Mickie James Released

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
In case you didn't notice, Mickie James was removed from the updated Raw opening this past week even though she is still a member of the Raw brand. The updated opening premiered this past Monday on Raw in light of the numerous draft moves last week. WWE inserted Raw newcomer Matt Hardy in her place. Fellow Diva, WWE Divas Champion Maryse, was also added to the opening.

WWE has come to terms with the release of Mickie James, we which her best in her future endeavours.

That is how it might go if WWE do in fact give Mickie the boot. I wouldn't be surprised. She's not been a prominent member of the roster for a while now. I know she held the Women's title last year, but it was a nothing reign.

She's actually starting to get too fat now, I'd get rid.
When she first started she got pushed to High heaven. Now what has she done? It wouldn't matter if she got fired, the WWE don't take womens Wrestling seriously, and as you said she is starting to get fat(? Didn't notice) If she is, She will be released as the WWE, Minus a few like Beth care more for the looks and not for the wrestling ability.

But then again she isn't that great of a wrestler either.
what are u talking abt? getting fat? uh i dont think so! not that good of a wrestler? what are u smoking? mickie,beth and natalya are the best diva wrestlers out there.
Dude you scared the crap out of me I thought she really was released. You should have titled this do you think Mickie James should be released. Mickie is my favorite diva I was searching wwe.com like crazy.
what are u talking abt?
I thought that was pretty simple.
getting fat?
Thats what he said.
uh i dont think so!
How would you know?
not that good of a wrestler?
Indeed. She isn't. she is ok, but not in the top five.
what are u smoking?
Peter Jackson gold. want one?
mickie,beth and natalya are the best diva wrestlers out there.
Correction, Beth, Natalya, the bird from TNA, Melina ect... Are all way better then her. She has done fuck all recently. Nobody minus a few people who have never been laid before would really miss her.

Dude you scared the crap out of me I thought she really was released. You should have titled this do you think Mickie James should be released. Mickie is my favorite diva I was searching wwe.com like crazy.

The signs all point to she is. Bye Bye Mickie.
i like micky james, but yeh she isnt anything specail she's not as entertaining to watch as melina or kim, and if she's getting fat then i beg of wwe to fire her, know one likes a fat women

Well it wouldn't be a suprise, she hasnt been used on TV recently and like you said her last title reign was at some point last year. I thought she was pretty hot so i would be sad to see her go. Maybe she will end up in TNA before she returns to the WWE in a few years time just like Gail Kim did. No matter what happens though it's not exactly a massive problem. It wont effect my watching of WWE
Mickie has skills, which takes years of practice. To loose weight - Will take 2-3 months for a athletic. I dont think WWE is that stupid
she isnt fat!...she is getting a little puggy but no where near fat...awsome kong is fat.

mickie has been working through an injury thats why shes been off the radar. I think she should go to TNA personally. She would be much more appreciated there.
Why is everyone saying she is fat?? definately not fat. She has been THICK for her whole career. She stands to lose about 15 pounds right now but definately not fat. That would be insane to release her. You don't release someone who has THAT MANY FANS. She has won the haloween costume contest 2 years in a row without really dressing crazy or all that sexy to do it. 4 time womens champ??? she has a ton of fans and alot of people would be sad to see her go. Maybe she was taken off of the intro because they want to push other people right now. Kennedy was taken off of the SD intro 4 months before the draft and he never got released, in fact he was the first name to go in the supplemental draft. Just because she isnt on the intro doesnt mean we should jump to conclusions.
you son of a bitch! i thought you were reporting it. lol. i sincerely hope not, as she is the only one i can stand watching. i dont case if you guys think shes chubbin up, i would still mangle her vagina beyond recognition. btw sparky, i love your posts. you da man!
If it's true, this is a huge loss to the WWE's Women's Division. Who's Maryse going to feud with now on Raw, apart from Kelly Kelly? Candice has gone to Smackdown, and so has Melina.

