Brighter Future: MVP or Mr. Kennedy?

Brighter Future: MVP or Mr. Kennedy?

  • MVP-Montel Vontavious Porter

  • Mr. Kennedy

  • Both

  • Neither

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Kennedy definately, he has the presence, the charisma, the mic skills and he can wrestle. Hes an all around performer and i think if the wwe uses Kennedy right, i can definately see a HUGE superstar in him soon.
I gotta go with Kennedy on this. Like a few people said Benoit def. helped MVP alot, while Kennedy has really been picking up steam on his own. For a heel he is also very over with the fans, and his charisma is in a league of it's own. Not to mention he has pretty decent skills on the mat
They both have a great future but I'll give the nod to Kennedy. They both are good in the ring and MVP got alot of help from Benoit which helped him improve fast. Kennedy has better charisma though and is one of the best in WWE today on the mic. In a couple years both of these guys will be big stars.
I said both.

I personally love MVP,
after seeing his matches with Benoit how can you not be impressed.
Plus the man has tons of charisma and he just eats up being a bad heel.

Kennedy is awesome, hands down.
His debut on RAW was amazing.
When he came out the fans were in the palm of his hand,
cheerin for him and yelling along with his introduction.
Then in a matter of mere seconds he made every single person in that arena hate him when they loved him moments before.
He is such an amazing heel and performer.
I just hope he gets better soon.
these guys are both too good to pick one.

they both have been great in the ring and on the mic and have put on their share of good matches you have

MVP who put on that great series of matches with benoit and has been in lots of main events and his push seems to be increasing then you have

Kennedy who has put on great matches with the undertaker and has even brought out a little bit in piece of shit batista and is a bit more established than mvp.

however they both have their flaws they both need new finishers and mvp needs to get out of that power ranger suit. another problem i have with myp was when benoit put him in the crossface/sharpshooter (cant remember) at backlash he just got back up right after grabbing the ropes and didnt sell the effects of it at all. i understand hes still young so im lettingthat slide.

if i had to choose one id go with kennedy because im afraid mvps going to have the same one dimensional gimmick throughout his career because vince wont let him take off that power ranger suit because of his large malcolm x tatoo and he will be misused and at some point in the future we will be talking about what could have been
I feel that Mr. Kennedy has the brighter future by far. He has the charisma and the drive to be one of the best. Besides, u gotta have something when Stone Cold personally endorses you. I like his in ring work and he's great on the mic. I'm not as sold on MVP the power ranger. I think his latest matches have been helped by the talent he has been facing (ex. Benoit). He has to show me a little more... and get some new ring gear. He looks rediculous.
Both men are great in the ring and MVP just never stops amazing me.Same with Kennedy's mic skills.He just amazes me.They both have a very bright future ahead of them but I see Kennedy going a bit further in the business than MVP.He just is so much more over with the fans and is already in the main event spotlight and just has amazing skills.

MVP will one day have his time to shine though.
I'm straight out saying this, BOTH! Kennedy and Montel Vontavious Porter are probably two of the greatest rising stars I seen in the WWE in the past 5 years which it's hard to find those kind of wrestlers that some may consider as a "total package". Despite their trademark entrances (introduction and inflatable entrance), everything about these two makes (well I don't know about you) makes me think there's actually a bright future ahead, which I would consider CM Punk in the same league as MVP and Kennedy (even though MVP & Kennedy are mentioned more for teaming up and once being on the same show).
MVP: I think MVP has to have the slight edge now. Right now, his stock is much higher, simply because he has a chance to shine on Smackdown. There isn't the power struggle up top, and MVP has been stealing the last few pay per views with his match ups.

Kennedy: He's injury prone, this much is obvious. And, he is looked to get lost over on Raw in that main event picture. Triple H has already said he wants a feud with Kennedy. I think MVP is better in the ring, but Kennedy obviously is better on the mic.

