Most Overrated Wrestler on the Roster?

I know I will draw fire for this but i gotta say AJ Styles he may be awesome in the ring but on the mic and character-wise he is bad. He sounds like the love child of Foghorn leg horn and Yosimite Sam when he talks. He gets on the mic and does this weird stutter thing when he gets upset it sounds flat out ******ed.

When i started watching TNA it was during his Prince of Phemoninal gimmick and I just thought it was silly and stupid due to his mic work and character acting.

This current Flair Jr thing isnt much better since being next to Flair who is awesome on the mic just makes AJ look so much worse.

But in the ring he always delivers a great performance that offsets the bad stuff somewhat.
This is one of the best posts I've ever seen. If I were able to give you positive rep points I would...and I will make a note to do so when I get home (for whatever reason my work computer won't let me click on that button...not sure why).

i'm with you two. great post. and like you, Optimus, i'm not able to rep while i'm at work. what are the odds? do you know Steve? lol, j/k.

and no hard feelings about the other posts. i'm glad to know that i'm not alone in loving Nash and not loving RVD.

[/QUOTE=LegendKiller716]i'm surprised nobody mentioned Eric Young, he is not my choice because for some reason i like him, but i thought he'd be a popular choice. [/QUOTE]

i didn't pick Eric Young for a couple of reasons.
1. i also kinda enjoy him. maybe it's a guilty pleasure, but he doesn't bother me so much. he's actually kinda entertaining and has this highly irritating and yet wonderful ability to make me wanna care about him.
2. he's not pushed to the moon. this guy is placed in mid-card feuds as a mid-card guy, which is where he belongs. he doesn't suck up time and steal the spotlight from other guys more deserving. he does what he's supposed to do in a fair amount of time and with a fair amount of success and then leaves for the day. he does his job. go figure.
Sometimes I feel these threads are completely useless because people are taking overrated to mean different things.
Some of you are discussing guys who are over payed, over pushed, over the hill ... I thought this thread would be about guys who we as fans, think are overrated by other fans. I just assumed by overrated, I was assuming it was by the IWC(Bryan Danielson is loved by the IWC, and was fired by the WWE so if you are calling him overrated ... obviously he's not held in high regard by the WWE, he's beyond underrated by them lol, so you must mean by the IWC.)

Some of you are mentioning guys who most of the IWC hates or is indifferent too, but who TNA are giving pushes too or even just a job.

I mean the thread is THE MOST OVERRATED Wrestler ... I have no clue how some of you come up with like Kevin Nash or even Kaz. And it's funny because the ones who don't like Nash want to see the young more athletic guys (which Kaz is) pushed and then others say Kaz is boring (yet, he can prolly pull off any move all you spot monkeys love.)

Being deemed Overrated is a spotlight on a certain dimension of a performer that needs improvement, yet is blindly overlooked by the virtue of his better aspects.
If a performer is miserable in all realms, he isn't Overrated,
He's doomed!

Kinda like this-
Nash's ring work is just bland, mic-work is very good (overall history)
Kaz's ring work is good, mic-work is boring

After him I'd prolly have to say "Joe's going to kill you" Samoe Joe. I can't stand the chant and I do not understand people's obsession with him. They don't put him on the mic cause he can't talk and in the ring he's this massive blob in a pair of humongous boxers that squashes people and will prolly crush someone trying to pull off a move ment for a guy who weighs 150 lbs less then him one day.

I have said this before, Joe really needs to lose weight.
Now I know Samoans are usually (historically, don't take in the Usos) overweight, but the one Samoan (half-Samoan) who wasn't became one of the biggest stars ever.
Look if you're in better shape, you're a better marketing tool.

A little example-
JBL was probably the biggest waste of space, I thought, when he was top heel.
True a top heel was needed but he always was an annoying git with a big belly.
Anyway, so fall 2007 came, and I went ahead and purchased SvR 08 for my PS2 and lo and behold!
Miracle of miracles!!!JBL had been bestowed six-packs (the abs not beer!)!!!!!

Now this sudden physical evolution perplexed me for a day or two but it slowly dawned on me....
this look is a huge marketing asset.
Mainly because our society is fixated with someone who is chiseled out of stone .
True, not every Gym-rat can make it, but it definitely helps to look the part which I can back up with two words-
Brock Lesnar

Joe is stellar on the mic.
His promos circa 05-07, that I have seen, where always great because he does broadcast a lot of intensity and passion.

I think Joe can be a top level talent in WWE, but his TV look HAS TO CHANGE!!!!
Rob Terry is so ungraceful that it feels like a junior high cheerleader could whip his ass.

