Mom Caught Blowing Son's Teammate During Wrestling Match

Obviously you're missing there part where SOMEONE had to have sex with your mother, OTHERWISE, it would be biologically impossible for you to be making these posts. Sex produces life, you were the product of someone having sex with your mother.

Dude just shut the fuck up already.
Dude just shut the fuck up already.

Wow, thanks for the contribution. I'm glad you could chime in with such articulate banter.

TDigs is a mod, if he wants to lock this thread, he can. Until then, I'm pretty sure you and I both know, spiff, that I can continue to post. Especially when I'm not saying anything off the wall.
Wow, thanks for the contribution. I'm glad you could chime in with such articulate banter.

TDigs is a mod, if he wants to lock this thread, he can. Until then, I'm pretty sure you and I both know, spiff, that I can continue to post. Especially when I'm not saying anything off the wall.

Yeah but you're an annoying fucking douchebag and I don't like you.
Obviously you're missing there part where SOMEONE had to have sex with your mother, OTHERWISE, it would be biologically impossible for you to be making these posts. Sex produces life, you were the product of someone having sex with your mother.

So, again, I've never attacked you as an individual. You're making brash statements that don't hold any water what-so-ever. Someone did, in-fact, have sex with your mother and that's why you're here today. Same with my mom, that's not an attack. Matter of fact, the man who knocked up my mom did so when she was underaged.

My interpretation of what you wrote is justified. But, I thank you for the clarification. I now understand that what you meant to say was something along the lines of, "You got here through sex; your mom did not conceive you immaculately."

I'm still confident that I wouldn't have fucked a classmate's mom in high school, though.
Yeah but you're an annoying fucking douchebag and I don't like you.

That really doesn't bother me. As I stated earlier. I'm not going to engage in an internet flame war. I don't care how many times you red-rep me calling me a piece of shit.

If you have something intelligent to say to me, I'll respond to you, until then, consider yourself persona non grata.
That really doesn't bother me. As I stated earlier. I'm not going to engage in an internet flame war. I don't care how many times you red-rep me calling me a piece of shit.

If you have something intelligent to say to me, I'll respond to you, until then, consider yourself persona non grata.

Fuck you!
My interpretation of what you wrote is justified. But, I thank you for the clarification. I now understand that what you meant to say was something along the lines of, "You got here through sex; your mom did not conceive you immaculately."

I'm still confident that I wouldn't have fucked a classmate's mom in high school, though.

I can completely understand why you would think that I meant something different. The topic lent itself to something of that direction.

I completely understand you being confident of your moral standpoint. All I was ever saying was that 15-17 year old kids don't have a moral compass. If they do, it's located down south and pointed upward, if you catch my drift.

Would I want to be the mother's son...hell no. Hell, I'm sure that my GF's parents don't approve of her dating someone as old as I am.

I guess an easier way to put it is like this; it's easy for us to make value judgments because we have the benefit of hindsight and objectivity. Additionally, I don't know how old you are, but your logical progression, syntax, and manner of speaking suggest someone of advanced education, so I'll guess somewhere in the mid 20's. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry.

That being said, we're not 16 (I think), so we're thinking with more than our penis'. I did that when I was 18. Probably not much more advanced than I was at 16.
I can completely understand why you would think that I meant something different. The topic lent itself to something of that direction.

I completely understand you being confident of your moral standpoint. All I was ever saying was that 15-17 year old kids don't have a moral compass. If they do, it's located down south and pointed upward, if you catch my drift.

Would I want to be the mother's son...hell no. Hell, I'm sure that my GF's parents don't approve of her dating someone as old as I am.

I guess an easier way to put it is like this; it's easy for us to make value judgments because we have the benefit of hindsight and objectivity. Additionally, I don't know how old you are, but your logical progression, syntax, and manner of speaking suggest someone of advanced education, so I'll guess somewhere in the mid 20's. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry.

That being said, we're not 16 (I think), so we're thinking with more than our penis'. I did that when I was 18. Probably not much more advanced than I was at 16.

Fair enough, hombre, fair enough.
Obviously you're missing there part where SOMEONE had to have sex with your mother, OTHERWISE, it would be biologically impossible for you to be making these posts. Sex produces life, you were the product of someone having sex with your mother.
He could be a "test-tube baby".

I completely understand you being confident of your moral standpoint. All I was ever saying was that 15-17 year old kids don't have a moral compass. If they do, it's located down south and pointed upward, if you catch my drift.
*Psssst* He means 'penis' everybody.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2356097]Why move this to the Cage? It belongs in the motherfucking Lounge!![/QUOTE]

I had it moved here so I could read spam posts and post spam myself.

I also say this, since it came up tonight.

I will never engage in a flame war on this site. If I'm debating with someone, I'm debating their post, not their character. I know very few of you on a personal level and those that I do know, I would never attack. I see no reason to call someone a dipshit, douchebag, piece of shit, ***, etc...

I didn't bust my ass in school and receive advanced degrees to stoop to that level of intelligence. Red rep my ass all you want with insults, it's not going to change how I approach a debate.

For those that care, TDigs and I reached a mutual understanding on the subject. This is the internet, voice inflection is lost over the medium of text. I took some of the things he said out of context and vice versa. It's all about how you deal with the situation and the debate. Some people, not mentioning any names, have proven themselves incapable of providing anything more to the conversation than insulting comments. This doesn't move any sort of conversation forward and I wish those individuals would make a more concerted effort to provide something meaningful to these threads. Alas, this IS the internet and such a wish is akin to pissing in the wind.

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