Overrated and Underrated?!?!?!

I like your analysis showtyme, but I think we'll agree to disagree on this one. I agree that I would like to see Flair, Taker and HBK get out of the way and let some of the young guys take the flame, but there really hasn't been that guy to come up and take their spot. So i think these three are good flame carriers until that guy comes along that they can pass the torch too.

Undertaker will hand his to Kennedy this summer I believe.
HBK doesn't have anyone on raw that is ready to step up.
And Flair is simply hanging around using his name value to help get the younger guys over. But the younger guys will job to Flair to pay their dues, and I have no problem with it. Flair is like Michael Jordan, if he wants to play, let him play. He's contributed enough.
I think IMO is overrated IMO.

But seriously, I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in feeling that Benjamin has been stuck riding the pine when he should be in the ring facing off with the greats, like Michaels, HHH and Undertaker. I thought he was going to make it when he and Michaels had that streak of matches. Those were amazing, and not one of them involved a ladder, which is to say, they did it all in a wrestling match.

Another person that I feel is underrated by the fans mainly, but recently, by WWE is Nitro. I love the guy's look, his gimmick is great because it annoys me to no end, and he has talent to spare. He made watching all the other Tough Enough "winners" come and go worth it.

Batista - The guy has no wrestling skills at all, no mic skills at all, all that he got to show is a semi-wrinkled muscle body. Other than that the guy is useless.

Bobby Lashley - Another person like Batista, no wrestling skills at all, no mic skills at all. Every time they put him in the mic it crashes my ear and makes me want to change the channel I can't stand him at all.

Samoa Joe - I think the guy has wrestling skills for being a little fat, and he can move around and all. I don't have no problem with that. I just think he is way over rated in this business. I go to TNA Impact! tapings and it's pretty much the same thing over and over.

The Hardyz - These guys are just spot wrestlers, no wrestling skills and I believe anything they try to do it's just sloppy or looks bad. I can still remember that botched move that Jeff Hardy did when he was teaming up with Carlito and Cena last year that he ate the rope. I can't stand none of these.


Carlito - The guy has it all, the look, the charisma, everything. He just needs to drop the love story with Torrie Wilson and be a heel and start showing more moves in the ring other than the current move set. I am from Puerto Rico and I've watched this guy wrestle since he started as Carly Colon back in 1999 in WWC. The guy is amazing, he is such an amazing heel.

Alex Shelley - Okay.....1 question. What is wrong with the TNA creative!? You got here a shining star, an amazing submission wrestler, over all a great wrestler. He got the charisma, he got everything that there is to have. He just needs to be built up towards the X Division Title. Alex Shelley can grab the crowd by his hand and flip it upside down.

Austin Starr - I don't mind the Starr gimmick cause it's pretty entertaining and he is a lot into the fans with it which makes it better.

Shelton Benjamin - amazing over all, all to work on is mic skills other than that this kid have it, as well as Jhonny Nitro
^^ Im going to have to agree with you on some in this list of yours for the reasons you have given, Ill give you the ones where I disagree, Samoa Joe used to be a lot thinner, Ive got a match in my Wrestler of the Week thread about Masato Tanaka vs Samoa Joe, he moved good and quickly, Personnally i think that he is not over or Under rated, but on the right level of Hype. Split the Hardyz up, there is one overhyped and overrated member of this tag team, and that is Jeff. Matt can work and is not given any push for a singles title above that of Cruiser when he was that weight. Don't get me wrong I love watching Jeff in the Ring and above it because his matches have an unpredictability to them in terms of what will happen.

But to add who I truly feel is the most underrated wrestler, the answer is William Regal, He has the technical wrestling expertise and other such benefits, when put against someone like Benoit he puts on one of the best matches of the year and its in the midcards. The only downside on Regal is that he has never had a consistent push to the main Event in WWE. He has a fairly decent promo ability but his charisma is truly shown in ring when working with guys that can hold their own in a match.

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