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Mickie James set to sign with TNA?

this was a excellent move for TNA and I think it will help the Knockout division with Tara, Mickie, Angelina Love, Sarita, Taylor Wilde, Hamada, and Daffney will upgrade the division and also TNA should sign MsChief or Sara Del Ray and lastly bring back Awesome Kong and Cheerleader Melissa!
TNA does not necessarily want the best female wrestlers in the world. They want the best female entertainers in prowrestling in the world. All the women named as great workers merely excel in half the equation. Mickie has a built in following and a platform to promote the product from. She is also pretty all around talented. ROH might have some of the best wrestling around but they continually prove that doesn't draw by itself. Now it would be nice if TNA took one of those workers and tried to build them up but that is a different process that in no way should lead them to pass on an established talent like mickie.
This is very good because now she can add to the knockouts division and have great matches with Sarita, Angelina, Tara, and even Hamada. I think good things will indeed come out of this signing and we will see a new and improved knockouts' division.
Sweet, Alexis Laree. Gonna be fantastic, hopefully she'll be a heel as Velvet, Lacey, Angelina, Taylor and Hamada are all faces. With only 3 heel knockouts a fourth would add a bit. It'd be great for her to either pull the lesbian character and make out with Velvet Sky or play the "I'm successful, I was in TNA before everyone else then I made it at the top and now you should all bow down to me" role. Either way It'll be a great adddition to see the only former WWE women's champ, who could actually entertain, come back to TNA.
I'm going to play devil's advocate because.................well, because I can. I love Mickie James. She's beautiful, talented, and I hated that she left WWE. However, there was a reason she was fired. You don't just get rid of your most over female in the company on a whim.

There were a lot of reports that denounced Mickie's behavior behind the scenes. She was apparently juvenile and a bad influence. If you remember, she was constantly partying, showing up late, not being a good employee in general. With a more relaxed schedule in a place that expects less from their employees, is it possible that Mickie comes in and actually becomes a bad influence on the already fading Knockout's division?

It's kind of like bringing in Terrell Owens to your football team. You know he's talented, albeit a little bit past his prime. However, you know he can be a possible distraction and you have to decide whether that distraction is worth it. In TNA's case, they have already showed that they are willing to be the Bengals by taking on Jeff Hardy with a pending legal case, dealing with Samoa Joe's flip outs, and even trying to take Bubba the Love Sponge in. We'll see how this one plays out.

I love Mickie and I hope the time off has straightened her out. If it has and she realizes that she's a veteran, she could be a wonderful influence to the young knockouts, but if nothing has changed, she could end up being a problem, which is not something TNA needs at the moment.

That was a lame way to let her go. You had Randy Orton who was reported of doing alot of bad stuff outside the ring. Like trashing a hotel room and all this other crap. And HBK in the 90s being a complete dick. Thats no excuse whats so ever for WWE to had let her go. Besides thought she left cause she wanted to pursue a singing career in country music.
Seems to be a lack of acknowledgment that Mickie is re-signing with TNA. Her last TNA run had her wrestling dudes, a route I'd have preferred The Awesome One to have gone down. Being one of the top female talents of the recent years of WWE, I expect good things out of her. I'm just curious as to why it took so long for her to make some waves over in Hoganland. I can almost guarantee Mickie will be brought in as a face, and if she doesn't feud with Tara, I expect her to go right after the KO title. Hopefully we get some of those skirts she wore in her early WWE days as well; regardless of the talent of her opponent, they made for some damn interesting bouts.

Chances are she'll be one of "them," along with Helms, Burchill, Knox, Haas, Benjamin, Carlito, and any other former WWE talent getting ready to descend into the iMPACT zone somewhere around 10/10/10.

This is why you are one of the few TNA posters that I ALWAYS read what they produce. I've been expecting "they" to be a group of ex-WWE wrestlers for some time now, especially since TNA hasn't really brought ANY of them in yet. Carlito and Yang have had tweets talking about them possibly having signed with TNA already (Carlito's by Pope, and Yang by himself) and Taz pushing for TNA to sign Knox, I'm suspecting that Spike and TNA collectively decided to shut the fuck up about new signings. Albeit the dirt sheets usually find out about these things in advance anyway, I still would prefer to be as surprised as possible.
This is a little off-topic, but is anyone hoping that Mickie James will buy some new attire when she debuts in TNA? I think the idea of her being fat originated from the fact that her gear was WAYYYY too fucking tight on her (I'm not talking about good tight...I'm talking like mega-muffintop, cameltoe, and breathing problems tight).

