Moment that still gives you goosebumps today

The Idiot

Getting Noticed By Management
Just like every year...the road to Wrestlemania provides nostalgia to both old and new fans. Old memories revived, legendary superstars brought back. We've seen alot lately on WWE TV. Rock and Austin. HBK and Sunny entering into the Hall of Fame. The Miz mentioning Savage and Elizabeth last night on Raw. It's the best time of the year...especially for us Old School fans because we get to live our childhood one more time.

So with that said, what's your moment that still makes the hairs on your arms stand up? The moment that you can watch over and over again. It can be a match, an interview, a debut, a retirement...anything from any organization.

I'll chime in later...but let's hear yours first!
Eddie Guerrero winning the WWE Championship from Brock Lesnar. Some people said it should have been clean. I loved that he cheated in a sense. It's the way he got noticed by all fans when in WWE (as a main eventer). It made sense and it was a tremendous moment.

Hearing Mr. perfects music as well. Epic music. Lol.

I also loved Stone Cold being able to move just enough to pin Owen Hart having almost been paralyzed. Incredible drive.

Bill Goldberg getting the win over Hulk Hogan in a relatively clean fashion. Virtually no one does that. Undefeated. Well done, WCW.

Piper, face into the camera, "Just when you think you've got all the answers, I change the questions."

Just the ones off the top of my head.
Without a doubt, I'm going with every time The Undertaker walks the aisle. The combination of his music, the lights going out, the smoke, and just his presence gives me chills every time, especially when you get to experience it live. Can't wait for Wrestlemania in Atlanta to see him and Triple H collide.
Has to be Taker's return at Wrestlemania 20 for me. Awesome entrance, perfectly timed, Kane sold it like a Champion and it was just epic. Gives me goosebumps every time. :)
Chris Jericho's debut in 1999 without question.

I remember sitting on my bed watching.RAW listening to The Rock and the Countdown Clock plays and out comes Y2J. I didn't watch WCW, so I didn't know who this dude was.

His debut was so hyped and man was crowd went nuts once they Jericho's name on the titantron. I was even going crazy. What made it better is that he interrupted The Rock of all people. I wish I could explain more, but what else is there to say? It was something so special & electrifying and.I still watch it again to this day.
The moment that still gives me chills seeing it on youtube is Ric Flair's "retirement" speech and HHH coming out with everyone else especially Taker after the cameras were off. A little of the chills have gone away since he went to TNA but still a great moment.

Not only dose this video get the hair on the back of my neck to stand up, but it also brings a tear to my eye.
I absolutely love this video, no matter how many times I watch it I will never get tired of it.

I would love to see an updated version of this video. The WWE production team dose a terrific job at putting packages like this together, and I would like to see them do more. This is the time of year I think they should do a few Desire videos, maybe a few for the superstars who have big matches coming up at Mania. A HHH or a Taker one would be great, seeing as both are coming to the end of their carers. I would also love to see one for HBK.
A couple of things come to mind. As a kid, I can still remember the electricity and energy of Warrior's win over Hogan at Mania 6. At the time, Hogan was the person you would never think would lose, he bogarted the belt to no end, and since it was the days before Internet spoilers, rumors, insider info, etc. it was a match to see. I remember going to a buddy of mine's house (if you remember the big satellite dishes that grabbed anything and everything back then) to watch it, and totally flipping the fuck out.

Another thing would have to be seeing Piper pop in from time to time after he initially left. Just hearing the bagpipes and the pops was adrenaline pumping.

And not to beat a dead horse, but Warrior's debut promo in WCW was f'n sick to watch. He talked a hell of a lot better, and nailed Hogan spot-on in that promo. To come back after that long and pull a promo like that was just amazing.

