Monkey Facts

45. Monkey apologizes to Polley, Murfish, and IC25. As well as Jake. My primates for sure.

46. Monkey has friends in low places.

47. Monkey says where the beer drowns and the whiskey chases.

48. Monkeys blues away.

49. Monkey would like you all to know that the list of top primates are not in any order. Monkey was just listing names.
50. Monkey has NO IDEA who santinoistight44 is.

51. Monkey forgot his long lost brother Echelon and Big Will in his primates.

52. Monkey is deathly afraid of bugs.
1. Uncle phatty might of been on that list if he wouldnt of told the Monkey master to go get F'D. Phatty is sad.
Polley :(

53. Polley is still my primate after scaring the bejeezus out of me.

54. Monkey is afraid of santinoistight stalking my sexy ass.

55. Phatso is cool, but need to work on his grammar.
56. Monkey realizes now that he shouldnt have used the words "tight" and "sexy ass" in the same sentence.

57. Blaze has officially become a primate.

58. Monkey is now afraid of Polley. Only because of the MSN convo we are having.

59. Monkey thinks Derf is a sexy doofus.
Perma bant, stalking a mod. And calling said mod honey, backseat modding yes! But protecting Wzcw's main man is more important.
60. Monkey might just infract santinoistight.

61. Monkey likes to red rep people. But only does it when necessary.

62. Monkey green reps a lot more than he red reps.

63. Monkey is a total mark and admits it.

64. Monkey is excited for Raw tonight.

65. Monkey has been through the darkest point in wrestling and still loved it.
66. Monkey just red repped santinoistight for excessive creepiness.

67. Monkey is not above red repping people.

68. Monkey is NOT a heel...anymore.

69. Monkey does not like any kind of salad dressing.

70. Monkey once had a slight tear in his quadriceps muscle.

71. Monkey said he wanted to follow in the great Triple H's footsteps.

72. Monkey did not need surgery for it though.

73. Monkey was in a great deal of pain though.

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