Mick Foley returning to the WWE?


That's all folks.
WrestleZone.com said:
According to several sources, Mick Foley's comments about "thinking about" a position in WWE is a bit of a stretch. While no formal contract exists between Foley and WWE, we have been told by several different sources that Foley is slotted in for a Good Will Ambassador role for WWE.

"(WWE Chairman) Vince (McMahon) will no doubt feed Mick to someone when the time is right," a key WWE insider told WrestleZone, "but first Mick will be used for his charity work and recognition factor."

So there you have it. While it's not a hundred percent yet, it looks as if Foley will return in some capacity. I think this is quite good for both Foley and the WWE. Foley will obviously use his fame and fortune to reach out to charities and whatnot on behalf of the WWE and will likely serve as a good will ambassador. I doubt he'll wrestle but I would love to hear his voice calling the action on Smackdown again. Whatever the case may be, it does seem Foley will make a return soon.

What will Foley's role be?

Will we see Foley on TV again?

Would you like to see some kind of interaction between The Rock and Foley?

Will we see Mr. Socko?

What will Foley's role be?
i believe being the gm is the best role for him right now, i remember he used to be a gm type of guy before so ya.

Will we see Foley on TV again?
most likely.

Would you like to see some kind of interaction between The Rock and Foley?
every one would like to see ROCK'N'SOCK back, for a great segment. and foley could possibly get involved with the rock vs cena storyline

Will we see Mr. Socko?
no because i dont think hes gnna wrestle, but he could just pull it out out of no where and give it to a heel like swagger
I hope Foley does not wrestle. I loved watching his matches but the guy is just breaking down and needs to stop putting his body through all that punishment. A good will ambassador role would be great along with some comic relief.
What will Foley's role be?

I read on an another site that the feeling in the WWE right now is for Foley to return as an ambassador of some sort. Not sure if that's the case but I would like to see Foley as an announcer. He's a guy that fans actually want to hear an opinion from especially since there are so many new faces Foley has yet to talk about.

Will we see Foley on TV again?

Probably. Foley is pretty much confirming he'll be with WWE soon. Plus Foley on TV would totally draw more viewers.

Would you like to see some kind of interaction between The Rock and Foley?

Of course. I wouldn't even mind seeing Rock n Sock tag again one more time. Maybe Summerslam 2012. But Foley and Rock have some pretty good chemistry. Whether it's a backstage segment or some sort of in ring thing. I would totally like to see an interaction between them.

Will we see Mr. Socko?

Probably. But I have a feeling it's gonna be a talent WWE is completely burying. Take Drew McIntyre. If he's not gone by the time Foley comes back then he'll probably be fully buried to jobber status. Just like he took a recent superkick from HBK. He might take Foley's Mr.Socko.
to me, Foley left cause of BS in the back and wanted change. thought he could help a new promotion grow by going there and using his name, when that didn't go as planned and nothing happened, it was only time until he returned. in someway i think alot of the guys will jump ship back to WWE sooner or later, can anybody see Angle really retiring in TNA? Foley is a WWE guy and i cant wait till his return and next year HOF with Randy..... but that's another story
What will Foley's role be?

GM or helping out new talent backstage

Will we see Foley on TV again?

if GM yes

Would you like to see some kind of interaction between The Rock and Foley?

yeah but just a stare i think is what would happen would like to see more but

Will we see Mr. Socko?

yes of course
What will Foley's role be?
Probably an announcer or ambassador since hes now recognized by the media for his charity work.

Will we see Foley on TV again?

If he returns then definitely. I dont see why they would miss out on such an opportunity.

Would you like to see some kind of interaction between The Rock and Foley?

Yes and I'm almost sure we will see something between the two if this deal comes to pass.

Will we see Mr. Socko?
Yup, Rock n Sock.
I still say the ONLY guy that deserves to end Taker's Wrestlemania streak is Mankind. Come on Foley "One more match!" Hell in a Cell WM28, f**king chokeslam Taker from the top through the cell and through the ring itself, and retire Taker in a cloud of smoke billowing from the hole in the ring while you stand on top of the cell laughing like only you can, pulling out your hair, and saying "Have a nice day!"

Then we never see The Undertaker in the WWE again. No goodbyes, no returns, nothing inside kayfabe and nothing on Raw or Smackdown, only in the 2013 HoF induction ceremony.

That's what I think should happen. :p

What will Foley's role be?

Would be cool to see him as GM of Raw

Will we see Foley on TV again?

