Milenko's [Official] ICP/Psychopathic Records thread


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
This thread was actually SSC's idea but I added the Psychopathic part. I'll update this as often as i can with various songs that I can post about in a non-spam setting. Knowing a few of you also listen to ICP I'm hoping to discuss things with out getting flamed and hopefully open some more people's eyes to ICP.

To start off this thread I'm going to post to songs that I think tells perfectly what it means to be a Juggalo (to me at least).


These 2 songs define what it means to be a Juggalo. It's not just about listening to and enjoying their music it's about friendship. I can't count the time I've been wearing my ICP shirt and necklace and have people stop me in the store asking me if I'm a Juggalo ans when i say yes it starts a conversation like we've been friends for years instead of strangers who just met and will probably never see each other again, it's a great feeling. Now a littl bit about each video.​

Island: This video was shot at the last Gathering of the Juggalos and if you think all those people in the video know each other then you got problems. The lyrics are upbeat and all great but my favorite line is
This world is ours every bit of it.
It's true folks there is millions us around the world and we aren't going anywhere. I can play this song when I'm depressed and know even though I'm physically alone in spirit i have thousands of people behind me.​

Homies: This one is along the same vein but more about everyday friends. I know that my friends will be there no matter what and if shit goes down I have people in my corner that will back me up no matter what happens. Everything else has already been said.​

I can't stress enough that it's about more than the music, If you don't like ICP that's fine but all the Juggalos of the world will always have a special place in my heart.​
I'm surprised it took this long before someone had the balls to do this. Anyways, I used to be a big Juggalo, but I have been disappointed with just about everything they've released lately with the exception of Twiztid's Heratbroken & Homicidal and the the new Dayton Family Psycho EP.

Bang Pow Boom was ok with the exception of songs like Fonz Pond, Miracles(fuck everyone, I hated that song before it was a video) and Vera Lee. It did have some classics like I Found A Body and Boing Boing though. It's mainly just Mike E. Clarks production style that irks me. They were doing so much better with Mike P and Kuma doing the beats. Clark just seems to be way past his prime.

Boondox is also a victim of this. Krimson Kreek was a fucking classic, but the folllow up, South Of Hell was mostly trash. It has a couple of songs I like but it just felt rushed and the beats didn't seem to suit Boondox.

Blaze's Gang Rags was also shit. Once again, I feel like he falls victim to Mike E. Clarks shitty beats. His raps are still solid and when he has music that doesn't suck to rap over like he did on Clockwork Grey(also a classic) then his raps are much better.

Twiztid is awesome. Every cd they have ever put out fucking rocks.

Another example of Clark's shitty beats ruining everything is AMB's Blood In Blood Out. Their follow up, God's Hand was fantastic and the production was done almost exclusively by Otis himself.

Basically what I'm saying, fuck Mike E. Clark.

Another misunderstood song that ICP haters use to say they suck. "Oh, there's a bunch of killing in there songs they suck and can't come up with anything better." Well killing and death in general is a big part of the HorrorCore genre. ICP however doesn't just rap about killing anyone but people that most of us would say desrve to die anyway. I seriously urge everyone reading this to listen to the song but for those who still don't want to I'll break it down for you.

Alcoholic wife beater: Everyone has heard on the news or read in the paper about this type of person. Having a friend who went through this I know what this does to not just the couple but the entire family and I can say without hesitation I would at the very least beat the shit out of any man who did this to his wife.

Child Abuser: None of you can tell me you wouldn't love to kill a man who abuses his children,. Most of us would never go that far but it doesn't change the way we feel. A man is supposed to love and protect his kids not beat the sit out of them for looking at him cross eyed.

Bigot/Racist: Does anyone not think these people deserve to die a slow painful death? Racism is the most disguting, vile thing on this planet and I personally hate it in all it's forms and would not hesitate to use kill a racist if I was given a 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card.

3 types of people that deserve to be stabbed in the face with a pitchfork.

Up next I'm probably gonna do a history post on their discography and all the mainstream artists they helped in the begining for those that don't they're 'Legit' (Crooked I'm looking at you here.)
I don't usually double post in a non-spam thread but I'm honestly not expecting to many others to post in here. Now on to the Discography I said I'd do. From 1992 to 2011, complete with where it was on the various charts out there as well as the RIAA certification it got if any.