Anyway, best of luck to her in TNA...as long as she's willing to spend a couple of bucks on a new outfit :suspic:.
Mickie James being added to the KO's division will give us some high quality matches between a lot of the girls they have on the roster considering how popular she was back in the E. She was kind of strapped down in her moveset (and character to an extent) whilst working as a Diva and with TNA being more of a leisure company there will be more chances of her showing off more of her work. I mean, all the way through the indies and in her previous TNA run, she wrestled many male competitors... including some hardcore spectacles (Clockwork Orange House of Fun match, anyone?). She may not be able to draw in the huge ratings, but at least we'll get some solid wrestling and good work out of her, even in when she's past her prime.

I will agree that the company having the light schedule may influence Mickie to keep up her backstage issues, which was one of the reasons as to why she got fired from the E. But honestly, with some of the people that TNA have hired in the past, Mickie's outside behaviour wouldn't be considered a high priority. Good to see Mickie back on my TV... hopefully as Alexis Laree.
Good to see Mickie back on my TV... hopefully as Alexis Laree.

I know I just green'd you with this (<3) but I figure it could be used for discussion as well. I guarantee almost all of her casual fans only know of her as Mickie, and her coming in as Alexis Laree would kind of dispel some of the name power she might bring. I know she's got a pretty decent following for a women's wrestler, so I think the best thing would be for her to use her given name, instead of coming in as Alexis. That doesn't mean she can't do some hybrid of the two characters, or just be Alexis while still being CALLED Mickie. Hopefully most of her fans are willing to give the TNA product a chance, however, given their recent track record in the eyes of the common WWE fan.
I wish Mickie all the luck in the world, but I think TNA is taking a serious risk with this signing.

To me, the company is currently walking a tightrope. Somebody, be it Jarrett, Dixie or Hogan, feel that they have to sell themselves out in order to gain a new audience. For the past 5 years, TNA has been playing the "Who's the new guy coming in" card. In 2005 it was Christian, the Dudleys and Nash(again). In 2006, it was Steiner, Angle and Sting. In 2007 it was Booker and Sharmell. In 2008 it was Foley. And now in 2010, we have Hogan, Bischoff, and Flair. With all those vets coming in, buyrates had not increased and the ratings had not change.

I'll reserve judgment on Mickie James. People thought Victoria/Tara would turn the division around after Gail Kim left, but she was too unmotivated to make a real impact, no pun intended.
TNA needs to learn how to book the Knockouts division again, before signing more women wrestlers. They actually had a strong division for a while with a good mix of wrestling talent AND some eye candy (The Beautiful People). TNA had a right balance between wrestling and sexiness.

I'll reserve judgment on Mickie James. People thought Victoria/Tara would turn the division around after Gail Kim left, but she turned out to be lazy and unmotivated.
I think this is a great signing for TNA, she will add alot more credibility to the KOs division. I think she will have some great feuds with Love, Rayne, Sky, Tara, Wilde etc. I don't know when she will make her debut, it'll probably be the live Impact but it could be BFG. I hope she doesn't get into the BP business because she hasn't got anything to do with them, also someone has mentioned that she should feud with Wilde because Wilde says things like she had to earn her spot so Mickie should too, I really like this idea. I'm looking forward to what TNA do with her.
That was a lame way to let her go. You had Randy Orton who was reported of doing alot of bad stuff outside the ring. Like trashing a hotel room and all this other crap. And HBK in the 90s being a complete dick. Thats no excuse whats so ever for WWE to had let her go. Besides thought she left cause she wanted to pursue a singing career in country music.

Man... I'm so tired of people criticizing TNA. Are you?

Now, because Mickie James signed with TNA, Mickie sucks... TNA sucks... She is fat... She is a trouble maker... blah! blah! blah!

But if Mickie goes back to WWE, then Mickie is great... WWE made a mistake... they should have never let her go... Vince is the greatest!!! blah! blah! blah!


Anyway... I'm very excited that Mickie has signed with TNA. And I have faith that TNA will book her the right way! TNA is getting better and better!

