Most and Least believable and devastating finishers in WWE.

Most devastating - The Batista Bomb. I know its just a power bomb, but the way he hit it had a real brutality to it. Those three on rey in a row when the ref stopped the match, surely did some real damage to him. He really made it look like he threw them at the ground, not just let them drop.

Least devastating - Starship pain. Half the time he only makes contact with his arms, even if he did make contact with his torso, its still not really gonna hurt however impressive it is to watch. The move that morisson hit on tyson kidd was a much better finisher.

I gotta agree with the fella who said that the spear isn't great. You guys in the states watch rugby union. Try checking on youtube for rugby league big hits. Go for an nrl video, its the aussie league, its actually sickening some of the tackles youll see on there.

Also the gts in a real fight? haha, what are you fighting in a john wayne movie?
WORST: The Miz - skull crushing finale. Too small and weak to make this maneuver have any impact or be believable.. kidding? Full Nelson face plant is a great finisher with alot of history in pro wrestling. Perfect for the Miz because it is all about taking advantage of your opponent, look again because he performs it perfectly.

Best: The Warriors Way. Top rope double foot stomp? I think so. Been following Kaval since TNA and he hits it great everytime.

Worst: Heath Slater's wanna be Zig Zag. He looks so akward and unnatural when he hits it, can't really read into it.
Best: Has to be the Tombstone Piledriver. And big men like Kane and Taker doing it hurts more. Being dropped on the head and neck by a 7-foot giant will keep anyone down for more than 3 seconds.

Worst: 619!! Yes it is. How can anyone take it seriously?? It doesn't even hurt!! It doesn't look convincing and certainly unbelievable. It sucks.

Edit: Heath Slater's finisher is called Sweetness. Check his or Nexus's WikiPedia page.
Best: Randy's RKO. It looks impactful, it comes from no where and it is very believable as a finisher. It is by far the best finisher in WWE today.

Worst: This is obviously for Santino, I like the guy but the Cobra should be used as a regular move rather than a finisher. He should hit it, have the opponent turn around into Kozlov's finisher instead. It's just not believable in being able to keep someone down for a 3 count. kidding? Full Nelson face plant is a great finisher with alot of history in pro wrestling. Perfect for the Miz because it is all about taking advantage of your opponent, look again because he performs it perfectly.

The move terrible. Its almost impossible to set up. And when he finally does set the move up with the full nelson, he doesn't hit it. The opponent's face lands no where near the matt. Maybe if he put some power into it, but he doesn't. That move is just a terrible finisher.

The best, without a doubt would be the Tombstone. Not any Tombstone or Pile Driver, but Undertaker's Tombstone. Anytime Undertaker hits it in a big time match, the crowd just gets so into it. When he hit the Spike Tombstone on Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 26, I cringed. The move just looks so real and his opponents sell it very well. Probably my favorite wrestling maneuver.
if ur liking the GTS u gotta watch how KENTA executes this finisher. Im a big fan of submission hold as finisher, it looks more brutal on TV with the persons facial expression (lebel lock, ankle lock, anaconda vice).

too me the AA is the worst move ever, if cena's AA was delivered like the death valley driver then it would be belivable. Heck the suplex looks more brutal than cena's AA.
Barrets one looks off as well, instead of droping the guy to the mat, he should just execute the torture rack, dudes big enough to make the torture rack believable
Best: Drew Mcintyre's Future Shock DDT. Your arms are caught up behind you so there is no way of protecting your face smashing off the mat.

Worst: Normally would be the Cobra - but as this is just a 'Gimmick' move from Santino i would probably go for either R-Truth's Lie Detector because a spinning forearm isnt believably going to knock out 300ibs men, or Rey's 619 because the wway he get's guys to fall against the 2nd rope is just pathetic.
Most Devastating:
Has to be any Piledriver or if it counts Randy Ortons Punt!
special mention for Goldberg's spear, not all of then, just this one

I hate to say it but the current Walls of Jericho, even though Chris is my favourite wrestler, it just looks pathetic.
apart from that the cobra, lie detector and Mysterios stupid flop from a top rope onto someone that magically keep them down for 3 seconds.
Best: Killswitch by Christian. It might not look to flashy but im convinced its the most painful, you have nowhere to go other than getting your head smashed between his arse and the mat. The way he drops vertically with his legs out also means there isnt really any way he can reduce the impact, as soon as he drops theres no turning back. Serioously painful. God forbid if they gave this to somebody who weighed more than Christian.

