWE.com gets TNA is getting free attention as well as ROH. I think WWE should continue this, maybe they are trying to get TNA noticed more so they can actually start a decent competition? Whatever it is, its cool!
the part of the website that has tna impact's results on it is called INDUSTRY news. when they're talking about the industry, they're talking about every major promotion in the business today, which includes TNA and ROH.
I actually like this new change from WWE, they have nothing to lose by posting news about the "competition." For one thing I'm sure they'll see a nice revenue increase in from ads due to greater traffic on their site. They know fans read internet news, so why not acknowledge the fact and put it up on their site. By giving TNA and ROH some free publicity I think it says, "yes these other promotions are out there, they have some talent, but WWE is still the biggest and best show." Now whether that's true or not is a matter of opinion, but I will say my respect for WWE has increased somewhat with this move. Kudos to them.
i just think its because they dont see TNA as competition whatsoever, i myself have never been a fan of TNA its mostly WWE rejects...with a couple of exceptions...christian...angle.....but i do like AJ Styles, they really need to step it up if this is what WWE is going to do, free exposure=step up the damn product and take advantage!!!!!!!
WWE is also posting TNA LIVE EVENTS schedule and even that Sabin and Shelly will be on MTV's made. This is amazing. Also posting ROH news! What the hell is WWE doing.
WWE has nothing to lose by doing this. For one it's got people talking. More people will be visiting WWE.com than TNAwrestling.com or ROHwrestling.com. It's got people talking.

If they hire anybody from either promotion, then WWE fans might at least know the name.

And WWE needs competition. If they have to promote it to get it, then that's fine. People might watch an episode of TNA or ROH because of this. Then then might decide that WWE is far superior, or the other promotions aren't for them.
What's really interesting is how they link to site's like Wrestlezone. Sites that give spoilers to fans.

Why would WWE want their fans linking to a site that will have spoilers for their upcoming ECW's, Smackdown's, and even angles? I just don't get it.

Are they maybe trying to work more with dirtsheet sites and slowly kill them off somehow?

So many questions.
I'm not totally sure about this, but maybe they are showing off their power by saying 'We aren't even threatened by you, so we can advertise you without concern.'

I don't think they would be trying to kill us off. Another possibility could be that they want competition and are trying to help everyone, but mostly themselves.

They might even trying to be friendly saying 'ok we are all apart of the wrestling community so lets work together.'

Idk whatever works for them, who knows what they are really doing.
Basically, I agree with Jake on this one. What harm is this going to do to the WWE? Everyone knows there is another promotion called TNA; it's not like fans are being made aware for the first time. And it's under 'industry' news, so of course it'll be up there, maybe so people can see the cards they have, and think it isn't worth watching?

Or, people will watch an episode, make their ratings go up for a week, before deciding that the WWE is just a lot better, which at the moment at least it is. I'm a fan of TNA, but WWE is better right now, and ROH just isn't worth mentioning most of the time. If TNA suddenly get more ratings in the industry, WWE fans will know not to go to watch it as they have been disapointed by them in the past. It could work out quite well for the future, by knocking TNA down in peoples minds, before they become better.
There are a number of reasons this may be being done by WWE....

1. so people can begin to recognize names, for when WWE sighns them away. Fans may be looking at the news and the results, and become familure with, and begin to recognize names from over and over. May that have helped "Marcus Cor Von" when he came along?? Maybe....and maybe it wouldve helped Chris Harris and Ron Killings as well.

2. Maybe the WWE thinks that they can get more traffic to THEIR website, and not to the other companies website. WWE figures there are probably a very large number of joint veiwers, who watch both major promotions, and may now think they can just go to WWE.com to see the news and Incfo that they need

3. And the reason I most belive they are doing this. True, there may be results, and happenings on there. But you know what is NOT on there???........WWE SPOILERS!!!....I think they are trying to appeal to, or trick IWC fans into just going to WWE.com for their news and info, instead of turning to websites such as WZ, becuase they are trying so feverishly to stop leaks, and spoilers. Well if people can get their info from WWE.com, why go elsewere??...and then WWEs suprisees, sighnings, and storylines dont get revealed. Its them trying to act like they dont care about Kayfabe, when in reality, they are trying to preserve it.
What's really interesting is how they link to site's like Wrestlezone. Sites that give spoilers to fans.

