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Mr. Kennedy: What's the Big Deal?


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
I'm sure I'm bound to start controversy with some of our more smarky regulars here, but I really can't resist in asking why it is that so many of you out there love and praise Mr. Kennedy as the next big thing.


The guy is talented; yes. He can cut a decent promo (but is not NEARLY as good on the mic as some would make him out to be), but it's always the same damn promo, every single time. He hasn't had a new promo in his entire time here. Every promo is him shouting his name, and saying "I am the best, you suck" in more diverse words. Not exactly the next Rock.

And in the ring? Decent as well. But not spectacular. Try to name me one great Mr. Kennedy match. Didn't think so.

And has anyone else noticed that the man is one of the laziest guys when it comes to being in the ring? Every time I watch him wrestle these days it's like he's just said to himself "Well, my push is over, so I'm just going to half-ass it from here on out until they stick me with something better".

So all of you Kennedy marks, please, PLEASE tell me---what the hell is so special about this guy?
You know I also question what is so great about him. Hes completely average in every shape and form. I think one of his better qualities is probably the fact hes easily hated whenever he does do a promo, but even then his promos arnt to special. His whole entire character breaths midcarder for life, and I dont know what it would be like to have a Mr Kennedy with a top belt. Its very hard to imagine
I've been thinking about this since the Hardy story broke, and this is what I've come up with. I'm not a huge kennedy fan, but I don't have anything against him either. He's entertaining and as you said his in ring ability is good but not great. His promo skills impress me as he has this presence to him. As you said he's not the next rock, but he's better than most I think. I think his main appeal is that after basically the same main stars on raw, HHH, Cena, HBK etc, he was something fresh. On raw the last 2 years, aside from the time that edge was there, the main heels have been Umaga, the spirit squad, Khali (for a little bit), Vince, and Orton (I'm probably forgetting someone). Out of those, Vince has been around forever, Orton puts me to sleep, the ss were so stupid that no one took them seriously, and khali and umaga never talk. Kennedy showed up on raw and could actually talk. I think the main appeal of him is that he's a breath of fresh air on raw. He just has a certain charisma to him and he does have good talking ability. If his in ring skills got better, he'd be main event full time.
Try to name me one great Mr. Kennedy match. Didn't think so.

Last Ride Match with the Undertaker.


Kennedy is the next big thing. He is easily the most well rounded person on the mic.

He cuts better serious promos than HHH and can go toe to toe in humorous promos with Santino Marella. (some OVW videos and seeing him work at house shows will show you that.)

As for workrate? Your definition please? He gets people interested in his match due to his charisma, and besides that Kennedy has great technical skill anyway... just see the various submissions he has down over time if that's your definition.

Lets see.. he pulled a better match out of Flair than MVP did because Kennedy has better in-ring psychology imo in that he played the cocky young heel mannerisms to a Tee in that match.

Anway the IWC is in general quite fickle as has been shown time and time again, and all of you will be jumping down his jockstrap (again as you all were before the steroid thing) as soon as his big break comes.
i have to disagree with u 3 posters ...i think hes a good all around wrestler...hell, hes more talented than most young wrestlers in the roster... but there are a few things to criticize about...maybe he hasn't reached his potential or maybe its these writers coming up with things for him to say thats been giving him average mic skills as of l8...i dunno...but i'd rather watch him than most wwe superstars (new and especially OLD)....i think hes more than 1 dimensional unlike snitsky...name u one great kennedy match? kennedy vs. shawn michaels from raw
I fail to see the big deal with Kennedy myself. I think he has a ton of potential, but the WWE fucked up royally by shipping him to Raw. He had it made on Smackdown and he didn't have the pressure of being on live today. The move to Raw buried him in the midcard, the lower tier of the mid card, and he just has seemed shaky at best since the move. Plus on top of blowing two of the biggest storylines of the year last year custom made to make Kennedy a champion doesn't help either. I have never seen a guy with so much momentum lose it so fast, oh wait, I'm talking about Kennedy not Jeff Hardy, hahaha.

