Top 25 Moments That Changed WWE History

I was flipping through an old WWE Magazine (The one with HHH as a Terminator, great issue BTW), when I came across this little ditty. It's a list of the top moments that changed WWE history, obviously you got that out of the thread title. I, however, don't agree with some of the list, or at least, some of the placings on the list. Others are well deserved. I was wondering what everyone thought, and what they would change.

I'll post the original list, but a thing to note is, the things that changed WWE history are listed, and not necessarily wrestling per se, although take that with a grain of salt. The article waivers between WWE history and Wrestling history, so feel free to do the same. It doesn't mention TNA for obvious reasons. I'll put the original blurbs down with the titles.

Here we go:

25. A Superstar is Born 01/23/84

Every era has its stars, the top card talent that packs arena night after night. Names like Lou Thesz, Bob Backlund and Bruno Sammartino come to mind. But it was the night Hulk Hogan defeated the Iron Sheik in Madison Square Garden that the modern wrestling Superstar was truly born. Overnight, the regional heroes of yesteryear made way for charismatic, larger than life national phenoms, as Superstars like the Hulkster, Randy "Macho Man" Savage, Jake "The Snake" Roberts and The Ultimate Warrior invaded the living rooms of millions of families across the country With Hulkamania unleashed on the world, there was no bottling it back up again.

MRC Note: Yeah, fair enough. The going national and getting crazier gimmicks links together with others on this list, but the real story here is Hogan.

24. Wrestling gets up off the mat

In the 1920's. wrestling matches lasted for hours, with competitors rarely getting off the mat. Attendance ultimately bottomed out. Then, from the cornfield of Iowa emerged Toots Mondt, a promoter with a vision for a faster, more exciting style of wrestling, Calling it "Slam Bang Western Style Wrestling" his method showcased flashier moves, like the dropkick and the suplex. Soon Mondt began booking feuds, establishing time limits and exploiting fan favourites and antagonists. He set the foundation for what is the standard of sports entertainment today

MRC Note: This is a big one.
But as I said, it's really based more on Wrestling history than WWE. Of course this influences WWE history, and because of this, we get to see John Morrison attempt to cripple himself every friday night. Three cheers for Toots Mondt. Also, does that not sound like a cowgirl strippers name?

23. WWE Lays the Smackdown on Primetime 04/29/99

After 300 episodes of Raw, WWE launched its first spinoff show on the fledgling UPN network. With a new stage (The Ovaltron) and color scheme (blue), SmackDown became the first weekly primetime sports entertainment TV series. Going national during the 8-10pm time slot was a risky propositionj considering that Thursday nights were already packed with ratings dominating sitcoms and WCW Thunder. As it turned out, the popularity of the new WWE series was too much for TNT, which moved it programming to Wednesday nights a mere six months after Smackdown;s premiere

MRC Note: Yeah, I like Smackdown. They love taking jabs at WCW. Also, isn’t it strange that they have to tell the reader in brackets what the colour scheme is? Is it really necessary, or are you catering for people who don’t watch your product too?

22. “The Body” moves into the Governors mansion

With his feather boas and earrings, “The Body’s” fashion sense was louder than his commentating. But after retiring, Ventura pursued a career in politics, serving as Mayor of Brooklyn Park, MN, from 1991 to 1995. In 1998, he won the Minnesota gubernatorial race as an independent. It was the first time a Superstar had held a major public office-and it showed that wrestlers were as brainy as they are brawny

MRC Note: Meh. He’s hosting Raw though, so yay I guess.

21. The Rock ‘N’ Wrestling Connection

During the early 80’s WWE tag teamed with MTV to deliver a one-two combo of music and wrestling that was instrumental in bringing both entities to the masses, Cyndi Lauper and Mr. T began mashing it up on WWE, and Capt Lou Albano and Roddy Piper were appearing in music videos, kilts and all.

MRC Note: Pictures of Captain Lou make me sad.

20. The Legend Trainer

There are many wrestler turned trainers who have transformed mere mortals into legends in the ring. However, no one has approached the success of Verne Gagne, the owner, promoter and star of the American Wrestling Association from 1960 to 1991. The list of alumni who’ve graduated from his esteemed wrestling school reads like a hall of fame induction ceremony: Ric Flair, Curt Hennig, Bob Backlund, Ricky Steamboat, the Iron Sheik, Jimmy Valiant, Sgt. Slaughter and Jimmy Snuka…to just name a few

MRC Note: Whether you want to attribute all their success to Verne Gagne is disputable.