I just don't see what the big deal is about Hernandez, the only thing he's ever been good for is to be the guy that gives Homocide a break. Everything he does feels like a botch even when it's not. So he can jump over the top rope with a full head of steam, but what else other than cross his arms and nod.

Jeff Hardy, at least when he was in WWE it felt like he could work, now he's just a below average worker, and worst of all they let him have a mic, which is guaranteed to make every viewer just a little dumber than they were before he started talking, he only has one message that gets through to viewers "what the hell is he talking about"
Yeah, I think to me, there are different things that can make someone completely overrated. I mean, it could either be someone getting a push when they don't really need one, or someone who just doesn't have that it factor, or they are lacking in one area, and seem to be overcompensating in another. For me, I'm gonna start with Kaz, or as I call him (Antonio Banderas Jr) granted, great spot monkey as well, but vanilla on the microphone. I was a bit confused why they even brought him back from the Suicide mask. Then you have Kevin Nash, LOVE his mic skills, and for his age, he does better than some guys in the ring, but he'd be better suited as a manager or mouthpiece, but whatever he's being paid, its probably too much. Then we have Amazing Red, I really never saw what anyone saw in him, another run of the mill X-Division person for their company, no mic skills, no personality, and yet they pushed him HARD with that Don West as his manager? The whole World Elite, with Eric Young as a leader? I'm sorry, skills mediocre at best in ring, and mic work not great, still always saw him as the lovable geek EY.

Then we have Abyss, another Mankind/Kane rip-off as my husband calls him. He's okay when he's in the serious-dark lines, but then the 'crazy' mind lines can only go on for so long, and then we all know the black hole slam, and shock treatment will get someone, as well as the tacks or glass. I still am out on Hogan, do I think he deserved all the press for TNA, no? But do I think he's worth all the hype he's done for it so far? No. He's not really done too much to it yet, other than bringing Jeff Hardy back to where he's worked before.

Then we have Shannon Moore and Jesse Neal, Ink Inc. Two people with less than quality mic work, and their supposed group still not even close to 'resembling' people who are 'on a mission to bring Dilligaf' to the masses. That's just my honest opinion about the state of TNA and the 'over-rated' wrestlers on their roster to me.
Jarret, Hogan, Nash, not cause he never accomplished anything but what has he accomplished recently and of course Flair....

flair? wow uh flair is one of the greatest wrestlers ever...the most overrated wrestler to me would have to be desmond wolfe...i dont see his greatness everyone keeps talking about. i think he is dull and just shit. mayb f they put him in the tag division with a really really really REALLY good partner he might get better. but i think he just plain sucks
first off im not a huge TNA fan. i do like the fact that they showcase more wrestling but i would have to say the most overated person would be by far jeff hardy. i never undertood why he was so "over" in WWE. the guy is a drug addict. how many times has he been suspended for it? and he didnt cut it the first time in TNA and he isnt gonna cut it now. he has had too many chances to really make it big and has blown all of em. his whole emo gimmick is lame imo. he is a good performer from time to time but i truly feel he is way overated and just a cancer on wrestling in general. second place props to the entire ECW crap they have going on, they're a bunch of nobodies except for raven, and imo just a waste of money and time. if yer gonna use older guys than at least use ones that actually made it big ie kevin nash, hogan and flair even though theyre all 20yrs past their prime at least they bring name value.
Jeff Jarrett would easily be my choice, the most over rated EVER... But since this seems or should seem to be a more current active-weekly type of question...

I'll go with The whole EV2.0 faction!! LOL... This shit is gettin' funny... TNA is ran by complete idiots... I happen to like the in ring talent they have... But how they use it is ignorant... Dixie should always wear a dunce cap...


Besides the ECW "crew"... An actual TNA guy I would call overrated is Matt Morgan! He is just straight up garbage!
Well, here comes the heat magnet, and if no one said these two yet then I'm sure I will get tons of it:

Samoa Joe: Personally I don't see the appeal he's big he's tough, he's good a decent moveset, but he bores the hell out of me, he has the look of a gamepiece in "Hungry Hungry Hippo" and I personally think that his mic skills suck ass

AJ Styles - Ok PWI ranked him #1 on their list, guess what PWI this isn't 2007 anymore. The guys match quality has gone to shit! He's slowly improving on the mic, but I feel his age is catching up quick, and his matches are starting to lack.

Honourable mentions: Jeff Hardy, The Pope, Abyss, Ric Flair , RVD and Shannon Moore
There've been some pretty good choices and I honestly don't know if I could pick just one.

