Brighter Future: MVP or Mr. Kennedy?

Brighter Future: MVP or Mr. Kennedy?

  • MVP-Montel Vontavious Porter

  • Mr. Kennedy

  • Both

  • Neither

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I have to say MVP because of how he is being used which will give him a bigger buildup than Kennedy's getting.
MVP is a Smackdown champ who's been wrestling some good matches, where-as Kennedy is stuck in an over-crowded Raw.I think that this will give MVP an edge over Kennedy because he has done more in his time.
Being Vince's illegitemate son could have given Kennedy a lot of victories and some heel cred, but his 30-day suspension kind of off-set his career and slowed him down.I think that he's going to lose to Flair, so that's not going to do him any favours.
MVP has is better in the ring and has a bit more charisma then Kennedy, although I did like Kennedy doing his opponent's intros.
I like both of these guys, but for the long haul, I'd have to go with MVP.

Mr. Kennedy is exciting when he's "on", but lately, he's really been hit-or-miss; especially since they switched him over to RAW. After his injury and suspension for allegedly purchasing steroids online, he's just seemed to have lost some of his confidence. I've also noticed him obviously missing spots at least once in every match I've seen with him in recent memory. Missed spots => injuries, so that probably lowers his stock with management.

Also, Kennedy's promos need some work. He was awesome on the mic when they were first introducing him, and all he had to do was tell us he was the man, but every time he's given a promo that's directed at someone else, it always seems disjointed and directionless. You can sense the lack of confidence in both his voice and his body language.

MVP, on the other hand, always seems to deliver 100% from every perspective. I personally have never seen him miss a spot in the ring (taking into account that Smackdown! is a taped show, and admittedly, I'm no expert), and his promos are always spot-on. He's got lots of confidence and never stumbles over his words. With some minor character tweaking, a good push, and for the love of God, new wrestling gear, he could evolve into one of the all-time greats.

Again, I hope both these guys succeed in the end, but I think that MVP is closer to the "total package"... and I don't mean Lex Luger.
MVP, in my opinion, is better then Kennedy. If Kennedy wouldn't have been injured to lose his money in the bank briefcase or be suspended for steroids, he would have been in the Main Events every week. Kennedy messed up though. MVP hasn't. His feud with Benoit was great, and Hardy was pretty good. MVP has a lot of charisma and being in this Elimination Chamber match is telling me something. He's pretty close to being Main Event status. He won't win it, but I could see him putting on a good showing.
i like mvp because every one has been sayin how good kennedy is but what has he done. get injured. beat taker. wow thats not that good. mvp is the longest reiging united states champion since it has been in the wwe. i think thats telling you something

You realize that he's only United States Champion because they don't have anyone else right now to take it from him (Matt Hardy is injured, Chuck Palumbo hasn't impressed anybody yet). As soon as Matt comes back, MVP is losing that title and getting shot into the main event slot. Right now, that US Championship is just holding him down.

On the other hand, Mr. Kennedy could really shine if he beat Jeff Hardy for the IC belt. While the US title is holding MVP down, putting the IC title on Kennedy would put him on a HUGE roll. He was about to become Mr. McMahon's son, before the steroid scandal. Before that incident, I would've said Kennedy had a better future than MVP, but based on that, MVP doesn't need to prove himself anymore, as he has been a good asset for the WWE as of late, and deserves a World Heavyweight Championship shot.

After 'Mania, MVP should be put into the main event slot if he loses the US title to Matt, and Kennedy should beat Jeff for the IC title so Jeff can focus on the WWE Championship.
MVP is a MUCH better in ring worker than Kennedy. Honestly, I like Kennedy, but he has no consistency in the ring whatsoever. His self-esteem on promos is phenomenal, but his wrestling aura is still very green.

Seriously, how many moved has he tried, but really never patents...

-Green Bay Plunge
-Mic Check
-Kenton Bomb
-Green Bay MeatPacker

I have no problem with him using the moves, but the thing is that he has tried all of them, quit the move and went on. His style isn't established, and by default I will give MVP the nod.

In defense of Kennedy, I will say that he really does epitomize the character WWE loves, but MVP does as well. MVP can handle the stick, he distributes and sells well, and can be carried into **** matches with the potential one day to carry someone to **** matches, as opposed to Kennedy who struggled even having Shawn Michaels give him a *** match.
MVP is okay. He is holding a championship at the moment but I don't think he will be able to hold any higher championships. Mr Kennedy hasn't been any major champions yet but I think he has got the most chance of becoming the WWE Champion in the futre.
Both of these men are future champions. When and where are the only questions. However, I believe that while both have all the tools, neither are quite ready for the jump to that level. WWE needs solid up and comers like MVP and Kennedy to round out the mid card with good matches. Both are on the way, but I'd say Kennedy 1st b/c I think his gimmick needs less tweaking than MVP's to be a legit draw as a main eventer, but MVP isn't far behind.
MVP has a very good gimmick but I do think Kennedy has just a little more both will be future champs. I think Kennedy would be a champ already if he did not get the pulled muscle in his forearm WWE really dropped the ball on that. With his Mic Skills they could have kept him as money in the bank and had him on camera in the mean time while he was healing. We saw John Cena how many times in the months he was heeling they could have done same thing with Kennedy.
MVP and Mr Kennedy will probably both be world champs at some point but i think MVP will get there first because he has really impressed me in the ring and on the mic and i think they will give him a main event push soon. I'm actually quite surprised that he didn't win the MITB because he could have done a lot better with it than CM Punk imo. At the moment it seems like they have nothing for kennedy so they will probably leave him on the midcard for another year.
They will both have a decent future in their wrestling careers. Lets have a look at the possibilities.

M.V.P: Has had a pretty big build up, and is a major heel there on SD! long as he stay on SD that is, unlike Mr. Kennedy's poor fate going to Raw. MVP has held to US title for a while, abeit, not really anyone for him to defend against until now that Matt has come back from his injury. He will get his push to the ME some time in the not-so-near future. Maybe give it a year.

Mr. Kennedy: He was a high up heel on SD until he got moved to Raw, which is why at the moment he is lower than MVP on the heel-o-meter. He isn't really doing anything at the moment. In fact I am not sure he is even in a fued. Given time he will get his push, which he would have gotten sooner if he hadn't messed up with the drugs.

MVP will proabably have a better future, but I believe they will be close to the same.
My choice would be mvp the guy has it all charisma looks and he can wrestle damn well. If they would just push him a bit more like taking the us title off of him and make him a contender for the world heavyweight title.It's very unlikely that it will happen though.
MVP and Mr Kennedy will probably both be world champs at some point but i think MVP will get there first because he has really impressed me in the ring and on the mic and i think they will give him a main event push soon. I'm actually quite surprised that he didn't win the MITB because he could have done a lot better with it than CM Punk imo. At the moment it seems like they have nothing for kennedy so they will probably leave him on the midcard for another year.

Keeping him and MVP in the mid-card(upper-midcard) could work for both of them. They don't want to push them to fast and then have nothing for them. I think Kennedy could have the brighter future, I think his mic skills are way better then MVP, even though MVP is getting damn good week by week. But Kennedy charisma's and in ring work is already spot on. In some of MVPs matchs it looks like he gets lost, but like I said he is getting better every week. When Kennedy was fueding with HBK, we looked like the future, but then WWE cut that story short. I hope they take the time, with both guys, to let them build a legacy. If they push them to soon, well we know how that goes. Kennedy and MVP, the new Rock and Austin? Maybe.

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