19. Freebirds make an entrance

In the early 80’s, Michael P.S Hayes, Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy and Buddy “Jack” Roberts formed the Fabulous Freebirds. The trio made its illustrious ring entrance on fateful night to the strains of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Free Bird” The crowd reaction to the song was so powerful that superstar theme music soon became commonplace, if not compulsory. Without Free Bird, there’d be no Sexy Boy

MRC Note: Without the Free Bird’s, there would be no “OHHH RADIOOOOO TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW!”. I shudder to think what life would be like

18. Piper opens his mouth…And the Pit 01/24/84

Accepting that Rowdy Roddy Pipers big mouth could not be silenced, the WWE put his flapper to good use in the form of the talk show “Piper’s Pit” The segment was responsible for some of Sports entertainments moments, from Piper smashing a coconut on Jimmy Snuka’s head to his dousing of Morton Downey Jr. with a fire extinguisher. Lets not forget that The Pit also saw Andre the Giant challenge Hulk Hogan for a title match at WM3, and more recently, The Boogyman’s ingestion of Jillian Hall’s Mole. Even today, it remains the standard for talk show hosts. Take notice, Edge.

MRC Note: It really did set the standard for cliché talk shows where every single time it end in a brawl. I can not believe they mentioned the mole thing though. Christ.

17. Cruiserweights take flight 11/06/94

Brian Pillman won the first ever cruiserweight championship in WCW on 10/27/91, but it wasn’t until 3 years later, when WCW joined with AAA, a Mexican wrestling promotion, that high flying lucha libre action was brought to American audiences. At the one shot Pay Per View When Worlds Collide, the promotions showcased the awesome talent of such wrestlers as Eddie Guererro and Rey Mysterio. It’s probably what inspired Paul Heyman to bring Psychosis and Mysterio over to ECW, where the duo had a series of Mexican Death matches. Soon after, WCW breathed new life into its Cruiserweight division and the belt that debuted back in ’91 is still alive and well on Smackdown today

MRC Note: Yeah, I know the Cruiserweight title is not currently active anymore. I know someone is going to bitch about it, so I’ll take the opportunity now to say, Shut up. Write about it as a thing in your list, but don’t bitch about it in this list kk love?

16. The Rock brings the funny 01/18/00

It used to be that wrestlers who appeared in films and on TV were typecast as one dimensional tough guys. Then the People’s Champ hosted SNL, where he delivered huge ratings and big laughs, and outperformed such wooden athlete hosts as Derek Jeter, Tom Brady and Wayne Gretsky. As a result, The Rock’s acting career shot into the Hollywood A-List stratosphere, and current WWE superstars are getting to grapple with parts a bit meatier than Cyborg No. 2

MRC: Ok, for fucks sake. Why is this a moment that changed WWE history? So Kane could get into See No Evil? This is supposed to be better than the birth of Hogan or Smackdown? Christ. Also, The Rock WAS typecast as a one dimensional tough guy. Did no one else see The Scorpion King?

15. Wrestling gets cagey 07/02/37

Back in the day, Houston promoter Paul Boesch proposed a unique way for Jack Bloomfield and Count Petro Rossi to settle their feud, surround the ring with chicken wire to keep them in and others out. It worked, becoming the first official cage match in Wrestling history. Alternate versions of the cage were created, but it wasn’t until the late 60’s when Freddie Blassie and promoter Mike LeBell added the stipulation for a wrestler to climb over the top or walk out the door.

MRC Note: Cages are cool. I’d definitely put it over something like the Elimination Chamber or something, just because this is where it all got started in terms of gimmicks.

14. New Champions Break Barriers 02/08/71, 08/02/92

Ron Simmons and Pedro Morales are the Jackie Robinson and Roberto Clemente of sports entertainment, having broken records and racial barriers as the first African American and Latino World Champions, respectively. Morales won the WWE Championship in 71’ and Simmons snagged the WCW title in 1992. That’s correct, theyre the guys whom Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, King Booker, Bobby Lashley, The Rock and all the fans have to thank for WWE’s incredible diversity today.

MRC Note: It’s cool and all, but they way I see it, if it weren’t these guys, it would have been someone else later down the line. My vote was Ahmed Johnson. Also, LOL on the Bobby Lashley mention. I bet they thought he was going to be huge.

