Most Overrated Indy Wrestler

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The Bearded One

Love is not admissable evidence.
There is always talk about who is the best wrestler on the independent scene. We always hear about how "insert name here" is the best wrestler in the world and it usually involved an indy name. But we never really discuss who is overrated. So let's discuss just that. Who do you think is the most overrated wrestler on the independent scene?

I am going to go with a guy that I enjoy, but nowhere near as much as most people do and I'm probably going to catch some hate for this. My pick for most overrated wrestler is Chris Hero. I think he is good in the ring and put's on decent matches, but most people seem to think that he is world title material and I just don't see that. I like him better as a tag team wrestler where he can play off his partner like he is doing now with Claudio Castagnoli, who I like more than Hero. Hero's promos are long-winded and he tends to say the same thing many different ways, while really seemingly saying nothing at all. His matches these days are nothing more than an endless stream of elbow strikes that were impressive at first, but now they are getting beyond old. And his "lucky elbow pad" gimmick got stale over a year ago. Do I think Hero is a good wrestler? Yes, but that still doesn't mean he isn't overrated.
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