Most Overrated Wrestler Today


I know it is just a day after WM25, so starting a thread about something else is a tad bit crazy, but it is a nice change of pace. In today's wrestling there are many wrestlers, as in the past, duh. Many are great and many are under appreciated, some are underrated, while others are Overrated. The guys who get to much credit for nothing. My choice is in TNA. He is....

Jeff Jarrett. I think he won World Titles because of the situation, not for any other reason. He won World Titles in WCW, but at the end of its run, when a lot of people left or where injured, and WCW needed a new face on top. In TNA, well he owns it. He is great, but is not a man worthy of all the World Titles he gets.

In WWE my choice is...

Shelton Benjamin. It pains me to say this, but it is a fact. I him like, but people make him out to be superman. While I do feel that he deserves a push, many make him seem to be better than he is. With that said, I hope he wins the World Title to see what he can do.

Your Thoughts.
I'd say HHH, he gets a lot of hate but everyone seems to think he's amazing on the mic, in the ring etc. While I'd say this was true during his prime (like 2000), he's a lot slower now, and his "cool" breaking kayfabe jokes aren't even funny. His in ring abiltiy is overrated mroe than anything else, peopel would have you believe he's a Hart or HBK in the ring, whereas really he works a slow style that bores me to tears.
Im going with Rey Misterio.

Back in his prime he was innovative and fun to watch. He was the king of the cruiserweights and he could mix it up with the heavyweights.
His match with Angle at SS 02 was incredible.

But now years later and after a couple dozen injuries, hes a shadow of his former self.

His world title reign was a joke and anyone who thinks he will ever get close to another one is insane.

Its kind of sad to say but at only 34 years old Misterio is past his prime.
Shelton Benjamin. It pains me to say this, but it is a fact. I like, but people make him out to be superman. While I do feel that he deserves a push, many make him seem to be better than he is. With that said, I hope he wins the World Title to see what he can do.

You are insane. Shelton Benjamin deserves the praise. Year in, year out, he's brilliant in the ring. He is his own downfall for not improving, nor pushing himself. However, you can't deny that he's fantastic in the ring, and rightly deserves all the praise he gets.

I'd say HHH, he gets a lot of hate but everyone seems to think he's amazing on the mic, in the ring etc. While I'd say this was true during his prime (like 2000), he's a lot slower now, and his "cool" breaking kayfabe jokes aren't even funny. His in ring abiltiy is overrated mroe than anything else, peopel would have you believe he's a Hart or HBK in the ring, whereas really he works a slow style that bores me to tears.

Age is going to make him get slower. He can't help that, but he can improvise upon that. His in-ring ability is rightly justified. He's brilliant in the ring. There is no denying that. He's no Bret Hart, but he's brilliant nonetheless. He can cut a good promo too, although they can be quite generic after a while.
Im going with Rey Misterio.

Thats Mysterio.

Back in his prime he was innovative and fun to watch. He was the king of the cruiserweights and he could mix it up with the heavyweights.
His match with Angle at SS 02 was incredible.

All true. He had a high level of energy then. Age, has made that drop.

But now years later and after a couple dozen injuries, hes a shadow of his former self.

He can't stay in his prime forever. That's proven with people of all sports. Look at football. This year, Cristiano Ronaldo is a shadow of himself last season. Can't stay at his peak forever.

His world title reign was a joke and anyone who thinks he will ever get close to another one is insane.

True. He only got that title because of the storyline. However, if they gave him a good title run, with some good opponents it could have been a success.

Its kind of sad to say but at only 34 years old Misterio is past his prime.

1. Mysterio*
2. Age, again. He's improvising due to it, and doing a good job.
You are insane. Shelton Benjamin deserves the praise. Year in, year out, he's brilliant in the ring. He is his own downfall for not improving, nor pushing himself. However, you can't deny that he's fantastic in the ring, and rightly deserves all the praise he gets.

It isn't that, it is just people make it seem as though he deserves to get a title shot and be in the main event because of one match of the year. I think he is amazing in the ring and really like him, but like you said he needs to improve. His in ring ability is on par with others in the WWE, but he needs to elevate his game. Maybe with the Draft coming and Smackdown more than likely going to lose stars, he might step up his game a become a Main Eventer.
Shelton Benjamin....Everybody talks about his great athleticism and his unlimited potential yet he hasn't done anything with it. His last great match was four years ago against Shawn Michaels. He doesn't have one memorable win since then. I like Shelton and wish he would have won Money In The Bank last night because he needs it more than anybody else for a confidence boost. He has been improving consistently and I hope he has it in him and the WWE's trust in him to continue.
Benjamin is not overated or underated. He's where he should be until he gets a personality
Shelton Benjamin....Everybody talks about his great athleticism and his unlimited potential yet he hasn't done anything with it. His last great match was four years ago against Shawn Michaels. He doesn't have one memorable win since then. I like Shelton and wish he would have won Money In The Bank last night because he needs it more than anybody else for a confidence boost. He has been improving consistently and I hope he has it in him and the WWE's trust in him to continue.