Least: Big show "Knockout Punch". He just floats a weak, limp hand at someone. Its more of a slap than a punch. It could be sooo much better, if he stepped into it and put a bit of speed into it. As it is it just looks pathetic and tells me that Big Show really isnt much of a worker that if he couldn't help but make it stiff and dangerous if he put his body into it and did it quicker.
Best: I would say either the RKO or Future Shock DDT. The RKO is great because Orton can hit it on anyone and the impact is usally impressive. With the Future Shock, like someone else said, it's just your head being driven into the matt. No way to protect yourself (other than Drew doing it for you by holding you).

Worst: I have to go Starship Pain. People say he never hits it with anything other than his legs or arms, but the funny thing is the best part of his body to make contact with that move IS his legs. When he flips he is flipping forward, so his legs have all the momentum. When he hits with his upper body he is actually flipping away from the contact (i.e. his upper body is rotating up) so that would minimize the impact. It would be best delivered on the upper body with his legs almost like a jacked up leg drop.

As far as Santino's Cobra, I think if they sold it as a nerve strike it would be more believeable. There are plenty of martial arts movies (and likely moves in reality) that show nerve strikes that temporarily paralyze. If that was the idea behind the Cobra, it would work for me.
Devastating: Jack Swagger's powerbomb slam. That shit looks like it can break your back! The ring is hard enough so imagine getting slammed like that!

Least Devastating: Kaval's botched dive stomp off the turnbuckle. The move looks so weak. At times, he sells the move like he is stomping the canvas with his opponent's arms spanned out a little.
Most devestating - Tyler rex, without a doubt.

Least - has to be The Miz, the opponent is just falling forward, Atleast with the cobra your practically punching someone in the throat/face.
I think sheamus' high cross move is overrated, sure it looks pretty when he lifts them up in the crucifix position but instead of driving their back into the mat like a normal powerbomb he runs and falls forward giving them a slight back bump.

as for the most devastating finisher I'm liking Goldust's Final Cut, something about the way he lifts them up then spins them back down to the mat just looks awesome, I'd love to see him hit that through a table or something cool like that
There are so many awful finishers out there today, it's hard to pick out. It seems these days wrestlers are more caught up in looking for something original and "innovative" instead of looking for something... I don't know... DEFINITIVE. Because that's what a finisher should be. A move of such force that you can't win after being hit by it. On case of submissions, well, it's more about effectiveness. Dolph Ziggler's Sleeper Hold seems effective because the more he uses it, the more belief there is that he's good at it.

As for the more "slam" variety of finishers, there some God awful ones. And no, the AA is not one. It at least seems well executed.

* Wade Barrett's Wasteland: Probably the one I hate the most. The reason is simple. This a breakthrough star who's finishing his matches with a damn Scoop Slam. That's what it is. How is it more painful than Mr. Anderson's Rollthrough Slam? It's not. It's a setup move. Made famous by a few in CMLL. Hell, Alberto Del Rio used it as Dos Caras Jr. A large man like him using sucha simplistic move just doesn't scream "oh what a finish". Especially when he does stuff like Bossman and Sidewalk Slams.

* The Miz' Skullcrusing Finale: There's a reason why Chris Jericho stopped using it. And it's a good reason to claim Jeff Jarrett is a bad wrestler. There's also a reason why it's a standard move in Smackdown vs Raw. It's not good enough. Plain and simple.

* Sheamus' Brogue Kick: This is a Bicycle Kick. Same one A-Train used to use but didn't win matches. And also, I've seem bigger foots that can do a hell of a better job. Carbon feet to be precise.

* Dolph Ziggler's Zig Zag:
As if the dumbass name wasn't enough, it's just him jumping and pulling your head down back first. Isn't that what 70% of every other standard wrestling maneuver does? Don't Reverse DDT's do the same exact thing?

* Santino Marella's Cobra: It's pretty obvious why this is bad. People going down to a comedy move. Rename it the Cred Killer.

* Ted DiBiase's Dream Street: This kind of move should be available only to people about 260 pounds. Because otherwise, it ain't selling.

There are a few good one's out there though:

* Drew McIntyre's Future Shock DDT: Bringing concussive devastation back to the DDT's. This thing looks lethal every time and can be sold greatly. Especially if you can stand on your head.

* Ezekiel Jackson's Uranage Slam:
Like I said about Ted's move, only big guys should do that kind of stuff. And Big Zeke shows why. The strength he displays and the hard thud heard upon landing complete mask the fact that he doesn't even kneel when doing it.
I like the 450 splash that Gabriel does. Orton's RKO is pretty good.