Jeff Hardy, Jeff Jarrett, Rob Van Dam, Ken Anderson and Abyss are definitely my overall top five at this point.

Jeff Hardy was used well in WWE. The last few years he was there, Hardy became a legitimate main event star. Horrible on the mic, but he did have some great matches. His feud last year with CM Punk was the best of the year and Hardy did show that he can hang in the main event. In TNA, he's just one of the guys. Have his legal troubles impacted the way TNA uses him? It's quite possible. But, the point is that he hasn't really done anything signifigant since coming to TNA. No real feuds, no dream matches, etc.

Jeff Jarrett, as I've said in a number of posts, is a good mid-card wrestler that got pushed to the main event in WCW, even though he's never really been cut out for it. He's pretty decent in the ring and on the mic, but I don't believe he's ever had nearly the stuff to be a 10 time World Champion. For many years in TNA, Jarrett did keep himself in the main event and world title picture, unnecessarily so in my view as Jarrett has NEVER been a draw.

Rob Van Dam might well be the original internet wrestling god. I've enjoyed watching a lot of RVD's matches, I admit that. But this guy's personality is just beyond stale and one dimensional. I know that coming across as a half baked stoner might be very close to reality, but I've always found him exceedingly dull or just plain God awful to listen to on the microphone. The love he gets from ECW and internet fans borders on worship and I just don't see it. Thus far, his time in TNA has been pretty much a bust. I know he's TNA World Heavyweight Champion but I really don't care. Nothing has really happened during RVD's reign to make me care. He's in no real feuds and almost all of the so called "dream matches" have fallen flat.

Ken Anderson is someone that I do think is good on the mic and decent in the ring, but he's definitely overrated. Anderson was popular with the internet crowd when he was in WWE but he's grown even more so since he was fired. As with RVD, the love that he gets from the internet crowd is downright reverence and he's just not nearly that good. Anderson's mic work is his saving grace for me as he's not all that special in the ring. The asshole schtick he does during his interviews has long since lost its appeal for me and just seems like a lame, cheap stunt. I can't help but feel lots of people cheer for it because they're like "Hey, he said a curse word. He's cool!!!!". I also have trouble seeing Anderson really as a top contender for the TNA title since he's only won two matches, I think, over the course of the past 5 months or so?

For much of 2010, Abyss has been the single most unwatchable guy on the TNA roster. Even though he's little more than an amalgam of Kane & Mankind, there was a time he was kind of interesting. The past few years, however, have been unbearable. For about a year now, we've been treated to Abyss as this somewhat retarted, emotionally stunted 350 pound 10 year old and that only increased with the arrival of Hulk Hogan and the nauseating stuff with the HOF ring. The fact that TNA featured this guy so much in the first half of this year is just plain unsettling. Even though he has improved to some degree, he's still pretty corny.

Overall, I'm not sure I can narrow it down to just one guy. However, I don't think really anybody can go wrong with any 1 of these 5 wrestlers.
For me, I'd have to say Rob Terry is quite over rated. I think he only has a job there because of how incredibly built he is. Ya, he looks fantastic if what you like is big muscular meat heads, but to me he's not that great. I don't know why he has a title... that's kinda crazy to me lol. But ya I find his ring skills to be mediocre and he's not good on the mic.
On a side note, I'm quite shocked how many people are saying "jeff hardy, RVD, abyss, Hogan etc." WOW. I never would have thought so many people felt that way lol. I think all of those guys are MAJORLY talented.

Although I will say, the WWE machine seems to have helped Jeff. Now that I think about it, Jeff is in a strange situation.. when he went to the WWE he was mid-card and the people DEMANDED to see him in the Main Event and got behind him in a MAJOR way, and the payoff was world championships, even though the WWE was afraid to "pull the trigger" so to speak. Then he goes to TNA and ya he's main eventing but he's not quite the same he was in the WWE. It's like the fans made him what he is in the WWe, but the WWE made him what he is to the fans lol.. it's strange.
As much as it pains me to say it b/c I was a big fan of this guy when he came into TNA, I'm going have to say Samoa Joe. I've seen how people have said he deserves to be in the main event/champion and always puts on great matches and up until two years ago I would have agree. I was a Joe fan until midway into his world title reign in 08. The guy just didn't do it for me as a world champion. I though his promos were just bland and he seems to have gone down in terms of ring work. Like I said, I used to be huge fan of Joe's now I don't think he should be anywhere other than where he is now, dwelling in the upper-mid card.
Kaz. I don't really see what this guy has done to warrant such a push to be included in Flair's elite group. I think they wasted a spot to someone who could have really got over as a heel. People seem to have no reaction to Kaz as face or heel. If they gave him a push because he resembles Antonio Banderas thats just horrible! Might as well change his gimmick to El Mariachi. :lol:
That being said, my clear answer is Rob Van Dam and I've beaten the dead horse every which way in the other thread about the most valuable member of the roster. The fact that nobody has mentioned his name on here even once but have named random guys, who barely ever wrestle anymore or even at all for that matter, speaks volumes and shows just how irrational people really think about everything.

