Mr. Anderson


Pre-Show Stalwart
Why is TNA doing this to Mr Anderson. Why did they took the WHC from him. Isn't he a big star. He is over with the crowd has great mic skills and is good WRESTLER so why take the title away from him. When they claimed in an interview a few months back that they are really high(not the jeff hardy way) on him.Further more why did the gave him such crappy title reign.If they like him so much they should have given him longer and more dominant title reign.

Your thoughts?
There is no reason for it, I was mad when I found out about it. I mean maybe they want Sting to get over with his new joker gimmick, but there could have been other ways to do it. That is the only reason I can think of, but who knows whats going on in the minds of TNA Creative.
Maybe they just wanted Kurt Angle to not only win the title but also finally get that win over Sting? =) While also saving the inevitable Angle/Anderson match for something like say...Bound For Glory!
Mr Botcherson, Kennedy, Anderson, whatever. The man botched the hell out of that match last night. He is golden on the mic I cant take that away from him, but part of the reason he isnt with WWE anymore is because he botches matches more than most other performers and has injured or nearly injured a few guys. Im not a big TNA fan and havent watched it in a few months but decided to tune in after I heard about Sting stealing the psycotic joker character from an indie guy. And sure as shit he has. Wrestling Matters but gimmick infringement doesnt.......go TNA!!!!

Anyway back to topic...Kennedy has great moments in the ring but he cant seem to do it consistantly and hasnt been able to since his injury. Also it seems to me that IMPACT doesnt wanna put the belt on anyone else for an extende period of time other than STING right now. Its a fucking shame.
Anderson is mediocre at best. He's got mic skills, but thats pretty much it. He has no outstanding signature moves that sets him apart from everyone else and his finisher, "Mic check" is a move probably executed better by Miz.

When he had the whole "asshole" gimmick going on. He was more irritating than entertaining.

Both his championship run sucked,didn't have any quality matches and the miserable ratings while he was champion didn't help much either.

It's surprising he's still with the company. WWE didn't see much in him and neither do TNA by the looks of it.
Maybe they just wanted Kurt Angle to not only win the title but also finally get that win over Sting? =) While also saving the inevitable Angle/Anderson match for something like say...Bound For Glory!

Thats what i was thinking. Imagine Angle vs Anderson for the TNA world title, this is going to be good. Sting is only getting the championship, because it would help Angle to finally beat Sting for the title.
Impact Wrestling has a habit of trying to hit the shocker factor A LOT. I could easily see them have immortal and Ken Anderson have Angle join Immortal in screwing Sting into his win against Sting for the title. They have used this angle with Angle before only Samoa Joe turned and handed Kurt the title. I could see it happen.

Site note, this is what bothers me about some of you wrestling fans. On one hand you complain about WWE not having enough title changes on TV and not PPV all the time but when Impact Wrestling does it, instead of being happy that they did it on TV programming, you find something to complain about.

Chances are Anderson losing so quickly is in part due to the fact there may be something bigger in mind.
In my opinion, Mr. Anderson is a big fish in a small TNA/Impact pond. If Kenny wasn't such an injury prone he could have been a world champion in the WWE by/right now.

But to answer your question I wouldn't put Mr. Anderson on the same level as Sting and Kurt Angle just yet! Ken Anderson's worst enemy is Ken Anderson. Atleast when it comes to the wrestling business.
Anderson sucks. He is average in the ring and while his mic skills are better then the norm, they are vastly overrated. he is not main event quality in tna.

that being said, TNA decided to commit with him and make him a big deal, so taking the title off him so soon is a dumb move. I would have never gave him the belt, but if you did that and put so much stock into him, you have to see it through or else you just wasted your time. while I am not an anderson fan, it would have been a better move to keep the belt on him for the time being.

He does have an awesome shirt however so ill give him that.
this is a question we all have to ask the creative team because right now we can say that they have no clue where they want their story to go, they don't have a year plan to what they hope to happen and is going to happen. They don't have an idea to how to bring more fans to watch their product.

I think they put the title on Anderson the second time to see if the ratings were going to up a little bit, but it was only due to the X Division pay per view. Anderson didn't have a lot of TV time when he was champion the second time and he was getting beat to guys like gunner like they are really pushing gunner to the top. I see Anderson as a guy who you have to be very careful who they put him in the ring with otherwise it will turn out into a shitty match. Every time he does his finisher, to me for some reason it just looks sloppy most of the time. I know he going to get his rematch, its a question of when he going to get his rematch for the title
When he had the whole "asshole" gimmick going on. He was more irritating than entertaining..

