Mr. Anderson

It's really simple, Anderson is over in the IMPACT Zone. That's not really difficult because it'S always the same peoples going to those tv tapings and i guessing that they are told who to cheer and who to hate. But outside of the IMPACT zone, he'S not that over, in fact, he's probably the most hated guy in wrestling. I'm not talking normal heat, i'm talking x-pac heat. Alot of fans can'T stand the guy, his character, which was really original when he first started in WWE as become stale and borderline annoying now. HE'S not the greatest wrestlers and i'm guessing his titles reigns were test drives to see it would help ratings and buy rates which it didn't, in fact even the Impact Zone fans didn't take to him when he was champion. The guys was even more annoying and i didn'T see the rating during his reign but i wouldn'T be surprised that his segment were to lowest rated segment of the show.

Sadly for the few Anderson fans, he's is a upper mid card talent and will always remains there unless he does something drastic with his character because this stuff he'S doing right now isn'T working anymore.

TNA, actually pays people to pose as fans so you don't even know sometimes.
Well when he won it originally, i didn't think they planned on having him lose it so quickly. But with the developments in the Sting/Dixie Carter/Immortal Storyline going on....Having Sting win it seemed like the best thing. I mean Immortal had everything at this point, before sting won it, so they didn't really have any Ammo for Sting to continue the storyline...and had he lost, They would have destroyed him and "Sent him out of the Impact Zone on a Stretcher" as Hulk put it. So storyline wise, it was for the best.

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