*OFFICAL EXCLUSIVE*: Top WWE Star Considering Retirement; Details

WZ are probably posting on a rumor or informal comment made by someone... the person concerned may not have actually told WWE they plan to retire or it may even be a negotiating tactic by someone...after all their deal is up...
Well first off, I would eliminate a few names. Its not Matt Hardy, since first that wouldn't be an "Exlcusive" since the entire IWC knows he is leaving, and second he is likely going to TNA. Not The Undertaker either, unless Wrestlezone has no clue what the word Exclusive means since the Undertaker retiring story has been posted on about every wrestling website in existence. Not HHH either, no way he is leaving the wrestling world completely since he is married into the McMahon family.

The two best guess I have heard are Kane and Cena. From the wording of this story, and the fact they are keeping the name secret, it seems like it is going to be a pretty big deal when it comes out. And as far as opportunities outside of wrestling, these two seem to fit the bill, Kane with his political stuff and Cena with the acting. My guess would be Cena, just a gut feeling when I first read the article.

If it turns out to be someone in their late 40's or some midcarder, Wrestlezone will lose all credibility they have left in my opinion, because they wrote this article in a manner to suggest this was going to be somewhat surprising.
There is absolutely no chance in HELL that it is John Cena. Don't even joke around, there is a 0% possibility.

Kane, Undertaker, Rey, or Edge seem like the most likely. Maybe even Big Show. The first 4 have been rumored to be retiring soon anyway and Big Show seems like a guy that could get into other things such as acting due to his unique size.

I hope it's the Miz, but it's not =/
Top 10 Contenders

1: Swagger - as mentioned above could easily return to the finance arena and parlay his WWE success into a lucrative endorsement/business networking business.

Bingo, but not for the reason of which you are thinking.

I heard a rumor prior to Wrestlemania from a very valued source of insider wrestling knowledge; not that anyone would believe me here and no I'm not going to name my source as all I'm merely doing is passing along something that I heard (you can take it or leave it) that he had been offered a ludicrous sum of money to try his hand at MMA.

He had considered the offer (at the amount that was offered he couldn't afford not to) and at the time declined but asked them to come to him later on in the year if they were still interested.

The WWE subsequently gave him his run with the WHC that he had hoped would propel him to the top of the roster and keep him there. However, they really wasted his title run and they've been wildly inconsistent with his usage since then.

It's now about six months after I was first told of the MMA contract offer and with him asking them to come back later in the year if they were interested I'm really not at all surprised that WZ has some form of exclusive on a potential-WWE retirement.
I'm glad this has sparked a lot of conversation, and to those who are taking issue with the fact that I didn't reveal a name I will say this:

The reason is because if I do reveal the name, and the superstar in question then decides to re-negotiate with WWE, our report could make it very difficult for that person as the company frowns on people who speak to internet media.

Spoiling plans for story lines, i.e, The Undertaker, is very different. 'Taker is not going to lose his job or spot in the company because I heard from someone what his creative plans are. But if a WWE official hears from the 'net that a star is thinking of quitting to do something else, which we all now is frowned upon, then my revealing his name could do damage to his potential re-negotiation. I'm sure you all can understand that.
Why else would they put the belt on him right now? They gave him the money in the bank and had him take the title from the top merchindise seller in the WWE, Rey Mysterio. He's feuding with his brother the Undertaker and all of this is because of his retirement IMO. And he's in his 40s right? We all know he's into politics so that could be his "focusing on other avenues". Edge as far as I know, doesn't have any other interest unless its acting or something like that. Edge is on fire with his tweener gimmick so I don't know why it would be him.
It's definitely not Matt Hardy; it says TOP WWE Star considering retirement.

I'd definitely venture the guess of Kane. He also posted that blog thing criticizing wrestling's treatment of wrestlers as independent contractors and such.

