Most overrated TNA wrestler today

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I'm a fan of Jeff Hardy, but seriously the only thing that people really like him for are his crazy as hell spots, but besides that he can't really wrestle. So overall i do think Jeff is overrated.
Wait up...Is Jeff in tha World Championship league? If he is then he's over-rated. Jeff and Matt are in tha same league for me. Jeff and Matt are Tag Team Champs and maybe I.C.,U.S. or X-Division Champs but now not World Champs.
oh that was a good one...wait weren't you talking about umaga on raw?

oh wait thats just the rip off Samoa Joe because WWE knows that TNA has good talent why can't you?
Hey Shark Boy is a great wrestler...he is a cult status ICON BABY!

I love Shark Boy. His match with Abyss...not on IMPACT but at a BPW show in Ohio was fn great.
Aeksis8745 said:
yea good talent like hmm cross dressing vito or maybe the 7ft botch wrestler khali. I could go on with the list.
oh wow u pick smack down guys shark boy is something a 2 year old would come up with face it shark boy will always be a joke and the people who use there hand on there head as a fin a bigger joke
i would say christian cage hes never been a heavywieght, he was best at being a tag team and ic challenger , i turned on tna once and heard the commentators saying on tonights show tna will unveail one of the best wrestlers in the world so who comes down to the ring christian!
I agree sharkboy is a big joke I don't like hime either. The fact of the matter is that WWE has like stupid gimmicks like that times ten. oh yea raw guys hmm Trevor Murdoch, Umaga, Eugene, and Lance Cade yea nice talent on Raw too.
Aeksis8745 said:
I agree sharkboy is a big joke I don't like hime either. The fact of the matter is that WWE has like stupid gimmicks like that times ten. oh yea raw guys hmm Trevor Murdoch, Umaga, Eugene, and Lance Cade yea nice talent on Raw too.
yea those guys suck but there not as stupid as shark boy u have to agree but those guys u mention are stupid i give u that
Aeksis8745 said:
I agree sharkboy is a big joke I don't like hime either. The fact of the matter is that WWE has like stupid gimmicks like that times ten. oh yea raw guys hmm Trevor Murdoch, Umaga, Eugene, and Lance Cade yea nice talent on Raw too.

what about samoa joe
Christian Cage is one of the best all around wrestlers in the world so dont say he isnt, U tell me someone who cuts a better promo please tell me, The guy WAS the Rocks Favourite wrestler lol. Anyone who bags cage prolly has no valid points he was the future wwe champ but instead VINCE the ******** doesnt wanna push him, So he left and became what many of us thought he should of been in wwe the world champ.
And i dont care what u say UMAGE is the biggest rip off in wrestling EVER, WWE wanted to sign samoa joe but he went to tna instead so the wwe decided to settle for second best and make umaga there alternative, Fans dont react to seeing him so he sucks
SCO101 said:
christian was never good enough to be wwe champion

This I will disagree with. Every show I went to, christian got the loudest pops. Even louder than Batista. His merchandise was selling more than everyon elses, including Cenas. People loved him. And he did get one main event push, then Vince put him back in the IC title hunt, then moved him to smackdown, then forgot about him.

Christian had all the makings of being in the Main Event. OF being a world champion. In the ring he was awesome, and on the mic he was icnredible. I may not like the Rock, but even he said Christian gives him a run for his money on the mic. He was the full package, but the WWE was to busy pushing no talents like Cena to the top. Edge Is being pushed now, and he can't work half the match that Christian can. Listen to what the people who knew what they were talking about. Angle, Benoit, The Rock, Hart, all of them have said it. Christian is a main event level star.

Sorry, the opinions of two twelve year old WWE marks who nut over Batista and Cena don't mean as much to me as those who have either done it, trained for it, lived it, and loved it.

And the most over-rated TNA star today is Monty Brown. He is a complete waste of time and space. I hope he does go to the WWE, because they seem to like to push no talent idiots to the moon over there, while the actual good wrestlers are stuck doing nothing.
SCO101 said:
christian was never good enough to be wwe champion

And John Cena and Rey Misterio are?

Come on WWE has champions who don't deserve the belt. I wouldn't be suprised to see Umaga or the Great Kahli wear the gold.
hahahaha said:
And John Cena and Rey Misterio are?

Come on WWE has champions who don't deserve the belt. I wouldn't be suprised to see Umaga or the Great Kahli wear the gold.

I think Mysterio was good enough to be cahmpion, but not Cena of course! :blink:
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