Would you like to see some kind of interaction between The Rock and Foley?
I'm sure they'd do their best to make it happen. Maybe this time some young guy on the roster could mark out and throw both Rock & Foley a "This is your life" kind of thing.

Will we see Mr. Socko?
Where Foley is, Mr. Socko goes too.
This crazy idea just came to me. How about Foley returns to the WWE with his Mankind character to feud with Cody Rhodes for one last Mankind program? Just think about it. People have been calling Cody a modern day Mankind. Foley can return and say that he thinks Cody is a poor man's version of him and that Cody couldn't lase his boots. This could lead to a great hardcore match(We've seen how Cody can go hardcore in his Falls Count Anywhere match with Rey Mysterio). Mankind can put over Cody Rhodes and help him climb to the top just like he did with Randy Orton back in 2003/2004. Now I don't know about you. But Cody Rhodes as Mankind's last opponent sounds great to me. Unfortunately I don't see it happening though.
What will Foley's role be?
Bring back the commissioner! (On screen of course)

Will we see Foley on TV again?

Would you like to see some kind of interaction between The Rock and Foley?
Hell have Foley be the special referee for the match and at the end be conflicted as to whether he should count for Rock (cus of the friendship/rivalry) or Cena (because he recognises the hard work ethic)

Will we see Mr. Socko?
Maybe but it's doubtful.

I like the idea of Foley v Rhodes whoever posted that. I would have him do it JUST as Foley though...saying he once had a persona...(break into mankind voice) that was just like him...(break out) etc. Have Rhodes beat on him and actually TRY to bring out Mankind. Foley stops it for a bit, refusing, saying Mankind is dead etc...

Rhodes attacks him in a heinous way, Mankind comes back 2 weeks later complete with mask. Bang. Job done.
What will Foley's role be?
Although Foley returning as an announcer brings a smile to my face, they have enough announcers as it is, and with the return of Jim Ross the announce tables are equal. On RAW you got the three main WWE announcers, on Smackdown you have Booker T whose decent at best and the always improving and currently my favorite WWE announcer, Josh Matthews, whose probably being set-up for the main announcer role in the future.

Mick Foley as the RAW GM? TNA will probably be wondering how he was the Anonymous GM while under TNA Contract, as the GM has been fixed for over a year now so there will be a few questions. With Triple H in charge I wouldn't rule out Foley returning with an authority role, but for now Ambassador sounds good.

Will we see Foley on TV again?
Most defintely. Mick Foley's style of wrestling may not mesh well with the PG Era but once upon a time, Mankind wrestled while WWE were PG. Mick Foley is more than capable of having a straight forward wrestling match - he has to be tired of constantly being brought back for hardcore matches anyway. With a good angle and a nice feud with one of WWE's young guys, whether it be Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler or The Miz, he could help them get over, because that has always been one of Mick's key abilities.

Would you like to see some kind of interaction between The Rock and Foley?
Don't see why not. Mick wanted back for The Rock's birthday, now he has the chance to be back for The Rock's in-ring return. Mick Foley and The Rock doing some R'n'S Connection promos would probably bring hilarity, so I'm all for it.

Will we see Mr. Socko?
What kid doesn't like seeing a sock stuffed down the throat of a person after it was removed from Mick Foley's pants? Of course we will.
would love to see mick foley return. Maybe have someone announce that vince mcmahon signed someone to a contract before he got fired and hhh took over. Have hhh come out on raw and demand to know who it is as he didn't authorise it. Out comes mick foley, Triple h doesn't seem happy about this and tells foley he is washed up and can't hack it with todays generation. things get heated and foley and hhh get in each others face. Then the lights go out the gong goes off lights come back on and undertaker is face to face with both of them. He starts talking saying the way he sees it him and hhh have unfinished business and need to settle it in one more match at wrestlemania. Foleys gets mad and says you see deadman i was thinking the same thing that me and hhh have unfinished business and while on that topic me and you deadman have unfinished business. HHH says the way i see it none of us like each other and theres only one way to settle it and thats a 3 way at wrestlemania. mick foley then says i accept but on 1 condition we have a special match it's a match the 3 of us know very well . wrestlemania 28 undertaker vs mick foley vs triple h HELL IN A CELL. HHH says im in then taker SAys i accept the gong goes off and taker is gone.
What will Foley's role be?

Maybe an ambassador like everyone said.

Will we see Foley on TV again?