Anyways, Kennedy can cut the occasional good promo, but it's not a regular occurance. However, i will say that the WWE has done a terrible job with it's heels lately. Apparantely heels aren't supposed to be strong bad guys anymore, they are all cowardly and slow talking, and they dno't come up with catch phrases. Edge and Orton are prime examples of this. While I won't knock the two, their mic skills have gone down. It's not that their not capable of cutting a killer promo, it's that the WWE has had them dull down the promos to avoid face pops, it's dumb imo, but I don't own the WWE.

Kennedy also got a big plug from Vince as well a few years back during the Wrestlemania press conference, so Vince sees something in him as well. I don't think Kennedy has done anything in the last year to warrant a monster push, I think he has digressed more then developed. I think it would take a miracle to get the momentum he once had back in time for WM 25. Kennedy hasn't done anything for me not to like him, but he hasn't done anything to make me say, wow, next big thing.
Last Ride Match with the Undertaker.


Mediocre match at best. What exactly made that a good match? It was every single Last Ride match that's been done before, only with Mr. Kennedy involved this time. I mean, don't get me wrong, it was an entertaining gimmick match...but thats just it. It was a gimmick match. I've yet to see a gimmick match that I didn't find entertaining in some way.

You'll have to try again.

Kennedy is the next big thing. He is easily the most well rounded person on the mic.

Why is he the next big thing? What makes him the next big thing? He's average. Desperately average.

And what makes him the most well rounded person on the mic? John Cena, Santino, MVP, Randy Orton, those are all guys who are better on the mic then Kennedy. And thats just off the top of my head.

What makes him so great on the mic? Because he says his name repeatedly? He can get good heel heat, don't get me wrong, but he's too much of a tweener for any of his promos to get over fully. He's decent; nothing amazing.

He cuts better serious promos than HHH and can go toe to toe in humorous promos with Santino Marella. (some OVW videos and seeing him work at house shows will show you that.)

Disagreed on both parts. HHH's promo quality has gone down drastically in recent years, but when he gets mad and cuts a promo, it's still ten times better then anything I've ever seen from Kennedy. And as humorous as Santino? I've seen his OVW stuff, and I've also attended house shows before in which he wrestled. Not exactly a hilarious guy; he's clever for sure. But he's not very comedic.

As for workrate? Your definition please? He gets people interested in his match due to his charisma, and besides that Kennedy has great technical skill anyway... just see the various submissions he has down over time if that's your definition.

My definition of work rate is going out into a match and looking like you might actually be interested in winning that match. I haven't seen that from Kennedy in monthes. Ever since he's moved to RAW, I can't name one match where I felt the guy was giving his all. Just compare his matches from a year ago to his matches today. You'll see what I mean. He's gotten lazy.

Charisma? That he does have, I'll grant you that. Not a ton of charisma, but certainly more then a schmo like Batista does.

And various submission moves doesn't make you a great technical wrestler. A great technical wrestler is someone who sets up moves in a certain order to lead into a desired effect. For example; Bret Hart spending half of a match working on someone's leg, then putting them into the Sharpshooter. Technical wrestling is the ability to counter pretty much anything given to you, another thing Bret could do. Maybe people have different versions of technical wrestling, but thats my definition.

And he's no technical wizard. I'd put his in-ring skills about on par with someone like a Bob Holly. Just very average.

Lets see.. he pulled a better match out of Flair than MVP did because Kennedy has better in-ring psychology imo in that he played the cocky young heel mannerisms to a Tee in that match.

Kennedy has better in ring psychology then MVP? Pssh, please. Thats ridiculious. Kennedy doesn't often carry over storylines into the actual in-ring work. MVP almost always does. MVP is ten times the heel that Kennedy is.