Carnival of Carnage (OCt 18, 1992)
Label: Psychopathic Records

Chart place: Didn't place on any charts​

Albums Sold: 500,000​

RIAA Certification: N/A​

My thoughts: I can listen to the entire thing and I have numerous times. Not my favorite but for a first album with no big recording company helping them make it's very good. Selling 500,000 copies by themselves with no help is no small achievement​


The Ringmaster (Jan 24, 1994)
Label: Psychopathic Records

Chart Place: Still nothing​

Albums Sold: +500,000​

RIAA Certification: Gold​

My thoughts: Going gold by word of mouth and your own hard working getting the word out there is no small feat. A few songs I skip every once in a while but for the most part I listen to it all the way through and enjoy every second of it.​


The Riddlebox (OCt 10, 1995)
Label: Jive Records

Chart Place: (16 [US Heat])​

Albums Sold: +500,000​

RIAA Certification: Gold​

My Thoughts: Their first album on a major record label and all I can say is meh i enjoy it and it has some of my favorite songs but most of it I can live without and I really don't play this album much just put the songs i do like on my laptop or iPOD. I blame the fact they had someone looking over their shoulder telling them what they can and can't do.​


The Great Milenko (June 24, 1997)
Label: Hollywood and Island Records

Chart Place: 63 (US Billboard 200)​

Albums Sold: 1,700,000​

RIAA Certification: Platinum​

My thoughts: Hollywood is a Disney owned record label so why they would sign a group like ICP in the first place is beyond me, but they did. They got a lot of shit for it from some Southern Baptist group and 12 hours after the album went on sale they pulled it from all stores and cancelled all tours and signings they had planned. Needless to say ICP was pissed and wanted out of their contract but Hollywood records said no and ICP sued and a court battle insued giving the album a ton of press. ICP eventually got out of their contract and signed with Island Records who put it out the way ICP orginally intended and it went platinum due in part to the shit ton of press the album got because of the Hollywood fiasco. I think it may have gone platinum anyway because of how good it is but I guess we'll never know. it's my favorite of ICP album of all time and as you can see it's where I got my username.​


The Amazing Jeckel Bros. (May 25, 1999)
Label: Island Records

Chart Place: 1 (US Billborad 200)​

Albums Sold: +1,000,000​

RIAA Certification: Platinum​

My thoughts: Probably my 2nd favorite with some more of my favorite songs. I would like to point out that this album went platinum a full 2 years after the Great Milenko incident so they are that good.​

Bizaar/Bizzar (Oct 31, 2000)
Label: Island Records

Chart places: 21 (US billboard 200[Bizzar]) 20 (US Billboard 200[Bizzar])​

Albums Sold: 200,000 each​

RIAA Certification: N/A​

my Thoughts: I'm not sure why they put these out on the same day but they did and it had to have something to do with the poor record sales. I don't own either of them but what I have heard on youtube I enjoy a lot.​


The Wraith: Shangri-La (Nov 5, 2002)
Label: Psychopathic Records

Chart places: 15 (US Billboard 200) 1 (US Indie)​

Albums Sold: 500,000​

RIAA Certifiacation: N/A​

my thoughts: Part 1 of the last album in the Jokers card series. Great Album all around with my favorite song (Homies) and I listen to this all the time without stopping or skipping songs.​


The Wraith: Hell's Pit (Aug 31, 2004)
Label: Psychopathic Records

Chart Places: 12 (US Billboard 200) 1 (US Indie)​

Albums Sold: +220,000​

RIAA Certification: N/A​

my thoughts: I don't own the original but I do have the remix album they put out and if the songs are anything like they are on the remix album I love it already.​


The Tempest (March 20, 2007)
Label: Psychopathic Records

Chart Places: 20 (US Billboard 200) 2 (US Indie)​

Albums Sold: 70,000​

RIAA Certification: N/A​

my thoughts: I do enjoy it but I'm not suprised at the low record sales. Their first album after the Joker's card Saga people (myslef included) were a little bit disapointed with thid album.​


Bang! Pow! Boom! (Sept 1, 2009)
Label: Psychopathic Records

Chart Places: 4 (US Billboard 200) 1 (US Indie) 3 (US Rap)​

Albums Sold: +120,000​

RIAA certification: N/A​

my thoughts: The first in a new set of 6 Jokers Cards it's very very good. it's in the same vein as the first set of Jokers cards it does have it's own feel to it that I enjoy a lot and this is high on my list of favorites.​


The Mighty Death Pop! (2011)
Label: Psychopathic Records

my thoughts: Not out yet I'm looking forward to this album very much.​

well there you go. They have a bunch of compilations and EPs out but I wanted to just do the LPs they have out. I may still do them but up next will be the Main Stream groups ICP helped.​
Just a note for ya, The Ringmaster has actually gone Gold twice. Once for the original release and once for the re release on Island Records I believe.

