Mr. Anderson

It's because TNA sucks now, face it, there is nothing going for that company. They need to ditch that creative team NOW before it's too late! The young guys that deserved the spotlight aren't exactly young anymore and they need those crucial pushes now.
I like Ken (hated him in WWE but then that's because WWE limits its people, I'd say talent but most there don't have any, anyway...) but the title change makes a lot of sense.

Ken hasn't been a major part of tv for a few months plus if Sting's crazy and holding the title then it makes Hogan conflicted. Take the title from the crazy and unstable guy or listen to the hidden truths within a legend's ramblings and betray his Immortal brethren.

I don't see how it can be an issue. Anderson just hasn't had a decent feud since last year and I can't even remember him being on tv that much since maybe Lockdown.
I always love how people hate on TNA because of this and mysteriously forget that WWE did the same thing with Christian.....TNA sucks so I guess that is to blame for Christian's 2 day title reign too?
TNA just have a personal liking for Sting, thats why they keep giving him the title. I think that they should have Sting finally pass the torch to AJ Styles by losing to him cleanly, or Mr. Anderson.
I always love how people hate on TNA because of this and mysteriously forget that WWE did the same thing with Christian.....TNA sucks so I guess that is to blame for Christian's 2 day title reign too?

Are you retarted? If I remember Christian losing the title had a major outrage. People were pissed the fuck off that he lost and many said they would stop watching Smackdown. Please if your going to try and play the Well WWE Did This Card So TNA Shouldn't Be Blamed atleast do it right
It's because TNA sucks now, face it, there is nothing going for that company. They need to ditch that creative team NOW before it's too late! The young guys that deserved the spotlight aren't exactly young anymore and they need those crucial pushes now.

Oh good god. Don't come in making these idiotic posts. Just do not.

TNA is pushing Bobby Roode, Crimson (26) and Gunner (28) and your honestly telling me there is nothing going for that company? After the most popular PPV which is Destination X 2011 just happened? Get real.
I honestly dont know what people see in Anderson. Any momentum his character had was squandered months ago, and his in-ring work is mediocre at best. A good champion has to have the total package. He has to be able to tell a story in and out of the ring. Anderson might be able to talk, but thats all he can do. His ring work is sloppy and lazy, which is why he was let go from the WWE. Its the one thing he shouldve worked on when he came to TNA but instead he's been resting on his laurels, letting the microphone carry him, but thats just not enough to make him a good champion.

Sting is a reliable worker both in and out of the ring. He's also a draw. Kurt Angle is a draw. Angle vs Sting at Hardcore Justice will draw more buys than Anderson vs Anyone you can name. TNA has opted to go with the higher profile match here and you really cant blame them.

I'm sorry all the Anderson marks think he didnt get a long enough reign, but really, Anderson has had a huge build up for awhile now. You cant blame TNA for this one. They gave him the ball and he dropped it. He needs to go back to the upper mid card and step his game up in the ring before he gets back in the world title mix.
I honestly dont know what people see in Anderson. Any momentum his character had was squandered months ago, and his in-ring work is mediocre at best. A good champion has to have the total package. He has to be able to tell a story in and out of the ring. Anderson might be able to talk, but thats all he can do. His ring work is sloppy and lazy, which is why he was let go from the WWE. Its the one thing he shouldve worked on when he came to TNA but instead he's been resting on his laurels, letting the microphone carry him, but thats just not enough to make him a good champion.

Sting is a reliable worker both in and out of the ring. He's also a draw. Kurt Angle is a draw. Angle vs Sting at Hardcore Justice will draw more buys than Anderson vs Anyone you can name. TNA has opted to go with the higher profile match here and you really cant blame them.

I'm sorry all the Anderson marks think he didnt get a long enough reign, but really, Anderson has had a huge build up for awhile now. You cant blame TNA for this one. They gave him the ball and he dropped it. He needs to go back to the upper mid card and step his game up in the ring before he gets back in the world title mix.