Rob Van Dam is boring. Plain and simple. He has the personality of a dead moth and a slightly above average set of moves in his arsenal. Nothing extraordinary. Yet, he's loved by countless amounts of individuals on this site for what reason?? He's a portly stoner in a ponytail and a one piece bathing suit who's ballerina act around the ring only goes so far. He's basically a less presentable John Morrison with significantly less in-ring ability...yet he's praised as if he were Shawn Michaels or something.

You hit the nail on the head Optimist! I just dont see the guy as World Champion, he's a mid-carder at best in my book. He thinks hes the whole f'n show, well the whole f'n show would do just fine without him.
I'm going to have to go with people being pushed to the moon recently which don't need to be such as Abyss. Abyss has been used as a monster and as a Hogan wannabe which has annoyed the piss out of everyone.

You could probably put Hardy and RVD on that list as well, but at least Hardy and RVD are big name talent that can sell tickets. I also believe Rob Terry is someone that should be in the minor leagues training instead of being pushed as a monster on television. When Bobby Lashley was in TNA, I could say the same thing about him.

The man never drew anything and didn't give anything of value to TNA. As far as tag teams go, I have to go with Team 3D. I really don't care how many tag team championships they have won considering most of the titles don't matter anyway. They were WCW tag team champions in WWE but were never apart of WCW. How does that make any sense? Those titles are even more worthless then the Global championship.

If it wasn't for tables, Team 3D wouldn't have as much popularity as they do now. The best tag team in the world? Seriously?
I notice a lot of people are saying RVD and Jeff Hardy.

If you want to say they are overrated right now on the TNA roster, I would prolly agree. I'd say it's more that they are over utilizied though.

Before I make my point about that, I was just wondering ... or an at their peak Jeff Hardy and RVD overrated? When I hear people say Hardy, RVD, Nash, Hogan, Flair ... anyone whose ever had a huge following or got huge cheers or did something that makes them HOF worthy ... it's hard for me to say they are overrated because I look at the careers as a hole.

It's like if you were creating your own federation (so your looking to draw money and put on a good show) would you rather have
a young Hogan, Flair, Nash, RVD, Jeff Hardy?

Or would you rather MCMG, Samoa Joe, The Pope, Beer Money, Christopher Daniels?

I personally would take any of the first five over any of the second group.

Then again, I feel wrestling can be very simple sometimes. If you have the right combination of a finisher, entrance music, and a number of little things like a look ... you can be a huge success.

I think a lot of people (in general) would have a better feeling of Hardy/RVD simply if they were performing in a big arena with their WWE pyro and Entrance music. Everytime you'd hear "Makes you believe I'm ... ONE OF A KIND" when RVD came out you'd go nuts.

As for being over-utilized ... TNA brought Hardy and RVD in and have tried to make them something they are not. Both guys usually did their talking in the ring and that was better for them. They are not an Austin or Rock, they aren't suppose to be guys who can fight off 5 guys at once or make a great promo, but at the same time either of them could be considered a championship contender ... just as an under dog.

People liked Hardy because he was an under dog that would risk it all to win and put on a good show. RVD I wouldn't say was as much an underdog, but people got excited to see him.

The thing is you take two guys who are still able to go and throw them in the small pond that is TNA. They are in my mind, too good for the TNA talent. It's like ... imagine Cena left WWE now and joined TNA ... or Orton.
Could you see Cena and Orton losing matches too guys like The Pope, Matt Morgan, Samoa Joe? Or could you see Cena and Orton playing small roles while those other 3 guys had all the spotlight?

Right now there is a noticeable gap between the talent because Hardy/RVD are guys who have already accomplished so much on a much grander scale ... while you have guys who have been performing in front of 800 ppl for a few years.