Also, how the hell do you not have Hell's Pit? That was always one of my favorite albums they had as it was one of the first major ones not to have an ass ton of people featured on it(no one actually) and very dark over tones. Think Halls Of Illusion almost in full album mode.

Edit: It might be the Riddlebox that went Gold twice, I don't have the book anymore so sue me.
Just a note for ya, The Ringmaster has actually gone Gold twice. Once for the original release and once for the re release on Island Records I believe.
I took all the information off their Discography page on Wikipedia and they failed to mention that bit of info. It's the reason I don't really use Wiki for research (anymore). I know they have people that make sure the infor is correct but sometimes the forget stuff.

Also, how the hell do you not have Hell's Pit? That was always one of my favorite albums they had as it was one of the first major ones not to have an ass ton of people featured on it(no one actually) and very dark over tones. Think Halls Of Illusion almost in full album mode.
At the time I had enough money to buy only CD and it was either Hell's Pit or The Wraith: Remix Album. I decided to get The remix albums because at the time I didn't have either of them. I have since gotten Shangri-La and while I like The Remix Album I regret not getting Hell's Pit when I had the chance

Edit: It might be the Riddlebox that went Gold twice, I don't have the book anymore so sue me.
If you're talking about Behind The Paint I have it but don't feel like getting up to get it.
I took all the information off their Discography page on Wikipedia and they failed to mention that bit of info. It's the reason I don't really use Wiki for research (anymore). I know they have people that make sure the infor is correct but sometimes the forget stuff.

Sometimes things just get left out.
At the time I had enough money to buy only CD and it was either Hell's Pit or The Wraith: Remix Album. I decided to get The remix albums because at the time I didn't have either of them. I have since gotten Shangri-La and while I like The Remix Album I regret not getting Hell's Pit when I had the chance

I actually remember buying the Remix albums the day they came out. It was exactly a week after Tech N9ne's Everready album came out so I snatched up both of them. I listened to the remix albums, then I put in Everready.. I never listened to the remix albums again.

If you're talking about Behind The Paint I have it but don't feel like getting up to get it.

Yeah that's what I'm talking about. I love that book. I have read it several times, which is astonishing since I never read books. Some of the stories in there are pretty over the top and J just has a way with words.
Hey Milenko..great idea..finally maybe we can get some suport around here. you should preach the whole ICP dark carnival story. I will in the mornin but It's 12 so if you dont by then, I'll step up
ICp teach alot of relgion in their music,even if you are an avid fan you may not catch that right away, considering how much profanity and graphic material they include in their work. Lets look at what Shaggy 2 dope of ICP calls "The Dark Carnival". which are represented by 6 "Joker cards"


The Carnival of carnage, a representation of the ghettos and the violence that occurs within them,It takes the form of a traveling carnival which releases the same brutality on those who have ignored the inner cities' cries for help. The Card issues a warning against the upper-class and government's negligence toward the lower classes


The Ringmaster,the second Joker's Card, is the overseer of the Carnival of Carnage. He leads "the phantoms of the dead" that take the form of the Carnival. The creatures fiercely tear doomed souls from their living bodies and drag them down into Hell. The Ringmaster himself is created through one's own sins, and is one of several who will judge whether a soul is worthy to enter heaven or doomed to eternal hell.


The third Joker's Card, the Riddle Box, is another entity used to determine fate. Upon death, a soul enters a dark chamber containing a jack-in-the-box on an old wooden table. The front of the box has a "painted question mark faded with time," representing the mystery of your own afterlife. As the handle is turned, a melodic tune begins to play, and when the music stops, the choice is made. The pure see a vision of God, warming their souls as they enter eternal peace. The wicked see an immense fog seeping from the box, "stripping their sanity, as they witness an image of hell, spawned and formed from their own evil; a hideous reflection of their demented souls." The floor falls from underneath them, casting the doomed into the bottomless pit of Hell. The fate determined by the Riddle Box can be found by looking deep within yourself, and can be changed with righteous actions.