And no one, I repeat, no one, has had a good match out of Flair in years. I mean years. Like, mid 90s years.
I agree with a lot of what you said Shockey, especially about him moving from Smackdown messing him up. WWE has definately dropped the ball with him, but granted it hasn't been all his fault. It looked like they were ready to go with him until he had his wellness violation. He simply isnt ready to be the main heel on raw yet as everything there is pretty much set in stone. He would fit in very well on smackdown or on ecw as a dominant heel where he would have more time to talk. Raw just isnt the place for him right now.
i have to admit he has been lazy in the ring as recent but look ever since the whole kennedy about to be illegitmate child then getting suspended for roids i think thats what messed him up but not completley i think hes gunna get a HUGE push after what happend to hardy i think he will respond and rise to the occasion at wm 24 when he will win the mtb match...kennedy's promo arent that great anymore but that's partially creative's fault so they can fix it cause hes good on the mic so is kennedy a bit overrated just a bit but i say this he will redeem himself mark my words and tell you "critics" not to forget his name MR KENNEDYYYYYYYY.......KENNEDY
I agree with most of you guys on here. Mediocre wrestler at best. He's good on the mic, but if you ask me that's all that I can remember him for. Oh yeah, I forgot, he did fuck up his match with John Cena & couldn't execute a proper armdrag & put Cena out for a few months. Yeah, good one there. Since he's got off of the juice(damn it shows!)and put his foot in his mouth about it, I don't see him much more than a utilty wrestler. Maybe lucky for him that Hardy got suspended. Maybe his workrate & storylines will be better now and he'll get a push.
Well I have to say I'm a fan of Kennedy, and as for the good match: Vs Jeff Hardy about 2 months ago. As for mic skills, I think we can agree that ALL the promos have gone down lately. Even with Jericho who was one of the best on the mic before he left, he didnt impress me at all since his return so I think the problem is more about the writing than the stars. And I liked the idea of Kennedy not being in the main event at Mania but hanging around Cena, HHH and Orton in the storyline and droping lines about using the MITB on that night vs the winner.
But if wwe's idea is to push him, and now that Hardy is gone he's pretty much the only logical choice for the MITB, why did they feed him to Finlay this week?
To be honest, I'm a fan of Kennedy, but his product as of late has fallen. His career started taking a downward spiral ever since he joined up the RAW roster. He was buried by all the huge stars, and WWE had nothing for him to do. For a long time Kennedy was forgotton on RAW, as he was never used. His feud with HBK gave his career a breath of fresh air, but it's still not the Kennedy of the past.

Kennedy was great during his run on Smackdown. He was a top star, and was a main eventer. He was already over with the fans, proved himself to the smarks, and was on the top of his career. Then he won the MITB ladder match, and everything looked up for Kennedy. He was surely gonna become a world champ, and be a successful main eventer. Then he got injured. Everything slowed down for Kennedy, drastically. Then another huge blow to Kennedy, he was put on RAW. And ever since he joined up the RAW roster the Kennedy of old was dead. It wasn't Kennedy's fault, it was just bad booking.

Kennedy has potential, but that's it. Nothing more than potential. He used to be good in the ring, now his matches are piss breaks. His promos used to be top notch, some of them are still pretty good, but most of them are boring as well. He's also not as over with the fans anymore. The IWC keeps on praising him higher, and higher, but Kennedy's product stays the same. It's safe to say he's overrated.

Now the only thing that can save Kennedy's career is the MITB ladder match. If he were to win that match he could prove himself all over again. A MITB ladder match win could bring back the Kennedy of the old. Now since Jeff Hardy is gone, he actually has a chance of winning it. Hopefully he can pull it off.
i really like kennedy but most would agree that his in ringwork could really improve, i think it it improved he could become a true great, was crazy to move him onto raw, should of kept him on smackdown and made him and edge the top heels on the roster, do people think hes missing something?? a manager? a valet? maybe become a leader of a little faction in the wwe?
I personally feel that if Kennedy were going to be the 'next big thing', it would have already happened. He's a career midcarder; just decent enough in the ring and on the mic to stay on the upper midcard, but never going to reach the level of a Rock or an Austin. I honestly don't see him winning the WWE title unless it's for transitional purposes.
Kennedy is someone who should've gotten a push instead of J. Hardy...he is by far a better wrestler/character and has the better mic skills...probably one of the best young talents around today...how bout a Kennedy-Jericho fued?
What I WILL say, and has always been an indicator to me of whats good in wrestling to some extent, is the opinions of non fans or new fans. They havent been told over and over the formula that makes a wrestler "good". And there are two guys that have been 100% pegged by each and every non fan who I get to watch wrestling occasionally with me. Those guys being King Booker...and Mr.Kennedy. They all find him extremely entertaining, on the mic, and in the ring.

I feel he botches a lot, and can use some work in his transitions and phsycology, but I think thats all stuff that comes with time.I think we all have to remember that Kennedy hasnt really been around THAT long, and what time he has had, was marred with Injury. He will improve, and actually carried Flair pretty well in their match at NWO.