Agreed totally. when he was in WWE and he was doing the start of a Stone Cold type character he was ok but otherwise he sucks. his mic work is horrible, his catchprase is lame his ring work is adequate at best. He has the look and when he was doing the Sting Impersonation i though he looked wild but otherwise the lights are on but noones home and to top it off in typical TNA fashion you don't know if you are meant to be cheering or booing as he keeps changing from show to show, battling faces while also battling heels

use the current example, he is having a serious issue with Gunner, yet he's now part of Immortal siding with him and the people that were holding him back?
for some of the people who complain about everything that happens reagrdless of federation, I cannot wait for the day when you start your own federation and "book things right" and draw the thousands and thousands of people that will flock to your federation just so you can come in here and post that you have proven you are smarter than TNA, WWE and everyone else.
I honestly dont know what people see in Anderson. Any momentum his character had was squandered months ago, and his in-ring work is mediocre at best. A good champion has to have the total package. He has to be able to tell a story in and out of the ring. Anderson might be able to talk, but thats all he can do. His ring work is sloppy and lazy, which is why he was let go from the WWE. Its the one thing he shouldve worked on when he came to TNA but instead he's been resting on his laurels, letting the microphone carry him, but thats just not enough to make him a good champion.

Sting is a reliable worker both in and out of the ring. He's also a draw. Kurt Angle is a draw. Angle vs Sting at Hardcore Justice will draw more buys than Anderson vs Anyone you can name. TNA has opted to go with the higher profile match here and you really cant blame them.

I'm sorry all the Anderson marks think he didnt get a long enough reign, but really, Anderson has had a huge build up for awhile now. You cant blame TNA for this one. They gave him the ball and he dropped it. He needs to go back to the upper mid card and step his game up in the ring before he gets back in the world title mix.

I had a friend online who told me if I watch very closely to Anderson's in ring ability, you can tell he very sloppy in the ring. When he told me that I didn't realize that until I paid close attention to him. I agree all he knows how to do is talk, but what i notice the second time he won the title, he wasn't getting the heat he was suppose to get from the impact zone. He didn't have the heat that bully ray has as a heel and suppose to have.

Anderson had the army hat like he was suppose to be an alternate to Stone cold steve austin, all he was doing was saying "asshole". Just maybe it helped him get over, but I think he over to the point when he got the title the first time, TNA just decided to take the belt off of him because maybe it wasn't the reaction that TNA was looking for.

I know he suppose to get another title shot, but its a question of when and I don't think they will let him hold the title for a long time until he knows how to tell a story inside and outside the ring just like you said
The fans were interested in Anderson when he first came to TNA. He was using his WWE gimmick of being an asshole without needing to say asshole. Impact Wrestling made a huge mistake by turning him face and changing his gimmick to Stone Cold. Now Anderson is heel again. Anderson is best as a tweener.

I like Anderson as his original gimmick.

Him joining Immortal doesn't make sense. They screwed him many times. Gunner wants the world title. Gunner defeated Anderson weeks before joining the group. This is poor writing by Impact Wrestling's creative group.
I never understand why people cry so much about short title reigns. Doesn't it help to promote unpredictability and even realism in wrestling when a guy wins/loses a match unexpectedly? If titles only change hands in feud blow-offs, then you know exactly what's coming in 90% or more of the big matches.

Who's to say that Anderson losing the title also means he loses his push? He's still the top heel in Immortal. For all we know, the Main Event at Hard Justice could wind up being a three-way with Sting and Angle.

Honestly, I could see this being a great thing for Anderson. He never felt right as the champion. Somehow it didn't feel earned or authentic, and I think that had a lot to do with his tweener role. Now that he's gone full-fledged heel, he could use these weeks leading up to Hard Justice to really establish his character. Do guest commentary during Sting and Angle's matches. Interrupt their promos. Lead the charge against Fortune and really take control of Immortal. The added investment will pay off when he gets his next title shot.
It's called a story people. Get it right. You had a whole fucking month leading to it and then it was even more expanded on the actual night. Mr. Anderson spent the entire month after beating Sting without a care in the world and doing what he wanted while Sting was busy fighting Hogan, psyching him out and Immortal. Anderson waited until the last second to make a choice and he was still too relaxed. When the night of the match came, Sting was prepared by having Fortune and Angle for back-up while Anderson was still uncaring. This time because he finally sided with Immortal. The end result, Sting was ready. Anderson was not. If people would get their smark heads out of their asses, they would see the writing on the wall.

