Monkey Facts


I Am The One Who Knocks
1. Monkey can play 7 different instruments and sing.

2. Monkey was once engaged.

3. Monkey had sex at 15 years of age.

4. Monkey Cries.

5. Monkey will admit when he is wrong.

6. Monkey is an excellent cook.

7. Monkey loves Country Music.

8. Monkey's favorite movie is Angels in the Outfield.

9. Monkey's favorite beer is Corona with lime.

10. Monkey is going to pursue his dream of becoming a Country Artist.
11. Monkey does not like Eternal Dragon.

12. Monkey does not know why.

13. Monkey is a Christian.

14. Monkey actually does like Eternal Dragon.
15. Monkey once hit 3 home runs in a game of high school baseball.

16. One of those went over 375 feet.

17. Monkey hates hockey.

18. Monkey does not like fake people.

19. Monkey would do anything for anyone.

20. Monkey is patriotic and supports the troops.
Awwww I knew ALL of those!

21). Monkey is an alien. Proof in how little he sleeps.

22). His name is really not Monkey. *GASP*

EDIT: Dangit you added those new ones! I don't know all of those. :(

Flames Out
21. Monkey is neither Triple H nor Sting even though some posters think he is.

22. Monkey likes Kevin Nash *GASP*

23. Monkey turns the volume down while playing Smackdow vs Raw so he can commentate his own matches.

24. Monkey is a nerd because of it.

25. Monkey is comfortable in his nerdiness.
26. Monkey only gets 3 hours of sleep a night most nights.

27. Monkey does not do drugs.

28. Monkey used to do drugs.

29. Monkey is not proud of it.

30. Monkey has 3 cats.

31. Monkey watches Supernatural.

32. Monkey might have a man crush on both Winchester boys.

33. Monkey is not gay though.
26. Monkey only gets 3 hours of sleep a night most nights.

27. Monkey does not do drugs.

28. Monkey used to do drugs.

29. Monkey is not proud of it.

30. Monkey has 3 cats.

31. Monkey watches Supernatural.

32. Monkey might have a man crush on both Winchester boys.

33. Monkey is not gay though.

Monkey talking in third person is strangely cute.

Flames Out
34. Monkey is blatantly ripping off Matt Hardy's Matt facts.

35. Monkey owns all the seasons to Home Improvement, Three's Company, Lost, Supernatural, Married with Children, and The Simpsons.

36. Monkey reads.

37. Monkey is a songwriter.

38. Monkey is attracted to brunettes.

39. Monkey wants to bang Jessica Biel.

40. Monkey would also have sex with Evangeline Lilly.
1. Monkey can play 7 different instruments and sing.

2. Monkey was once engaged.

3. Monkey had sex at 15 years of age.

4. Monkey Cries.

5. Monkey will admit when he is wrong.

6. Monkey is an excellent cook.

7. Monkey loves Country Music.

8. Monkey's favorite movie is Angels in the Outfield.

9. Monkey's favorite beer is Corona with lime.

10. Monkey is going to pursue his dream of becoming a Country Artist.

1. I am learning Piano, as well as play a little guitar.

2. I am going to propose to my gf one day

3. I didn't have sex until I was out of high school.

4. I think I saw a documentary on monkeys and they WERE crying.

5. That is very big of you.

6. I'm a great cook too!

7. You are helping me to like more country!

8. I liked Camp Nowhere

9. Also my favorite, had 3 of them on saturday.

10. Ill buy your album.
41. Monkey's homeboys one the net include...jpfizzle, Spawn, Papa Shango, KB, NorCal, Dragon, Becca, MK, Justin and some others.

42. Monkey is entertained by santino.

43. Monkey respects the fuck outta Uncle Shocky for his vast wrestling knowledge.

44. Monkey forgot to include Steamboat Ricky into his primates. He would probably be in the top 3.

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