However, that's just my circumstantial link.
What about someone like Sheamus? A lot of guys have said some great potential suitors here like Taker, Kane, Mysterio, Edge, and Big Show. Of the guys mentioned I think Big Show would be the most likely to do so. But back to Sheamus. He is the star on the rise, but what if he sees his career in wrestling as "maxed" out. He has pretty much done all you could in terms of achievements. He is already a two time WWE champion and he has been on the E's main stage for what 1.5 years now? He has some acting on his resume (all be it Irish stuff), but he is 32 years old and maybe he wants to get out of the business before it takes control of his life. Who knows.
There's a list of people who the reports could be on about, but who's to say that there actually is someone leaving. I mean have WZ kept anything private to be respectful to someone? Could WZ just be bringing up something so that we will come back to check who it is? Could WZ just be guessing? These are just questions that pop into my head when I read that WZ are keeping the name private to be respectful.

Anyway, I'll answer the question as to who I think could be retiring. So here are my picks:

Kane: He has done pretty much everything in WWE and could easily go into politics, also he is getting on and his current feud with Taker could be giving him a good sendoff.

Rey Mysterio: He's had a nagging knee injury and has also done pretty much everything in WWE and is also getting on abit.

Undertaker: He said that he wants PB to be involved in his retirement and well his here. I do think that he will have atleast one more WM though, but who knows.

If I had to pick between the three I would probably say Rey Mysterio.
the ones that come my mind, when thinking about retirement, are the undertaker, kane, edge, rey mysterio, and HHH the reasons:

Undertaker: obviously age and injuries have taken their toll on the dead man, and it was already stated that he wanted his last run to be with paul bearer, so..., and undetaker is also has a real estate business

Kane:(glenn jacobs) been around for awhile too(isaac yankem, fake diesel), so age and injuries have plagued him too, he is very involved in politics, and if is him, could explain the sudden push for champion, if he goin out let him go out on top

edge:although still young compared to the others, he has sum serious injuries, he already stated the he thinking bout retirement, and he financially well off where he wouldn't need to wrestle anymore

Rey mysterio: like kane and taker, age and injuries gotta be catching up to the high flyer, don't know what he'd do out of the ring, maybe instructor or something

HHH: same as the others age and injuries, and with him gettin the adviser job, he'd still be around just not wrestling

those the ones that i think of when it comes to retirement, which ever it is, a big hole will be left in their place, all are superstars, all are future hall of fame.
My first thought was Edge. How many serious injuries has the guy endured? He's a smart dude and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it turned out to be.
Matt Hardy never entered my mind for a few reasons. I don't see him as a "Top Guy" as he's not in the ME scene. Also, with all the crap going around with his videos and such that's a completely different story. He's asking to be released, not contimplating retiring. If Matt want to be released why not just no show a PPV, or fail a drug test and refuse the rehab.
Anywho, I think it's Edge.
I have a really bad feeling it's Edge. I love Edge, and I would hate to see him go, but I think he is the mystery superstar here.

Here's my logic behind my belief that it is Edge thinking about retiring.

1) His current path- A few years ago Edge was only wrestling main even faces. He was in programs with Taker, Triple H, Hardy, and John Cena. He was almost always involved in the title picture, whether he was holding the belt or was a #1 contender, and he was headlining every PPV. The only accomplishment Edge has achieved since returning is winning the Royal Rumble. Other than that, he's floated in between face and heel status, been the after thought in many title matches (In that six pack, Edge and Jericho were just filler with no real shot of winning. You know it, I know it, and your grandma knows it.) and has yet to be involved in any really captivating feuds. He's finally in something interesting with the mystery GM, but this is not a feud that a wrestler with the skills of Adam Copeland should have to do. This is a feud for a rising mid-card face, but since RAW doesn't have many mid-card faces besides Daniel Bryan, it was given to Edge. Now Edge has rocked this feud so far, but if this is the type of work he'll be getting in the future, he may as well retire.

2) He's accomplished enough- Depending how you look at it, Edge is tied for third with most American World Title reigns, behind only Ric Flair and Triple H, and tied with The Rock and Kurt Angle. That's some pretty good company if you ask me, or anyone who knows shit about wrestling. (If I'm forgetting someone, please don't think less of me, I'm trying to hammer this thing out before I go to the sport's doctor so I don't have time to do the proper research.) In addition to holding many world titles, he's also held just about every title one could hold in the WWE, and has feuded with legends like Mick Foley. What more could a wrestler want?