As for Anderson himself, I wouldn't sweat it. He stopped being TNA's pet project already. He can do it on his own at this point. He'll get back soon enough. If the idea is for Sting and Hogan to fight, you can't have Sting champion otherwise the BFG Series wouldn't be around. There are no issues with Anderson. He's done his job as a tweener and is now a full heel. I flipped the lid when Edge and Christian lost their first WWE titles because I didn't think they'd get them back. I won't sweat with Anderson though. TNA has shown loads of faith for him and I doubt it ends now.
I think a lengthy World Title reign for Mr. Anderson... Anderson is needed.
And memorable feuds with guys like.. AJ Styles.. Samoa Joe.. Robert/Bobby Roode.. Anybody that needs to be in the Main Event picture.

I think those two things would help him become more "Established" and may help his ring work.
Hold up. First off, let's understand and remember, Sting was NEVER supposed to win the title at Victory Road. Hardy vs Anderson at Slammiversary was supposed to be booked which would have changed the tides.

Sting is more involved with a program at the moment, so he should hold the title which he will drop eventually. The goal here is for Angle to walk into BFG as champion.

Anderson has certainly gotten stale and taking the belt off and re-building him is the right idea. We've seen Edge make a career out of losing titles and winning them in no time. No difference here.

TNA is focused on building Crimson, Gunner, Roode for the main event. Anderson has no way of a long reign anyhow. Someone else does.
I really think Anderson is the scapegoat for TNA, the fall guy. If they run out of idea's of who to make Champion, just make him Champion for a while until they can figure something out. Then they realize his reign if failing, so they put it back on the same guy Anderson beat. It happened to him 2 times already, in virtually the same time span.
I really think Anderson is the scapegoat for TNA, the fall guy. If they run out of idea's of who to make Champion, just make him Champion for a while until they can figure something out. Then they realize his reign if failing, so they put it back on the same guy Anderson beat. It happened to him 2 times already, in virtually the same time span.

Well, i heard different. What i heard (if true) was that Spike TV was behind the idea of having Anderson as TNA World Champion, because they hope for an increase in ratings. Now why is Sting TNA World Champion again? I don't know, but having Anderson as champion was Spike TV's idea (if true).
Mr. Anderson was a good champoin he had the makings for a great title run. I guess they want to build an Angle vs Anderon vs Sting rivalry, since Angle has never beaten Sting, Ating is against Immortal, and Immortal wants the title back. I can really see this becoming a triple strugle for power. this can also build up Mr. Anderson wanting his title shot.
Well, i heard different. What i heard (if true) was that Spike TV was behind the idea of having Anderson as TNA World Champion, because they hope for an increase in ratings. Now why is Sting TNA World Champion again? I don't know, but having Anderson as champion was Spike TV's idea (if true).

that is exactly what i heard, spike tv like the idea if Anderson chasing after the title, but maybe it helped the ratings a little bit, and now he lost the title again, i am not sure exactly what is going on but ratings were going up and down when Anderson was champion and I don't see any difference in the ratings right now
I'm not too happy the belt's on Joker Sting, but it's WAY better than Anderson. Anderson is so bland in the ring...
His matches are so lifeless
I'm not too happy the belt's on Joker Sting, but it's WAY better than Anderson. Anderson is so bland in the ring...
His matches are so lifeless

I think what happen was most of us wanted TNA to put the belt on Anderson because he deserve it. The first time he won it, I would say the fans were happy to see that he won the title, but the second time I don't know what happen. It felt like he never won the title the second time. They didn't put him on television enough to be featured as champion. TNA probably panic when the ratings drop a little bit then game the championship back to Sting. I am not sure if it was decided that Anderson was to have a long title run. I agree with what you said about him in the ring. I think the fans who wanted him to win the title before can see now that maybe he shouldn't be getting the title back if his in ring needs work and he can't seem to have a good match with half of the guys in the locker room
TNA just have a personal liking for Sting, thats why they keep giving him the title. I think that they should have Sting finally pass the torch to AJ Styles by losing to him cleanly, or Mr. Anderson.