The Great Milenko, the fourth Joker's Card, is an Illusionist and a Necromancer, though acting on dead minds rather than dead spirits. His purpose is to try and trick individuals into greed and other such sins.He takes out the worst in an individual and creates powerful illusions in an attempt to cause them to become hedonistic and greedy. The Great Milenko is present within every person, and an honorable individual must fight his magic in order to make it to heaven


The fifth Joker's Card, The Amazing Jeckel Brothers, focuses on the 19 circles of hell, and the morality of man as he is torn between righteousness and evil. Jack "the sinister" and Jake "the just" emerge from the smoke of a candle. The Jeckel Brothers juggle pulsating blood-covered balls representing the mortal life of the dead. For every sin committed, another ball is added. Jack throws Jake curves in an attempt to see a ball drop, and if a soul witnesses Jake drop one of the balls, he will be damned to hell. Souls who see Jake successfully complete the act ascend to heaven


The face of the sixth Joker's Card is "The Wraith"—or simply, Death. The card featured two "exhibits", Shangri-La and Hell's Pit, which were each given its own album.[13] The Wraith: Shangri-La revealed that the hidden message of Insane Clown Posse's music was always to follow God and make it to Heaven.[13] Hell's Pit toured where those who do not atone for their sins nor follow the ways of Shangri-La are sent, illustrating the horrors of hell itself.[14]

and that ladies and gentleamn,assuming you took time out of your day to read it is the beleif that ICP beleives. to sum it up The Dark Carnival acts as a way to remind people of the repercussions of their individual actions "in a language that today's world will understand and listen to." It denounces actions that members Bruce and Joseph Utsler stand against, including pedophilia, racism, bigotry, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. The themes of the Dark Carnival focus on death, morality, heaven and hell.

According to Joseph Bruce, the reason that Insane Clown Posse's lyrics featured profanity and references to violence and sex was because "That's the stuff that people are talking about on the streets. You have to interest them, gain their trust, talk to them and show you're one of them. You're a person from the street and speak of your experiences. Then at the end you can tell them God has helped me out like this and it might transfer over instead of just come straight out and just speak straight out of religion."

Joseph Bruce also states that "The ending of the Joker Cards, the way we looked at it, was death. Heaven and hell. That's up to each and every juggalo [to decide]. We're not an ultra religious group. I don't go to church or anything. I like to believe in God."
Nice job man but you forgot 1.


As I said earlier Bang! Pow! Boom! is the first in a new set of 6 Jokers cards which will expand on the Dark Carnival Mythos. The album's title refers to a character within the Dark Carnival described as a large, continuing explosion which clears evil souls from the carnival grounds.


Now because this is the [Official] thread for the entire Psychopathic family I figured I'd start introducing you to the rest of the groups signed to the Album starting with the first that ICP signed to Psychopathic.


They started out as 2/3 of the group House of Krazees with the R.O.C. H.o.K disbanded. They sent a demo tape to Violent J who signed them and decided to take them on their next tour. Before leaving for the tour they decided on the group name Twiztid as well as the stage names Jamie Madrox & Monoxide. Since signing with PSychopathic they put out 8 studio albums. Here's just 2 of my favorite Twiztid songs.​

If you've read my User title this is the song i got it from.​


The first southern Hip-Hop artist to be signed to Psychopathic, He was 'discovered' by Violent J while selling his music at an ICP concert. His stage persona is that of a killer scarecrow which took 6 months to fully develop. Since signing with Psychopathic in '06 he has put out 3 Albums and 1 EP. Once again 2 of my favorite songs which includes his first ever video which was directed by Violent J (They Pray with Snakes)​


Up next I'm gonna do 2 members of Psychopathic I'm not to familiar with in Blaze ya dead homie & Anybody Killa (ABK).​
Boondox! ah man thats great boondox is ,in my opnion, slightly better than ICp. Just because I live only an hour or 2 away from his hometown. I can kind of relate to his songs about the southern life. here are a few of my favorites:
Path I walk
[YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]This is actually the first song by him I heard:

This one is really a good song. If you look past the violence in it(and theres alot) Death of a hater

this is a really good that features Shaggy 2dope,Boondox, and Monoxide of twiztid: Last Day alive

Now this is by far one of the best song, it represents the trouble that ICP and pretty much any artist has overcome: Kept grindin
It features Dj Clay,The axe murder boyes, Anydoy killer, boondox, ICp, twiztid, and Blaze ya dead homie