I hope it's true...the Knockouts are still reeling from losing Kong, Roxxi (for the 300th time) & Gail Kim, three very unique women who really gave the Knockouts some juice. It's become a bit too much like the generic Divas on WWE. Mickie James/Alexis Laree brings recognition, but more importantly wrestling ability. I'm excited to have her back!
I like TNA signing Mickie James because she looks like a bird I could actually bang. That's probably my fave thing with the TNA girls, they look....easier. I don't mean like ****s (although that's not a bad thing) but more real then the model types that WWE hires (except for Natalie "Buffer" Neidhart). Let's face it, women are never going to really make you money and, with more talent (and hopefully an agent that can get the division back on track) the knockouts can only benefit from MJ being there....and I've got another reason to drag out the nudie pictures of her for a shuftie
I LOVE Mickie James. But really...so what? Again, I'm going to say, women's wrestling does not draw. T&A draws. Yeah Mickie is a good wrestler and her matches won't be terrible but in the end she is not going to increase ratings or revenue. Do you honestly think that there's a Mickie James only fan club that swore off wrestling unless she came back? Would I pay $10 to see her in a gym by my house? Sure. Would I pay $40 to see her on a PPV? Hell no. If you're not paying to see AJ Styles and others, this isn't going to tip you.

Good move for Mickie. I'll be happy to see her, but I won't watch because of her. Face it. Women's wrestling does not draw, period.
It's a good signing by TNA in general, if it does actually take place, because Micke James is talented. She's among the best Divas in WWE history. That might not necessarily be saying much if you know what I mean, but still she's quite talented.

Like a lot of others, however, I don't think Mickie James will make all that much of an impact, no pun intended, in TNA. A talented wrestler is always good to have, don't get me wrong, but the Knockout Division in general has been pretty much on the same level as the Divas in the WWE for close to a year now. A year and a half ago, Mickie James coming to TNA would have been huge as the Knockout Division was not only relevant, it was actually quite good overall.

Like a lot of people, I'm somehow hoping that Mickie James coming to TNA could be the beginning of revitalizing the Knockout Division. I know it's a long shot, but hoping never hurts anyone. But, I do think that the more likely scenario at this time would be burning hot for a little while and then fizzling out fast like what happened with Tara. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I won't hold my breath.
I_Like_All_Wrestling said:
Good move for Mickie. I'll be happy to see her, but I won't watch because of her. Face it. Women's wrestling does not draw, period.
I would say that women's wrestling usually doesn't draw. Last year the Knockouts segments were the highest rated segments that TNA had. Right now, women's wrestling (in the big two) is a quick opportunity to hit the head in the middle of the card and re-up your beer. But there have been times where women's wrestling has drawn. (WWE's done it too, but not since Trish/Lita.) TNA had a good women's program until this year, when they decided to release everyone who drew except the BP, to be replaced by a bunch of generic ladies flipping around in spandex. It's like watching a bad girl band- you have the Japanese one, the Mexican (Canadian) one, the clean-cut American one, and so forth.
As long as they don't get TBP to do fat jokes like LayCool was I think Mickie going to TNA will be a really good thing. She wants to keep wrestling but also wants to work on her music. In TNA she will be aloud to do both unlike in WWE which is really good for her.

Also as some people have pointed out, Mickie is NOT a WWE "reject". Mickie is a TNA returner.
You know, the best thing TNA could have done with the WWE acquisitions is use them to put the TNA talent over. But no, they are immediately jettisoned to the top of the card. It makes sense because they're recognizable, but they need to be feuding with the current and rising stars and actually LOSING to them.

Especially in the Knockouts division. TNA touted their women's division and how much better it was than WWE's (and for good reason), then Hogan/Bischoff arrived and TNA proceeded to eliminate all character and diversity from the division by cutting actual wrestlers. TBP are indistinguishable from one another (except for Lacey who is so terrible, they could even make an angle out of it where she's a face underdog woobie) and they're the only ones you get to see.

If they're smart, they'll bring in MJ and do what they should have done with Tara, have her STRUGGLE to win the title in a series of matches where she comes so close, but keeps losing to the more talented Knockouts. This would put original talent over and help establish stars. But instead they'll have another gameshow match where the world title is randomly distributed out of a box.
I would say that women's wrestling usually doesn't draw. Last year the Knockouts segments were the highest rated segments that TNA had. Right now, women's wrestling (in the big two) is a quick opportunity to hit the head in the middle of the card and re-up your beer. But there have been times where women's wrestling has drawn. (WWE's done it too, but not since Trish/Lita.) TNA had a good women's program until this year, when they decided to release everyone who drew except the BP, to be replaced by a bunch of generic ladies flipping around in spandex. It's like watching a bad girl band- you have the Japanese one, the Mexican (Canadian) one, the clean-cut American one, and so forth.

