I like your analysis showtyme, but I think we'll agree to disagree on this one. I agree that I would like to see Flair, Taker and HBK get out of the way and let some of the young guys take the flame, but there really hasn't been that guy to come up and take their spot. So i think these three are good flame carriers until that guy comes along that they can pass the torch too.
Undertaker will hand his to Kennedy this summer I believe.
HBK doesn't have anyone on raw that is ready to step up.
And Flair is simply hanging around using his name value to help get the younger guys over. But the younger guys will job to Flair to pay their dues, and I have no problem with it. Flair is like Michael Jordan, if he wants to play, let him play. He's contributed enough.
Undertaker will hand his to Kennedy this summer I believe.
HBK doesn't have anyone on raw that is ready to step up.
And Flair is simply hanging around using his name value to help get the younger guys over. But the younger guys will job to Flair to pay their dues, and I have no problem with it. Flair is like Michael Jordan, if he wants to play, let him play. He's contributed enough.