On the mic I would say he is very very good. Nothing ground breaking recently about the stuff he says, but the way he says it it what gets the job done. He says everything with such a belivable sense of confidence. If shelton Benjamin had 1/10th the confidence on the mic that Kennedy has, he would be a megastar. His beginning stuff was hilarious, and I think he still has that capability. I dont think its some coinsedence that he has become bland and repetitive, as the funny heels in the vein that he was tend to get pops, and its fairly obvious they are trying to murded the Kennedy pop lately.
Kennedy needs to revert back to comedy. It's what he's best at. If it turns him face, then so be it. His mic skills are superb, his in-ring skills are adequate, he has the look, and WWE is in desperate for some main event-level heels. He needs to stop getting buried by the creative team and give him something to do!
Kennedy needs to revert back to comedy.

I completely agree. That's the thing that got him over in the first place. He doesn't do well with the "I'm gonna kill you" type of promo, he does well with the funny mocking promo. One of the reasons that he hasn't become "the next big thing" is because they are forcing him out of his element. I think maybe if they put Kennedy and Jericho in a feud it could be a great mic battle.
I'm only a Mr. Kennedy fan because of the entrance as I think the guy is ok in the ring, but has that Hogan charm that naturally people are drawn to him. I think his mic skills are ok,but not that of main event level like that of Rock, Cena, HHH, HBK, or Austin. Without the whole idea of introducing himself I think Kennedy would still be in OVW/FCW or in TNA jobbing. I can't think of a Kennedy Classic match & like many have said, he lost something when he came from Smackdown to Raw. The same happen with Cena, is happening to JBL & could happen to Finlay. For all the crap Smackdown gets as a bad show by some, the brand can make better talent than Raw and Kennedy was great on Smackdown, the Main Event, on Raw, he is just the Main Event jobber.

He isn't a main event jobber. Only made out to be because of a jackass creative team but they have a reason. Creative doesnt want to book him the way WE want it because he's a heel. Kennedy got uber over and face pops from his whole entrance with the music to the announcing of himself. They recognized it and cut the cord. That and he fucked is own self over by running off at the mouth.

People claim his mic skills are average and not main event level. Give me a fucking break, the guy is solid, very solid on the mic. Go back to the Flair feud. Watch that segment where they mouthed each other and he kicked him in the knee. Classic heel stuff. He does some of, if not the best promos on RAW weekly.

As for in ring work. People need to learn it's not as important as they make it. If wrestling skills were what drew fans then Dean Malenko would have been a 15 time champion. It doesn't. They are there to entertain with what appeals to the crowd. All the major superstars that made it big were average wrestlers (based on the IWC criteria). Hogan, Austin, Warrior, Batista, Flair, Cena, HHH, Rock etc. Charisma is very important, all of those guys had it besides Batista who got over on strength and power. Kennedy has boatloads of it. Kennedy was over on SD when given the push, he was over when he got the MITB last year, and he was super over heading into being McMoron's son. Every time he gets a push, he gets over. But they take away his #1 asset, the microphone, the crowd doesn't appeal to him. Which means he needs to work on those ring and psychology skills.

But seriously, this overrated shit is stupid anyways, it's clear the IWC turns on all of their golden boys, it's the same case here. He isn't overrated by the IWC because he's already being bashed throughout it..

IMHO when Kennedy has that face turn (if he keeps the cocky persona) he will go far. It almost happened last year in the semi feud with Edge, and he did great. They bring back that Kennedy to go up against some of the hated heels. He'll excel.

He isn't a main event jobber. Only made out to be because of a jackass creative team but they have a reason. Creative doesnt want to book him the way WE want it because he's a heel. Kennedy got uber over and face pops from his whole entrance with the music to the announcing of himself. They recognized it and cut the cord. That and he fucked is own self over by running off at the mouth.

People claim his mic skills are average and not main event level. Give me a fucking break, the guy is solid, very solid on the mic. Go back to the Flair feud. Watch that segment where they mouthed each other and he kicked him in the knee. Classic heel stuff. He does some of, if not the best promos on RAW weekly.