(and BTW if any of those videos dont work. They never do for me, I wrap those youtube tag around them but :shrug:. could someone fix that for me?)
Boondox! ah man thats great boondox is ,in my opnion, slightly better than ICp. Just because I live only an hour or 2 away from his hometown. I can kind of relate to his songs about the southern life. here are a few of my favorites:
Path I walk
[youtube]SEYrAZYVWhk[/youtube]This is actually the first song by him I heard:

This one is really a good song. If you look past the violence in it(and theres alot) Death of a hater

this is a really good that features Shaggy 2dope,Boondox, and Monoxide of twiztid: Last Day alive

Now this is by far one of the best song, it represents the trouble that ICP and pretty much any artist has overcome: Kept grindin
It features Dj Clay,The axe murder boyes, Anydoy killer, boondox, ICp, twiztid, and Blaze ya dead homie

(and BTW if any of those videos dont work. They never do for me, I wrap those youtube tag around them but :shrug:. could someone fix that for me?)
They don't work for you because all you put in the yt codes is what comes after the = not the whole url.

I agree with you about Boondox being a bit better than ICP. I don't usually like southern music but Boondox does it in a way that I really enjoy. I've heard The Harvest, Krimson Creek & South of Hell and they all surpass most ICP albums on my enjoyment list. Twiztid is better than both IMO.

As for the DJ Clay song you posted I can't say much about it seeing how I haven't heard anything else from him. I do like this song though.
Thanks for the tip on the youtube video thing.

DJ clay is signed to the Hatchet House, a under label of physcopathic.they only have 3 acts,DJ Clay,The DAyton Family,and Mike E. Clark. all 3 aren't that good. bur Dj has some promise he has a few good songs that I like. Heres a song that ICp played at the gathering one year as the big send off. It features ICP,KMK,Tech N9NE, Esham, Bone Thugs N Harmony
I would like to post one of my favorite ICP songs.


This track is pure old school. Back before they where the wicked clowns, they where known as The Inner City Posse, and had a third member John kick jazz.
I won't get into how they became the wicked clowns.

Milenko already mentioned that Twiztid was once in a group with The R.O.C.
If you lived in Michigan in the mid 90's and where a fan of rap music you most likely heard of, or owned a House of Krazees tape.

Man this shit takes me back, I wish I kept all the tapes I had back in the day.

Back before Blaze was Ya Dead Homie, he was down with 2 Krazy Devils. I don't know much shit about them and I say fuck Wiki. So thanks to my friends on YouTube here is a sample.


Lavel and J-Mo (ABK) where the Krazy Klan. Again I really don't know to much about them, but thanks to YouTube...


I just wanted to share some old shit before they all joined Psychopathic.

And by the way check out HatchetNinja4Life on YouTube he gots all this old shit for your listening pleasure.
I'm back to continue my post series in the here thread. Psychopathic is a small Indie label with only 5 current groups on the label. The last 2 are Blaze ya Dead Homie & Anybody Killa. I don't know much about these 2 but thanks to Wiki and Youtube I've become familiar with them and I enjoy them although not as much as the other 3.

Blaze ya Dead Homie

He started out in Psychopathic as a member of ICP's Road Crew. He appeared on Twiztids debut album Mostasteless and acted as a hype man in their concerts. He debuted as a solo artis in 2000 with his Blaze Ya Dead Homie EP and established his persona as a reincarnated 80s gangster and to this day combines Gangsta Rap & HorrorCore in his music.


Anybody Killa

A 100% Lumbee Native American his heritage plays a huge part in his music. He was introduced to Blaze and was signed to Psychopathic and the 2 of them went on tour opening for ICP and Twiztid. He put out his first album with Psychopathic (his 2nd over all) in 2003 and he's been with them ever since.​


There were groups signed with Psychopathic but they were dropped for various reasons so my next post series is gonna be about the group of artists that no longer ride with the hatchet.​
What Milenko did not mention is that when Blaze Ya Dead Homie and ABK come together they form the super group DRIVE BY.


A nice song to smoke to.


DRIVE BY is that shit you have to have a good system to really appreciate. The bass will blow the fuck out of your speakers if your shit is not right. This is one of them hard to get your hands on CDs. I know you where able to get it on the Drive By tour and most likely at the Gathering, but don't go looking for it at your local Target, they wont have it.
Hey Milenko..great idea..finally maybe we can get some suport around here. you should preach the whole ICP dark carnival story. I will in the mornin but It's 12 so if you dont by then, I'll step up

Yes, this is a great idea, and a long time coming. It seems that almost EVERY forum bashes ICP/Twiztid and such from ignorance or just being Eminem fan boys from a OLD beef. I hope to help with this thread as best as I can.
Now for the groups that used to be on Psychopathic. Like the previous post series I'm only gonna do 2 groups in a post. Up first is Project Born.