What? you are aware that the asshole gimmick is for the most part what got him over in tna after the "mediocre" run that he had when he started there.
And that gimmick allowed him to be a tweener and it was entertaining by the way, i just lost respect for him when him and jeff botched the end of that ladder match, i lost respect for both men but at that time more so anderson.

And as for this title swap business, its terrible and Christian kicked up fuck in wwe after losing his title so how long is it utill we see TNA copy another WWE relevant storyline...
What? you are aware that the asshole gimmick is for the most part what got him over in tna after the "mediocre" run that he had when he started there.
And that gimmick allowed him to be a tweener and it was entertaining by the way, i just lost respect for him when him and jeff botched the end of that ladder match, i lost respect for both men but at that time more so anderson.

And as for this title swap business, its terrible and Christian kicked up fuck in wwe after losing his title so how long is it utill we see TNA copy another WWE relevant storyline...

Ken's asshole gimmick was ******ed. It was just tna's sorry attempt at creating a Steve Austin of their own.
Blah Blah Blah, he bared no resemblance what so ever to any austin gimmick, it was original and he got to chase whoever had the title be it heel of face ya know. Which eventually paid off untill he lost the title at the next PPV. Fire Russo!
Ken's asshole gimmick was ******ed. It was just tna's sorry attempt at creating a Steve Austin of their own.
Something told me that that is what TNA was trying to do with Mr. Anderson's current gimmick. Which atlease in their eyes was a "spin-off" of Stone Cold's gimmick in the WWE! Trying to capitolize on the real-life relationship between the two. While Ken Anderson was in the WWE Steve Austin tried (repeat) tried to mentor Anderson by taking him up under his wing, much like how Stone Cold is/was doing with CM Punk?

But all in all Ken Anderson is no Stone Cold Steve Austin and never will be.
I still don't get the comparisons. I see that Anderson curses, and he wears a camo cap. That's about where the comparisons end. What, because he's a tweener? No, there have been many before and after Austin.

I actually really like Anderson. I thought I wanted a full heel turn from Anderson, though, and that's been a little disappointing. I think I would have rather him be a lone wolf. Seemed alot cooler, and less weak, then.

I'll admit he's not the greatest wrestler in the world, but he's far from bad, and he hasn't been particularly injury prone in his TNA run. I can think of many worse wrestlers who have been world champions.

I'm hoping, as many have assumed, that this is leading to Anderson/Angle (is it 3 or 4 at this point?). That was a great fued, and those two have really good chemistry together in the ring. I could see a great, epic battle at BFG.
Anderson isn't a bad wrestler and is a good but not great promo guy. Anderson can be something but he's not being himself. He's worse off now being in TNA because his core character that had potential to make money when he left WWE, is now diluted and worthless. Anderson has to reinvent himself his current persona has nothing going for it at all.
My only answer is that they didn't know what to do with him. He never defended the title when he was champ, he only did verbal sessions and whenever you join Immortal... you get buried.
I still don't get the comparisons. I see that Anderson curses, and he wears a camo cap. That's about where the comparisons end. What, because he's a tweener? No, there have been many before and after Austin.

I actually really like Anderson. I thought I wanted a full heel turn from Anderson, though, and that's been a little disappointing. I think I would have rather him be a lone wolf. Seemed alot cooler, and less weak, then.

I'll admit he's not the greatest wrestler in the world, but he's far from bad, and he hasn't been particularly injury prone in his TNA run. I can think of many worse wrestlers who have been world champions.

I'm hoping, as many have assumed, that this is leading to Anderson/Angle (is it 3 or 4 at this point?). That was a great fued, and those two have really good chemistry together in the ring. I could see a great, epic battle at BFG.

It doesn't make sense to have Anderson lose the title to Sting only for Sting to lose it to Angle and have Anderson and Angle feud over it. If they wanted Angle/Anderson, have Anderson beat Sting and look strong doing so and then set up a strong heel champion against a strong face in Angle. Now the whole thing is diluted.

TNA can't afford to crap the bed with convoluted miss mash story lines and wrestlers that are all the same. WWE has a crap load of money and they still make a 100MM a quarter so they don't care but TNA can't do that. They needed to get behind Anderson not pull the rug from under him and let Sting and Angle, two guys that have maybe a couple big time matches left, run the show.
It doesn't make sense to have Anderson lose the title to Sting only for Sting to lose it to Angle and have Anderson and Angle feud over it. If they wanted Angle/Anderson, have Anderson beat Sting and look strong doing so and then set up a strong heel champion against a strong face in Angle. Now the whole thing is diluted.

TNA can't afford to crap the bed with convoluted miss mash story lines and wrestlers that are all the same. WWE has a crap load of money and they still make a 100MM a quarter so they don't care but TNA can't do that. They needed to get behind Anderson not pull the rug from under him and let Sting and Angle, two guys that have maybe a couple big time matches left, run the show.

