Mr Money In Two Banks

King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
As of now, the concept of WWE’s Money In The Bank is 8 years old going on its 9th year. We have had 12 Winners, and we’re about to add 1 or 2 more. We have had Mr. Money In The Bank do surprise cash ins (almost all of them). We have had Mr. Money In The Bank announce ahead of time when they were cashing in (Rob Van Dam and John Cena). We have had Mr. Money In The Banks defend their contract (Edge, Rob Van Dam, Dolph Ziggler). We have had a Mr. Money In The Bank lose their contract (Mr. Kennedy). We have had a Mr. Money In The Bank lose on their cash in (John Cena). What we didn’t have yet…

What about having one SuperStar hold both Money In The Bank cases / contracts?? I think it’s pretty much the only storyline left. Now let’s see. Who would I pick to win both MITB cases in one night??

Break The Walls Down!!

Think about it. Jericho wins both cases and takes a hiatus from the WWE. Then I’d have him return in about 3 months, cash in the Blue case, wins the World Title, takes another hiatus. This could be a nice way to temporarily retire the World Title and puts more focus on the WWE Title. Then maybe 6 months after that, cash in the Red case. Just imagine his entrance with his arms out and a MITB case in each hand. Come On Baby!!
I think it's a great idea, though I doubt Jericho would be the guy they'd put the focus on. But, I am kind of tired of the Money in the Bank concept being the launching pad for people getting title shots or title wins, particularly when the matches aren't straight up matches most of the time. I've gotten tired of the whole "Wait until the champ is hurt" schtick that both heels and faces take advantage of.
I love this idea. I'll take it even one step further, man. Not only would I really enjoy seeing the same wrestler holding both the Red and Blue briefcases, I want to see him hold onto them at least one until Wrestlemania. I can't believe we have yet to see a cash-in at the biggest show of the year.

They have a chance to create the biggest year EVER with the Money In the Bank briefcase concept. Have the same wrestler win both briefcases, then at Night of Champions have him cash in the blue one, win, and then the next night do a promo reminding fans that he still has ANOTHER briefcase. He would then announce that he will cash in the red one at Wrestlemania to unify the two world titles. He does, and has successfully won both titles from both briefcases. From that point on, there obviously would only be one briefcase for the undisputed title. Now THAT is a Wrestlemania moment.

The problem is that there are not that many wrestlers on the roster who they can trust with such a huge push. It would be great to see though. Unfortunately I don't see it happening due to how much trust WWE would have to place in one wrestler when they can do it with two different guys under the current MITB format, if one plan does not work out they still have the other. It may be more predictable they way they do it, but it works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, they always say.

I'd also like to see MITB matches for the midcard belts. That could help make them feel more important again. The giant pennies could get one, although the number of teams in the match would only be around 4 or so, so that it doesn't get too dangerous with too many competitors involved. I've also suggested an idea for a divas briefcase before too. Have divas pick wrestlers within a storyline to represent them in the match, the winner gets a midcard title shot or something and his diva gets a briefcase.

WWE does still have a few more routes they can take Money In the Bank in, they should begin trying some of them before the concept begins to get too stale. We have seen the same cash-in scenario so many times that it doesn't feel like as big of a moment as it should be anymore. Adding new briefcases or having somebody win both in the same year are a couple of directions I'd like to see WWE go in. The one I'd want to see more than anything though, is a Wrestlemania cash-in.
I thought about this also but i think the only reason why this will not happen is because this means the world titles will be unified i highly doubt that will happen anytime soon but it would be great to see someone hold both im not sure who though maybe Randy who else can you say that never won it already hold such a push its just one storyline that will forever be a dream
I like the idea of one star winning both MITB matches foremost because it's a unique way to merge the titles into one single World Championship. It's something different than merely having the two champs wrestle to unify the titles, though that in & of itself could be an extremely entertaining angle if booked properly.

