Most Underrated Wrestler on the Roster?

Rob Terry is another guy to be very underrated by people. I have actually been very impressed by Terry's ability. I have watched all the Xplosion episodes and Rob is not that bad. He has a personality and he has a great look and the guy is definitely improving in the ring. So in my opinion he is vastly underrated
I've always thought the most underrated talent on the TNA roster was Robert Roode. I think he has the look, the athleticism, and the mic skills to be a main eventer as a solo wrestler. Beer Money is good, but he needs to be elevated to the next level. I've always thought that Vince should steal him away from TNA. I could see him in a suit every week cutting promos similar to what Jericho does now.
Hands down for me...Desmonde Wolfe...since his feud with Angle...the whole of the IWC have been pushing for a Wolfe world title run...he is a very talented perfromer and good on the mic and the way he has/is being used it unacceptable..
I think there are a number of wrestlers that can be considered "underrated". I think for one, give Shawn Hernandez (supermex) a shot. Get him away from LAX, and get him in a decent angle ---yes, he can't really cut a promo, but hey...look at Joe. He didn't for awhile either. He came, he saw, he kicked ass, he left. Nonetheless, who says that every wrestler HAS to cut a promo when they come onscreen? Yes, I would make them boring to a degree, but if they package Hernandez just right (yes I know...that's pretty evasive), I think he could really be a force. He has strength, he has mobility, he (to me), is a decent worker. I think the switch that Rob Terry made from a nobody to a (at least) semi-somebody proves that he (hernandez) could be elevated to the next tier. Get OUT of the angle with Morgan (Nothing against Morgan, because I mark out for him too), but move up moreso --- against Sting, or against Abyss. It can be done. Heck, put a belt on him to give him credibility. If Joe could win the X division, who's to say Shawn couldn't?? :confused: Once he wins that, put him in an angle that X division is the first in line to receive a title shot, and take RVD (or whomever) to the limit.....not no 10 minute draw.....but go 30 minutes or so. Don't make his matches squashes,--and have them go at least 10-15 every week.

I think the other underrated would be of course, Pope :worship:. However, I think he's just about "there", so I don't know if he would be --or still be considered underrated. I'm SO glad that he's not Elijah Burke, and the night he made his return and had tears in his eyes, completely sold me (from a promo standpoint).
The guy's 34 yrs old and if he's not injured, I think TNA should have been using him recently. Hopefully, he'll still be going after this ECW thing. The guy has muscle mass and has shown he is decent on the mic. He brings a different dynamic too TNA and has an over finisher(Gore) that will always get pops. He has a persona, which a lot of TNA guys seem to be searching for.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and go with Homicide. He's a VERY great heel and nobody gives/gave him credit for that. He's also a great in-ring performer and, ever since LAX was split up, hasn't been used to his full potential. I believe if TNA once again puts him in the tag team scene, he could make a huge iMPACT (horrible pun intended) in the division and bring back the Homicide that we all knew and loved.
ok so i guess this is tna roster...all of yall make sense but there all big tna stars. im going with eric young...the guys great in the ring and plays the badass heel roll. he has had only like wat 3 title reigns? hes been there from the begining or close to it. and he dont even get any tv time due to the brand breaking up or watever happended to them
Matt Morgan- this guy is amazing live. He is very quick and agile in the ring and whether heel or face, he knows how to elicit a response from people. I think its a shame they seem to get him on a role for a week or two at a time, then push him to the back. Plus he's a heck of a nice guy in person.

Jay Lethal- what can I say about this guy? Of course he's hilarious as an imitator of legends, and they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But, you don't want that to be your only calling card in the business. This young man is gifted beyond belief and the fact that he's got a legend like Ric Flair losing to him, speaks volumes, that's a torch being passed since not many legends (especially in the status of flair) necessarily are humble enough to let a younger star go over like that. Now he's all of a sudden like missing in action after that GREAT promo line he had with Flair. :wtf:

Desmond Wolfe- he had a TREMENDOUS start out the gate with Angle. Then kinda plateaued, and his in ring work is on the money. His mic skills are on the spot, and he knows what and how to say it to get someone amped and ready for brawling. He just has hit a mark where it seems like creative doesn't know what to do with him. Its sad. They don't know whether to use him for good, bad, or anything, so he just sits and collects dust.

Rob Terry- he's grown on me since British Invasion. I always had a thing for the muscle-y guys. Granted he's more the silent type. But boy did he break away and show his dominance in the ring. He's the 'Batista' of their group, muscles and heart. I love when you have many factors in a group that can branch out and have pretty decent success on their own.

Doug Williams- he took a bit to grow on me too. His in ring work is pretty good. And his stints joining the table for comments just crack me up as well. He's a very well put together package. Like I said earlier, I think what is going on in this wrestling community is a severe underestimation of people who may/may not have had the best track record in previous companies before. People may tend to believe the rumor mill and that's a hard mark to erase sometimes.
Desmond Wolfe - a great worker with mic skills - hes been doing too many jobs lately, I hope they give him a push again.

Douglas Williams - great wrestling skills, and as Lita said, cracks me up when he joins the announcers. Great guy in person too.

Matt Morgin - this guy has got it all - great heel with a little bit of crazy man thrown in for good measure.

Jimmy Hart - he needs to be the mouthpiece for some of the guys that dont have the mic skills.
I would go with Wolfe since is underrated in TNA, but he is not underrated worldwide. James Storm and Robert Roode are good options as well since they have been underutilized for a while now. Overall though it would have to be between Morgan and Pope. Considering Pope was on a good run before he was injured, I would put Pope has underrated. Most people have never given Pope a chance. I'll admit that I didn't when he was in ECW. I didn't give him a chance when he got to TNA either.

Once I actually saw how improved he was on the mic and in the ring I was stunned. Pope is the kind of wrestler that could be used in any era of wrestling today or genre. If this were the 70's and it was Jim Crockett Promotions, then we would see Pope as the American Dream instead of Dusty Rhodes. I guess there were no black wrestlers at that time that had the charisma that Pope or even Dusty had.

Wolfe may be underutilized as I said before, but people know that. Some will argue Morgan is good or bad, but at least you hear more good things about him because of his size. Pope has a few fans but generally people call Pope overrated instead of underrated. I may be in the minority but I do think that Pope has that It factor that will one day propel him in the main event. He may not get a lot of cheers or sell a lot of merchandise now, but I do think his day will come. Hallelujah.
It's Wolfe surely. TNA underrating him is criminal. They should be building a company around him, not finding reasons to not use him on TV.

Another contender for me is Amazing Red. He's rarely used for anything. He's as exciting as any other little quick guy in the whole of wrestling probably. A real shame he isn't used because I could see the kids really taking to him.
I would have to go with spanky Brian kendrick. He has great in ring ability and has a great character. He hasn't been used right at all, but that isn't his fault. When people talk about the great talent in tna(which is that much), they talk about wolfe, styles, angle, pope, bmi, mcmg, and even mediocre matt morgan, but they always leave out kendrick, which is a shame.

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