No, actually, I do think it's more correct to say that women's wrestling doesn't draw. Ever. That's not to say it necessarily has to be bad, but even when it's pretty good (which is currently not the case in either organization, although it's better in WWE at the moment than it is in TNA), it still doesn't draw.

When the Knockouts segments were the top draw in TNA, I think that was more of a testamonial to the state of men's wrestling in TNA at that time. The Knockouts were not the draw because they were that good, they simply were outdrawing the men at the time because the men were struggling ratings-wise at that point. Sure, the Knockouts were better then than they are now, but let's face it, at the moment that's not saying much, as the current Knockouts division is in disarray and is heading in the wrong direction, unless Mickie James can help reverse this trend.

Even in the days of Lita and Trish in the WWE, the divas division was much better than it is now (again, not saying much), but they still were not a ratings draw in my opinion. People who were watching WWE then likely enjoyed the divas division, but I don't think they in and of themselves drew any audience, they were just along for the ride.

Women's wrestling, as you said, means a piss break, getting a snack, topping up your beer, whatever. They're not a draw and likely never will be for most of the audience. And while I compliment TNA on the Mickie James signing as a very positive step in the right direction, she won't draw an audience for them either. She will make the Knockouts division better, no doubt about that, but she won't be a ratings draw. If Angle, or Styles, or Hogan, etc., are not a draw, it's naive to think that Mickie James will be.
Once again another WWE trash signup. Dont get me wrong I'm a fan and Im glad she's signing somewhere. But TNA booking wont do anything with her WWE hasent done. TNA booking will make her irrelevant just like other former WWE signings lately. TNA has a decent knockouts division but its more eye candy based like WWE. Saying this as a ROH fan that it would have been cool to see her sign with ROH and actually wrestle. But good for her taking a nice paycheck. I cant wait to see her album plugged on impact.

Mickie James is a TNA ORIGINAL. If you want me to use your poor logic, then MVP and Kaval are TNA trash.

I guess TNA's booking really is irreverent with former WWE stars when Jeff Hardy and Anderson are competing for the World title at the biggest PPV, Pope is involved in a major angle leading into BFG and Hogan has involvement as well.

Why do internet marks look to embarrass yourself? I'm no mod but take it from someone who was...Think before you post please.
My hope is that Mickie James does sign with TNA and i wouldnt mind seeing her join up with Madison Rayne and Tara to have them form a new group to face off against Velvet Sky, Angelena Love and Lacey Von Erich. Then you can have Rayne and James go after the Knockouts Tag Team titles and possibly even win them. James can go in the ring, she just wasnt treated that well in WWE, hopefully TNA has better storylines with her.
Hey, the last thing I remember from Mickie was WWE sticking her in this lame-ass storyline, having everyone call her a pig, even the commentators. They made an ass out of her and then let her go. I think the main issue that WWE had with her is her body and her weight issues. I remember that 'cause Layla is straight out fat and nobody gives her shit.

I tell you what, TNA doesn't sit around in a room thinking "Oh shit how can we screw this person over for doing this and that". They make mistakes, but they're not intentional. Fuck WWE for doing that to Mickie. She's better off at TNA where she can actually showcase her talent and not worry about how big her ass is.
You know, the best thing TNA could have done with the WWE acquisitions is use them to put the TNA talent over. But no, they are immediately jettisoned to the top of the card. It makes sense because they're recognizable, but they need to be feuding with the current and rising stars and actually LOSING to them.

Especially in the Knockouts division. TNA touted their women's division and how much better it was than WWE's (and for good reason), then Hogan/Bischoff arrived and TNA proceeded to eliminate all character and diversity from the division by cutting actual wrestlers. TBP are indistinguishable from one another (except for Lacey who is so terrible, they could even make an angle out of it where she's a face underdog woobie) and they're the only ones you get to see.

If they're smart, they'll bring in MJ and do what they should have done with Tara, have her STRUGGLE to win the title in a series of matches where she comes so close, but keeps losing to the more talented Knockouts. This would put original talent over and help establish stars. But instead they'll have another gameshow match where the world title is randomly distributed out of a box.

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