However, I'm not wild about Jericho being a guy to win both of them, especially with him being on hiatus so much working on projects outside of WWE. If someone is carrying a title then, barring significant injury, that someone should be seen on a regular basis. That was my biggest complaint about The Rock having the WWE Championship. According to a report I read last week, if accurate, then Jericho might be taking a long hiatus soon in which he might not return until very early next year for the Royal Rumble.

If this was to go down, then I think that guys most would want to see have both briefcases would be someone like Jericho, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, maybe Dolph Ziggler. Having the winner cash in one MITB, say the WHC case, and wait a long while to cash in the other could work, but not if the guy is MIA altogether for months at a time. The angle would lose momentum and so would the title he'd already be holding. Personally, I think a solid way to do it would be to just slowly build up an angle around the two World Champions. Maybe start it off with the whole mutual respect bit before eventually turning the respect into grudging respect & mistrust directed towards the briefcase holder. The briefcase holder sort of teases the champ off & on for a while, using the fact he can cash in at anytime to keep the champ on edge. Eventually, have the briefcase holder tease that he's ready to cash in while the champ is vulnerable only for the holder to stop the ref before he can ring the bell. The champ, after having been the victim of a beatdown or a tough match, is just exhausted and not really able to put up much of a fight. After stopping the ref, the briefcase holder walks over to the champ, who is maybe on his knees about to stand shakily to his feet, squats down in front of him, holds his fingers millimeters apart and tells him that he was "that close" before casually walking out. The result is the champ starts to get pissed at these games and starts to play them on his own, such as maybe helping out the briefcase holder if he's being beaten down by several guys or attacked after a hard match. After the attackers are run off, the champ has the belt ready and looks like he's about to waffle the briefcase holder when he turns around. Just as he's about to, he stops just as the guy comes around to fully face him. The champ returns the favor with the you were "this close" treatment, hinting that he could have taken him out then & there. Soon, the game playing gets to the point in which it gets physical between the two as the mutual frustration & head games start to get to them with the briefcase holder announcing that he's cashing in his shot at WrestleMania with the intention of unifying the World Heavyweight & WWE Championships.
Well, the basis for my idea is to give the World Title a break without unifying it with the WWE Title or retiring it altogether. If Dolph Ziggler can keep his Title during an injury, then I believe the 30 Day Defense rule is out the window, as if it wasn’t already.

Here’s the layout of my plan. Let’s call this storyline, “Jericho’s Revenge”

Revenge # 1
First, announce that Chris Jericho is in the Red Money In The Bank match on an episode of Raw. Then at the Money In The Bank Pay Per View, let’s say someone scheduled to be in the Blue Money In The Bank match was all of a sudden, not medically cleared to participate. I pick Dolph Ziggler and his concussion angle. Someone mysteriously attacks Ziggler, later explained as Jericho gaining revenge on him for match that took place on the Raw after SummerSlam 2012. Jericho tells Booker T. he volunteers to take his spot and wins the Blue Case. Later that night, in Heel fashion, he somehow wins the Red Case. The next night on Raw he announces that after a record breaking night, not only participating, but winning both Money In The Bank Ladder matches, he is taking a leave of absence, but he’ll be back to cash in, “Don’t worry, Jericho-holics”.

Revenge # 2
Next, let’s say that Randy Orton is the World Champion by Royal Rumble 2014 or wins the World Title at the Royal Rumble 2014. After a hard fought match, Orton’s theme kicks in. “I hear…Break The Walls Down!!” It’s the return of Chris Jericho, and he has the Blue Case with him!! Code Breaker, Wall Of…no, Lion Tamer, and we have a new World Champion!! Now we have a full Heel turn. Next night on Raw, he explains that he hasn’t forgotten about Orton punting him in the head on an episode of Raw in 2010, which took him out for over a year. He then goes on to say that he is taking another break and he’s taking the World Heavyweight Championship Title Belt with him. Soon after, it’s announced that due to Jericho taking the World Title away, the WWE Champion will face the Royal Rumble winner at WrestleMania XXX. I’m going to go with WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar vs. the 2014 Royal Rumble winner, John Cena. Hey, if Cena is going to tie the Royal Rumble record held by Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels, his time is now. Plus, it gives him a chance to break the record in 2015, by winning 3 in a row and winning 4 total.