It isn't that, it is just people make it seem as though he deserves to get a title shot and be in the main event because of one match of the year. I think he is amazing in the ring and really like him, but like you said he needs to improve. His in ring ability is on par with others in the WWE, but he needs to elevate his game. Maybe with the Draft coming and Smackdown more than likely going to lose stars, he might step up his game a become a Main Eventer.

Benjamin is not overated or underated. He's where he should be until he gets a personality.

An overated wrsetler is someone who everyone thinks is the greatest, but yet hasn't done anything. And that my friends, is........................................

MR. KENNEDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The threads are unbelievable, his name always comes up. He should be main Event. He should fight Swagger for ECW title at Backlash. He should join Legacy. I say lets put him in the HOF next year. He should lead the class with T.L. Hopper and Brakkus. I've never seen anyone be thought of so much without doing a thing. It's unbelievable. At least Benjamin puts up some big spots. At least Mysterio has decent matches and sells a shitload of merchandise. And HHH at least has done something.

Kennedy has done next to nothing, and if he has, I can't remember. Whens the last time he's wrestled, now he should get a shot at a title? Give me a break. If hes not overated, I don't know who is.
If Evan Bourne had been around longer that he has, I would say him without question, but I am willing to give him some time to work something out.

Most overrated? Jeff Hardy. Really, what is he good for other than high spots? Half the time he even manages to botch those. He can have an entertaining match and his title reign was about as long as he deserved to have it. The guy is just sloppy. He has had some entertaining matches in his time, but I really just can't buy into the hype surrounding him or his "enigmatic" persona.
John Morrison! I like I think he's great in the ring, but I don't see the dollar signs that everyone else does! When was the last time he actually cut a promo! The Dirt Sheet doesn't count!
Mr. kennedy...i honestly don't know what ppl see in this guy. hes terrible on the mic, average at best at wrestling, and the topper...hes injury prone. hes blown opportunity after opportunity.i see a dark future for his WWE career. hes overrated.
In WWE, the most overrated wrestler has to be, and it pains me to say this, Mr.Kennedy.Sure, he can work teh stick.Sure, he had good matches with Michaels or Taker.But damn, that man is so injury prone.If he didn't suffer so many injuries, he would've skyrocketed to the top.It ain't too late for him though.
Honorable mentions:
- The "as WWE announcers LOVE to call him" greatest athlete in WWE: Shelton Benjamin.Mat work?Check.Crazy highflying spots?Check.So far so good.He unfortunately lacks charisma and he is terrible on the mic.Either slap him a good manager that can talk for him, or forever banish him to midcard.
- Vladimir Kozlov : you know him, you hate him.
In TNA :
As i haven't watched that much of their programming, i'm not used to all the wrestlers and whatnot.But i think from their roster, the biggest piece of crap has to be Samoa Joe.I simply cannot comprehend how can a fat piece of crap can be seen as the future of TNA, a company that wants in a few years to beat WWE in ratings.I have seen some of his earlier work, when he was in FAR better shape than yesterday and yes, he was good in the ring.But i just don't see in him the next superstar of TNA.Maybe it's not entirely his fault.It's just that not all samoans are born with the charisma, body, mic skills of some other former samoan wrestler that used to be in the WWE, now turned actor.
i'd have to say batista. he's got a great look and stuff, but is he really that good of a wrestler? i dont think so. the wwe only brought him in because he looked like a monster. most of the time he's hurt, but he's always involved in all the top storylines.

maybe it's me....who knows.
i'd have to say batista. he's got a great look and stuff, but is he really that good of a wrestler? i dont think so. the wwe only brought him in because he looked like a monster. most of the time he's hurt, but he's always involved in all the top storylines.

maybe it's me....who knows.

After all these years, Dave Batista has never really done much except wrestle and get injured. We never seen a change in his character. (Not counting the "Deacon Bautista" character) He hasn't ever been a good promo guy. I guess he recognizes that since he rarely picks up a microphone.

For the most part, the storylines he has been involved in. I can't think of any great ones. Now his feuds with 'Taker and Triple H were good. All I am saying is there is never anything "spicy" added to his storylines, matches, etc.

I like him. I just wonder why he has been doing the same thing for 5 years?
Mr. kennedy...i honestly don't know what ppl see in this guy.

Talent and potential.

hes terrible on the mic

So terrible that fans react, and he's been complimented by many HOFers and Vince McMahon himself for his mic ability.

average at best at wrestling,

So was Austin, Rock, HHH, Orton, Batista, Hogan, Warrior and others. They all made it fine, I'd say.

and the topper...hes injury prone.

