MVP Considering Retirement?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Two weeks ago, WZ was the first to exclusively report that a WWE star is considering potential retirement as a result of frustration with his current position in the company. WZ can now confirm that the star in question is Smackdown talent MVP, who has since spoken out about his current WWE situation.

WZ learned two weeks ago that MVP has been concerned that his position in the company is less than stable, as younger talent around him is being pushed in his place. In what could potentially read as a confirmation of our report, but will most likely be explained publicly as a casual joke, MVP posted the following on his Twitter account when asked if he will be a part of the Bragging Rights PPV: "Doesn't look like it. My star is fading! LOL!!"

MVP has since updated his Twitter account with the following post: "I'm not "trying to get fired" or "worried about my spot. These rumors are created by people reading into things or just made up! PRINT THAT."

WZ is continuing to follow-up on this story with several other sources close to the situation, and will continue to update the story as more information becomes available.

First Matt Hardy was mis used and we all know how MVP is being mis used. It's hard to keep EVERYONE happy but at the same time WWE needs to realize the talent they have on their roster. I hate to see Matt go as I thought he was definitely under utilized in my opinion, but I'm a even bigger MVP fan and I thought he would be a future world champion one day in this business. Plus, MVP can easily get into acting and other ventures outside the WWE, he is talented and has a motivating story stemming from his childhood.

Wrestlezone also reported the low morale in the lockeroom now since everyone is either hurt or leaving the company, although the product has been consistently well in my opinion.
I see see both sides of this one.

On the one hand, MVP has done more than most thought he would with his gimmick and is relatively entertaining in the ring and good on the mic. You'd hope that a sturdy guy like that would get pushed and receive a decent chance and run in the main event.

At the same time, I understand why WWE wouldn't want to bet the farm on an older wrestler. A wrestler who isn't the best in the ring and isn't even the best on the mic, for that matter.
I hope it's true.

A kidnapper/robber should never have had a chance at being glorified in a positive light. That's why his face turn disgusts me -- this sub-human gets cheered.

Please, retire.

MVP is overrated to put it mildly. The guy has more boring matches than any midcarder I can think of. He last meant something from a title perspective nearly a year ago. He isn't interesting. he has no character. There is nothing impressive about MVP at all. He turns 37 in about two weeks and his best time in the company is certainly behind him. There's no point at all to keeping him around as he is easily replaceable.

I hope it's true.

A kidnapper/robber should never have had a chance at being glorified in a positive light. That's why his face turn disgusts me -- this sub-human gets cheered.

Please, retire.

And yet you'll have the avatar of a self-confessed substance abuser and drug addict.
I don't care what MVP's rap sheet says. He's a terrible wrestler. His gimmick is stupid. His finisher is stupid. His theme song is stupid. For someone who was billed as a mega star, he disappointed a lot of the backstage folks. I mean, he jobbed to Matt Hardy. A lot. That can't be good for any wrestler.

So maybe he should retire...and go out on a decent note anyway. Because he'll be released if he doesn't.
WrestleZone's main page is unreliable garbage 97% of the time. This is probably a BS report as usual.

If this is true, however, I believe WWE absolutely wasted MVP. He was one of the most entertaining people on the roster (imo) when he was a heel on SmackDown, and then they put him in the losing streak angle which completely drained him of all momentum. He is still good in the ring (from what I watch on Superstars) and he is way better than most of the guys on the roster in regards to mic work.

His face character is blande as funk but that can be changed if the "creative" team is actually creative for once. And I really don't give a crap what his age is if he is entertaining me more than the younger wrestlers on the roster.

If MVP were to leave WWE I would actually be kind of happy. The more wrestlers who I like that leave the WWE, the better. Eventually WWE might release all of them and I won't have to force myself to watch the company anymore.
Eh wont care at all. Never liked the guy. The only time he ever did anything relevant were his couple matches with Benoit that will never be acknowledged again. After that...what? Some may argue his feud with Hardy for over a year, but that didnt do anything that just pushed Matt. Idk I personally just think everything about him sucks and I highly doubt he will be missed. Just means another open spot for the midcarders who deserve more time to shine
I don't know what all the hate for MVP. He's isn't a great wrestler but he's much better than some of the roster. I think MVP has a good gimmick but the WWE hasn't used it to its potential, Maybe MVP could become an air authority or something, a manger maybe?
I don't really care what he does. Honestly, I didn't even know he was still employed, then again I haven't watched Smackdown in a few months. His most entertaining run was when he was feuding with Matt Hardy. Since then everything he has done has been average to mediocre at best. He is incredibly average in the ring and has never really amazed me on the microphone. So in conclusion, I couldn't give two fucks if he stays or if he goes, and honestly I don't see the WWE keeping him around much longer either.
A year ago and a half ago, this would have been a big deal.

MVP had been drafted to Raw, and was the US Champion. Sherri Sheppard of the View was infatuated with him and he got WWE nice mainstream coverage as a result.

But since then, he's done nothing. Hes jobbed to virtually every Superstar on Raw on Smackdown, and WWE hasn't had a sustained fued for him since The Miz at the beginning of the year.

The guy got into professional wrestling late, and he never fulfilled his lofty expectations. Not even close. I dont see what WWE would really be losing if he retired.
I can only hope that it's actually true. MVP is the type of wrestler who only serves as a filler, and he's hardly a great filler. He hardly even serves a good point in making the champion look good and get them over through that, no he's just there.

MVP have been boring for years, and most likely will continue to be boring. So the fact that he's considering retirement can only be a good thing, for the fans to say the least. Sure he's a little bit over, but there's certainly others much better to let the crowd watch who can get more over I'm sure.
Seriously, stop hatin. Remember how everyone was talking about how MVP was the shit and was gonna be a future world champion, and now that he gets de-pushed, he all of a sudden sucks? IWC, watch his last IC title match with Ziggler, and tell me that he isn't a good in-ring wrestler. Sure, his face turn has run its course, but as a heel he was the shit, and you know it too.
Honestly, I think this story is completely made up. I really and truly believe that the person posting this stuff on the wrestlezone homepage is just coming up with this stuff out of thin air. A few weeks ago, they were all saying "Someone on the roster is considering retiring". What does that mean? I'm sure at any given time, there are at least half a dozen wrestlers who are at least "considering" retiring. So anyway, like two weeks later, they're like "We now know that it's MVP". I would bet money that there is nothing to this story and it's just someone at wrestlezone being bored. The only real news is news they get from other wrestling sites.
Although I'm not his biggest fan, He has definately worked on improving his in ring work in 2010, but besides that he's just un-intresting. His mic work is bland and he is just not suited to a face.

I actually say leaving the wrestling biz could be good for MVP, he just isnt going anywhere right now, and if he broudens his horizians, he might find a true calling.
So yeah, no tradgedy here.
MVP has never impressed me. I've always liked him, but he's not cut out to be at the top of the WWE. Look, if he retires at least he has a shot to go out on top. He'll get put over a bit and that'll be it, if he doesn't retire he'll get released... Or he'll go the Chavo route and job til he drops. At the beginning of his WWE run I saw something great in MVP, but the WWE killed his push. He could have been much better, but I guess certain people just fall through the cracks, huh?
I can say that i used to like MVP before he was traded to Raw last year. After that, I just could care less what he did. I won't miss him if he leaves as Chris Masters or some other mid card wrestler can easily take his position.

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