Project Born

P.B. was signed with Psychopathic in '94 and into '95. ICP was impressed with a demo that the group gave them and signed them. Somehow P.B. lost the Demo and they had to redo it. Like the saying goes 'nothing is as good as the original' and the new Demo was no where near as good as the original and the EP they put out entitled Born Dead bombed and they were dropped from Psychopathic. Recently they've started working with Psychopathic again going so far as appearing at the GotJ in '00, '07 & '09 and joining Twiztid's Toxic Terror Tour in '08. ICP helped P.B. with Born Dead 2 so it looks like we may once again see Project Born sign with Psychopathic. Seeing how this is a Psychopathic thread here's song from their Born Dead EP as well as a song from Born Dead 2 featuring ICP.​


I haven't listened to their music in between these to EPs (I'm assumiing B.D.2 is an EP here) but if it's anything like these songs I'll enjoy it. I'm not sure why Born Dead Bombed in the first place. I haven't listened to all of it but what I have heard is enjoyable. Guess some fans are just picky motherfuckers.​

Dropped for the same reason Projest Born was, Sales of his debut album Para La Isla bombed. Other than that I don't know much about him and there's no Wiki page for him.​


Unlike P.B. I can see why this bombed and Myzery was dropped. This is not what Psychopathic Records is about (just listen to any other song I posted in here). I get that he's proud of his roots and he should be but if I was a Juggalo in '98 and bought this purely on the fact that it was put out by Pyschopathic Records (and a lot of them did) having a preconcieved notion of what it's gonna sound like after listening to ICP & Twiztid I'd be pissed and tell my friends not to buy it. That's half of why think it bombed. There's also the people that might have enjoyed it but refuse to buy anything that says Psychopathic Records on it. Combine those 2 reasons and you get some very shitty album sales.

Up next Esham & Jumpsteady
Thanks for the tip on the youtube video thing.

DJ clay is signed to the Hatchet House, a under label of physcopathic.they only have 3 acts,DJ Clay,The DAyton Family,and Mike E. Clark. all 3 aren't that good. bur Dj has some promise he has a few good songs that I like.

WHOA!!! You really need to educate yourself on The Dayton Family before you make such a blasphemous claim. DJ Clay doesn't have shit on TDF and if you really believe that, you're insane.



Seriously man, I can't take you seriously if you're going to make such a irreverent claim and follow it by posting something by the single worst act in the history of music, Kottonmouth Kings.

I know it's a popular group among Juggalos, but I've never understood it. They're like the combination of the worst Punk Rock group combined with the worst Hip Hop group and ran through a garbage disposal. Then set on fire.

Seriously, I'd put Lil Wayne on a loop and listen to only him for 3 years straight before I give those fucking hacks one more second of my life.
Out of nothing other than sheer boredom, I found myself recollecting on the feud between Eminem and ICP in what was basically the earlier part of the last decade. Shit got pretty heated at one point with Em actually going to jail for beating down Billy Bill's little brother, but since then the 2 sides have seemed to resolve their issues.

Anywho, here's the story in as I remember it in short form.

It all started back in the day when ICP was rising to popularity and a young unknown rapper handed a flier to Violent J. The flier dubiously claimed that ICP might be there(as well as Kid Rock and Esham) without him having asked them. Violent J scoffed at him and denied his invitation. That young man turned out to be Eminem.

A short time later, Eminem released a song that had the phrase, "Fuck ICP, buy my CD." But ICP chose to just ignore it. No it wasn't until much later when out of nowhere, Eminem blew up and proceeded to bash ICP whenever he could on various radio shows. At this point the track, "Slim Anus" was released. A lot of back and forth followed with songs from Em such as "Marshall Mathers" and "Ken Kaniff" while ICP responded with "Eminem Ain't Nuttin But A Bitch" and "Please Don't Hate Me."

The feud came to a boiling point when Eminem was involved in a confrontation with Psychopathic employee and long time friend to ICP, Dougie.

Since then, the feud has came to a halt. There was even a friendly bowling match between Psychopathic and Shady Records to squash the beef. Neither Em or ICP attended, but both have since said it was over and several members of D12 and Psychopathic have gone on to collaborate on songs.