Revenge # 3
After Cena defeats Lesnar (oh, like you didn’t see that coming), Paul Heyman is signaling to the back for someone to come out. It’s his newest “Guy”, Chris Jericho, and he has the World Title and the Red Case with him!! Code Breaker, Wall Of…no, Lion Tamer, and we have a new Undisputed WWE World Champion!! Next night on Raw, he explains that he didn’t forget what happened on the Raw after SummerSlam 2005, which took him out for about 2 years. The Best In The World At What He Does is once again the Undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World.

Revenge is sweet!! Getting revenge on 2 is sweeter!! Getting revenge on 3 is the sweetest!!

Let’s not forget, Chris Jericho “created” Money In The Bank. Let’s give him the greatest Money In The Bank moment ever. It would be on the same level as beating Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock on the same night. Do I bring that up as much as he does?? Of course, there would be a Fatal Four Way match with Jericho, Cena, Orton, and Ziggler later on and that’s as far as I want to go. You fill in the rest.
I'd rather they only have one mitb contract that could be cashed in on any champion (As it was originally). And if they were to have one guy end up with two cases it sure as hell shouldn't or likely wouldn't be Chris Jericho. All this would do for Jericho is pile onto his stats and I don't think the WWE is in business to pad Jericho's personal legacy. Not to mention the idea that one guy needs not one but two chances to catch a champion with his pants down really doesn't suit Jericho at this point in time. Someone like Curtis Axel would be better suited for this scenario imo.
I would like this idea if it was done like Dagger said. Have a guy win both and cash in the blue one soon after. THe next night on Raw declare he will cash in the second at Mania to unify the titles. I think the titles need to be unified as the World title has almost dropped down to a midcard title. I also think it would be quite fitting if Jericho was the one to do it possibly ending his career that way. This is a good idea, but an idea that would have to be executed just right.
Think about it. Jericho wins both cases and takes a hiatus from the WWE. Then I’d have him return in about 3 months, cash in the Blue case, wins the World Title, takes another hiatus. This could be a nice way to temporarily retire the World Title and puts more focus on the WWE Title. Then maybe 6 months after that, cash in the Red case. Just imagine his entrance with his arms out and a MITB case in each hand. Come On Baby!!

I don't know about anyone else but I for one don't want the WHC to retire. It looks a hell of alot better the the WWE title and is an older title held by some of the best in the business.

However, it would be a smart ploy, but in my opinion I don't think WWE will use Jericho in this way, and instead using him to put over young talent (like Fandango).

I actually think that RVD will win one of the MITB matches if there is two this year. Will definitely create some drawing power.
Ppl please quit with the JERICHO IS GOD love. I really dont get it. He is way past his prime and its funny how he leaves EVERY YEAR & Y'all praise his return like he's JESUS!!!! Anyway I hate the concept of the same guy with the money in the bank... I actually think that the Money in the Bank concept has grown STALE.... It was cool at first but man DIGGLER never cashing in until after WM actually became CORNY.... I could only imagine seeing a guy holding 2 cases for a year.... GAWD!!!!
So let me get this straight, the guy will win both briefcases, cash in the blue case and win the WHC. Then, announce the next night he will cash in at Mania to unify the Titles. So what happens if he loses during that time? So you're pretty much giving away the fact that the WHC wouldn't be lost or defended until Mania when it would be like 9 months away. Stupid idea in my opinion. I say go back to 1 MITB match. Have the winner be able to defend whenever they want for whatever Title. Also, stop doing so many false cash ins, it just doesn't add to the suspense, it hurts it in my opinion.
So let me get this straight, the guy will win both briefcases, cash in the blue case and win the WHC. Then, announce the next night he will cash in at Mania to unify the Titles. So what happens if he loses during that time? So you're pretty much giving away the fact that the WHC wouldn't be lost or defended until Mania when it would be like 9 months away. Stupid idea in my opinion. I say go back to 1 MITB match. Have the winner be able to defend whenever they want for whatever Title. Also, stop doing so many false cash ins, it just doesn't add to the suspense, it hurts it in my opinion.