My personal hope, hold the title and main event push for another year or so. I would love to see Kennedy beat John Cena at WM 25, and if you think Cena is dropping the title before then, you are very naive. I also would love to see MVP win the WHC at WM 25, to dawn in a new Era, and put an end to the horrendous Cena era we are in now.
Seeing as they're now deciding to push Kane against MVP after having Kane job to Khali and MVP previously I don't see the point. Especially cause Kane's body is shot.
Even so MVP's initial popularity is kindof dying down now, where as the hype for Kennedy's return just keeps getting greater and greater. I think everyone is expecting a lot from him when he comes back full time. We'll ust have to wait and see.
Kennedy is better on the stick, which seems to be what Vince likes these days (ie: John Cena). So barring injuries, I think Kennedy will be the more successful of the two. But they're both going to be great in their careers!
I think both will soon be top guys in the WWE, because they both are good on the mic, and both are good wrestlers. Kennedy is a little better on the mic, but I think MVP is a little bit better of a wrestler (despite his generic finisher). Both will hold the title in the WWE, wether it's the World Heavyweight, or the WWE title, and as it looks right now Kennedy will probably win the title before MVP, but they both have a great upside and both have a championship future in the WWE.
I got this idea from reading the MVP next rock thread. So who do u think is better? and i mean in all sorts of ways. MIc skills, in ring skills, abillites. Basically whos better in the WWE. I personally think MVP is. From the start i thought this guy was just one of those ppl who come and get no reaction cuz lack of skills. NOw i got proved wrong and i think this man has a brighter future than Mr. Kennedy. Simply better on mic and in ring.

I mean kennedy is good in all areas too but its just that I find mvp's promo's more entertainng than kennedy. There is simply more charisma put in to it. MVP semms more built than ken kennedy but ken kennedy puts on as good matches as mvp does. But MVP has more skills than ken kennedy and hes only gonna get better.:undertaker2: :flair:
mvp is better due to the fact that kennedy cant work, he is ok on the mic but mvp has all the tools and his current feud with hardy proves that he is a star in the maiking kennedy keeps messing up his chances everytime he gets a steady push towards the world title
I'd say MVP for the same reasons. Kennedy is great and all but he always seems to hit a roadblock whenever he gets a push for the title.
MVP no doubt. This man has it all, great athletic ability, great speaking ability, great wrestling ability. His gimmick is awesome too, an obsessed athlete that thinks he's the best. Well all that believeing is pointing to a great future for MVP. Dont get me wrong Kennedy is awesome too, but right now MVP is a whole lot more well rounded and all around better
MVP is better than Kennedy in every way you can think of. Ring skills, mic skills, workrate... everything.

Kennedy is overrated, and I think people are starting to see that. He hasn't done anything inside a wrestling ring, or on the mic to show that he should be main eventing any time soon. The only skill Kennedy has is saying his name, twice.

MVP continues to get better, and really is a shining light on the SD! roster. He's becoming one of the best on the mic in the WWE, and in the ring he knows how to work.
Kennedy has been terrible in the ring since switching shows. The edited Smackdown suits him so much better then the live Showings of Raw. Kennedy really isn't that good on the stick. Scratch that, he is good, but he isn't the Rock or Austin that everyone is making him out to be, not by a long shot.

Then you have MVP. A guy that has seemingly come out of nowhere and taken the fans of the IWC by storm, he's athletic, cocky, and damn good on the mic to boot. Currently, MVP is head over heels above Mr. Kennedy. MVP is the future of smackdown.

But then we get to the real nuts and bolts of the situation. Kennedy, a guy that McMahon said a few years ago during a press conference for Wrestlemania that Kennedy was the future of the company, not MVP. MVP's past also hurts him with his prison sentence. And the big kicker, MVP is already 34, so easily Kennedy has more upside the Kennedy.

Unfortunately, Kennedy has the brighter future in the company. It doesn't matter what stupid things he does or says (i've never taken steroids) the guy gets pushed.
I think that both Kennedy and MVP are great superstars but overall I see MVP a bit better then Kennedy.