13. The Horsemen build a stable 01/86

In 1986, Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, Arn and Ole Anderson, along with their manager, James J Dillon, founded what was possibly the most influential faction in sports entertainment history. The Four Horsemen worked as a cohesive unit,; where one horsemen rode, the others followed, often leaving carnage in their wakes. Through the years, members would come and go, and yet entrance into this elite club almost always guaranteed superstardom. Brian Pillman, Dean Malenko, Sid Vicious and Barry Windham all found success as Horsemen. Without the formation of this stable of studs, there would be no DX, NWO, Evolution or The New Breed. Unthinkable.

MRC Note: Damn you Paul Roma, damn you. I guess that’s what they meant by almost always guaranteed success. No Benoit mention either, which I guess makes sense. But I couldn’t think of a world without The New Breed.

12. The King vs The Comedian 04/05/82

Funnyman Andy Kaufman, best known for his role on Taxi, made waves when he became an intergender champion in Memphis Wrestling by issuing challenges to women. This didn’t sit well with Jerry Lawler who confronted the comedian on Late Night with David Letterman; Lawler slapped Kaufman and the comedian retaliated by throwing coffee on Lawler. The exchange remains among the most shocking in TV history. The rivals eventually exchanged blows within the ring. Before this encounter, celebs rarely step foot inside the ring. Since then, WWE has played host to the likes of Donald Trump, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve-O and uh, K-Fed.

MRC Note: And Cody Deaner and Santino get ripped on for wrestling women, pfft. Double standard I tells ya! Maybe this would have been better to not happen, amiriteguize?

11. The End of The War 03/26/01

WCW fans who tuned into their regularly scheduled programming on March 25, 2001 were treated to the impossible: A smug Mr. McMahon announcing the final broadcast of Nitro. The show was simulcast with Raw, and by the end of the evening, the Monday night War was officially over. The WWE Rosters surged with an infusion of new talent that included Rey Mysterio, King Booker, Gregory Helms, Chavo Guerrero and Torrie Wilson.

MRC Note: I’m actually curious to see what Chavo thought his career would be like in 8 years. “Oh I’m going to be a mid card stalwart, and a respected veteran”. I still respect you Chavo.

10. Marian Rousimoff gives birth to a giant 5/19/46

Raised in Grenoble, France, Andre Rene Rousimoff was born with acromegaly, a disease more commonly known as Gigantism caused by excess growth hormone secretion in the body. During his lifetime, Andre would go by many names, including Monster Rousimoff and The Butcher. But it was in the early 1970’s, after meeting with Vince McMahon Sr. that he earned the moniker, “Giant”. At 7”4’, 500 pounds, Andre remains one of wrestling’s most memorable big men, famously main-eventing Wrestlemania III against Hulk Hogan, co-starring in films such as The Princess Bride and creating invaluable interest in sports entertainment.

MRC Note: Good lord. His mothers uterus must have been the size of the Mines of Moria. In all honesty, Andre was a legend, but does he belong at number 10? I dunno, you tell me.

9. A Night in Montreal Awakens the Devil 11/09/97

The Montreal Screwjob is perhaps the most shocking match in sports entertainment history. Shawn Michaels walked away as the new champ. Bret Hart left town for WCW. And Vince McMahon infamously called for the bell while Hart was locked in the Sharpshooter. On Raw, following the Montreal Incident, Mr. McMahon uttered the unforgettable phrase “Bret Screwed Bret”. The instant those words left his lips, The Chairman was born.

MRC Note: And I swear to god if this turns into a screwjob thread I’m red repping you all. Yeah so this was huge obviously, and I’m not going to recount all of it. Thankfully KB did it all, so go read his Survivor Series thread. Mr McMahon, the best heel character there is, best there was and best there ever will be. See what I did thar? No? Damn.

8. Let The Bodies Hit The Floor 08/27/94

When Shane Douglas became the new NWA Champion of Eastern Championship Wrestling, he stunned the world by throwing the title on the floor in disgust – An act that marked the death of Eastern Championship Wrestling and the rise of Extreme Championship Wrestling. With Paul Heyman at the helm, ECW instituted hardcore rules and the liberal use of chairs tables and barbwire. The promotion attracted a unique breed of wrestling diehard, forcing WCW and WWE to respond to the challenge by creating their own Hardcore Championships. Although the style was imitated, its fair to say it was never duplicated.

MRC Note: Fairly shallow understanding of ECW but whatevs. Hey, does every ECW fan have that date ingrained into their memory or what? This was definitely significant, and depending on who you talk to basically made the Attitude Era and brought wrestling its biggest boom period since the 80’s. So yeah, maybe higher a tad?