Actually, this could make for an exciting 9 month angle. Have the briefcase holder win the WHC, announce his intention to unify the titles at Mania, and then have him hold the title for a few months, only to eventually lose it to the number 1 contender.
From there you could have him chase the WHC frantically, no matter who is holding the title, as he desperately tries to regain it so he can make it to Mania for the unification match.
You could even leave to Elimination Chamber, or to bulid hype, the RAW 1 or 2 weeks before Mania before he regains the WHC.
This way you have a long, 9 month spanning angle leading to a huge unification match, and it also adds prestige back to the WHC along the way with his chasing.
Just a thought. Also, first post! :lmao:
i say we make a few money i the bank matches but one for the mid carders titles one for the tag team titles one for the world champions and one for the divas that way every champions have to watch out for a cash in at anytime that would also bring atenchion to some one whos needs a push in the wwe and i would bring more crowds in to see if the money in the bank would be cashed in
The only other scenario I can see them doing is to have a one champion win the OTHER title's briefcase.

For example, say that John Cena somehow gets in the MITB for the WHC and wins it.. Then, someone else wins the Red briefcase.. Flash forward to a PPV where Cena loses his belt to the red briefcase MITB winner, but later on wins the OTHER belt by cashing in the blue briefcase..
Fucking love this idea. Problem is you have what how many guys can win both Money In The Bank Bank contracts? I would love Jericho to win both Contracts that would be awesome..

Have him win Red N Blue ones,hold onto to them for a minute. Then i say at SummerSlam cash the Blue one in win the WHC (That essentially eliminates the title anyway as its lower than the US Title IMO) and take a Hiatus. Than the night after Royal Rumble,boom his music hits he comes out with the WHC drapped across his shoulder and announces he will cash in the Red one at WM. That idea is brilliant,it automatically brings prestige to the WHC,and that is a genius way of unifying both titles at the grandest stage of em all! Do It WWE this is fucking brilliant Jericho wont be gone that long
So let me get this straight, the guy will win both briefcases, cash in the blue case and win the WHC. Then, announce the next night he will cash in at Mania to unify the Titles.

Would you rather he cash in the Red briefcase for the WWE Championship first then? The World Heavyweight Championship's briefcase should be cashed in first if they will be cashed in on different events. It's the less prestigious so having the Wrestlemania cash-in be for the WWE Championship makes more sense. The only alternative would be for him to hold onto both of them until Wrestlemania. Have the wrestler brag in promos making it clear that he will cash in for both to unify the titles at Wrestlemania 30, holding the red and blue briefcases obnioxiously for more than half a year? I wouldn't be against that scenario, but I personally would rather see them cashed in separately at different events. Having a wrestler run around with two briefcases could be cool for a couple of months, but all the way up until Wrestlemania? That might get old and annoying. He only needs to bring one of them to Wrestlemania. Let him cash in the other one before then.

So what happens if he loses during that time?

Worst case scenario he cashes in for the WWE/World Championship and loses it before he has a chance to cash in his second briefcase. If he loses it before the Royal Rumble, he simply goes on to win that match. He's got one briefcase so he chooses to use his Rumble win to challenge the wrestler holding the other title. If it's after the Rumble but before Elimination Chamber he will just have to find a way within the kayfabe'd storyline to get into the Elimination Chamber match for the other title to win contendership for the belt he lost. Either way, it's not a problem if he loses.

So you're pretty much giving away the fact that the WHC wouldn't be lost or defended until Mania when it would be like 9 months away.

