Favorite finishers of all time.

Here's some more Vadersaults:


here's a pair of them, the first is from the second rope and although the second doesn't quite connect it still looks painful as hell (let's just say that person is lucky they didn't have a caved in skull)


Moderator's Comments:

Guys, please stop posting footage of Vadersaults and try and stick to the subject. Only discuss your favorite finishers and explanations as to why they're your favorites.

Thank you
A few more that I'm surprised I haven't seen:

1. Burning Hammer: Kenta Kobashi's big-match finisher. VERY rarely ever used. If you've ever seen it, you know why.

2. Ganso Bomb (aka Kawada Driver): Basically a powerbomb that lands the opponent directly on the top of his head. Visual aid is needed to appreciate the nastiness:


3. Accordion Rack (Amazing [Awesome] Kong): Not a finisher strictly speaking but could easily be one. Once again, if you've seen it, you know why it's up here.
5.HHH's Pedigree - The old school pedigree before he started releasing the arms before impact was nice how their face would hit the mat but now most people dont take it right and put their arms in the way or turn to their side.

4.Petey William's Canadian Destroyer - Probably one of the more unrealistic looking finishers but a sunset flip into a spike piledriver is just sick

3.Big Show's Knockout Punch - It just comes out of nowhere and the size of the Big Show's fist is just ridiculous.

2. KENTA's GTS - Face + Knee = Pain

1. Liontamer - Instant submission everytime.
It's kinda hard to only pick 5 finishers when I can think of about 20 that are amazing. But I will try and pick my top 5.

5. Frog Splash- I love this move, primarily Eddie Guerrero (R.I.P.) and RVD. Those two made that move pure poetry in motion.

4. Tazmission- This move was awesome because Taz could lock this in from damn near anywhere and when he did, it was game over. This move is a legit chokehold and was the origin of the "tapout" because you cold not utter the words "i give up" while in this hold.

3. Sweet Chin Music- He could hit this move from anywhere and when he did, the fans erupted. This move could legit knock you out, and on a few occasions it seemed like it did. For anyone who is still doubting the awesomeness of this move, watch his match against Shelton Benjamin from 2005.

2. Canadian Destroyer- This move is just plain wicked. The Canadian destroyer could probably legitmitally knock someone out if he drops them the right way. Pedey Williams has had classic matches with AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, and this move was just amazing in those matches, and they helped sell it to make it look more devastating (if thats possible).

1. RKO- If any move could truely be hit out of nowhere, this is it. The RKO is an amazing move and it looks just devastating. Orton can counter a move and WHAM. This move is one of, if not my favorite move because i've always been a fan of the cutter, and the RKO is just a jumping cutter, but Orton makes it look amazing.
1-hasss of Pain Looked Painful and Really Could Break Someone in Half

2-RKo Sudden Fast and nO setup

4- DDT Easy Painful and Lots of Variations

5-Barry White Driver - its Painful Looking and Makes me Cringe Everytime i See it

Honorable mention The Worm jk Its Deadly Killled Fan Reaction Killled Scotty and Guy Who Got pinned By it's Carrer and Killed Rating How much Deadlier Can it Get?
Before giving the list i have to say a good finisher to me is not a finisher that delivers impactor not a very technical one or a nasty looking one.TO me it should look good and it should represent its owner and his character.For example to me Attitude Adjustment is a good finisher because represents cena and looks good but it doesn't show Cena's character at all so it doesn't make the list.

5-RKO.Very easy.Randy Orton = RKO.Without RKO Orton is nothing to me.It is also the only finisher that is one of its owner's nicknames.When people want to do a chant for him there is no let's go Orton,It is only and simply RKO.

4-Crippler Crossface-I don't know if submissions are allowed or not and quite frankly i don't care.This move is the only move which you can see a person says to another person SHUT UP! physically.The aggression Benoit put into this makes it the best.

3-Tombstone Piledriver-say whatever you want , but this is why i love the undertaker.You can easily buy the fact that Tombestone=Rest In Peace.The way he covers the poor guy after hitting it ( put the opponent's hand on his chest ) is gold.

2-Sweet chin music-Everything is perfect about this one.it is carried by the best guy.It can be delivered anytime , anywhere and I mean anywhere!Even in backstage arena , even in restaurant!It can be delivered to anyone!From Big show to Rey Mysterio to a 10 year-old girl.And never forget the legendary Tuning the band up!Do you know anybody who can do such a great Build-up move for finisher as good as him?Absolutely no.(Man how much I miss HBK.)

1-Stone Cold Stunner-It's unnecessary to bring any reasons.You Watch it , you love it.This is not no.1 because it can deliver a lot of impact or because it is so technical.The only reason is it has made the most historic moments and will never ever be forgotten.You watch Stunner , you remember Austin.You see Austin , Stunner comes to your mind.Imagine how much this move helped Austin to become what he is today.
Trouble in Paradise-Kickass, can come at any time, looks kickass
Bicycle Kick- It just looks awesome, I don't know why, but Sheamus nailed Christian with it one time and I gave it a 10.
RKO- It's an out of nowhere finisher, and it looks beast
Uranage- Zeke used it on Wang-Yang and it looked badass
Powerbomb- Batista delivers it well, Undertaker's last ride is badass
Roundhouse kick- Tatsu's kick is awesome
Knee Trembler- It looks vicious every time
GTS- Do I have to say why?
Pepsi Plunge- It's a Pedigree from the top rope.
Hell's Gate- I let someone do it to me once and it hurt like hell.
KO Punch- If sold well it looks vicious
Canadian Destroyer- Sure, it's fake as hell, but don't tell me you don't think it's cool
Swanton Bomb- I like it
Blackhole Slam- I liked it better when Umaga did it, but it's still awesome
Skull Crushing Finale- It looks badass
Spear- When delivered right, it's awesome.
I have more but it will take forever to finish.
Backstabber. Enough said. While Carlito may not be a genius or superstar, the Backstabber is really sick to watch when performed properly with the adequate speed and accuracy. It gives me chills sometimes as I wonder what it would be like to pull someone backwards down onto my knees like that. With enough brute force and agility, it can easily cripple a person, or at the least incapacitate them. Certainly not the easiest thing to pull off in a real world scenario, but worth the trouble just to be flashy.

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