It's wrestling. Injuries happen. Yet through all of them he's still one of the brighter young stars in the company and continuously gets reaction from the fans and has the backing of the company.

hes blown opportunity after opportunity.

How the hell has be blown anything? He blew one and only one push. You talk like Kennedy can just automatically keep himself from injury :rolleyes:

i see a dark future for his WWE career.

If he has another major injury, yes because it really wouldn't shock me to see him go ahead and retire.

hes overrated.

Not quiet. I can understand why some may think so, but there are PLENTY of guys more overrated that Kennedy. If you don't believe so, you're not watching.
Shelton Benjamin. I used to quite like the guy. He's quite athletic for an athletic guy, I thought. At the very least, a tremendous spot monkey. I was wrong.

We live in an age where we are privileged enough to have the two greatest spot monkeys of all time currently active. I speak of course of Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles. When it comes to jumping off tall shit and doing flips, there is no one better in the world of American wrestling than these two.

Climbing the ranks, we have the likes of Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston and even Hernandez. It's not long since Elix Skipper departed TNA either.

In these conditions, it's just not good enough to be a mediocre spot monkey. But he is black, and that could work in his advantage.
Much of this discussion involves the different measures by which we define "overrated." I take it to mean "overrated by the company" and the candidates would be among the I-don't-understand-why-they're-pushing-this-guy contingent.

By that measure, I think the recently retired JBL is the most overrated wrestler around. He looked as if he hadn't seen the inside of a gym since he was an Acolyte, his work in the ring was boring (because of his appearance and immobility), his entrance was drawn out and stale and he was about as exciting to watch as the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, whom he resembled. Yet, the company pushed the hell out of him.

By the same token, I feel this would eliminate Shelton Benjamin from consideration. He certainly isn't overrated by management, is he? He went from cleanly defeating HHH to jobbing for R-Truth. Why was his push discontinued?

Some folks in this discussion say that "Shelton hasn't done anything" and "he has no personality." But that's the company's doing, isn't it? There are a lot of wrestlers who could be more than they are if the McMahons' would allow it.

If you want to call Shelton overrated because you believe he can't wrestle, that's one thing. But does anyone feel that way?
But does anyone feel that way?

Yes. The guy has been given the oppertunity for years yet he's not done anything with it. He'll always have an ok match, but he hasn't had a really good match in years. The way people talk about him you'd think he puts on a weekly wrestling clinic.

Also since his move to Smackdown he's been given more than enough mic time. Not once has he been engaging. It's as much his fault as WWE's that he doesn't get more mic time.

Same with John Morrison. I don't want to bash him too much, he has been in a tag team for a while. But people compare him to Shawn Michales. I see nothing like it. Shawn Michaels could talk and put on brilliant matches. From what I've seen of John Morrison he's the same as Shelton Benjamin, with the same type of fans.
Talent and potential.

A worthless talent. What potential?

So terrible that fans react, and he's been complimented by many HOFers and Vince McMahon himself for his mic ability.

And? that STILL doesn't change my mind that hes overrated. Week in, week out the more he came out and said a few useless words, then spewed his name twice before his match, was getting brutally annoying.

So was Austin, Rock, HHH, Orton, Batista, Hogan, Warrior and others. They all made it fine..

All those men are ENTERTAINING, and could tell a pretty damn good story in the ring. Kennedy can't. Warrior vs. Hogan is one of the greatest matches EVER. The rock vs. Hogan too. etc. Name a Kennedy match as good as that one? You CAN'T.

It's wrestling. Injuries happen. Yet through all of them he's still one of the brighter young stars in the company and continuously gets reaction from the fans and has the backing of the company.

BUT he's injury prone. Name another injury proned wrestler that made it to the top in the WWE? look what happened to Ahmed johnson.

How the hell has be blown anything? He blew one and only one push. You talk like Kennedy can just automatically keep himself from injury :rolleyes:

He blew away his chance to cash in his MITB briefcase due to being injured. He blew his chance to be Mr. Mcmahon's son, due to steroids, he blew several other chances last year, due to MORE INJURIES.

If he has another major injury, yes because it really wouldn't shock me to see him go ahead and retire.

And he most likely will.

Not quiet. I can understand why some may think so, but there are PLENTY of guys more overrated that Kennedy. If you don't believe so, you're not watching.

I am watching, but just like you mentioned, HOFers and Vince Mcmahon all overrate him on his mic ability. And you especially rate him high above. i rate him below as one of the MOST OVERRATED WRESTLERS I'VE EVER SEEN. The simple fact that i used to think he was so great until he switched to RAW in 2007 was when i realized he was average at best, and nothing more.

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