Jeff Hardy was a Tag Team Champion vs'ing the new age outlaws 11 years ago during the attitude era everyone loves so much and went on to become a multi time world champion in WWE and when he left he was a proven draw, none of the young guys have proven they can do that in TNA, so TNA is treating Jeff and RVD like Kings.
Although I will say, the WWE machine seems to have helped Jeff. Now that I think about it, Jeff is in a strange situation.. when he went to the WWE he was mid-card and the people DEMANDED to see him in the Main Event and got behind him in a MAJOR way, and the payoff was world championships, even though the WWE was afraid to "pull the trigger" so to speak. Then he goes to TNA and ya he's main eventing but he's not quite the same he was in the WWE. It's like the fans made him what he is in the WWe, but the WWE made him what he is to the fans lol.. it's strange.

That's exactly it man! It's like even if Hardy/RVD wanted small roles there too big of names to just job or not be in some kind of spotlight. I don't think they're overrated, it just doesn't feel right the way they are being used in TNA. They are big fish in a small pond is basically what it comes down too.
There are no guys their age or ability who are around in TNA. Their are no Jerichos, Edge, HBK, HHH, Orton, Cena, Taker, Big Show etc etc to balance everything out. It's just a bunch of 50 yr old legends and 30 yr olds who are nationally unknown and unproven.

Perception is Reality.
Four months ago, I would have said The Pope, but he seems to be going nowhere in a hurry.

RVD- I loved this guy back in the day. Actually, he was the only ECW guy I gave a shit about. He was always terrible on the stick, but had great athletic ability, speed and seemed fearless.

Now...not so much. He's much slower, his athletic ability has gone down hill, and he looks tired. Am I disappointed in RVD, the man? No, he's aging, like he should be. But that "sizzle" is gone. He doesn't have the same energy he once did. Once again, I don't think it's anything he is doing wrong, it's just who he is now.

TNA gave him the strap because they thought he was a draw. Well...he isn't. ECW didn't let him carry the company 11-15 years ago. WWE never made him the top guy. But, almost 15 years later, and TNA thinks it's his time? I don't think so. I love RVD, nothing against him at all. But his prime is long gone, and it's not his job to recognize's TNA's.
Four months ago, I would have said The Pope, but he seems to be going nowhere in a hurry.

RVD- I loved this guy back in the day. Actually, he was the only ECW guy I gave a shit about. He was always terrible on the stick, but had great athletic ability, speed and seemed fearless.

Now...not so much. He's much slower, his athletic ability has gone down hill, and he looks tired. Am I disappointed in RVD, the man? No, he's aging, like he should be. But that "sizzle" is gone. He doesn't have the same energy he once did. Once again, I don't think it's anything he is doing wrong, it's just who he is now.

TNA gave him the strap because they thought he was a draw. Well...he isn't. ECW didn't let him carry the company 11-15 years ago. WWE never made him the top guy. But, almost 15 years later, and TNA thinks it's his time? I don't think so. I love RVD, nothing against him at all. But his prime is long gone, and it's not his job to recognize's TNA's.

Precisely! See, this is all I'm trying to say. Even though I never really liked RVD at all...I'll concede to the fact that at some time...some how...people liked him. Why? I have my theories but I'll never really know.

That being said, I agree with everything else Nickb03 has said. It just doesn't make any sense, whatsoever, to have him be the face of TNA and carry your most prestigious title for a long period of time. It's foolish and borderline company suicide.
I don't think Hardy is overrated as such, because as a whole he's always been exciting over the years. At the minute, he's not putting on his best stuff though. However, I think that's largely because of various other distractions in his life. That and the considerable weight he seems to have stacked on. He could do with shifting that cos a fat bloke doesn't look as good crushing someone with the Swanton.

Abyss is overrated. Although to be overrated, there has to be someone saying you're good and everyone seems unanimous that Abyss is shit. No idea why he's been given a push. He's not alone there though.

Rob Terry shouldn't be anywhere near consistent TV, but then nobody rates him so he can't be overrated.

Finally, Tommy Dreamer. I mean, come on. ECW had some good wrestlers back in the day like RVD (who can't really cut it anymore either) but Tommy for me falls well within the bracket of an accidentally popular jobber. He seems like a decent bloke with a good head for the business so I won't slander him. But him rocking up like some kind of saviour when he's never been big news is ridiculous to me.
Overutilized by TNA management - This was an easier question to answer a few months back. Now I think they have good reason to be featuring the people they are for the most part. Even though I have been unimpressed with Jeff Hardy in TNA, he has an undeniable connection with the fans that would be foolish to ignore. I'll say Hulk Hogan the riotstopper. I have no problem with him appearing otherwise.

Overrated by the IWC - I have to go with Wolfe and I have a high opinion of Wolfe's potential unlike others choosing him in this thread. The problem is that practically everyone in the IWC thinks he is already worthy of having the company built around him. I think that is a pretty big leap from where he should be, getting an upper midcard push.

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