Now, if he DOESN'T lose the belt from the earlier cash-in all the way up until Wrestlemania.... If the wrestler getting the push is someone who often puts on great matches then why would that matter? If you know you are getting a great show when he puts his belt on the line in the months before Wrestlemania, won't you still purchase the PPV event to see a great match? You don't "know" that he will retain each time. There is always the chance that a contender has been booked so strongly going into the match that the champion looks like he has no chance. He might just lose. The belt absolutely 100% for sure would still be defended. So this means the wrestler keeps retaining and puts on great matches for us, otherwise he loses the belt and has to rely on the Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber to get back into the other Wrestlemania title match. There's ways for WWE to get around potential issues such as this.

Stupid idea in my opinion. I say go back to 1 MITB match.

So you'd not want to give the fans a potentially awesome moment when someone has successfully cashed in BOTH of the red and blue briefcases in the same year? Do you have ANY idea how great it would be for the wrestler involved? WWE should do this and THEN go back to doing one briefcase per year. They have an opportunity to do something unique and very interesting, so why not give it a try? It's not like they can't go back to 1 briefcase per year afterwards.

Also, stop doing so many false cash ins, it just doesn't add to the suspense, it hurts it in my opinion.

This I agree with. The fake cash-in's are stupid. You should know the true cash-in is coming the moment it happens and if they do too many fake ones to tease the fans, they will be less likely to be interested when it actually happens.
I'm liking the idea of somebody holding both the briefcases at the same time, however, I would argue that the idea of the person proceeding to go on and unify the belts would be counterproductive towards the company as a whole. We can all pretty much agree that the WHC has lost most it's credibility over the years, but there's still the opportunity to bring back some of the credibility it once had, how/when you end up doing that is almost irrelevant because with one feud it could become the most important title in the company.

That being said, during the "Mr. Dual Money in the Bank" reign you could have them pushing the idea of him unifying the belts so they can reign supreme as the absolute pinnacle of WWE, but that would suit way better for a heel than a face, a face being what I would prefer writing for if I were the one writing this situation. It would be a really good opportunity to push someone BIG and get them up (and possibly beyond) the top using the simple "Yes, I am THAT good" style of getting someone over, a style I am particularly fond of. Think of it, someone winning not one but TWO multiman ladder matches in one night?? That's insane! Whoever manages that should be treated like a damn big deal, after that night they would have to win the majority of their matches pretty dominantly and they would have to continue to keep climbing the card at an accelerated rate, to the point where there would be no one left except the very top stars. The question that remains is who do they currently have that could deal with this much exposure and continue to grow? Honestly I think they've got two choices: Daniel Bryan or Dolph Ziggler, and personally if I were writing it I'd go with Ziggler.

Yeah I know it sounds crazy, but I'm serious, if they're going to push someone to the freaking moon like this I'd put Ziggler in that position, and I'd have him go over some damn big people too. I'd have him barred from competing against Del Rio at MitB due to his head issues so instead he finds a loophole due to him being only barred from competing against Del Rio, not from competing altogether and manages to win both the briefcases - stealing the show, of course. now here's where I go to the crazy parts of the story, the night after on RAW I'd have Ziggler do a promo about how now he can now have two shots at getting back his WHC because he is just that damn good, but in the middle of the promo get assaulted by the Shield saying that his dual win is an injustice and so forth. then next week I'd have Ziggler come out again this time talking about how he is now just that damn good that he could take on the Shield now because this time he's ready. The Shield would then come out to attack again but this time Ziggler fights back, he almost clears the ring but a spear from Reigns takes him down but then here comes Daniel Bryan and Kane for the save, setting up some form of tag team match at Summerslam between the two trios (preferably a table elimination match or something like it) with Ziggler getting the win and standing tall. Now, during these timelines we're assuming the Brock/Punk feud is going to culminate at Summerslam, with Brock winning to the internet's dismay. RAW after Summerslam Paul Heyman and Brock are in the ring with Heyman talking about how their savior CM Punk couldn't stop Brock and that nobody can in the WWE. Cue Ziggles to come out and say he's the dual money in the bank holder, he's the guy who beat the shield, and that he's the one who's going to beat Brock Lesnar because he's that damn good.