7. Breaking away from the NWA 01/24/63

During the late 50’s and early 60’s, there was only one World Champion, and he hailed from the National Wrestling Alliance. But as territories grew in size and popularity, promotions began breaking away from the NWA to fashion theyre own identities. By 1963, WWE (then known as World Wide Wrestling Federation) was formed. It wasn’t long before WWE emerged as the number one wrestling promotion in the Northeast, laying the foundation for future generations of Superstars.

MRC Note: Cool. I didn’t know the WWWF was affiliated with Ice Cube in the 60’s. HARHARHAR. No, seriously, this was quite significant. Who knows, otherwise we might be watching wrestling under the banner of NWA otherwise. I also love that they say there was only one world champion. Mexico and Japan mustn’t have existed at this point.

6. WCW fires The Future 11/94

While sitting out with an injury, Steve Austin was fired by WCW brass…via phone call. An angry Austin joined ECW and verbally lashed out at his former employer through interview segments and scathing Eric Bischoff impersonations. Austin then entered the WWE, quickly shedding “The Ringmaster” image to become the beer-guzzling, middle finger saluting bionic redneck we know and love. The phrase “Austin 3:16 says I’ve just whipped your ass” helped launch the Attitude Era, which was nothing short of a renaissance in sports entertainment. And all because one man was overlooked and let go.

MRC Note: Ok sweet. This moment actually changed wrestling history, within fairly recent history too. So are we putting this one higher or lower? Who doesn’t love Austin?

5. A Man named George turns Gorgeous

George Wagner began wrestling in the 1940’s, but initially, he had little success standing out. So while working in the AWA, Wagner reinvented himself, as Gorgeous George. He grew his hair out, dyed it platinum blonde and pinned it with gold plated bobby pinsl he wore elaborate robes to the ring, and dubbed himself “The Human Orchid”, making his entrances alongside a butler who would spray opponents with perfume or disinfectant. George’s over the top persona and effeminate behaviour drove fans into a frenzy, and succeeded in making him the biggest wrestling icon at the dawn of the TV age. His legacy lives on, as his larger-than-life blueprint is the basis for many superstar identities, from Flair, to Hogan, to the Rock. But not Steve Blackman.

MRC Note: I don’t know. I’m a big believer that if it hadn’t been him, it would have been someone else. I’m sure Superstar Billy Graham would still have developed his persona, as would have Ric Flair, but he should definitely get credit for this. Number 5 spot credit though? I just don’t know.

4. Monday Nights Get Raw 01/11/93

When Raw debuted at the Manhattan Centre in New York City, fans were shocked to see Superstars take on other superstars, an occurrence once reserved for pay per views. From that night onward, the frenetic program would be responsible for some of the most memorable and entertaining moments in WWE history, including Mankind’s “This is you Life” segment, Stone Cold’s confrontation with Mike Tyson, The Rocks Challenge to Hulk Hogan and DX’s invasion of Nitro. The show singlehandedly reinvented Monday night television, making the workweek something to actually look forward to.

MRC Note: Damn. I was really pulling for them to put the Wrestling Classic at number 4 spot. Yeah, I guess Raw is cool. And I guess it changed WWE history. Well that’s a lie, I know it did, and a weekly program in primetime was big.

3. Pay Per View Mania 10/31/85

From the get go, Wrestlemania grabbed headlines as well as fan’s imaginations by recruiting such celebrities as Muhammed Ali to appear beside Superstars. With Mania a smash success, WWE began producing other PPV’s. By 1988, fans were treated to 4 annual PPV’s each calendar year, it was like having Superbowl Sunday every single season!

MRC Note: And now we get superbowl Sunday every month! Yes!

2. WCW Dominates

In the span of two years, WCW emerged as one of the largest wrestling companies on the planet. It started with the acquisition of Hulk Hogan in 1994, followed by the launch of a weekly wrestling program in 1995, which competed in the same time slot as Raw. Soon afterwards, the wrestling word was turned on its ear when Scott Hall formally appeared on Nitro stating, “we are taking over”. From there, the nWo’s popularity grew exponentially, propelling WCW into a ratings juggernaut. But the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and in 2001, WCW went bye bye.

MRC Note: Finally. This is what was a real game changer. It almost ran WWE out of business, and the competition forced the WWE to change, and hence changed WWE history. Good pick I thought.

