Most overrated TNA wrestler today

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ok the people who belive in joe get real its fake hes fat he would never make it in something real like ufc or king of the cage or pride so get over fat joe look up to someone who is great like batista who is all around awsome
nah i think batista has been sloppy since he came back. but back to the topic most over rated tna wrestler....... Steiner
Steiner has managed to latch on in every major promotion though. He's not always the most entertaining match, big guy, limited move set like so many other big men, but really, Monty Brown. Apparnatly being a former NFl linebacker means that a shoulder tackle delivered by you is the most devistating move on the planet. Come on. Try to be beliveable. not just in the ring, but also on the mic... ouch.
Ok I got it Jeff Hardy he sucks.can't wrestle,can't work a mic he just down right sucks
ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
ok the people who belive in joe get real its fake hes fat he would never make it in something real like ufc or king of the cage or pride so get over fat joe look up to someone who is great like batista who is all around awsome

What difference does it make whether or not Joe could go in the UFC or KIng of the Cage? What the hell kind of comparison is that? You do realize wrestling is staged, don't you? Hate to burst your bubble but Batista and everybody else in WWE (with the exception of angle) would get killed in a real environment as well. Tito Ortiz would break any WWE guy in half w/o much effort, so what the hell are you talking about?
.JoeY said:
Without a doubt Triple..err..I mean Jeff Jarrett! :) I don't know why he has been NWA Champion so many times, he has terrible in-ring skills and terrible interviews/promo's and his finisher the "Stroke" just completley SUCKS! and there are so many wrestlers in TNA who deserve to be NWA Champion besides Jeff Jarrett.

That's my choice as well, I realize it's Jeff Jarretts TNA wrestling but, he just sucks, all he ever does is hit people with his guitar lol

He has no wrestling skills, His interview skills are worse than his wrestling skills. Maybe he should start a rock and roll band and leave wrestling alone.
^I would have to disagree...Jeff Jarett plays a great heel...He has an ok wrestler. His mic skills are not that bad atually...
ShaneRamlall said:
^I would have to disagree...Jeff Jarett plays a great heel...He has an ok wrestler. His mic skills are not that bad atually...

I agree Jeff Jarrett plays a great heel but, he's predictable. Everytime I see Jarrett, I know what he's going to do before he does it.
mystyk the point is other people think he can and i said its fake so whats your point and by the way angle could never cut it in ufc if he could he would be there now since ufc is so big it was a long time ago when he was in some thing real any way angle dose put on a good show
Ima say it again Jeff Hardy sucks the biggest pole imaginable, And he is gay and cant wrestle and heck aint in tna anymore for that fact LOOOOOOOOOL
id like to see anyone else have the balls so dive of the top of a titontron..
i think the most overrated wrestler in TNA would have to be Samoa Joe strictly because there giving him the golberg gimmick the underfeated streak hes a good wretler with great in ring capability but he shoildnt be undfeated
ive noticed with tna is that when they bring some one "new" in they seem to give them a push. like when christian came or when sting came. back to the point yeah jeff jarrett is over rated, but there are more people out in tna that are overrated. joe is not overrated...but ppl think that cause hes getting a push.
ThE cErEbRaL aSsAsIn said:
ok the people who belive in joe get real its fake hes fat he would never make it in something real like ufc or king of the cage or pride so get over fat joe look up to someone who is great like batista who is all around awsome
Maybe I should look up to Umaga, the cheap knockoff of Joe instead.
SuperS13 said:
ive noticed with tna is that when they bring some one "new" in they seem to give them a push. like when christian came or when sting came. back to the point yeah jeff jarrett is over rated, but there are more people out in tna that are overrated. joe is not overrated...but ppl think that cause hes getting a push.
Christian got a big push because he was a big name jumping over from WWE. Sting did not neccesarilly get a big push. He was just huge to begin with.
ESeeDubbya said:
Samoa Joe wished he was half the wrestler Umaga was.

Are you serious? Umaga can't do HALF of what Joe can do in the ring. If he tried to do some of the things Joe did or tried to wrestle amatch at the same pace or lenght Joe does, he'd have a stroke and die. When walking around the ring yelling about SAMOA becomes actual wrestling talent, then Umaga will be the man.
And are you serious? Slow Joe is a talentless joke.
Umaga isn't about fast moves nor submissions --- he's a powerhouse.

You guys need to give up your precious Joe. He sucks.
Umaga isn't about fast moves or submissions because he's a 350 pound lump of shit that would have a heart attack if his match was longer than 10 minutes. And to do submissions would mean he would have to be able to move on the ground and have some kind of mat wrestling ability, which he doesn't. Whats his submission going to be, laying his fat ass on top of someone until they tap? You want to know what kind of athlete Joe is, check out his matches in ROH. How many 30 min. to 1hr matches do you think Umaga could have? Umaga is in better shape my achin' ass. Are you high?
mystyk said:
Umaga isn't about fast moves or submissions because he's a 350 pound lump of shit that would have a heart attack if his match was longer than 10 minutes. And to do submissions would mean he would have to be able to move on the ground and have some kind of mat wrestling ability, which he doesn't. Whats his submission going to be, laying his fat ass on top of someone until they tap? You want to know what kind of athlete Joe is, check out his matches in ROH. How many 30 min. to 1hr matches do you think Umaga could have? Umaga is in better shape my achin' ass. Are you high?

I seriously have to agree with you, umaga wishes he could hold a candle to joe, lets see joe, x- champion, killer finishing moves, wicked powerslams, and kicks to the face back and neck, fuck jamal, give his untalented ass a three min warning before the real samoa bulldoazer whoops his fuckin ass
Im going out on a limb here by saying sting. Yeah he was great in his WCW days but hes just an old hasbeen and no he does not "still have it" cause he can do stinger splashes. the man should hang it up and job for tna not be going after their world title.
wp2 4 life said:
jeff hardy, Come on this guy is a joke he flops around in the ring and out the ring, no mic skils, no cool moves, he just fuckin sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff Hardy is tight. Jeff is way better than tha Whale Smaon Joe.
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