You know where I'm going with this, I'm having Dolph Ziggler be the one to defeat Brock Lesnar on PPV, and it would be glorious too. It doesn't end there either, Ziggler still has two briefcases, after the feud with Brock I'd have him come out to say he'd like to have his WHC back now in a match against Del Rio at the next PPV using one of his briefcases. The match would be pretty one sided towards Ziggler with him dominating most of the offense, but in a twist Del Rio would grab a sneaky DQ to win the match, pissing off Ziggy and forcing him into an uncontrollable rage beating the crap out of Del Rio using chairs, tables and even the briefcase to brutalize him, before handing over his OTHER briefcase to the ref, capturing the WHC and ending the PPV as the new dominant heel WHC.

There you have it, my way of using two briefcases to elevate Dolph freaking Ziggler to the top of the card and give the WHC credibility. You could do it with Daniel Bryan too but the baseline of "He's THAT good" still works pretty well as you still end up with a ruthless aggression style heel who has the credentials to beat anybody on the roster.

Other ways to get rid of the briefcases if one were to win both would be:
  • losing one of them
  • winning one title but losing the other
  • winning the title and using the other one to win it back after a dodgy loss
  • losing a briefcase and using the other to get it back i.e. briefcase-ception
  • winning a title with one and winning the tag titles with the other
Better yet, have two separate winners, and give them an actual storyline with the briefcases. Have a winner take all match to end the feud. I don't know if I like the idea of someone using MITB to unify the titles, but I like the idea of them holding both contracts.

Semi off topic but the titles should be unified in the main event of Wrestlmania in a Triple Threat between the WWE Champion, the World Heavyweight Champion and the Royal Rumble winner. The story going into that would be awesome with the right players.
I think this could possibly be done this year, seeing as only 7 wrestlers were announced for the WWE Championship Money in the Bank match on Raw.

For me nobody would be better to do this at this current time than Daniel Bryan. Possibly the most over wrestler in the industry today
I think some of you are not reading my two posts completely or just not understanding my idea. I know I may have gone a bit long winded, but here’s a quick summary of what I was trying to convey.

July 14, 2013 – Chris Jericho wins the Red and Blue Money In The Bank briefcases.

July 15, 2013 – Chris Jericho reveals that he is the one who attached Dolph Ziggler to take his spot and then announces he is taking a hiatus to go out tour with Fozzy and he’s taking his briefcases with him.

January 5, 2014 (not 100% sure of the date) – After Randy Orton wins or successfully defends the World Championship, Chris Jericho returns after a 6 month break, and cashes in on him.

January 6, 2014 (not 100% sure of the date) – Chris Jericho reveals that he didn’t forget about Orton punting him in the head and now he finally got his revenge. Then he announces that he is taking another hiatus and this time, he’s taking the World Title with him. This is similar to when CM Punk took the WWE Title with him, only this time, Jericho will actually be gone for about 3 months, instead of a week or 2. The WWE doesn’t vacate the Title, and instead they just focus on the WWE Title, simply acting as if the World Title retired quietly.

April 6, 2014 – After John Cena wins or successfully defends the WWE Title against the 2014 Royal Rumble winner, out comes Chris Jericho with the World Title and the Red MITB case. He cashes in, defeats Cena and “unifies” the WWE and World Titles, once again becoming Undisputed Champion.

April 7, 2014 – “I am the Best in the World at what I do.” I will bask in the glory and chant Y2J!! Y2J!! Y2J!!

You see, by Jericho winning both cases and then taking 6 months off, it brings back the element of surprise. By not seeing him week in and week out walking around with the case, you might even forget he has it. I’d even have him bring them on stage at his Fozzy shows.

When he comes back at the Royal Rumble, we will all pop. The next night on Raw he leaves again. Being that it’s pretty much the “second place” Title he has, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. Oh, by the way, this would effectively eliminate one Elimination Chamber match, making the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber match that much “more important”.