As for in ring work. People need to learn it's not as important as they make it. If wrestling skills were what drew fans then Dean Malenko would have been a 15 time champion. It doesn't. They are there to entertain with what appeals to the crowd. All the major superstars that made it big were average wrestlers (based on the IWC criteria). Hogan, Austin, Warrior, Batista, Flair, Cena, HHH, Rock etc. Charisma is very important, all of those guys had it besides Batista who got over on strength and power. Kennedy has boatloads of it. Kennedy was over on SD when given the push, he was over when he got the MITB last year, and he was super over heading into being McMoron's son. Every time he gets a push, he gets over. But they take away his #1 asset, the microphone, the crowd doesn't appeal to him. Which means he needs to work on those ring and psychology skills.

But seriously, this overrated shit is stupid anyways, it's clear the IWC turns on all of their golden boys, it's the same case here. He isn't overrated by the IWC because he's already being bashed throughout it..

IMHO when Kennedy has that face turn (if he keeps the cocky persona) he will go far. It almost happened last year in the semi feud with Edge, and he did great. They bring back that Kennedy to go up against some of the hated heels. He'll excel.

Ken is overrated the same way Cena is overrated. Kennedy just has a good gimmick just as did Cena, but Kennedy is like on the way down. I see him getting a title shot here and there, but hell thye don't even let the guy hold a title. He was US Champion for about a month and hasn't seen a belt since. I doubt Kennedy will even be in the WWE this time next year as he is his own bad luck and he will "Jeff Hardy" his career and be out the door going to TNA to feud with Tomko. The only great thing Kennedy has is introducing himself. I don't think the Creative team is holding him back as with the state that the WWE ratings are in now, no one is getting held back on purpose without a real reason. I think that the WWE sees that Kennedy is not what they thought he would be just like the poor return of Jericho as they thought it would be big and all that happen is that Jericho will never, ever!!!!! be WWE Champion again! Kennedy is going to TNA, I know it.
Erm, in WWE's eyes those ratings probably aren't that bad and they will continue running the company the way they want. There is no competition and Vince can still occasionally draw 4 million people. So nothing will change there.

The only great thing Kennedy has is introducing himself.

And his promo's after the introduction.

Ken is overrated the same way Cena is overrated.

How can Cena and Kennedy by overrated when the IWC claim "everyone hates him".

That makes no sense.

To say he won't be in WWE next year is a bit idiotic IMO. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing him in TNA at all because of the god awwwwwwwwwwwful creative team WWE has at the moment and whoever jumps ship over there will continue getting pushes.. Won't happen though.

I think that the WWE sees that Kennedy is not what they thought he would be just like the poor return of Jericho as they thought it would be big and all that happen is that Jericho will never, ever!!!!! be WWE Champion again!

No, Kennedy ran his mouth, and had to pay for it. Now they(WWE and creative) are looking around in their ass for what to do with him. They should just listen to the crowd.

As for Jericho, he flopped. That's why he'll never be champion again.
How can Cena and Kennedy by overrated when the IWC claim "everyone hates him".

Where is this fantasy IWC land of wonder and yore that everyone so often talks about that I can go to? You're a part of the IWC, are you not? Slyfox is, isn't he? I'm sick of this tired generalization of every wrestling fan who posts on the internet as being Hogan/Cena hating, ROH loving smark assholes. It's just not true for the most part. Alot of the IWC doesn't have a problem with Cena as much as some people like to think.

Besides, he was implying that they were overrated by the fans; and fans for the most part would rate Cena as top of the WWE, where as there are some fans on here who wouldn't agree with that and don't like Cena's wrestling style, thus making them call him overrated. Doesn't make it true, but that's what he meant.

And Kennedy would have to be more over to be hated.

No, Kennedy ran his mouth, and had to pay for it. Now they(WWE and creative) are looking around in their ass for what to do with him. They should just listen to the crowd.

They do listen to the crowd. Thats why they were pushing Jeff Hardy. It's also why they haven't been pushing Mr. Kennedy; because he's not over enough with the fans. When he first came in he had a cool, hip edge to him that he has since completely lost, along with his becoming increasingly lazy on the mic and in the ring. Perhaps thats partly to blame on WWE for taking away the pushes they kept coming up for him as punishment, but the fact doesn't change that Kennedy started off as an average wrestler with nice mic skills, and now has become a mediocre wrestler with average mic skills.
Where is this fantasy IWC land of wonder and yore that everyone so often talks about that I can go to?