Now there's one thing that always irks me. This feud is long and over with, there's no doubt about it. But to this day, there's still an insane amount of Juggalos who still have an issue with the whole thing and talk endless shit on Eminem. If you ask me, J pulled a dick move when Em asked him to come to his Record Release Party and actually robbed us of what could have been a few INSANE collaborations between the 2. But that's just me.

Regardless of the personal feelings between the 2, I can't justify anyone saying that ICP is better than Eminem. I just can't. Eminem is the absolute best rapper I've ever heard to this day. I've never heard ICP really come close.

Anyways, what's your thoughts on the feud? Would you have liked to see it go another way? Do you listen to Eminem at all now that it's over?
See here is the thing for me and it always will be, It's fucking music. Eminem's and Icp's beef didn't affect me, and that's how a lot of Juggalos took it. To this day I don't ever see Eminem fans bashing Juggalos for anything other than just being stupid. I still will claim being down because to be honest being a Juggalo and having that family aspect helped me along through my teen years. But as I grew up more and more started to piss me off about most of the family.

I was a moderator on a bigger Juggalo forum from like 05-late 07. I was a regular member from about early 04 until I left. We were a fucking family man, the regulars all got along and we would help the new members get into shit family related. Lets face it, most Juggalo are just Icp fans when they first start out, they have no clue about the huge underground Horror core scene that is all over the united states. We would show them new artists and shit, the ropes.

But every so often we would have the dumb-ass come in, not the hater. The dumb-ass Juggalo, the kid who is over obsessed with being a Juggalo, talks about Icp and Psy constantly, try’s to act better than the whole family. When in reality he's between 14-20 living offa his parents fucking credit card.

I'm never going to turn a Juggalo down, If one comes up and wants to bullshit about family or Psy or just shoot the shit. I'm down, but in every music or life related groups like us you have the people who are complete dumb asses, or fucking posers. I'm not cool with either of them.

What really started to piss me off about a lot of "Juggalo" is this. When you say your down that's cool, we aren’t a fucking gang. But they think because we're a fucking family that they can come in and have us fight their battles. Fuck that, you got yourself into trouble now get it out.

Another thing was the I'm better than you Juggalo, Oh I get on Hatchet Gear every two days and use mommies Credit card to get a charm and a 170 dollar jersey. Oh ware is your shit at? I'm better than you because of this shit. That's what pissed me off, and more and more just like the scene kids I found myself being bombarded with this fucking speech again and again. Fuck that, I've lived in appts. for 10 years living paycheck to paycheck. I'm down as fuck, I don't need gear to prove that.

One final reason is this, I'm a huge fucking metal fan. I'll preach it till I'm blue in the face, I love metal. I would get shit when a horror core artist or a Psy artist was in the area and I would go to a metal show and even let wind of it. Hell no, you don't run me I'll go see who I please.

I'll still be down, man but I'm Alex Bowen. I don't need the Juggalo name to keep going. I'm just me, I'll still keep up with the family. But fuck all that bullshit, if your really down and know I'm down come talk. We can talk I'm not gonna ever push anyone away, but I just can't take the shit I posted anymore.
Bowen and Milenko, I don't know if I ever got around to showing you two these pics. Found em while running through my photobucket looking for a sig. This is from Halloween '09 at my friends yearly party for the Holiday.

Bit of a story attached and explanation, been a fan of ICP and Psychopathic records for years. But just haven't kept up with it. Kinda fell out for a while and when I tried to get back into it, it's like I simply missed too much to understand it again. But, still listen to old records and still actively follow Twiztid if any other group out of there.

Me and the big guy in these pictures, we call him Meat, were the two biggest ICP fans in my town. One year back in HS we dressed up like ICP for the Halloween dance with our friend Alan. We just kinda painted Alan up, I don't even remember the design or anything. But, few years later Alan passed away in a car accident. Before the pictured party went down, me and Meat didn't have costumes. He mentioned going as ICP again to remember Alan, so that's what we did. This time, once again we had a friend who didn't have a costume, but we painted him up like Blaze. Good times.

I'm painted up like Shaggy btw, Meat is Violent J, and my friend James is painted like Blaze.