Going into WrestleMania, we’ll have the WWE Champion vs. Royal Rumble winner storyline, the Undertaker streak match storyline, the other 4 Championship storylines (Intercontinental, United States, Divas and Tag Team), the CEO vs. COO storyline, possibly a Celebrity storyline, and a few others to keep us occupied.

Well, we know with the announcement last night about who the participants in the Red Money In The Bank match are, Jericho won’t be in it. Then again, there are only 7 participants. Maybe he could just run in and grab the case and run even if he’s not scheduled in the match. Maybe he could do it twice!! HAHA!!
I personally think it would be cool to have a cash in at wrestlemania, but behind the scenes. Have whoever has the briefcase at wrestlemania obviously. When its time for the title match the announcer will do his normal "The next match is set for one fall for the heavyweight/wwe championship". Introducing your challenger (insert name here). Then they introduce the champion everyone currently knows. Out of nowhere, surprise music hits and the MITB holder comes out with the belt as the new CHAMPION. Amidst the confusion they cut to footage of him cashing in backstage and dropping the current champion. I think the place would go fucking nuts regardless of who cashed in.
January 6, 2014 (not 100% sure of the date) – Chris Jericho reveals that he didn’t forget about Orton punting him in the head and now he finally got his revenge. Then he announces that he is taking another hiatus and this time, he’s taking the World Title with him. This is similar to when CM Punk took the WWE Title with him, only this time, Jericho will actually be gone for about 3 months, instead of a week or 2. The WWE doesn’t vacate the Title, and instead they just focus on the WWE Title, simply acting as if the World Title retired quietly.

I like your ideas, but I'm left with a question of what do they do on the Smackdowns between Jericho leaving and coming back? It would leave an obvious gap where the WHC segments used to be and I doubt the WWE champion would be willing to work both RAW and smackdown. My only gripe with that is what would all the people feuding over the title end up doing? Stepping down to the midcard is incredibly counterproductive for most of the characters in the possible WHC scene, and I don't have enough faith in creative to be able to elevate a midcard title enough to give smackdown a reason to be watched in the space of three months.

they could attempt to use that time to make upper midcard feuds feel a lot more important, but again I feel that creative simply isn't good enough to pull that off - with the exception being an in depth shield feud, and they might have been split at that point too.

I know the WHC is considered meaningless by a lot of people, but it's still considered a lot higher than the midcard titles, so what I'm trying to say is that the gap created by getting rid of it for that time would be hard to fill for quite a while.
Well, I don’t want the Titles unified the way Triple H unified them after WrestleMania X8. I want them unified the way Chris Jericho unified them at Vengeance 2001. I want 2 separate Belts that could be defended separately or together. I think, in order to give the Top Champion a little more importance, build prestige, and stand out better than the Intercontinental Champion and United States Champion, the WWE World Champion should carry the WWE Title and the World Title. That’s what I was going for at least.
The "love" as FreezeisGawd puts it is not based on nothing. Jericho does leave every year, that is true - but he also comes back every year and spends 90% of that time putting new talent over and making you miss him when he's not there. When was the last time you truly missed Undertaker? He is far worse for showing up once in a blue moon for his Mania paycheck. Jericho for 6 months a year does more good than many do in a year for WWE, including Taker.

As to the idea, sure I'd love it and it'd be fitting for a "last run" for Jericho as he "Invented" MITB, so holding both cases would be part of "his masterplan" and he didn't win it till now cos he wanted both...

I never see Vince going with it though, Trips maybe but as a plan B I could see this working for Wade Barrett. Say sake of argument he wins the World title one this year (It's him or Cesaro really) and someone in the WWE title one is mysteriously taken out... Barrett just goes out as the 6th participant - tthey think he's nuts but he simply says "I'm tired of waiting" and he is basically betting the SD case to get into the RAW match on the same night - wins it in a shocker and this attracts Heyman to him as a manager. Instant credibility for Barrett as he "bet it all" for his chance and took full advantage.

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