I also remember when Taker turned face waaaaay back in the day, grabbing the chair that Jake the Snake was going to sneak attack Savage with (would have been Elizabeth, actually). When he grabbed the chair and stopped Jake I thought I was going to piss myself because I liked Taker even as a heel because he was against Hogan (Life-long Hogan dislike here. lol). When he turned face, though, it just boosted that appeal even more. Because, you know, back in the day it was good vs. evil and all that jazz...
Benoit making Triple H tap at WMXX and the celebration afterwards, with Eddie Guerrero. My two favorite wrestlers, world champions on the biggest stage of the greatest wrestling promotion. Still brings a tear to my eye.
One moment that gave me chills for the longest time was at Wrestlemania 8, when the Ultimate Warrior returned and saved Hogan from Sid and Papa Shango. I can still watch that and get somewhat of a chill. B/c back then, there was no internet, no one knew where the hell the Warrior disappeared too. Cool moment.

Another one is the 1996 King of the Ring speech given by Stone Cold. W/o question, the moment that started it all for Austin.

The entire Ric Flair retirement bit from Raw. All the guys coming out, crying, it was just awesome.

Probably the biggest moment though, that I can watch again and again, is the opening to Nitro the night WWE bought them out. Being a wrestling fan for so long and seeing these two companies do battle, then seeing McMahon open Nitro...... It was surreal that night my friends. I was in college watching with my college roommates. To this day, probably the best Monday night of wrestling I have ever witnessed.
Probaly because I was there but Hogan vs. McMahon at Wrestlemania 19, went Hulk starts Hulking up, I swear every single person was yelling when it was happening and it was awesome. Go back a year and the same thing against the Rock when Hogan hulks up.
Lets see... hair-raising, goosebump inducing moments (in no particular order):

The Bobby Heenan HOF induction where he mentions that Gorilla was the only thing missing. That tugs at my heart strings every time I see/hear it.

Undertaker/Mankind Hell in a Cell: Specifically, the point where Taker chokeslams Foley through the roof, he falls to the canvas and the chair falls on his face. The moment itself is what initially did it, coupled with J.R. exclaiming "will somebody stop the damn match?" Foley's later commentary that this moment was the first and only time he was legitimately knocked out seals it for future viewings. A very close second is when Foley has slightly recovered after the second fall (I believe Foley dodged a Taker dive from inside the ring)... he is walking outside of the ring holding his arm on a close camera shot. He literally looks like he is about to cry from the pain he's experiencing. That one always gets me too no matter how many times I see it.

Terry Funk vs. Sabu, Born to be wired (ECW) - Anybody who watched Sabu before this match knew he lived up to his "suicidal, homicidal, genocidal" moniker. After missing a corner move and tearing a 9 inch gash in his arm, he screams at Fonzie to bring him athletic tape to cover the wound so he can continue the match. Cringe-inducing moment is solidified when Sabu is taping his arm up while Funk hits a neckbreaker on a chair.

Anytime New Jack hits the ring, particularly unannounced after a long absence. Say what you want about Jerome Young as a person, but when "Natural Born Killaz" hits, you know something equal parts crazy and violent is about to go down.

Warrior pinning Hogan for the WWF title at WM6. Warrior, as a face, beats the biggest star in the wrestling business, on the biggest show of the year, clean and for the WWF championship. I've seen the end of this match 100 times or more and it still gets the same reaction out of me every time.

HBK vs. Flair, career ending matchup at Wrestlemania. "I love you, I'm sorry" was only half the story here. Flair in tears as Michaels makes the 1-2-3 MADE that moment for me. Flair was known to get teary eyed on occasion, but this takes the cake.
When Miss Elizabeth and Randy Savage reunited after he lost at WrestleMania VII. The fact they were actually in love with each other makes it more believable, obviously, and you can see genuine emotion in both of them. The audience absolutely lapped it up, and it was done in quite a tasteful, believable and compelling manner. There are people in the audience crying. It is pure storytelling at its finest, with a happy ending for the paying audience. Wrestling rarely, if ever, gets it so right.
I was about 4 when Kane debuted and tore the cage door off to tombstone the Undertaker... yeh that stuck with me lol

Kane taking off his mask is a damn close second but I can't believe I remember the Kane debut from when I was about 4... that takes it for me.
Mine would have to be the handshake between the rock and hollywood hulk hogan. Epic promo by both of them and the rock adds the finishing touch with a rock bottom.
I don't post here often, but I had to post in this thread.

