Mickie James to WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
mickie james is no longer with tna says reports. so this would be a great time to bring back hey mickie your so fine back to wwe! she's a real veteran! bellas arent and neither is nattie. she is very likeable and a great addition to total divas. but also she could have a great feud with aj. and she could have great feuds with kaitlyn and tamina and alicia fox and layla.
mickie would improve wwe so much so whats your thoughts on a mickie wwe possible return?
Jtstrike, i agree, to answer to your post for me is yes, it would be a great time to bring back a talent that has connections within Music and sports entertainment (ok ok, wresting for the purists) - so she will fit into the whole Divas model of being attractive, a excellent wrestling talent, and also, ability for WWE to cross promote into other mainstream media.

The thing is, the wrestling element is secondary.

Take Total Divas, it's simply a platform that crosses into the mainstream and boosts ratings between shows. Fans who havent really watched wrestling will be interested in the real life aspect of the divas, but then tune into Raw and Smackdown to see how everything plays out in the wrestling world. A little voyeurism never hurt anyone!

Mickie James ticks all the boxes, and we can forget about whats gone on before.. WWE never had the Diva product(s) like this before. Yes they had great Divas like Stratus, Kiebler, Chyna even... if you can call her a diva... but the WWE divas have taken on a different journey - it's a supplement to get more viewers.

So yes, Mickie will add to this, and the extra value is.. the girl can wrestle!
I would support Mickie returning to WWE. She would be a good veteran for the girls currently on the roster to work with and that is a chance for many of them to improve. If she does return I anticipate a feud with AJ over the Divas Championship. Mickie putting over the future of the division (AJ) is one of the best things that could happen to the division as well as the Divas Championship. A feud with Natalya would also be great.

She shouldn't become Divas Champion just yet, although I'd welcome another Mickie reign. They should wait a while though and let AJ finish a lengthy reign. Maybe build Mickie up in the meantime as AJ goes through challenger after challenger, then have a huge feud between the two where AJ gets to show that her time is now and she is the future whereas Mickie was the past. Working with her would benefit pretty much the entire divas roster. There's really no negatives in Mickie returning to WWE. Well, maybe for TNA, but not for the WWE itself. She should come back.
Nah. Women have a limited shelf-life in wrestling and Mickie's is up. She did all she could do in WWE. Facing new opponents hardly changes that. I'm sure A.J. vs. Mickie would be a fine match-up. But it isn't worth bringing her in for that. Just find a new gal with personality.
I would loveee to see Mickey James back in WWE. She is so effin HOT!!! HOT! HOT HOT!
Total Divas- No

WWE- Yes for sure :)

Just think about potential first feud: AJ Lee beats all the Divas in yet another match and declares herself best Diva of all time. Cue Mickie James music hits and starts one of the biggest Divas feud in past 10 years(Well, standards are not that high so it could be :) ).
100% yes, as Dagger says there is no downside to bringing Mickie back, she's still great in the ring, still looks fantastic and will actually add someone else to the division who is over as AJ is pretty much the only one right now. A feud between the two would offer the possibility of the first meaningful Women's title match at a WrestleMania for nearly a decade.
I'd actually be more interested in her life than a lot of the divas on TOTAL DIVAS currently.

She is a country singer so that would actually be interesting.
And she would be the best wrestler in WWE.

It's a perfect match, except for one thing.

In TNA she will have a meaningful feud and some actual matches which aren't 2 minutes.
While I would have absolutely no problem with it, I find it doubtful that it would happen. Women wrestlers, especially Diva's, have a very young age for retirement. TNA kept women like Tara and Mickie around because, for their age, they looked great and could still go better than most. In WWE that doesn't matter. Rarely do they pick up a female wrestler that's over 30. I believe (and this could be wrong as I'm not doing research) that Sara Del Rey is one of the few older women wrestlers they've picked up recently. And she is reportedly there just to help train the Diva's that WWE really wants to use. Now a role like that, I could see Mickie James filling. She's an exceptional wrestler.
A few months back, I probably would've had little to no interest in Mickie returning to WWE. After all, she'd been such a generic, one dimensional babyface for so long that I just didn't really care about her. Also, it's not as if WWE doesn't have enough hot looking women with lame personalities to do little more than run around in skimpy outfits.

However, things have changed quite a bit over the course of the summer. Mickie James turned heel a while back and has been doing the best mic work of her career. She's a flat, dry babyface but she's a surprisingly charismatic & personality driven heel. Frankly, I didn't know she had it in her. As for the Divas, while not spectacular as a whole, it's fair to say that the WWE Divas Division has made some significant progress spearheaded by AJ Lee. We've seen some of the Divas get some solid time for matches rather than just 90 seconds of nonsense, though that does still happen sometimes. They're also actually putting storylines and feuds into the Divas Division now. They're not epics or anything, but they are compared to what amounts to having random women come out to wrestle random matches for a few minutes for no other reason than to fill some air time.

At the same time, however, Mickie recently turned 34 years old and WWE's recruitment strategy, as a whole right now, doesn't indicate any real interest in reaching out to older & more established wrestlers. Guy like Jericho & RVD are two exceptions as they've both been major names for a long period of time who've maintained relevance and popularity.

Then again, aside from Trish Stratus, Mickie James is easily the biggest female star in pro wrestling over the past decade or so. People will remember her in WWE and she's still got the goods both in terms of her looks, her in-ring ability and with the recent discovery that she can be more than a dry, one dimensional character. Women in WWE don't have to contend with remotely the same level of wear & tear the male wrestlers do, due in no small part to WWE essentially booking them as little more than fluff in sexy outfits for years upon years. It's a strategy that WWE seem to be pulling away from, especially when looking at how things are run down in NXT.
It's doubtful because of her rumored past with Cena. If the rumors are accurate that she went all crazy when John broke things off with her then I wouldn't think Vince would bring her back in. And if Maria has told the truth that the Bellas have caused girls not to get rehired then I don't think she would get rehired anyway seeing as John is dating one of them. They would probably make a case about bringing his ex back into the company.

As Jake pointed out she's already done all there is to do in the company.

She doesn't need to come back unless she needs the money.

As far as the things I've been seeing on here the last couple of days about her work as a heel in TNA. It makes me wonder if people have totally forgotten how she came into the WWE the first time. Her crazy heel obsession with Trish? She proved a long time ago she can work well as a heel so I don't see why people are so shocked by that.

Anyway I don't think she has a place in the division anymore. There are already enough divas on the roster and if they want to add more they can bring some up from NXT.

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