Moments when wrestling made you irrationally upset

The night Shawn Michaels returned in 98 and became Vince's Stooge/commissioner and turned on DX.
Then once again when Triple H helped Shane defeat X Pac, I was livid. I knew it was irrational even as a 10/11 year old but boy did I want to kick HHH's ass after that swerve.
The Shield break up. Knew it wouldn't last forever, but it just seemed too soon for some reason. Also Bray Wyatt interfering in the cage match between Rollins and Ambrose.
If you ever get mad at professional wrestling, you're being irrational.

Yes and no.

Any art form is designed, or at least should be designed to elicit an emotional response from it's audience. Wresting is no different. Sometimes I worry that my enthusiasm for discussing the product numbs me from such emotional responses.

But there is a line. The anger or jubilee experienced through a piece of art should be celebrated, but it shouldn't leave you fuming through your life outside of the audience experience.

I read many replies to this thread, and I think some of them aren't necessarily irrational. If the creative team has done their job, you should care about these characters and feel betrayed or hurt by their actions or their shortcomings. To me, when the negative response comes from an over analyzed critique of the backstage politics behind a decision, then it becomes irrational.

Thanks for bringing this up. Really got my wheels turning.
I can't remember the exact year but Cena won and successfully defended his title in the Elimination Chamber. I watched the event with IC25, JGoose, and a bunch of other friends at a Hooters local to my house (yes, I know... very classy.) Once he got the last pinfall, we were so irate that we just stormed out of the place.

No sooner than taking five steps outside towards my car, I heard the entire restaurant erupt. I walked back in to find out that Edge just cashed in his first Money in the Bank briefcase and subsequently defeated Cena for the title.

That basically turned a frown upside down.
I can't remember the exact year but Cena won and successfully defended his title in the Elimination Chamber. I watched the event with IC25, JGoose, and a bunch of other friends at a Hooters local to my house (yes, I know... very classy.) Once he got the last pinfall, we were so irate that we just stormed out of the place.

No sooner than taking five steps outside towards my car, I heard the entire restaurant erupt. I walked back in to find out that Edge just cashed in his first Money in the Bank briefcase and subsequently defeated Cena for the title.

That basically turned a frown upside down.

I think that was 2010. I believe he entered last and one of the commentators was saying how unfair it was for him to wrestle again after a 40 minute match, when he was in it for maybe less than 10 minutes.
Every time I type a post I will put "The Guy" and immediately change it to something else.
Edit: Like I just can't type those words back to back without wanting to change them. No matter in what context or who I am referencing.
Lesnar and the streak.

I have never gone numb like that watching anything. It genuinely made me feel sick.
Funny story about the streak ending: I decided to turn off Mania right before that match. I'd recorded the first few minutes of GOT and decided the rest of Mania was too predictable for me to be bothered. Didn't even check the results until I pulled up the next morning.

I wish they had played up the psychological damage, more. I thought a good pay off would be someone shoving a mirror in his face during a blowout match, having Kane see his own face for the first time, distracted, and lose. Would of wrapped up that plot hole nicely.

There, there, Kane, I understand. All those years behind that mask-- why, you've probably never even seen your own face in the mirror, have you? Here.

For those ready to feel old, that was January 2006. More than ten years ago.

Ah yes, I was thinking of the one where Vince McMahon sics Batista on him, not Edge cashing in.

Dammit now I'm getting confused, was it 2009 that Edge lost his WHC in the first chamber then blind-sided Kofi to win the WWE title?
When WWE went dropped the term "diva" and went back to calling it the women's division but still centered it around Ric Flair's involvement.
The spinner belt.

When Cena had the US one I thought it was dumb, but could care less. When he made the WWE title a spinner it lit a fire inside part of my brain. I still hate that goddamn belt lasted so long. Disliked it even when they removed the spinner. Was so happy when they changed it.

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