Mickie is attractive but not overly attractive. She can wrestle and she has been a great asset to the WWE Women's Division for many years now. I really hope it's only a rumor. Smackdown's Divas division will look a lot better than Raw's without Mickie on the show. Raw only has Maryse, Jillian Hall, Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix. The Bella Twins suck in my opinion, so I seriously doubt they will be much use on Raw this year. And Jillian is basically a jobber. Kelly Kelly, Beth and Maryse can't feud with each other all year, because it will get old fast. Shit, if Mickie leaves, the next top babyface on the show apart from Kelly Kelly is Brie Bella!? Or is it Nicky? One of them.

No fuck no. Please stay Mickie James.
You dickless cowards can't handle a real woman!

Ones that look like Hardcore Holly?


No I doubt I could.

What I mean by fat is, fat by WWE Diva standards. You can't argue with that. She's positively obese in comparison to Michelle McCool.

Lol at the person who said she needs to lose 15lbs. If a woman needs to drop over a stone than she's clearly overweight.
It's unrealistic to have nothing but boney, weak looking models in pro wrestling. Many WWE divas just look frail and unhealthy. Most don't look like female athletes at all.
Ones that look like Hardcore Holly?


No I doubt I could.

What I mean by fat is, fat by WWE Diva standards. You can't argue with that. She's positively obese in comparison to Michelle McCool.

Lol at the person who said she needs to lose 15lbs. If a woman needs to drop over a stone than she's clearly overweight.

Someone can hit me with a spam alert if they so choose - BUT THIS IS FUCKING PRICELESS !!!!!!!!!!!!

I actually thought Mickey was kind of hot. A little meat is good. A lot of fat is bad. She has a little meat - although her roast beef naked pics leave a lot to be desired.

Anywho... after that posting from Y 2 Jake... my Kelly Kelly and Maryse bandwagon just received an extra seat near the driver.
I dont think she will be released. She is the best women's wrestler they have right now. They just dont have her currently in a program. I could be wrong though.
As far as her being fat, well, she was at a house show here back in February. I can tell you, being about 10 feet away from her, she's SMOKIN' HOT!!! Is she as skinny as Maryse or Kelly? No, but she's got a pretty face, great chest, and natural ability. The writer's just need to get her in a program. Didnt she makeout with Cena a couple months ago on Raw? Maybe they could bring that back. Maybe have Cena back off of the Emenem shtick, put him with Mickie, and make them a modern day Savage/Elizabeth. We need more managers/valets in wrestling.

BTW, going back to the Mickie being fat thing. Listen, in the world of pro-wrestling today, if we can have Kong bouncing around looking like a bloated gladiator that just ate a Pontiac, then Mickie perform with a little meat on her bones!!! That's my two cents!!!!!!!!!!
Mickie James? I would, every day and twice on Sundays. I've always been high on her and she's more competent than 90% of the women's roster. I'd be pissed if she was released.

Oh and fat? What the fuck are you on?
I wouldn't say that Mickie is fat, but she has put on a noticeable amount of weight in the past few months. I personally don't think it's a horrible thing, I still find her very attractive, but given the general "look" that WWE wants in it's Divas, it probably isn't great as far as her career goes.

In regards to her skill level, I am honestly curious as to who she is being compared to. The vast majority of the Divas have *no* wrestling ability at all (Maria, Candice, Maryse, The Bella Twins, Kelly Kelly...) or have only the tiniest bit (Michelle McCool, Katie Lea). In fact the only Divas that I would rate as good or higher in terms of ability are Natalya, Beth, Gail and Melina.
She is the best women's wrestler they have right now.

That must be why they're not using her.

They just dont have her currently in a program.

They've also taken her off the Raw opening. Charlie Haas wasn't on that either. everyone expects Charlie to get released.

As far as her being fat, well, she was at a house show here back in February. I can tell you, being about 10 feet away from her, she's SMOKIN' HOT!!!

You can get attractive fatties.

The writer's just need to get her in a program.

Not when they've got newer wrestlers to push. She's had a good run, 4 years isn't bad for a female.

Didnt she makeout with Cena a couple months ago on Raw?

A year to 18 months ago.

Maybe they could bring that back.

Yeah, I thought it was really good.

Maybe have Cena back off of the Emenem shtick, put him with Mickie, and make them a modern day Savage/Elizabeth. We need more managers/valets in wrestling.

I see this as a positive move for Cena.

