mods are fucking shit

That's not the high road. That's realizing you made an awful joke that wasn't the least bit funny, and blaming it on your audience not receiving it properly.

I don't feel I have to defend the mods. I feel I have to defend people who are right. If you had a legitimate grievance with a moderator, and I was convinced of the justice of your argument, I would be the loudest voice in your corner. In this case, I am convinced of the justice of the moderator's argument. Thus, I am the loudest voice in their corner. I have my own mind and can make my own decisions based on the evidence at hand and a strong moral philosophy, rather than needing to befriend someone's perceived power group.

I don't think that's the least bit vulgar- and in reference to your rep comment, you don't seem to know what an acronym is. An acronym is an abbreviation for a commonly used phrase- for instance, here "WZ" would be an acronym for WrestleZone. I have no idea what you were driving at with your reflexive "he doesn't like me" negative rep, because you were using words that you didn't understand.

I'm not doing that. Deal with me on those terms, not on some "other people do this" terms.

I didn't treat you as if you were trying to troll or "own" someone. I took your argument under consideration, found it faulty, and explained precisely why. As far as telling me to shut up and let someone else argue, that won't happen, and here's why. I'll even enumerate them for you! (This isn't vulgarity- this is sarcasm.)

1) No one will ever tell me what I can and cannot say, unless I am using their property to speak. By posting here, I agree that the people that own this board can choose to constrain what I say, and also have the ability to designate that authority to their representatives. If I disagree with how the owners of this board choose to do that, I can leave. I don't own these boards, and I speak here through their good graces. They owe me nothing.

So I can promise you, some kid who has a beef because a moderator told him to obey the rules is not going to get me to keep quiet with "you need to kiss ass for no reason" arguments.

2) Moderators are constrained from speaking freely, because to get in a shitfest with every poster who questioned their authority would invite any other poster with a disagreement to start a public shitfest about it. The forum rules are here for reasons that help the functionality of the discussion; a bunch of wrestling geeks didn't get together in a smoke-filled room and create a bunch of rules to oppress the IWC at large.

I've been in their shoes on other boards, and it really, really sucks when you can't tell off some kid who's giving you shit for the most ridiculous reasons because then other people would start giving you shit for even more ridiculous reasons. You can't use authority that way, it doesn't work. So I will continue to back the moderators in this particular argument, because they are right and you are wrong.

For the record, the one negative rep you gave me has been offset by about a hundred rep from several posters on the board- you seem to think those points are important. I almost want to +rep you.

I mentioned the high road, AFTER the special olypmics flub, Note that before trying to quote me.
I'm assuming you have not read the parts where I am telling the OP he messed up, just without the rude comments afforded to me, Since it doesn't help your argument. It's done my friend, for cripes sake, I didn't even make this thread, Im telling him its fruitless.

This is not a thread about me being right or wrong, I clearly, in my first post, told the OP that people are going to trash on him rudely because of the way he voiced his opinion
You can scrap the virgin part. I'll have you know D-Man ate Mustang Sally's fish tacos this weekend. He needed a few drinks to get the job done, though.

What people don't realize is that we mods are virgins by choice. See, many of us had promiscuous sex lives prior to our induction for the Church of Modship. I, for one, was a college student living on the edge, having sex with all the girls I can find. Then Sly approached me with a new lifestyle... a better lifestyle; a lifestyle dedicated to concentration, discipline, and following an infallible system of rules known as The WrestleZone Rulebook. Only through a life devoted to enforcing The WrestleZone Rulebook will lead to salvation in the Realm of Order.

So I as well as my fellow mods have sworn off women, careers, and social lives in order to spend at least 14 hours a day moderating this website, making sure not a single rule is broken, and should a rule be broken the perpetrator is met with swift and ruthless repercussions. Once total order is brought to WrestleZone Forums we will transcend this wretched earth into the Realm of Order, where rules are followed without enforcement.

Ever notice how IC, Jake, and Luther don't post anymore? It's because they're dead. They knew the secrets of the Church of Modship and had to be killed to keep our secrets protected. The few posts you see from them aren't from the real IC, Jake, or Luther, they're from skilled Doppelgangers. I tell you this as a warning, for the Church of Modship is merciless and will do anything to ensure order is brought to the WrestleZone Forums.

All Hail Chris Cash, Lord of WrestleZone Forums.

So... mods are Mormons?
You finally made it!

The mods are mostly a bunch of dickless wonders who enjoy acting tough online because they're so pathetic in real life. It's all a fantasy world to them, like people who claim to be psychologists with a wife.... the reality is they live with their sexually promiscuous mother and have every episode of Frasier stolen from some torrent!

He was referring to me, btw. I had either warned or infracted him for prejudice remarks, i cant remember which. Kudos to him for being able to pull information from my User CP, but how did he know about my mother and my love for a show I had to google to find out what it was? :)
How the FUCK was Frasier before your time? You ain't much younger than me.

P.S. Shoot me a text tomorrow, we gotta talk about Sid the Kid and that game he had!!

It wasn't, I was being facetious. I just dont think I watched a single episode of the show. Ever.

As for Sid, I don't think Ive been as excited for a sporting event since last year's Super Bowl as I was for his return. And the payoff here was FAR more satisfying, my friend. I figured there would be some rust, and all he does is score 4 pts in only 16 freaking minutes. I missed most of Raw watching the game, just as I do when the Steelers play Monday nights. Priorities!
It wasn't, I was being facetious. I just dont think I watched a single episode of the show. Ever.

As for Sid, I don't think Ive been as excited for a sporting event since last year's Super Bowl as I was for his return. And the payoff here was FAR more satisfying, my friend. I figured there would be some rust, and all he does is score 4 pts in only 16 freaking minutes. I missed most of Raw watching the game, just as I do when the Steelers play Monday nights. Priorities!

Fuckin' A right priorities! He never fails to bring it on the big stage. That being said, I don't know if you got my message, but if your knee is in any shape, I got some tix if you want them. Let me know soon though, so my boy can dump 'em to someone else if u can't go. I think they're only $70/ticket.

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