Least favourite maneuver is the kill switch by Christian, it looks too awkward to apply and looks so weird. I also despise Barrett's wasteland, his application just looks sloppy.
Are you guys serious? Maybe I misinterpreted the point of this discussion, but I THOUGHT it was which moves are most and least believable... as in which ones would actually be effective.

The Cobra is FAR more believable than the RKO. Funny theatrics aside, it's a chop to the throat, which could potentially kill you, as opposed to the RKO which could potentially leave grass stains...
For most believable, it'd have to be CM Punk's GTS and Anaconda Vise. I'm sure he's not a stiff worker but if he wanted to be an asswhole he could legit KO you, and legit choke you out.

Now for most non believable, hmmmmm ima have to go with Big Show's KO Punch, now he's 500 lbs. If they wanted him to KO someone all he'd have to do run into them. But instead they go with a punch, if he punched you in real life you'd be a vegetable, So while effective it isn't believable
Most Devastating - GTS, that move just looks great everytime I see it. One of my favorite WWE moves. The Tombstone, always looks devastating.

Worst - Cobra, no WWE superstar should lose to that move.
Worst: Barrets "Wasteland", it looks like he is just laying them down on the mat, lie detector, does it even connect?

Best: Sheamus High cross looks painful, and batista bomb
Best: RKO- It's really quick and devasting and painful.
Worst: Cobra- Man thats horrible. especially when it can get turned on him like how Maryse did
Well lots of people here seem to have the same ideas. But anyways here we go.

Most devistating - Even though we don't see it often, Tyler Reks Burning-Hammer would have to get a vote. I mean if you look at it, if someone wasn't expecting that, they are going to get a good broken neck. The GTS also gets a vote for reasons already explained.

Least devistating - R-Truth's lie detector. It actually makes me mad seeing someone lose to that move, it makes them look weak for actually getting pinned by it, and it makes them look like an idiot allowing themselves to be hit by that god-awful "finisher". All he does is spin at them, it is ridiculous.

To end off, I want to adress the people who chose The Cobra. Don't be so ridiculous. 1)It's Santino, get over it. He should have another move to add a bang to the finish IMO but whatever. 2) It's basically a stab to the throat? If someone put alll their force into that and hit someone in the right place it could kill/really injure them. So that move IS believable, just not an OMG WOW finish that you expect.
Most Believable- CM Punk's GTS. Being dropped face first onto someone's knee from about 6 feet in the air is pretty lethal. You could fracture a guy's skull with that move.

Least Believable- I realize that I'm going to get heat for this, but it's gotta be the RKO. Yeah, the RKO. First of all, if you've ever done this move it's pretty hard to even hit. And when you do hit it, to work the other guy has to jump onto their stomach as you do the RKO. If not, you just end up falling down and being put in a submission hold and tapping out, as I do when I attempt to hit this move on anyone. And I do this to people not expecting it, and I end up just falling on the ground. If it hits correctly, it won't even hurt the guy, because I've had it done on me. This move sucks, despite what 99.9% of the IWC believes.
Best: Undertakers Tombstone and whoever used the piledriver. If plummeting your head into the mat won't get you down for a 3 count, Idk what will. And the piledriver can seriously injure your neck. And I don't know why you think Santino's Cobra so weak. It's a fucking chop to the throat which would kill you/choke you out.

Weakest Sorry to say, but its Randy Orton's RKO. It's a move that's hard to execute. And when it does, you can easily protect your face. I've had it done to me multiple times, It doesn't even hurt. No idea why 90% of the IWC say's its the most devastating.
Honestly folks, have you all forgotten the most overrated move in history?
The Hogan Legdrop. That move kills me to this day. How many people has hogan put away with tht crap. Now when Taker does the big boot and legdrop, he gets a 2 count......
Let me not get started with the Cobra. Its like the heart punch (youtube that).

Best: Big Show's Chokeslam. But only because he actually PLANTS u in the ground.
The F5 is an awesome move, no doubt. It broke necks. lol
Rolling thunder, Angle Lock, Pedigree when holding arms, Lionsault, Honorable memtions to them.
Even though i love the RKO.....

Most Devastating Move : Has to be Go to Sleep, Its believable I mean if you were to get kneed in the face you most likely be knocked out.

Least Devastating Move:Lie Detector by R-Truth...I mean come one your trying to tell me a 6 foot tall 250lb man is going to be knocked out or down long enough from a jumping spinning forearm to the chest? I mean that's a move The Power Rangers did :lmao:

I got to just add randomly though if this was Most Devastating of all time...F-5 would take this all day!

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