I was 9 years old when this went down. And I was fortunate enough to be there live.

Still replayed 24 years later. I get goosebumps every time I see that slam.
Randy Savage Vs Rickey Steamboat

I get chills every time I watch wrestlemania III. It is still the most exciting match I've ever seen.

Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant

To me, the most important match in the history of wrestlemania. Not a great match but the anticipation was enormous. It is just an important part of wrestling history. The bodyslam might just be the single biggest move in the history of mania.

Hulk Hogan vs The Rock.

Hearing the ovation Hogan received throughout that match was amazing. I was, and still am, so happy that Hulk Hogan got the respect he so rightly deserved. I loved the end of the match when he was posing for the crowd and they were going crazy. The Rock even had tears in his eyes from the moment. Truly special.
The matches between the Rock and Austin at WM 15, WM 17, and WM 19. They just remind me of my childhood and the wars between the two over the years. Mostly the moment in my sig gives me chills. I would have a heart attack if they ever stare each other down again or have a match(wont happen lol). Maybe at WM 27 they will have a confrontation.
When Jake the snake busted out the cobra with Randy Savage tied up in the ropes, that scared the shit out of me as a kid.

Undertaker vs Mankind hell in the cell the beating and bumps Nick Foley took in that match was unreal, still gives me goosebumps to watch it.
Love this thread - bringing back some good memories. For me I'd have to say:

1) Goldberg beating Hogan on Nitro - would have been an even more awesome ppv

2) Bret Hart's return to WWE

3) I got chills when The Rock returned a few weeks ago, but it was more because I haven't heard a crowd reaction like that in years

4) British Bulldog beating Bret Hart at Summerslam
When Nikita Koloff turned face and helped Dusty Rhodes against the Horsemen back in '86. I STILL mark out hardcore for that, if for nothing else, just for the reaction of the fans. The place went absolutely out of their minds, still awesome to this day
One moment that gave me chills for the longest time was at Wrestlemania 8, when the Ultimate Warrior returned and saved Hogan from Sid and Papa Shango. I can still watch that and get somewhat of a chill. B/c back then, there was no internet, no one knew where the hell the Warrior disappeared too. Cool moment.

WM8 was the frst WWE event I ever saw, despite hearing all about the characters at school. To a young and impressionable mind - this one moment really sold WWF to me...

Just watched it again, and it still sends a shiver down the spine...

Tried to find another on YT, to no avail -
Royal Rumble 2001.
Kane is kickin all kindsa tail.
Rock has eliminated Show, who repays the favour by dragging him out and Chokeslamming him through the announce table.
The remaining (midcard) contestants unite to get rid of Kane.

Is there Anything Kane can do to survive, as the clock hits zero....


Cue the Biker-Taker, lookin all Angry and on his Harley, uniting the Brothers of Destruction...
For those who don't recall, the results are pretty much self explanatory...

Infact, gonna go dig it out now for a repeat view...

Easily my 2 favorite moments that I love thinking about:
1)Goldberg beating Hogan for WCW title on Nitro

2)Brock Lesnar superplexing Big Show off top rope and the ring breaking on Smackdown.
Jericho debuting during a Rock Promo, Vince Mcmahon standing in front of a WCW monitor,
Ted Dibiase Sr in Character, I think those are the only ones that really make me go wow still.
Oh, and Undertaker / Mankind HIAC still drops my jaw.
I forgot a more recent one. Hearing about Bret Hart coming back to Raw and seeing him walk out of the back and down the ramp for the first time in 13 years. I marked out like I was a kid again.

Jericho's debut is a good one, too.

Oh, and just a Holy Shit moment:
Watching an interview dvd of New Jack and hearing him talk about and seeing Vic Grimes get thrown off the scaffold and almost to the floor instead of through the tables in the ring. It's also said that Jack legitimately tazed Grimes before the spot.

That was a cringe worthy moment and the insanity of it was heightened by listening to New Jack say he legitimately tried to throw Grimes into the turnbuckle to kill/hurt him. Crazy ass New Jack.

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