Ponder Kane's Return

Here's the problem(s) I have with the whole "bring back the mask" idea.

First of all, Kane himself is fine the way he is. He's stated that the mask was uncomfortable and it's a lot easier for him now. If you're going to have a loyal employee go out with some type of big bang, why does that have to include bringing back physical discomfort?

Second, there is no legitimate reason to put the mask back on. The mask was on at first because of the fire that happened when Kane and Undertaker were kids, that supposed scarred Kane's face. Now, we know that Kane's face is fine, and the "emotional" scars he had suffered are a distant memory. Having Kane suddenly come back masked after Mark Henry attacked his ankle doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It would also be a regression of his character rather than a progression, similar to how people want Cena to rap full time again. Just doesn't make sense.

Third, people forget that the mask didn't really make a whole lot of difference on how Kane was booked. Yes, he's been booked well with the mask, and he's been booked poorly without it. He was also booked poorly with the mask, and he's also been booked well without it. The important thing to remember is that the biggest push of his career (World Title reign) came without it. So obviously he doesn't need it to be successful, and putting it back on won't be an automatic guarantee of success.
I don't understand why people clamor for Kane to put the mask back on. It's a piece of plastic, it doesn't make him any better, nor does it make him any more entertaining. He hasn't worn the thing for about 8 years, I don't think it's relevant to anybody but older fans (even some don't care, like me) and they don't make up a majority of the fan base anymore. What would Kane's mask mean to a young kid? Certainly not much. The whole allure of the mask was what was behind it; we now know. There's just no point, no pay-off. You can only ride nostalgia for so long.

Kane will have that last run, but I highly doubt it'll be anything resembling a "monster" run. He got a huge push with the World Title recently, I'd think they'd use him to put a few guys over while they still could. Kane's a credible threat, so anybody that could go over him would have a quality winn under their belt. Don't get me wrong, though, he won't be jobbing, just putting over some younger guys who are on the brink of a break out.

He'd probably get a nice win at a PPV, maybe 'Mania, then call it a day. There's not much more left for Kane in the WWE.

Your feelings on the mask are exactly how I felt when Lil Rey Rey came to WWE with the mask back on. I was like "WTF? Did no one even see that he was unmasked and wrestled for a long while without it?" I think it would be awesome to see him put it back on for nostalgia's sake, but little else.

As far as a final run, it could be cool to have Kane play the heel and have him and Taker dance with the streak on the line at WM, but that match has been done to death. Maybe after Henry is away from the WC picture, you could build a Kane v Henry feud with a "loser leaves town" match. Not sure because Kane is an interesting topic. He has done everything he can do in WWE, and is basically a carbon copy of himself from when he broker in as Taker's brother. In other words, the man has not really changed, outside of losing the mask. Same move set...same finisher...same delivery on the mike. I'm at a loss with him.
Kane should come back with the mask on, he can become that monster he once was once again, think of him coming back and dismantling the "great" john cena and all of the kids terrorised by him and his mask.

Also he could come back with a few new moves to his arsenal that we've never seen from him before, bringing a whole "is it really kane" which builds for months and months until he is once again demasked to discover its not him.

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