3) He's got other things going for him- If anyone could make the transition from wrestling to acting, it'll be Edge. I'm not saying he's going to star in anything... ever... but I wouldn't doubt he could play a secondary character in a low budget film or a cable TV show. More realistically, however, Edge is very much into comic books, and used to draw and write them before becoming a wrestler. Perhaps he'd like to pursue this? His experience in professional wrestling, which I've always likened to comic books, will surely help give him ideas, and I wouldn't be surprised if he went into the superhero industry in the slightest.

And that's that. I don't know for sure if it's Edge, and I wouldn't put any money on it, but I just have a feeling that it may be him.
People need to stop saying John Cena. It states that they are considering retiring from pro wrestling altogether. Unless it's some sort of stupid angle then yes it could be him. But if this is a legit retirement then obviously it's not him. Most likely it's one of the vets. Which one who knows.
The idea of Swagger going MMA is interesting, the guy did do well as an amateur and he's certainly got a good size and build for it.. as Lashley has now bombed I think Strikeforce might be looking to bring Swagger in to fight Batista... That would be an interesting swap, for WWE. Lashley for Swagger...
I don't know who it is for sure at first I thought it was edge but I'm not entirely sure.

Here's my idea, it's either...

A) Undertaker - Makes sense as I think he's the oldest competitor in the WWE and isn't able to do the stuff he did even 2 years ago. Only thing about this is that what else does Taker have...He's not gonna leave the business, even if he leaves the ring, with his wife as the Woman's Championship.

B) Edge - Again makes sense. Edge had a career ending injury and hasn't been in a major rivalry in a while. The problem is again what does he have outside of Wrestling. He really hasn't established himself in any other medium like Jericho, Kane, Cena and others have. Although I would love to see Edge in a Movie.

C) Kane - This is my personal pick. Believe it or not, Kane is a Genius as has been said before. He's a very intelligent man and has become very political over the past few years. He's could have a solid carrier outside of wrestling as a Political Analyst and it wouldn't surprise me if he did.

As for the other unmetioned people, It's not Jericho or Cena. Jericho's gonna go out in a way with meaning not problably like HBK or Ric Flair but definitely not from a punt. And Cena? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, WWE would rather have Undertaker lose at Wrestlemania then let their Golden Goose run away into the sunset.

As for Christian, eh... I don't think he's gone for good. Maybe this time off is what WWE needs to bring him back as a valid mid to upper card status wrestler that everyone knows he's capable of.
Can't really think of anyone but Rey Mysterio or Undertaker.

Undertaker is probably one of the superstars with the most constantly nagging injuries. He takes time off every year to at least heal the injuries somewhat, as well as he doesn't wrestle a full schedule due to it. Undertaker has nothing left to do in WWE really, he has done it all. So why would he want to stick around?

As well as of course Rey Mysterio having almost constantly nagging knee problems. And he's a speed demonic high flyer. Why would he want to stick around to endure that kind of pain for a business he has already given a shit load of stuff to? He just like Undertaker doesn't need to stick around. Unless he wants the WWE championship, and that's not gonna happen.

All the others really wouldn't make complete sense. Besides Triple H, but he'll never truly retire.
Four guys I have seen mentioned in several posts already are Undertaker, Edge, Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy. I just want to say it’s not them. Why? Everybody knows they are already going to retire soon or their unhappy with the WWE.
Undertaker-Was Just announced that Paul Bearer was brought back as a beginning of a retirement angle for Undertaker.
Edge-Already said he only has a couple of years left.
Rey Mysterio-Already been reported he’s unhappy with WWE and possible leaving. WWE is trying to keep him around.
Matt Hardy-Matt Hardy hasn’t been shy about his unhappiness with WWE. WWE hasn’t been shy about their unhappiness with Matt Hardy.
The key word to remember with this article is the phrase “Out of respect to the superstar, who is still under contract with WWE, we will not be revealing his name at this point, however as the story continues to develop WZ will be providing more information.”

First people that jumped in my mind was Kane or Triple H.