Why would WWE want their fans linking to a site that will have spoilers for their upcoming ECW's, Smackdown's, and even angles? I just don't get it.

Are they maybe trying to work more with dirtsheet sites and slowly kill them off somehow?

So many questions.
Their either trying to hurt sites like this, or they have finally, after many years, realized that we fans are not the marks we used to be, and demand inside information.

The popularity of sites like Wrestlezone and others should be enough to show Vince what the fans want and demand, and he would be a total fool to ignore it.

As far as him opening up and giving out the kind of info this site gives, I don't think that will happen anytime soon. I also would be very, VERY reluctant to trust any inside info coming out of wwe.com. Vince has a history of insulting our intelligence, which is odd because he truly seems to appreciate his fans most times.

The industry has been broken wide open in the last ten years, and Kayfab isn't just dead, it has rotted away into nothingness. Fans demand inside info, and they will get it one way or another.

As far as competition is concerned, it is healthy, and forces both companies to step it up. I hope to see more stuff like this happening in the future.
WWE is alot better then TNA and ROH.......I never Knew about TNA UNtill i saw mr.ass and road dogg saying something about WWE and the reformation of DX thats wat pissed me off i grew up with WWE before it was WWF and i know how young i am i knew about the legends all of them and when TNA does something like how WWE is this or that it pisses me off sorry TNA fans but WWE is jus better oooo nd TNA copies WWE alot like chrisian jumping off a ladder like jeff hadry did at wrestlemania 23 so yea nd this industry thing with WWE ptting TNA is vince know TNA sucks at ratings so vince is guna help TNA and ROH we the WWE meed competition
There are a number of reasons this may be being done by WWE....

1. so people can begin to recognize names, for when WWE sighns them away. Fans may be looking at the news and the results, and become familure with, and begin to recognize names from over and over. May that have helped "Marcus Cor Von" when he came along?? Maybe....and maybe it wouldve helped Chris Harris and Ron Killings as well.

DAMN! Never thought of that! You could be right! Vince is a manipulatitive bastard, and he usually doesn't do things that don't help his company. Perhaps you're on to something. He may be looking at some guys over there he wants to steal, and he wants fans to get to know them before he brings them over.

You see the results, and watch TNA for the first time and decide you love Shark Boy. I, personally, think SB is the funniest, best thing to come out of wrestling in 30 years! LOL! (sarcasm)

So, then Vince hires Shark Boy away, Austin leaves his dead, bloody beer drenched ravaged corpse in the ring, and his career is over! Just like the WCW/ECW originals!

I would NOT put this past WWE. Good thinking, bro. :)

There are some talents over there, though, like Samoa Joe and Kong and the such, who probably would do well in WWE. Only the future can tell us what will happen. Interesting development, to be sure.
I can't think of any rational reason for the WWE doing that. Why would they even want to display anything to do with TNA in their site? I can pretty much guarantee that TNA won't put the WWE's results on their site.

Maybe the WWE webmaster has cracked up?
I think it is safe to say that by WWE.com posting results and furture events of other promotions, nothing will alter in the status between these companies. WWE will obviously still dominate. TNA will still continue to grow. ROH will still be every die hard wrestling fan's wet dream.

In all honesty, I wouldn't be shocked if WWE is doing this to simply send a message. There was a lot of talk about TNA possibly overttaking WWE in the long run. Plus, we have seen some big names join TNA recently after leaving WWE. I think this is the WWE's way of saying, "Hey TNA, we aren't scared of you, we will continue to dominate you, we will outlast you, and just to prove how sure we are of this, we are going to post results to your shows on our own website."

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