Only in America would someone think Mickie James is fat.

HEY!! I'm English and I resent that. We have fat people too.

She has more muscle on her body than most of the narrow-minded fan boys on these blogs jerking off to the anorexic skanks like Michelle McCool, Maryse or the Bella twins.

You say muscle, I say she looks like a piece of wobbly jelly.

BTW Maryse has got a normal figure.

News Flash boys, not a one of you could find a girl as fine as Mickie James without paying for it.

I've done hotter. That's why I don't find her attractive.

I'm not a Mickie James mark, I'm just really sick of all the sexist, dumbass remarks on these blogs.

A) I criticise fat males as well and B) It's a forum not a blog.

They make absolutely no sense, and it's funny how each blogger tries to make logic out of their dumb-ass comments.

It is funny.

Where are the wrestlezone moderators and why don't they do their jobs and put a stop to stupid blog conversations such as the weight of female wrestlers or how big their boobs are.

But you're bringing up her weight the same as everyone else, the thread is about the possibility of her being released.

If you don't have anything intelligent to say, go color in your coloring book. Stay inside the lines...:fu2:

I pet you hold a crayon like a dagger.

Oh and fat? What the fuck are you on?

A diet of vegetables.
Like most posters, I was worried!

She had a good feud with Trish, what three years ago? But yet she is one of the few decent Divas in the WWE. How many can wrestle? Well there's her, Gail Kim, Natalya and... yeah thats it. Beth is strong and can lift divas with ease but she can't wrestle for crap. Mickie can also talk (semi-decently) on the mic, which no diva can either.

I don't know about everyone else, but I haven't watched a Divas match in upwards of a year now, whenever I see one about to start, it's fast forward time (Bless you SkyPlus).
Mickie James won't be released, however we may see her taking a permanent backstage role, she already aids most of the other female wrestlers putting together matches. From what I have read she has had a lot of knee related injuries and problems, yet even then WWE wouldn't take her off the road as they needed her help with the other female wrestlers.

Alternatively currently WWE seems to be strongly pushing heel Divas, if there is such a thing, With the blondes being dominant on both shows, and having two or three quite strong wrestlers going against them, I don't see much space for Mickie at the moment. However I pretty sure they won't release her for a long while, as she still plays a vital off screen part in the Diva matches.
SneakyGoblin said:
I don't know about everyone else, but I haven't watched a Divas match in upwards of a year now, whenever I see one about to start, it's fast forward time (Bless you SkyPlus).

So you didn't see the Triple Threat match between Beth, Melina and Mickie last year? It was pretty damn impressive watching Beth apply a backbreaker submission to both her opponents at once.

Moving along, i don't think that taking her out of the opening video necessarily means they're going to release her. She's an ok wrestler, and i hadn't really noticed any change in her appearance but then again i wouldn't unless it was a drastic increase.

Anyway, I'd expect to see Jillian and Candice released before they ditch Mickie. Arguing about filling up divisions with faces is pointless because there is no division. The Women's division exists purely because they are Women, and has no more thought put into it than the Tag or IC/US division these days. Now is the time for them to start pushing Maryse on Raw as well as Rosa Mendes and the Bellas, if they can pull it off.

I'd expect Mickie to be around for a while yet, but who knows. Injuries, change of priorities, change in ambitions, and contract disputes are all capable of cropping up at any time, and could easily lead to her and WWE going their separate ways. I doubt Vince would say, 'yeah, we've gotten the best we're likely to get out of her, let her go.' I mean, he's still gotta touch her up in some angle
Mickie James Ass is soo fat it wont stay in her pants, thats what wwe needs, more women with clothes falling off. Mickie's ass is a sleeping bag, and i just want to crawl in, snuggle up and go to sleep in that bitch. Diva's suck so bad right now, cmon can i get sable in a lingerie match please?
what are u talking abt? getting fat? uh i dont think so! not that good of a wrestler? what are u smoking? mickie,beth and natalya are the best diva wrestlers out there.

I totally agree. The best Divas in WWE, and I must point out, Natalya is being buried like hell. She was bult similarly to Beth, mabye not as Powerful, but Natalya could be sure fire contender for the Women's Title on Smackdown.

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