I actually agree with you. But when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Considering TNA and the network seem to be so high on Anderson, lately, they sure do seem to be giving him the shaft. Last night just made Anderson look incredibly weak. Really, this whole heel turn has. He just isn't getting the pops he used to when he was a tweener, which is expected, but he seems to be getting alot of boos mixed with silence as well. I think this turn has cooled his hotness a bit and was a big mistake.
It's unfortunate Mr Anderson has lost it again. Why? Having mic skills and no purpose in the ring doesn't give you mic skills. The thing is, John Cena is a 10x WWE Champion, he has "some" mic skills, but has no right to step in that ring and call himself a wrestler when he only knows 5 moves and still screws them up.

Anderson at least tries in the ring, but it just doesn't work, I'm afraid. His mic skills are AWWWEEESSSSSSOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEE, but that is it.

Lets all hope and prey that Mr Botch... Ken... Anderson, that's it, Anderson gets another shot. As all of you know, I think TNA sucks, but right know, they are not using Anderson right which is exactly what WWE did and if TNA want to make something out of his time with them, please, give him a 6 moth reign as World Heavyweight Champion. It will make TNA something more than crap. Anything but Heath... Sting, that's it, Sting.
Wrestling Matters but gimmick infringement doesnt.......go TNA!!!!

Really? Really? Really? You claim gimmick infringement! Have you ever watched wrestling before? Gimmicks are stolen and re-used countless times. How many "Nature Boys" have there been. Isn't Dolf Ziggler using the "Perfection" angle trying to be the next Mr. Perfect. Daniel Bryan being the submission master. Plus all the moves that are borrowed from each other.

Back to the original topic. The reason that they are screwing over Anderson over is because Anderson...Anderson is not that good.
Not sure exactly what TNA is doing here. But then who ever is? Not even the TNA writers are lol. But seriously, it is a bit strange the way they've been handling Anderson lately. As a few others have said, this whole heel turn/joining Immortal and now losing the title has made him look pretty bad. I hope they start using him a little bit better. I'm an Anderson fan, he's awesome on the mic. Yes, awesome. If not him them who? Yeah yeah, we all know, CM Punk, wonderful. But Anderson is great, too. I will admit his in ring work isn't always the best, but I think it's overstating the issue quite a bit to say he's terrible. He can be a big star and can help TNA reach higher levels, they just have to let him have the belt for more than an hour. Hopefully things will turn around for him soon.

Overall though, I think things are looking up. Sting has been awesome with this crazy gimmick (anytime you get clowns running around beating people up, it can't be bad lol), Sting and Angle will have a good match I think, and the run-up to BFG should be quite good. Here's hoping this all turns out well for TNA and Anderson.
I don't think the powers that be have alot of faith in Anderson. The network may be high on him, but I don't think Hogan and Bischoff really is. I do agree with the one guys that says they're setting up for a Angle championship run, plus I think everyone knows this should be the last run for Sting before his final feud with possibly Hogan. I also feel that some of this is Anderson's own fault, yes he messes up sometime but he doesn't look the same. He seems a lil outta shape. In my opinion he peformed better matches on more of a consistent basis in the WWE. Just take a look at his matches, he was better in the E than he is in Impact. I do think he gonna get a lengthy title ring after Angle starts training heavily for the Olympics possibly with AJ Styles.
I remember when people couldn't stop ******ing Mr. Anderson a year ago. Now everything is topsy-turvy!!! :confused:

I guess his mediocrity started to show when he finally got the belt from Sting. I found him entertaining during the weeks leading up to Slammiversary when he was trying to get under Sting's skin. (Blah blah blah, rehash what everyone else is saying about him in this thread). kthnxbai
Impact Wrestling has a habit of trying to hit the shocker factor A LOT. I could easily see them have immortal and Ken Anderson have Angle join Immortal in screwing Sting into his win against Sting for the title. They have used this angle with Angle before only Samoa Joe turned and handed Kurt the title. I could see it happen.

Site note, this is what bothers me about some of you wrestling fans. On one hand you complain about WWE not having enough title changes on TV and not PPV all the time but when Impact Wrestling does it, instead of being happy that they did it on TV programming, you find something to complain about.

Chances are Anderson losing so quickly is in part due to the fact there may be something bigger in mind.

People are up in arms about the title change over the shortness of the reign... It was his first title defense and it was on impact and he drops it. He has been a quick transitional champ for both reigns and it's not like they can make him a credible champ at this point. Hell they can barely make their title look good at this point...

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