Away from the jackass land of ECW and ROH wonders

You're a part of the IWC, are you not?

Yes. But I was referring to the IWC as a whole. Christ.

Slyfox is, isn't he?

No, he's from Dudleyville.

I'm sick of this tired generalization of every wrestling fan who posts on the internet as being Hogan/Cena hating, ROH loving smark assholes.


Yes. But I was referring to the IWC as a whole. Christ.

It's just not true for the most part. Alot of the IWC doesn't have a problem with Cena as much as some people like to think.

Yeah only like one other board I post at. And I'm registered at about 1000, so I've read alot.

Besides, he was implying that they were overrated by the fans; and fans for the most part would rate Cena as top of the WWE,

He is on top of the WWE. Even the haters should be smart enough to realize that.

Like I said, the haters claim Cena/Kennedy is overrated, but yet they also claim they are "hated by everyone". Therefore meaning WTF?

That makes no sense. If your being bashed and hated by their logic. How can you be overrated?

And Kennedy would have to be more over to be hated.

Kennedy's split.

They do listen to the crowd.

I don't know. Sometimes they do. The beloved MVP is US champion and he barely manages to get any heat and comes out to crickets usually.

Thats why they were pushing Jeff Hardy.


It's also why they haven't been pushing Mr. Kennedy;

Kennedy = Heel.

Umaga = Heel.

Umaga comes out to crickets and never gets a strong reaction but yet gets pushes.

They seem to do that alot.

And I have no clue WTF you are talking about, not pushing Kennedy. The ONLY reason he hasn't gotten the big push or a title shot is because of his suspension and injuries. Like I've said, when he's pushed, he gets over just as well as any of the other heels on the roster.

because he's not over enough with the fans.

You got some catching up to do....

Kennedy was over on SD when given the push, he was over when he got the MITB last year, and he was super over heading into being McMoron's son. Every time he gets a push, he gets over. But they take away his #1 asset, the microphone, the crowd doesn't appeal to him. Which means he needs to work on those ring and psychology skills.


Might as well go back and read that whole post.

When he first came in he had a cool, hip edge to him that he has since completely lost,


along with his becoming increasingly lazy on the mic and in the ring.


Bullshit. You call that lazy and ya' boy HBK must be jobless.

Perhaps thats partly to blame on WWE for taking away the pushes they kept coming up for him as punishment,

Yup. Which is exactly why he is being bashed throughout this board and others.

Which is EXACTLY what they want.

but the fact doesn't change that Kennedy started off as an average wrestler with nice mic skills,

Average wrestlers have a trend of always becoming the biggest.

The same can be said with John Cena and all of those others I named, Started out with as an average wrestler with nice mic skills.

Look where they went. That arguement about average wrestling skills is garbage.

As for in ring work. People need to learn it's not as important as they make it. If wrestling skills were what drew fans then Dean Malenko would have been a 15 time champion. It doesn't. They are there to entertain with what appeals to the crowd. All the major superstars that made it big were average wrestlers (based on the IWC criteria). Hogan, Austin, Warrior, Batista, Flair, Cena, HHH, Rock etc. Charisma is very important, all of those guys had it besides Batista who got over on strength and power. Kennedy has boatloads of it. Kennedy was over on SD when given the push, he was over when he got the MITB last year, and he was super over heading into being McMoron's son. Every time he gets a push, he gets over. But they take away his #1 asset, the microphone, the crowd doesn't appeal to him. Which means he needs to work on those ring and psychology skills.

and now has become a mediocre wrestler with average mic skills.

He has hardly changed.

He's just been booked differently.
I agree with most of you guys on here. Mediocre wrestler at best. He's good on the mic, but if you ask me that's all that I can remember him for. Oh yeah, I forgot, he did fuck up his match with John Cena & couldn't execute a proper armdrag & put Cena out for a few months. Yeah, good one there. Since he's got off of the juice(damn it shows!)and put his foot in his mouth about it, I don't see him much more than a utilty wrestler. Maybe lucky for him that Hardy got suspended. Maybe his workrate & storylines will be better now and he'll get a push.

Anyways....... I ♥♥♥ MICHELLE McCOOL!!!

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