Yes, and he should face Undertaker at Wrestlemania 28. I mean Rock's gonna face Cena & Triple H has been discussed to take on Punk while Sin Cara has been rumored to go against Rey. And I think we've had enough of rematches on The Streak, so no Orton or Kane ever again. Lesnar is with UFC while Jericho hasn't expressed any interest to return. Angle, Sting, Hogan, Jeff, and RVD are with TNA. So, who better to take on The Streak than Foley? Because let's face it, Foley's got legendary credibilities compared to any available youngster you can name in WWE ATM.

Foley, despite being Undertaker's top 3 opponents in his career (alongside Kane & HBK) has surprisingly missing from The Streak list. Vince had the opportunity to book the match at WM 15, but he opted for Boss Man to go against Taker at that time hoping Taker could carry him to a legendary match and established him as a permanent main eventer. But we knew how Vince's hope went out to become.

I know Taker & Foley are no longer in their prime, but for God's sake Vince vs Bret & Cole vs Lawler were actually booked so by all means why shouldn't Taker vs Foley? Who cares if the match doesn't live up to its potential, this is one of those matches done for the sake it has to be done so it has its place in history (exactly like Bret/Vince & Cole/Lawler). Besides, with Punk/HHH, Rey/Cara, and Cena/Rock on the card, it's unlikely Taker/Foley would hurt the card on a great deal (at least compared to matches that made Sid vs Hogan look like 1992 MOTY like Bret/Vince or Cole/Lawler). And who knows if they can actually surprise us by pulling a Wrestlemania classic like Taker/HHH did this year?

Not only it has the benefit of being Legend vs Legend, it's a win-win for everyone: if WM 28 doesn't turn out to be Taker's last, then Taker still adds a very credential name to The Streak (Foley being a new addition to The Streak with all his hardcore accomplishments and status as one of Taker's greatest foes). If WM 28 does turn out to be Taker's last, then who better to send Taker out than Foley? Who by feuding with him literally made Taker a legend? Not to mention Foley still holds the best win/lose record against Taker.

Would you like to see some kind of interaction between The Rock and Foley?

Hell yeah, for old time's sake!!

Will we see Mr. Socko?

I hope so!!
I'm very tired of Foley jumping back and forth. He's a fence rider who claims creative differences and then moves on. He's one of those guys who doesn't really understand that his input has very little impact on the product. His time has come and gone and he needs to just go write childrens books and let the wrestlers wrestle. Hard Core is not in at the moment with the majors.
So there you have it. While it's not a hundred percent yet, it looks as if Foley will return in some capacity. I think this is quite good for both Foley and the WWE. Foley will obviously use his fame and fortune to reach out to charities and whatnot on behalf of the WWE and will likely serve as a good will ambassador. I doubt he'll wrestle but I would love to hear his voice calling the action on Smackdown again. Whatever the case may be, it does seem Foley will make a return soon.

What will Foley's role be?

Will we see Foley on TV again?

Would you like to see some kind of interaction between The Rock and Foley?

Will we see Mr. Socko?


1. What will Foley's role be? I think his long term role will be as some kind of ambassador as the stories have reported or doing something backstage, short term I think he'll be revealed as the anonymous GM of RAW.

2. If he's revealed as the anonymous GM (which would be an easy way to end the storyline) then yes we will definitely see him on TV.

3. I'd love to see the Rock'n'Sock Connection interact but due to Rock's extremely limited schedule, I doubt it happens.

4. Will we see Mr. Socko? Of course we will. A Foley return without the return of Mr. Socko as well, will be a letdown.
I think the only on screen role that we will see Foley play is the Raw GM. I hope that he doesn't wrestle because he's really bad these days in the ring. I hope he doesn't come back on screen because it's taking time from the younger guys who need on screen time. I would much rather him in the writing team for SD because I think SD needs a really creative guy which is Mick whereas Raw is doing fine as it is. If he does come back on screen I wouldn't give him a big role simply because he will probably go back to TNA.
Good question Hamler, and I don't know what to think. The truth is that he is kissing WWE's "ass" since he was released from TNA.
I would like to see Mick Foley return to WWE TV, he is a legend in the business and he is the guy that you can see being a manager, at least I can especially for Mason Ryan, there is something about Foley & Ryan that makes me think that they are a good combination.

I would like to see Foley adopt a kind of Heyman personality in WWE Tv, or he could easily be named the Anonymous Raw General Manager.
He has a lot of knowledge to give to the young stars, like Cody Rhodes, DiBiase, McIntyre, Ryder, etc...

Or hell, we could probably see him back in the ring at Royal Rumble much like Kevin Nash a.k.a Diesel.
He could have his last run and push some young guy has the one that made him retire, it could work I guess.

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