MVP is a great performer. He is entertaining on the mic and he is improving in the ring all the time. MVP has been in a lot of good matches over his time in the WWE. I see him getting a push soon and will start getting chances to win a world tile.
This is a tough one. At the moment I am impressed with MVP more, but I see Kennedy oozing with more potential. Two of them are great and are the future of the WWE whether people like it or not. Kennedy gave a bad rub off the fans this year because of several reasons: Steroid Scandal, injuring other wrestlers, and being repetitive. I am not blaming him for anything because those injuries were accidents and a case of bad luck, it did not have anything to do with him screwing up a move or being a poor wrestler. Kennedy proved he is an exceptional wrestler last Monday night when he had a solid match with Shawn Michaels that was not a bit boring IMO. As for the steroid thing, Kennedy is not the only wrestler that lied about not taking steroids so he should not be a target for that when 90% of other wrestlers would lie about it as well.

MVP is very well rounded and is one of the few reasons to watch SmackDown these days because the guy is just that damn entertaining. He plays his role very well and his in-ring work is not too shabby either. The only bad thing for me to say about MVP is that he is an Ex-Convict, I hate to bring up someone's shady past, but this may be the thing that holds him back. He may commit another crime somewhere down the road which will halt his progress in the WWE(I sure as hell hope not), he may seem like he has changed for the better, but we have learned all too well from the Benoit tragedy that we do not know what is going on inside these wrestler's heads.

I picked Kennedy because I believe he is in the WWE for the long run. I am less sure about MVP's future so I could not vote for him even though he is the better of the two at the moment.
Have to go with MVP. MVP is taking his character to the next level as a main eventer where as Kennedy looks like he is still trying to figure out how and where to fit in. I think in fairness to kennedy, MVP has a really good gimmick to work with, but it should be that hard to be a cocky brash youngster either.
So right now i like MVP, but i still think Kennedy can be just as good or if not better.
I am amazed at so many MVP votes. Although he is a good technical wrestler, to say he has been in more great matches in the last, well I have not seen them. He might have been in more boring matches this year, that I can confirm.
I dont remember a match MVP was in all year that was as good as the Money in the Bank match that Kennedy won.... The only reason he gave the case up to Edge was because of injury, so if not for that he would have already been wearing gold. MVP wrestles a much more boring style of wrestling. Lets face it, the brawler style, i.e.(HHH, Stone Cold, Kennedy, Batista) is the style that draws more fans, and is much more exciting to see, more blood, usually crazier things, getting put through announce tables and such. There havent been many really great WRESTLING matches with great technical guys like Angle and Benoit, best 2 out of 3 falls, Iron man matches....There arent many guys for MVP to wrestle in that type of great match. Maybe Mysterio, after that it gets thin.....I still think that both would greatly benefit from having better finishers. The inverted facebuster/russian legsweep that Kennedy is doing is OK, but come up with a cool name for it or something. He does the Kenton Bomb, but that is merely a setup move.....MVP is in dire need of a finishing set.....I like them both, but my vote goes to MR. KENNEDY! .....................WAIT FOR IT.................................KENNEDY!!!
Right now, MVP has the edge over Kennedy, though they both have so much potential. Kennedy hasn't been given any mic time in the past few months at all, for some reason, and that's where he shines the brightest. While they both have horrible finishers, lol, they're both very good on the mic, and right now, MVP is better in the ring because it looks like Kennedy second-guesses himself too much. The last match we saw, though, with HBK/Kennedy on Raw, it seemed like he finally decided "fuck it, I'm going for it" with that spear to the outside. Hopefully he's got his confidence back.

If they keep improving, though, both of them are going to be major players in this company in the next few years.
for a while, i drank the Kennedy Kool Aid and believed that he was truly the next huge thing in the industry

since then, though, I really feel like a massive tool because he definitely is nowhere near the next level of even being an upper-tier midcarder. his mic work has gradually decreased and become more and more unimpressive. plus add in that he is sloppy in the ring. his matches are nothing to write home about. plus he has the propensity to legitimately injure wrestlers.

as of now, kennedy is going nowhere fast it seems. mvp, though, while i haven't watched smackdown much at all, he seems like he has the tools to step up and climb in to the main event picture within the next year. i wouldn't be shocked if he was drafted to raw and kennedy went to smackdown where he could improve some on his gimmick.

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