I know Kane is into politics. I’ve seen on youtube endorsing political campaigns.
Triple H also recently joined Linda on her campaign trail.
It comes down to two guys really. Mysterio and Undertaker.
Both have injuries slowing them down, and they've been in the business a long time. Since the report didn't give a name out of "respect", I'm personally going to assume it's the Undertaker. Selfishly, I want him to make it to 20-0. I wish he could preform long enough for my kids to see it. I've watched him since I was 5, and I got to see his entrance in person for the first time about 3 days ago. He is simply the greatest wrestler of all time. And it's a damn shame to see his body going out on him, and I wish he could go on forever. But Taker's done enough for the business, and if this report is true, it wouldn't suprise me if he somehow snuck his way into the Hall of Fame this year. He's earned it.
I'm gonna have to go with kane. Outside his character glenn jacobs is a very very intelligent man. I seem him bein a full time analyst on news/talk shows similar to what jbl is doing.
kane stated i month ago that hes not even considering retirement. my feeling is not the undertaker because wwe has already said that this is his last run. the superstar that we are talking about in this thread doesnt want to be named so its not taker considering wwe has already made statements regarding the undertaker. i believe the superster that is talking about retirement is none other then edge. this whole problem that he is involved in with the GM could possibly lead to his "fireing" but who knows.
I think it's Kane, though retiring "soon" is perhaps pushing it a bit, considering what I think should happen:

The sending-off that the Brothers of Destruction deserve, at WrestleMania 27. By then Kane will have lost the title (haven't watched HIAC yet, so sorry if he already lost it :p But the same can be said for Taker - neither man needs the title for the feud to be hot or spark up again at the Rumble) and we can have Kane vs The Undertaker with Paul Bearer along and then they all three can retire those characters forever.

So yeah, my first, second and third thoughts were "Kane".
Any of you saying it's Edge: I't WON'T be him. If it was him.... He would be being jobbed left and right.And actually, i see him winning world title by the end of year. For me it would be
A) Undertaker - We know he is going to retire very soon, would be a bad thing to see him do that (3rd maineventer this year, fuck me!), but still, he is the most... propable maineventer to leave
B)John'Shoot-me-in-the-balls-rape-me-and-cut-me-to-pieces-and-i-will-still-win-this-match'Cena - Highly unlikely,but still a possibility.He can live from acting.
C) Rey Mysterio - well, if it's not UT or Cena, then it will be Mysterio. His injuries were gruesome, he had 5 knee surgeries (correct me if im wrong), and he achieved all he could.
Nick- sorry for coming at you so strong, but there are certain aspects here that are wrong. You said you dont do things to hurt people in re-negotiations... but yet there have been articles on Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, even Sting with his (if he doesnt re-sign with TNA, it is likely WWE will offer him a HOF type contract), were all thinking about or are being thought about for WWE contracts. While this of course is not a wrestler from the "e" doesnt this hurt there re-negotiations (although yes Kurt did just resign for a year). You were also quick to get it out there that Batista was quitting WWE to pursue MMA and other things, if he would have wanted to re-sign wouldnt this have hurt his process of renegotiating if he had wanted to, maybe he did and you had him frowned on? I just dont understand the process of giving us information that a TOP WWE STAR IS CONSIDERING RETIRING FOR OTHER AVENUES, IF YOU CANT TELL US WHO IT IS! Its like the sports news....dont tell us who lost the game, if you cant tell us who won the game.

Yes you have us, as well as I, speculating as who it could be, but all it is doing is spreading rampant rumors, based off of a potential rumor you have heard. This is like the telephone game you play in elementary, you were told something, so then you told us something else (by leaving something out or changing something), and then we go on to tell different stories on who it is or why.

Again, im sorry for coming at you so strong, but as a journalism major in college, i find it unethical to write an "EXCLUSIVE" report on something like this and then leave the most important detail out. Its considered poor journalism in most areas of the world. If you were not willing to tell us who it was, you should not have been willing to say anything at all man. With that said...i still think its Edge....
Sorry everyone but it's not Edge and I'm so glad it's not I really don't want him to leave I love him. I think that it is Matt, I mean think about it. Edge still has a year and a half left in his contract and it says the person that is considering retirings contract is almost up.

Also Matt wants to start up OMEGA again and he really hasen't mentioned going to TNA and he actually wants to be released. So this person to me is the first person that comes to mind in terms of wanting to retire.
Edge/Mysterio/Kane. None of these guys would jump ship, so I just believe that they make sense. Especially since Edge has been loud and clear about his injury problems.

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