Moments That Scared You As A Kid

This is probably my earliest memory of wrestling. I remember watching it from the top of the stairs peeking through the bannister railings, utterly frozen.

It's the eyes! Just plain damn freaky.

Go easy on me guys, as what I'm about to post happened around 1995 which would have made me 15 years old at the time. Remember, I'm trying to post stuff that hasn't been mentioned yet as to not make this thread repetitive. Most of the stuff that scared me such as the Hogan/Earthquake and Warrior/casket stuff has already been posted, which was around 1990 thus making me 10 years old. But screw it, I was a concerned 15 year old here.

As some may know by now, from reading my earlier posts, that I grew up watching wrestling PPVs on scrambled TV. Perfect audio, but a scrambled viewing. It was free and you could still hear what was happening which only added more suspense and mystery. (Parents wouldn't let me and my friend order the PPVs so this was our only option.)

During a Halloween Havoc PPV (pretty sure this was the event) Hogan and The Giant squared off in a sumo monster truck match on top of the arena. They ended up getting out of their trucks and fighting each other on the roof...with the Giant falling off. Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan sold it perfectly and all I remember is hearing Hogan's voice, "Oh Nooo! Help! Help!" As he went from battling the Giant to becoming really concerned for him.

What topped it off was Bischoff saying, "We have a serious problem here." Then Heenan saying under his breath, "That wasn't suppose to happen."

I was scared shitless that something actually happened to the Giant, lol.

Bobby Heenan: "What part of the roof did he fall off from? The water side, the street side or what?"

LMAO....god I miss WCW.
For me it was Savage dropping the bellbow on Steamboat. I remember I was about 10 at the time and the look on Steamboat's face had me convinced that something got messed up and that Dragon was really hurt.
When Kane arrived for the first time at Bad Blood 97. The church organ intro to Kane's theme, the red lighting in the arena, the crowd going silent, Vince yelling "THAT'S GOTTA BE...THAT'S GOTTA BE KANE" when he finally comes out as Taker stares on from the Cell and Shawn layed out bloody on the mat, it was such a scary mood. And then when Kane ripped off the Cell door and threw Earl Hebner, I actually thought he legit hurt him. And when he was staring at Taker inside the Cell while the arena was still red, I though he looked like a vicious animal than just a guy in a mask. Back then I was scared but now I cry a little cause it was such an awesome debut.
Jake "The Snake" vs George Wells at WM 2. I genuinely believed that the snake was choking Wells to death. I remember I was terrified when I saw the white "foam" coming out of Wells' mouth.

I also remember the match between Macho Man and Ricky Steamboat in November -86 when Randy Savage "crushed" Steamboats troat with the timekeeper bell. It made such an impact on me, and there was no one around that could tell me that this whole thing was fake.

I also remember Jake "The Snake" doing the DDT on Steamboat on the concrete floor.
Mine was Terry Funk in the 80's. He had an iron stick which he uses at the end of his matches. He used to "brand" his opponents with the stick.


I thought he was pressing this to other wrestlers and burning them. That was quite a violence for a child. I didn't want to watch his matches, but at the same time, like watching a horror movie, one of my eyes were always open to see how he was doing it
Man, there are loads !

I grew up watchin "The next generation" and "The Attitude era" but this kid I knew had loadsa old school stuff on VHS his brothers gave him from the 80's & early 90's so I grew up watching all that aswell.

A psychotic Jake Roberts forcing his snake to bite Randy Savage, people in the audience were crying, and Savage god rest his soul sold it like a million bucks.

Kane, with the evil Paul Bearer in his ear returning to raise hell on his brother then setting him on fire, how could a brother do that!

The Undertaker hanging The Big Bossman (RIP) from the Hell In A Cell at Wrestlemania 15

And the one that got me most was The Undertaker and Mankind's Hell In A Cell at King of the Ring in 1998. That was Undertaker at his most barbaric.
Didn't read all the responses so I'm not sure if it's been said but pretty much anything Undertaker did his first year or so in the WWE scared me when I was a kid. No joke I still vividly remember watching Prime Time Wrestling on Monday Nights and anytime I saw that he was wrestling I would change the channel before his match because I was afraid that I would get nightmares by watching him before I went to bed.

It didn't happen on Prime Time Wrestling but one thing that stands out to me is when he attacked Ultimate Warrior at "The Funeral Parlor" and locked him in the coffin.

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