1. Vince Takes Wrestling National

Vince McMahon joined the family business in 1972, teaming with his father to run Capital Wrestling Corporation. In 1982, Vince purchased CWC from his father, and renamed it. In the process, The Chairman signed every major star from competing territories, recruiting the likes of Hulk Hogan (from the AWA) and Roddy Piper (from Mid-Atlantic Wrestling). From there, the reginal biz transformed into a national phenomenon, and then into an international powerhouse. Today, millions of people around the globe tune into WWE programming, in the US alone, WWE reaches approximately 16 million during an average week, making it programs some of the most watched on TV

MRC Note: I can see it now. The conspiracy theorists are predicting how this was just a way to feed Vince McMahon egos and that he punts babies in the basement of WWE HQ. But like it or not, this is pretty much one of the biggest events not only in WWE history, but also wrestling in general. Changing the business itself into what it is today is kinda big.

So there you have it. The 25 moments that changed WWE history. And you know what? I don’t agree with a lot of them. Some are misplaced, needing to be higher or lower, and some shouldn’t be on the list at all. But I’d love to hear your thoughts. So feel free to comment, or leave your own list. Doesn’t have to be 25 if you can’t think of that many, 10 or 15 would be just as good.

Go nuts.
Mexico and Japan may have existed, but they didn't defend titles world wide... therefore, by definition of WORLD title, they weren't classified as such.

In fact, some people today still don't count them as world titles... Hell, even New Japan does count their titles as World.
Interesting list, but how do you not include WM III, Andre vs. Hogan? Obviously it wasn't a very well worked match, but overall, of historic importance, it may be the most important wrestling match in history. THis is when wrestling went from popular to pop culture phenomenon.
It missed so much.

Wrestlemania 3 should be in there. How is drawing 93,000 or so people to see your product not count as a history changing moment? Andre vs Hogan took Hogan to the next level. He went from Superstar to Megastar.

King of the Ring should be there. Or maybe that should be The MSG incident. If that incident had never happened, Triple H would've won the King of the Ring and not Steve Austin. Who knows if WWE would even be alive if the Kliq hadn't done their public display of affection.

This Is Your Life should be there. The segment with The Rock and Mankind that got the 8.4 rating on Raw. If getting the biggest ratings you've ever gotten before don't change the company's history, what the hell does!?
Let's see...

HBK getting injured at Royal Rumble 98 changed alot IMO. HBK gets injured, he steps out, Austin steps in, and the rest they history.

The Foley/Taker Hell in a Cell match, changed gimmick matches in WWE forever. I just feel that match pushing the envelope with the crazy spots, paved the way for the TLC, MITB, and other spot filled gimmick matches we have today.

Also, Taker's first WM match. That match, started it all. The infamous Wrestlemania streak, which many consider the most important thing at WM...even more important than the title matches.
15.Vince Buys ECW New Talent Accuisitions (RVD, Dudleys, Rhyno, ECT.)
14.WWE Goes National Giving WWF More Exsposure, He screw The Smaller Territories over
13.Brand Exstention Smackdown becomes the Show to make superstars into Athletes
12.Rocky Miavia to The Rock Rock Could Draw A lot of Heat back in early 98 and the fans just jumped on the band wagon
11.Vince Buys WCW End of The Monday Night Wars
10.OVW Breakthrough New Talents (Brock Lesnar, Batista, Randy Orton, Cena)
9.Shawn Wins his 1st WWF Title The Birth of A legend
8.Black Saturday Gave WWF Even More Exsposure, Almost Put WCW out of Buisness
7.Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash go to WCW WCW Now Has The nWo
6.Hogan Retires (for the 1st time in 1993) WWF Didnt really have a whole lot of direct for the next few years after that
5.Nitro Debuts Begining of the Monday night wars (i put this as number 5 and Vince buys WCW at 11 cause there were more moments that were significant in the wwfs history after nitro debuted)
4.The Undertaker Debuting in 1990 20 of Destruction and Still Going Strong
3. Monreal Screwjob Begining of the whole Mr.McMahon Character. 1st reason that the monday night war began.
2. Hulk Hogan wins WWF Title Hulkamania arrives
1. Stone Cold Wins WWF Title2nd Reason for the Attitude era begining
January 4th 1999 Mankind wins the WWF title and the infamous "that'll put butts in seats" comment, it lead to WWF winning in the ratings and getting higher viewship than WCW, King Of the Ring 1995 the birth of Austin 3:16,Shane Mcmahon on Nitro in April of 2001,the fingerpoke of doom,wrestlemania I ,starrcade

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