They've already done that at least once that I know of when Sting faced AJ Styles for the TNA WHC at Bound For Glory back in 2009. The build up for the match was that Sting was hinting that he might retire and that he wanted his last match to be against Styles. Styles won, they did the whole confetti thing, both guys hugged, etc. Fans voted it the best TNA match of the year if I'm not mistaken.

As far as Anderson goes, I'm kind of two minds on it. I think Anderson is a talented guy but I think he's definitely a bit overrated among the IWC. He's great on the mic and decent in the ring, but he's definitely not what some have tried to make him out to be. Of the guys in TNA, Anderson does seem like one of the few that could have potentially taken TNA to another level but I think TNA has realized that it's probably not gonna happen. Again, that's not to say that the guy's not got talent, but he's simply not the one that'll take TNA to the Promise Land. TNA did something similar in ending AJ Styles title run. Rob Van Dam came to the company, the internet fanboys started spraying their shorts, RVD was a much bigger name and TNA thought he'd have a better shot of making the company bigger than Styles did. So, they took the title off Styles and he's kinda sorta been flitting around the mid-card/upper mid-card area ever since.

Personally, I think it's kinda funny in some ways. Mr. Anderson, the great internet darling, has turned out to be the kind of World Champion that so many on the internet said that The Miz was going to be.
Why is TNA doing this to Mr Anderson. Why did they took the WHC from him. Isn't he a big star. He is over with the crowd has great mic skills and is good WRESTLER so why take the title away from him. When they claimed in an interview a few months back that they are really high(not the jeff hardy way) on him.Further more why did the gave him such crappy title reign.If they like him so much they should have given him longer and more dominant title reign.

Your thoughts?

Maybe Anderson has title reigns in his contract, and yet he hasn't moved merch or been that over with the crowd. They gave him his requirement and then took it off him to continue the hot streak they are having with the Stinger right now.

Persoanlly they should never have given him the title in the first place... he is way overrated in the ring and on the mic. He overacts everything and is annoying as hell, not entertaining. His loss to the Stinger made me laugh and mark out because I don't want this guy as the flagship of TNA.
Why is TNA doing this to Mr Anderson. Why did they took the WHC from him. Isn't he a big star. He is over with the crowd has great mic skills and is good WRESTLER so why take the title away from him. When they claimed in an interview a few months back that they are really high(not the jeff hardy way) on him.Further more why did the gave him such crappy title reign.If they like him so much they should have given him longer and more dominant title reign.

Your thoughts?

It's really simple, Anderson is over in the IMPACT Zone. That's not really difficult because it'S always the same peoples going to those tv tapings and i guessing that they are told who to cheer and who to hate. But outside of the IMPACT zone, he'S not that over, in fact, he's probably the most hated guy in wrestling. I'm not talking normal heat, i'm talking x-pac heat. Alot of fans can'T stand the guy, his character, which was really original when he first started in WWE as become stale and borderline annoying now. HE'S not the greatest wrestlers and i'm guessing his titles reigns were test drives to see it would help ratings and buy rates which it didn't, in fact even the Impact Zone fans didn't take to him when he was champion. The guys was even more annoying and i didn'T see the rating during his reign but i wouldn'T be surprised that his segment were to lowest rated segment of the show.

Sadly for the few Anderson fans, he's is a upper mid card talent and will always remains there unless he does something drastic with his character because this stuff he'S doing right now isn'T working anymore.
sorry y'all, but i just don't like anderson... i'm glad they took the belt off him. anybody else would be better! i'd actually like to see joe start making a comeback... but oh, well. a girl can dream, right? hehe

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