Most Underrated and Underpushed Wrestler

Raw - Everyone else says Shelton, and I agree...but since its been said, I am going with Charlie Haas. Shelton at least had a push at one time, fueding with HHH and beating him, being in both Money in the Banks, fighting for the title once I believe...he's had at least one push. Haas, who is an amazing worker and completely gifted in the ring (I believe Angle called him the next What do they do with him? Put him in a lame ass storyline that had no real end, and team him up with the guy that he was fueding with...for no reason, and end a tag team that actually had a purpose. Wha?

Smackdown - Hardy is a good choice, but I am going to say London. He could be so much more than what he is. He is amazing in the ring. Psichosis is another great choice...

ECW - I am definitely going to say Kevin Thorne. I know, he isn't original ECW, something I am an avid fan of and hate the new ECW with a passion for its inclusion of non-ECW style wrestlers....but Thorne fits, he has a great gimmcik, looks great, and can work in the ring. He has some nice ass looking moves too.

Diva - Gail Kim. I know, I know, I know, she isn't even with them anymore. It just kills me to know that they had basically the MOST gifted female wrestler of all time, one that can hold her own with the men, a woman that can work better than Victoria, and they did nothing with her then let her go. Victoria is a close second though, and since she is still with the company, I guess I pick her.

And to the guy that said Chris Masters....what?! Putting him over Psichosis is assinine. Its ludicris...its...other randomly thought of words that sound funny cause you don't hear them often. Its just insane. Psychosis is someone who can wrestle many styles, carry a crowd (mind you, a crowd that cares...unlike Smackdowns crowd...), and has a certain air about him in the ring. He has had some classic matches with Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, AJ Styles, Low Ki, Jerry Lynn...the dude is amazing. What does Chris Masters have? A drug history and a full nelson. Wow....yeah, he is an under-rated talent.
RAW: Shelton Benjamin - all you guys always said why so there's no need for me to rehash what all of you said. All I have to say is that this guy has done the most in both Money In The Bank Ladder matches and it truly is criminal what the WWE is doing to him.

SD: He hasn't been with the WWE that long but I see such great potential in Terkay. If they used him against skilled wrestlers and didn't use jobbers against him, then we'd be looking at a guy who would've put on a fascinating match against the likes of Kurt Angle or Bret Hart

Diva: Victoria. She has more balls and better moves than many of the male talent. But everytime I see her, I swear she's sprawled out on the mat getting pinned.

ECW: ECW's too young so I can't really tell yet...
Smackdown:taker,scotty 2 hotty,psicosis
ecw:sabu(having to job to show every week to make him bigger)
RAW - Id have to say Val Venis, his matches on Heat have been impressing me lately and its obvious he is a fan favourite not just with the ladies!

SmackDown - mark Henry - In my opinion they should have given Henry the world title, he was great in his feud with Taker and i would have loved to see him fued with the Animal Batista!
everyone seems to think shelton is the most underpushed guy. i may have to agree, wrestling wise. however, to be wwe champion you have to have a personality as well. shelton doesnt. if he were to have a manager or become part of a stable of some sort then yes he could very well be champ but until then i really dont think it would work. the wwe is a business after all and hes hardly marketable at the moment. i think the best way to get him a push is by reforming the worlds greatest tag team. haas and benjamin together was sweet. imagine them against the hardyz. those guys could put on some great matches. that would make the tag division exciting again straight away. same with scotty. his gimmick is great but doesnt work on his own. if they do bring back the other guys from too cool they could get a push as a tag team as well. put on some great matches with london and kenderick. in answer to the question though i think
raw:kane by far
sd: kid kash maybe. or perhaps benoit. although he does get pushed, he should be bigger than he is.
ecw - probably cm punk is underpushed. however, i think wwe are being very smart with him. they know hes going to be huge and they're not rushing him. they're building him up slowly to establish him. which is what a lot of people on here complain doesnt happen enough anymore. so i think its a good idea that hes not pushed yet.

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