Former Psychopathic Records artist and Psychopathic Ryda MYZERY joined the psychopathic camp along with Twiztid and the clowns back in 98. Only one album, an EP, was released by this South Bronx NY emcee which was called "Para La Isla" or "For the Island". Myzery has appeared on many Psy projects such as Big Money Hustlas, Psychopathic Rydas, Twiztid's OG Mostasteless, ICP's Forgotten Freshness and ICP's Hokus Pokus video, which appears on "Shockumentary".

Da Minority (Myzery's partner in rhyme) was frequently seen on stage performing with Nay Nay during live performances. Myzery is Jump Steady's brother in law. Due to differences between Myzery and the label, he left around late 98 or early 99.

He has performed at The Gathering of the Juggalos 2001 and has been selling cd's personally to Juggalos who are still down with him who attended the past 2 gatherings. Myzery has 2 other releases out that are not on Psychopathic Records. The albums are "4 Faces", which include a few scrapped tracks that were recorded for his debut LP on Psychopathic which was never released but was to be called "Misery", and the other release was titled "The Red Eye" and includes an intro by Violent J from the Gathering 2001.

At the Gathering of The Juggalos 2001 Myzery was involved in a scuffle with Twiztid, Blaze, and a crew of Juggalos in a hotel room due to the misunderstanding of psychopathic records employee "Pickles". Although Myzery is no longer a Psychopathic Records the eyes of many he's still loved, and still hated.

As of January 30th, 2007, Myzery's official site ( announced that Myzery had been killed, but never went into how it happened. No other info has followed, and everybody has been left in a mysterious haze concerning Myzery's demise.


Former Psychopathic Recording artist's Project Born (PJB) is a three-man rap group straight out of Flint Michigan. Members consist of Frank Nitty, Lil Polk, and Half Pint AKA Pint Capone. PJB has put out many albums in the past up until now. "Born Dead", Project's first release in 1995 was an EP put out by Psychopathic Records. The album included a track with Insane Clown Posse called "Graveyard" which also appeared on ICP's Forgotten Freshness album.

Their next release "Jack the Reaper" was released in 2000 on Hard Luck Records. It's 9 (8, +1 Bonus Track) tracks...a bootleg version of this album was sold at the Gathering Of The Juggalo's earlier that year. And "The Rent is Due" (LP) was released on Project Mob Records in 2002. Other releases include a "Losin' It" single with Esham and a cd titled "Crap or Natural".

In late 2002, Psychopathic Records released "Hatchet History" which was a collection of songs released in the ten years of their existence. The track "Losin' It" with Esham was featured on the album. It was reported that PJB would've been on the first of the two exhibits of Insane Clown Posse's Sixth and final Jokers Card "The Wraith: Shangri-La" but fucked it up by talking about it before it took place.

All info from a great spot to pick up on shit you may not have known.
All right Gents I'm back with the next 2 former artists signed to Psychopathic Esham & Jumpsteady.


Esham was one of the main reasons that ICP got into the music business but he was only a part of Psychopathic for 4 years (-02-05) and only put out 3 albums, those being Acid Rain, Repentance & A-1 Yola. ICP & Esham had a falling out so he left the label. HE is still making music on his own label and even has a Semi-Regular podcast on his official website.​


Honestly i never listened to Esham befor making this post and I have to say I enjoy it. I'm not just talking about the 3 albums he put out while on Psychopathic but through his entire career.​


Jumpsteady is the stage name of Robert Bruce Violent J's older brother. Having read ICP's Autobiography I know he was behind hihs brother 110% throughout his career ad at one time was VP of Psychopathic Records. He is no longer makign music or VP having given up both of them to pursue his dream of being a paramedic.​


As you can hear the 2 brothers are a bit different but both are still awesome. like Esham I never listened to Jumpsteady before this but I do enjoy it.​

Up next is Zug Island & MC Breed​
Zug Island

Unlike every other member of the Psychopathic label these guys are Alternative Rock instead of HorrorCore/Hip Hop. They got national exposure in 2003 with there debut album Cracked Tiles which was produced by J. In 2004 they came out with 3:33. After it came out they left the label on good terms. They also have a 3rd album coming out entitled Promised Land. I like what I've heard abd may listen to more of them.​


MC Breed

signed to Urban Music Zone (a Sub Label of Psychopathic) he released 1 album The New Perscription. It didn't get much promotion but they did make a music video for the only single Rap Game. He left when UMZ was disbanded but he went on to make music for 4 more years until he passed away in 2008. Honestly I'm not a big fan. This sounds way to much like the main stream hip hop I really don't like.​


Up next: Soopa Villianz & Axe Murder Boys​

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